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Saturday, August 18, 2018

Mexican Marina seize drug lab with 50 tons of the synthetic drug crystal belonging to El Mayo

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat from La Jornada and  Diario de Juarez, source Excelsior

Translation for Borderland Beat by "Un Vato"

The Department of the Marines disclosed the videos that show the moment when a 50 ton mega-load of drug known as "crystal" is discovered.

It appears the drug belonged to one of the biggest drug s traffickers in the country, "El Mayo" Zambada.

It is one of the the biggest loads of synthetic load in Mexico's history.

Information indicates that it was stored in two rooms of 10 and 7 meters long and 4 meters deep. The place is protected with only a rustic roof, covered with plants and herbs so it will not be detected during aerial patrols.

Two "nails" ("clavos")

Based on vehicle tracks and footprints, Marine personnel located two "clavos", which are places where large containers with liquid crystal or bags containing the drug in solid form, powder in this case, are buried.

Since Thursday, Marine personnel dressed in special gear to protect their bodies and the (crime) scene has been conducting a search of the narcotics laboratory's storage units to establish the exact quantity of drugs.

They calculate that in the manufacturing area alone there were 7 tons of crystal ready for market, while in the first storage unit, by Friday, more than 400 containers and 50 bags of crystal had been found, with approximately 40 tons of crystal.

In the second "clavo", found on Thursday night, there were already more than 100 containers and the extraction of the drugs was ongoing, weighing approximately 3 tons as of noon on Friday.

The drugs were found in a rustic narcotics lab, in addition to two hiding places known as "clavos" ("nails"), which are deposits where containers of drug are buried, in liquid form, or in bags, if it is in powder form.

The discovery took place between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. this past Thursday, August 16, in a place in the Sinaloa mountains close to the town of Alcoyonqui, 30 kilometers from Culiacan, the capital of Sinaloa.

One of the Marine officers in charge of the operation to secure (the drugs) explained that intelligence work supported by technology led to the location of the "kitchen", the place where the crystal was being prepared.


  1. It was going into Juarez

    1. Shows how weak Sinaloa is in Juarez then and are about to get even weaker after this happening.

    2. 50 tons sounds a bit exaggerated, but I don't really know anything about it, we can't even cross one queso, I mean one real cheese, a tamal, a torta, or a soda without being caught by the US.
      El mayo being accused of owning ALL THIS METH is very strange too, almost like asking for the death penalty for his kids.
      Are you sure?

    3. All u guys are fools if u think it was MZ stash this Lab was far from his and Chivis please print this article because obviously u didn’t print the last one 🤔🤔🤔 conspiracy!!!!!!!!!!

    4. amlo: mayo quiero el crystal, los niños no tienen padres.
      mayo: esta bien, vayase por el.

      Amlo Mexico 2018🍾


    5. Ese crystal es mio! AMLO give it back asshole.

  2. why would you keep such a huge amount of drugs in the same place? that's stupidity if you ask me.

    1. Stupidity, them fools make more money than you could ever dream of ... Who is stupid now

    2. Because they thought they were safe like they have been for the last 20 years stupid you!
      Some serious heads are going to roll because of this. There will be bunch of police and military getting hit next!

    3. Mayo zambada is not worried theres more where this came from

    4. Methadone clinics all over the US were supposed to help people get off Heroin some 20 or 30 years ago, even supported by the US government delegates.

  3. Hey 006, whose lab was it? Why was it busted? Missed payments to government officials? Inter cartel espionage? Tell us your thoughts.

    1. @12:10p.m!HAHAHAHA!thats freakin hilarious!where is the double nut spy today?

    2. They were tipped off by Triads in conjunction with Remainders of the Felix organization trained in the jungles of burma along with isreali mossad assets and hezobollah double agents calienteindo la plaza - Scorpio Qpene

  4. That raggedy ass Mi-8 Hip. That bird is so vulnerable to mechanical failure and small arms fire. It’s like asking to be shot out of the sky out of pure pity. - Sol Prendido

  5. 50 tons, damm perhaps now it will be some sort of difficult to get a dubby (sarcasm) here in L.A

  6. Sinaloas produce every single drug out there no wonder they protect their home land a sangre y fuego I wonder if some day any cartel will be able to conquered the land of the brave sinaloa
    Puro Zacatecas

    1. Sinaloa cartel is scary. Nobody controls Mexico like this guys.

    2. Sinaloa can’t cook for shit they can imitate but can’t diblicate. Pinches plebes putillos! En Michoacan hasta la planta de coca se da

    3. Michoacanos were cooking meth before Sinaloa. Fact son

    4. Just like no other cartel can go to michoacan or tamaulipas. Doesn't mean they are brave. Last time Chapo tried to go to tamaulipas his people got slaughtered. Just like mayo wished he had michoacan but there's no way to take that plaza. Mayo offered dr. Mireles and his autodefenza his help against cjng and CT but he knew what would happen after that. Just saying..

