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Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Narcomanta in CD Juarez

Posted by Buggs)translated by Siskiyou_kid

Two narcomantas appeared hung in the overpass of the Santa Rosa neighborhood.

In the banners, threatening messages were sent to a group of criminals who were accused of extorting and murdering innocents.

Message for city of Juarez....We come to clean the city of extortionists, rats, and kidnappers. We are already here to take out the garbage.... We will protect both large and small business owners, and we are only dedicated to narcotrafficking.

We ask the people of Juarez [los Juarenses] to pardon us, we come to put an end to all of you that are distributing crystal in our streets and all that are charging quotas [extortion], we are here to do what the authorities have not done to help the Cartel of Ciudad Juarez...We are here and we will finish it with you.



  1. Great! I will be in CDJ in July.... Seems like things will be exciting when I get there!!

  2. Buggs still posting??? Too bad these guys can’t promise to deal with the immigration issues....

  3. This Cartel wants to get rid of the current Cartel,because they are creating crime. But then the new Cartel will be doing the same. What Hippocrates,

    1. Hypocrites, hipócritas, hippos have nothing to do with your aseverations here much less Hipocrates the father of medicine before the insurance corporations stole it to kill you dollar by dollar...

    2. 823 you know what the person is saying, why be an axe.

    3. 7:11 pa regar más la caca,
      I mean: "to further spread the manure"
      --and it worked, thankiu

    4. @8:39 sounds exactly like what the political parties do!! Lol

  4. Is that a new line:We are only into narcotrafficking?I wonder who the Juarez cartel has contracted out to help or if they even have?Zetas,CDG,CDS to maybe clear out CJNG?Or have they contracted out CJNG to get rid of CDS their mortal enemy?Oh the Questions,questions???

    1. The mantas belong to La Linea or Aztecas blaming each other in order to recruit or get fan favor after their marriege broke up. This was stated in a local Jaurez Newspaper. There are no Jaliscos, Zetas or Golfos and CDS can't even take care of their own shit in Chihuahua much less in Juarez FYI!

    2. 3:17 shit is up to new chihuahua state governor, Javier Corral on his way to the mexican presidency in 2024, will decide who is who in Chihuahua for the next 5 years and a half, former governor Cesar "el Capulina" Duarte is not the decider for the linios anymore...he is in prison in El Paso tejas, fighting extradition

    3. Duarte is in jail in US?When did this happen?

  5. Here it comes guys.. where is the kid that's gonna claim the fable that La Linea fought off 10000 soldiers, CDS, federales and the Russians .. BB can you please block this guy's comments

    1. Its not a fable my friend and it wasnt russians it was americans. La Linea ya no perdona a los que se andan pasando. es bien sabido.

    2. 9:09 relax baby. There is no outside cartel or government threatening Juarez. This is war between Aztecas and La Linea. Fuckin Linea betrayed the Aztecas and now one group or the other is acting like the "good guys" or propaganda if you will for themselves with these mantas claiming this crap.
      If CDS where to play there cards right this would be the time to attack the traitor Lineas and these guys would not be able to put up much of a fight without Aztecas.

    3. You forgot the special forces!!

  6. This is to the sinaloa cartel

  7. At the end of the narco manta they put a question mark. Kind of like, signed by ? New cartel maybe?

  8. The only cartel that I know that keeps their promise is golfo. 10 about 10 years ago they hung a similar manta in Jalpa Zac, 1 year later zetas were scrambling like the rats they are, now Jalpa is calm (for the most part).

    1. 9:50 Yes of course los golfos are very honest and forthright in all they promise to the people. They are a very noble band of criminales.

    2. 3:09 pos a güeboo!
      Ahi nomás pa que les arda el yoyo a los quemados, por ardidos.
      A algunos hasta se les quita lo caliente...

    3. 3:09 I never claimed golfos are honest, forthright or noble, however, they did keep their promise and that promise changed the lives of the people of that small town. FYI your comment is condescending, ignorant and adds no value to this articles conversation.

    4. 9:50 - the only ignorant statement I see is that the only cartel YOU KNOW keeps their promise is golfos. That’s just dumb! Lol! Lighten up and get your panties out of a wad.

    5. Cjng did the same in Tijuana and now they own more than half that plaza. Not to mention veracruz. Before all you pompoms go up and down and start commenting nonsense and say that cjng hasn't taken out cds in Tijuana. There is no cartel that has a state or big city in full control but if cjng could take half of Tijuana is a big deal. Cds did it with the chief of police in his pocket fighting CAF but still didn't take full control

    6. Quien controla Zacatecas?

    7. 9:50am. Did you really write that!? Lol! Anybody that speaks in finite terms about a cartel like “they do” “they don’t do” is kidding they self.

