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Saturday, August 11, 2018

Guanajuato: Man attacked by armed men is followed to hospital and killed while state police are on guard for another victim

Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat  from Reforma

Guanajuato is another state in which uncontrolled violence has erupted 

Four men attacked and killed a wounded man last night who was receiving medical attention at the General Hospital of Pénjamo.  The armed men confronted municipal and state police, who were guarding the hospital, leaving one person dead and three injured. .

The fatal victim is a man nicknamed "El Pingo", who was first shot in Colonia Beltrán, when he arrived at his home.

The wounded man went to his vehicle, together with his wife and two children, aged 14 and 16 years, respectively, to the General Hospital of Pénjamo to receive medical help.

However, when he reached the emergency area, he was attacked for the second time outside the facilities, by four people who were riding on two motorcycles.

The shooting alerted municipal and state police who were guarding the hospital because there was a patient in the hospital who was a gunshot victim of a confrontation between criminal groups that occurred on Thursday at midnight in the El Sauz de Villaseñor community, which left three men dead.

After finishing "El Pingo", the four alleged assassins attacked the policemen who demanded that they throw down their weapons.

The shooting spread panic among patients and medical personnel who were in the emergency area.

The criminals managed to escape on board the motorcycles.

"El Pingo" died, while his wife and two children were injured and were hospitalized in the place.

Elements of the Army, Public Security Forces of the State and ministerial agents are guarding the hospital this morning.

BB followers may remember in January we reported another hospital killing of a patient which was inside the hospital and action by the commando caught on tape.  See that story by using this link


  1. Kyle Reese: Listen, and understand! That Terminator is out there! It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop... ever, until you are dead!

    - Sol Prendido

    1. Lmao! I love it! It's a sad situation and I feel for the family but I love fitting movie quotes!

  2. Dam I would hate to be a cjng member in Guanajuato where they will finish you off thats the orders of El marro one cold blood mf

    1. The victim is most likely to be a Santa Rosa member cjng members most likely don’t live with there families they live with other members

    2. Seem like recruiting would be hard if you can’t stay with your family

  3. Marro should just give up. Cjng are too ruthless

  4. Authorities should stop helping cjng...

  5. Mario is taking over

    1. What? CJNG is taking over the world of drugs....get real!

  6. CJNG can’t hang con el Mario

  7. Hell even going to hosptial is not safe.

    1. The main problem is locating the intended target for liquidation. Knowing that a wounded person seeks medical attention, the hospital is an easy deduction as to where the target will be located. The hospital is far from safe. It's a trap.

  8. Santiago Maravatio Guanajuato is experiencing at least one murder a day. This is a comunity of at most 7000



  11. Ese cartel de Jalisco adueñandose de Guanajuato

  12. I want to who the victim worked for...cjng or el marro..?

  13. Mexico needs some ghetto birds... those helicopters used in So Central LA ... like the one used to track OJ... the criminals are always managing to escape the shootings...

    زي نببا

    1. Mr. Arabic it's not called South Central, where have you been... It's now called South Los Angeles.

    2. Helicoteros are expensive and then these wild motherfuckers forget to fuel them and accuse the cartel of shooting them down.
      But checkpoints are cheap, manned by Autodefenses are even free chingadamadre, they would also allow for the police and melitary to remain safely in their barracks and quarters as usual but help contain criminals when needed.

    3. Political correctness at its best... in some circles it’s always gonna be south Central and its historic legacy will never go away...nwa menace to society and crack...

    4. Yep 415, South Central sounds more ghetto, versus South LA sounds better.

    5. Yes but there is a movement complete with banners, posters and T shirts to bring the South Central name back> city hall voted the name change after the riots

  14. Some great movies came out of South Central. Straight Outta Compton, Boyz in the Hood and Menace to Society were classics. From far away Ireland that Bloods v Crips war was some real gangbangin beef. Thousands dead. Nota million miles different to the Northern Ireland troubles which saw over 3,500 murdered in the 70s and 80s. Swap Bloods (Red) and Crips (Blue)for Catholics (Green) and Protestants ( Orange) and the same hate for the others applies. Dont agree with any of it myself but can understand how things can escalate at a rapid rate if the will isn't there for peace. Thank God Ireland saw both sides put the guns and bombs away 20 years ago. It took a lot of good people on both sides and Bill Clinton was one of the most prominent peace talkers at the time. America's helping hand was greatly appreciated. Ireland must never go back to that dark time. Peace out brothers.


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