    5. All u pinches "wanna b" narcos no matter what state but specially michoacanos just becuase the "real narcos" are making noise in their state think they all that but most of them(wanna-b's) cant even fight nothing but keypad narcos..

    6. Zacatecas? Highly doubt it..You sound like your a troll from Sinaloa. Lol

    7. 1:45 This is true but Ismael is a businessman distributing to people who want to buy. He is about negocio and he does not hurt or charge impuestos on the inocent. Even when he is at war.

    8. @3:27 whats up with zacatecas...??

    9. & the michoacano using the word “Plebe.”

      Business is business and who gives a crap who made/cooked what first. To be in a top position for over a decade and have ties all over the globe is what matters. Who cares what the government(s) confiscate and find. Why because he still sits on his chair at home knowing in what position he’s in. Even if his kids are in jail and even if his products fall he still has the power and recorces produce more.

      People don’t understand Mayo is about making $ and not about going to war. That doesn’t mean his “weak” it means he’s a businessman = $

      Then people say “mayo can’t even control his own state (Sinaloa).” The Hells Angels can’t even control what they claim and that is California. Nor can the Norteños control northern Cali nor can the Sureños control their “hoods” that’s when business comes to play and money gets involved = business

    10. Sinaloa le roba la receta a los michoacanos, back in the early 2006...... when they were Reyes del crystal....... with help of Felipa calderon......!!!

    11. The Mongols kick Hell's Angels asses out of Califas, HA too pretty and with government pimps that came fighting for their bitches.

    12. @ 6:18

      I don’t know where your getting your info from but HA runs deep in SF Bay Area/Central Coast all the way up to Canada & even in Mexico.

      “A few plazas to mencho”
      Every “plaza” mencho presence in Mayo has his influence/presence in. Even in Michoacán. Think about it and ask your self who mayo is funding & supporting don’t matter if they are losing or not but it’s his $ in that state.

    13. Mayo has nothing to do with Michoacán don't be telling lies if anything he has aligned with certain cells or small cartels from there but nothing more. Michoacán is on a higher level than Sinaloa and has always remained low key behind the scenes just like ancient times!

    14. @ 12:41

      “Aligned with certain cells.”

      Yup, you just admitted it. He is aligned with “certain cells” meaning he (mayo) does have influence in that state. So no telling lies when you just said it your self.

  7. it was a gift from mayo to the government. Had to throw them a bone.

    1. Throw the government a bone my ass! This was a huge bust!
      More like Mayo just paid for his freedom for another year or so with this bust. He might have money to spare but he sure as fuck does NOT give freebies to anybody. Much less the government.

    2. That assumption is plain irrational. EPN administration is almost dead, and has long been a lame duck. For all intents and purposes AMLO has already taken the reigns...sooner that any other president in history. it is as though EPN is dead and buried but we haven't been given the news yet.

    3. Chivis,
      Do you think this is a random find? Reminds me of other “big bust”, the kind where everyone must have been warned and left? Could it be a gift to a high level official who is auditioning for AMLO?

    4. Chivis the Presidents of Mexico have little to no effect on the day to day operations of the police or military forces. Yes they are commander n chief jist like in the U.S. but ultimately daily operations and responsibilities are handled by life time members of those forces. Now if Mayo or any narco wants to remain on the "Presidents" good side all they have to do is bribe the police forces so as to allow them to accompplish their mission per say without him having to suffer in jail.
      Police and armed forces officers live in luxurious compounds because of these bribes and even get invited to their huge parties or celebrations of sorts all the while giving their President the news of a major bust like this to make newspaper headlines and give him credit!
      It is reasonable to assume the military and police forces know where Mayo is "hiding" all along after all.


    5. Mica
      I am sure they rec a rip and have had the operation under surveillance. Usually the big busts and captures are generated by DEA surveillance and they pass the info to Mexico.

      What I will say Mexico does exaggerate when a US agency is not involved. And most often the US is. Remember the video of US agents, one wounded in a sinaloa bust? there was never a confirmation but a citizen captured it on film as they were being taken out from rooftop. It happens often. Another is chapo capture....seeing those U.S. agency jackets at the airport.

      As for AMLO. It is too soon. There will be discussions and agreements, he has said as much. why give something up now? Sinaloa has been giving and giving for a few years.

      Who EPA wants is Mencho. He absolutely does not want AMLO to get that prize.

      BTW Cancun continues to heat up. Who the hell are the Beach People leaving the mantas?

    6. Of course not...BUT what happens during a presidential administration the president gets blame or credit

    7. PS Mica email me when you can

  8. El Senor Mayo gave the Ok for the bust.He ordered security to take the day off.It was more of a gift to the government .Antrax Special operatives and Tactical Security Units protect these labs .They were trained by the Diplomatic Security Service and a officer from the FBI HRT unit.These guys always have the best weapons from Heckler Koch and Five Seven .Antrax Team 5 and Team 7 provide support if they need help.Gente Nueva Rainbow Six is always on the radios as back up.

    SICARIO 006

    1. I just come here to read sicario006 comment lmao

    2. I finally get it. Youve been making fun of sinaloa and their corridos all this time.

    3. LOL....rainbow 6

    4. Sicarios 006 is like Vincent Van Gogh, hes understood and kind if hated. After hes gone however is when we all will realize how much of a genius he is. Lmao jk

    5. 006 analysis are 100% correct. He was trained by James bond 007 along side with Jason bourne. Love this guy!

    6. @6:00PM Poor Van Gogh he gave it his all even his ear, and was ignored...until he died. This is what I personally like about 006, his genius shines in comments. He should write screenplays, and he never engages. You should see the comments I delete, they HATE 006! and so crazed by his comments....

      It is all so simple, no like? No read!

      I don't think it is a kid, I think it is an adult creating humor in a humorless place. A kid would engage. 006 does not.

      But beware there are many attempts to pose as 006 with comments. I am good at clearing those out, but may miss now and then

    7. There is a chance DD is 006, one came in as the other went undercover.

    8. At chivis I agree, it was till recently that I realized 006 uses satire to make fun of the Sinaloa corridos and nut huggers lol that's why I made the comparison to Van G lol his genius went over my head at first.. " starry starry night, paint your palette blue and gray... look out on a summer's day"....

  9. Big bust it's going to hurt $$ regardless

  10. I look for US Coast Guard boarding and seizures of precursor chemicals in the days to come. The US has already warned China that if China refuses to internally crack down on syntho drug chemical companies then interception on the high seas is next. Collusion between ADUANA / SAT and the cartels may put the Mexican marinas in major Pacific Mexican ports. How sad.

    1. All those chemicals go to colima and michoacan port. Cjng controls those ports and that's why mencho wants michoacan so badly

    2. India supplies as much as China now. My company uses India chems exclusively.

  11. All this bajas that are happening to cds is a payment to try to capture Mencho but se la van a pelar al CJNG

    1. Hes done. They’re after him chapo style and wont end nice for him. Rip mencho

    2. Sicario oo6 school this guy how cds sicarios are train

  12. Its very hard to believe that there was 100,000 lbs of meth/cristal there all they showed was drums lined up. All we know is those are drums of water. This is propaganda. They dont just seize anything from El Mayo.

    1. I thought the same thing ...he just needed to move them to the border...he hired help from the mexican military....

    2. Mayo just bought himself anothet year of freedom at least. This was his intention allowing for this bust.

    3. Either way, a half-ton of fentanyl synthesized by the same “engineers” will cover the loss and still bring profit. Pretty sure if I can figure this out, the Cartel already has.

  13. That was a gift from el mayo to the current political party. Will be put into contraband safekeeping only to be broken up at a later date and redistributed to the correct parties. Making the current administration look like they are making headway in the war on meth

  14. It was to supply Cholo in GDL and take away more cjng corners. Mayos cristal is cheaper than mensos.

  15. cuando se le paga al gobierno es dinero confiscado no en droga.

    1. 6:56 NO DINERO!
      all the huevones need to earn their own,
      they sell their pay or they eat it because too many hands in the cash registers where the top leaders are killing each other somehow soon, after the bank stern take their cut from the top.

  16. Ahaha this reminds me of one of el chapo episode when they take chapos crystal meths lab in the show.

  17. The heroin/fentanyl crisis has peaked in the U.S according to recent medical reports. The junkies are now doing Meth instead. I wouldn't be surprised if they start cutting that with Fentanyl.

    1. Cutting glass with fentanyl? You're not familiar with the drug game are you? You can't cur glass with F

  18. I love it how these mayo nuthuggers always find and excuse for anything. Ya mamen se la

  19. They say "it appears to belong to Mayo." how do they know?

    Why don't they say how much it's worth? What's the wholesale for a ton of meth in a typical tweaker flyover state?

    How much is invested in that load? what's the true product cost, not including bribes, transport, etc. expenses?

  20. Is Mayo next or Mencho or which order will it be?Mayo can give a token to the Mex. Gov. but if US wants him the Mexicans will get him for the US.After all the Merida Initiative is worth much more than Mayo pays!He (Mayo) should certainly appreciate those 6 decades of the 'good life' he had unlike most Capos and get ready to have a cellmate named Chapo.Either Mayo's about to go down the hard way or head's are going to roll!Which is it?Somebody talked.Who was it?Damaso or Junior?Or is it someone talking in exchange for their freedom?Damn that's sure a lot of meth if that's true 50 tons!I wonder how many grams that is?Is there actually that many ppl. in the world that do meth?Or was the market going to be flooded and oversupplied so there would be so many people running around with self induced mental illness.Surely that could be the downfall of all civilization with that much meth with all the crazies killing off the logical people.O my mind is wandering off thinking of the horrors of that much meth released on the general population.

    1. My money is Mencho gets picked up next, just before the new year..

  21. 100.000 pounds is a lot of weight . I am skeptical .

  22. Mayo is the next target on US's hit list. Sad thing is that if Mayo goes, the biggest power vacuum will take place, it will lead to an all out war with instability that has never been seen before, even in Mexico. USA knows they are going to make things worse. USA wants a war in Mexico because as long as there's a war, they have a boogie man to point at, they have a target for military funding. USA are the cause for the war on drugs, great work there you stupid assholes.

    1. Mayo is old and done. He is useless in the drug game now and his son have taken the chair at least just to warm it up for El Niño. Mayo has a lot of money en the us wants it.

    2. Yeah probably right, let Mexico handle it’s own problems...I’m not sure that’s gonna work...drug dealers don’t work together peacefully...

    3. Mayo has been on the list, where have you been. Could this be Scario 00006, not using name?

  23. Such hero worship of cartels. This is the reason Mx. Will never chqnge, and only get worse.

  24. For all we know its all a show..

  25. That's how they got most of the familia michoacana, first they went all over the Sierra and got the labs and then they got the bosses. maybe mayo time is up

    1. Nope. High grade cannabis worth more than crystal. Does not affect him.

  26. In support of the creation of the new binational task force against drugs.
    The need of Initiative Merida.
    To polish the profile for a new Defense Secretary or Marine Secretary.
    Just politic.

  27. Both the US Government and Mexican as well , would rather leave Mayo , then have have Mencho sweep up, if Mayo was to be captured.

  28. Seeing as MX is now a major PRODUCER of meth, you would imagine there has to be some (heh) surplus/extra at all times.

    Regardless of the demand, they only “flood” the wholesalers; they aren’t going to send tons of drugs out on consignment.

    The fact that 50 tons was just sitting out in the middle of nowhere, and quite far from any ports/borders, it should be quite obvious how much surplus they have..

  29. Any stats or ball park guess what the drug market in mexico is worth? Year ago I real some stats on the number of drug users in mexico city and just that city alone was worth an insane amount in street sales. No idea if those numbers were true since you cant trust US media. But for you local know it all what do you think the total street market is worth in Mexico per year.

  30. Long live Walter White! :)

  31. Before Chapo was arrested,every article was about him. This would have been Chapos lab. You seldom seen an article about Mayo. Now all of a sudden Mayo is out of hiding and everything belongs to him.

  32. $2,000 to $3,000 a pound = $200,000,000 to $300,000,000

    1. 907k/ton x 50 = 45350 x California avg. price in So Cal 3000 = 136,050,000

      In Sinaloa you can make a K with about 800. Therefore, 800x45350=36,280,000

      I think logically with price or materials and cheap labor. The owner of the product lost roughly 40 percent or of the 36m.

    2. How did they lose only 40%?

    3. You can't fund against an interational and political cartel like CJNG and not expect some backlash. Thats alot of money lost.

    4. In response to my initial comment. They roughly lost 40 percent. That is a per percentage of the expenses for the initial supply, material, labor. Municipal supervision, overheard expenses. In many intances independent heavy traffickers are the ones that lose in this scenario because they lose when igniting this flow of crystal again.

  33. How do they know its Mayos??

  34. Fuck all of you that say this drug bust wont affect MZ or CDS!!!
    If this was the case that this does not affect them one bit then why do they hide these labs far from civilization and are guarded to the teeth against civilians at least becaue obviously against the Marina the guards did not even show up to work?
    It is always nuthuggers that say this was planned and all that nonsense and CDS has tons of those.

    1. It use to belong to CDS, they will burn it soon.

    2. Years ago he lost 26 million in a safe house. That was money purely off profit not to re-invest in work. It did not affect him. This 26m is significantly more than this super lab.

  35. The white containers look like lye waste which can 35 lbs of liquid to 1 lb finished product .no way to really know unless lye process is done again and gassed dispose of all liquids. Its trash .


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