  9. big dogs are in town to show the Chihuahuas who's boss! Who's the big dogs I wonder since they didn't write who wrote it

  10. Cleaning house to only apply their quotas in the end I'm sure!
    The principals behind this message would be great if there were no false intentions.

    Respecting ones citizens is something I always stood firm with.
    Besides it's good business.


    1. This is a stupid question, but why do they pretend to be somewhat reasonable and cooperative in these narcomantas sometimes? They do what they want anyway, so they don't have to lie and insinuate they are going to be "helping" It's so odd.

    2. 4:07 - I think its because they just assume the people are stupid. This kind of stuff may have worked in the beginning. But im pretty sure the vast majority of people realize its a new dog, same trick.


  11. Use ur head guys, cds sells meth, cjng sells meth, cdg and zetas sell meth only group that dsnt sell meth is linea. Remember the dispute in cuathemoc

    1. And how we know that?

    2. Follow the mexican newspapers of that certain area. Also this site has some great contributors who once u weed out the bullshit from half of the comments, really tell u the truth about wats foin on in that area. Saludos

    3. 1:33. That’s ludicrous to say la línea doesn’t sell meth! Criminals are gonna sell, kidnap, extort, and steal anything that they can make money on. Now why would you make such a generalization? That’s just silly!

    4. There was a disput bewteen linea heiarchy as to the selling of meth in chih. That led to a rupture and infighting amongst them.if ur gonna sell meth it creates a corridor for whomever u get it from to eventually try and take the plaza. Linea wasnt having that. Look it up it was reported in local newspapers and word on the streets of chih

  12. This is Ncdj vs Los Aztecas... There was another Manta hanged that called out El Tablas and El Genio for traitors and for the killings of innocents

  13. There were more mantas found elsewhere, primarily in the Anapra area, where Los Aztecas operate. There's a split.

  14. In Juarez right now & watching it all. Remain vigilant and aware...........We are watching.

  15. This seems to be happening because of the rupture between La linea and the aztecas. There was another manta signed by la empresa and its threatening Eduardo el Tablas the main leader of the aztecas and another guy for betraying so im assuming this is La Linea or Cartel de Juarez or the aztecas that stayed loyal to the Carrillos faction.

  16. This is a ploy by the CIA to set up shop and eliminate the rivals

    1. The CIA has CDS in their pocket. They dont need Linea or Aztecas.


  17. Damn that’s a high tech manta, it even has emojis lol I like that style 👻. What’s next ? They gonna install large monitors around the city? Lol

    1. hahaha the comments im reading today are too funny!! Definitely a Millennial that left that manta.


  18. Los fantasmas...a group that belongs to la linea

  19. Now this gonna get ugly... if the rupture is true

  20. To all you stupid sons of bitches. La linea apointed someone whom they trusted to be their contact to the barrio azteca gang. Barrio azteca being a prison gang with rules unlike the cartels. They did not recognized the man la linea appointed as their contact. La linea feels that there were other ranking members to be in that spot. Barrio azteca declares that they no longer will work for or with la linea that they are totally independant. And this is the reason why theres been an increase in violence in juarez. Barrio azteca have been dropping like flies. But now just today el tablas a founding member and high ranking barrio azteca leader got cought in michoacan with his trusted guys.

    1. Good info, although your first sentence seems strangely inappropriate.

      I wondered why his closest circle was together and with him, now it makes sense. thanks for the input....they were all arrested together.

    2. Is El Americano of H3 who came to michoacan from El Paso a member of the Barrios, Los Aztecas, Los linios, zetas, cdj, mexchicles or artistas asesinos?
      And of course, they all paid to Cesar "El Capulina" Duarte.

    3. 6:50 Relax homie. Some of us knkw the game. This guy Tablas was set up by someone in order for one portion of the Aztecas to prosper and not the other. Aztecas have been dropping only because of the infighting not because Linea tsking them out. This capture you mention can lower the violence in Juarez however? Hopefully it will.

    4. 6:50 clamate chingon! Los Aztecas were not MADE by La Linea but if it was not for Aztecas Sinaloa would have taken control of Juarez period.
      While Linea members including the fag Viceroy where hiding in other Mexican states and even El Paso TX los Aztecas were busy killing off Sinaloans at an enormous cost in lives. Fuckin ungrateful Linea members used them to do their dirty deeds so they could hide and then they do not respect Azteca chain of command. CDS is going to clean house in Juarez once the Aztecas are gone however.

    5. Im sorry i said la linea didnt recognized. I ment the old school aztecas did not recognized the man la linea chose to be their contact because their were other ranking members to be in a spot like that so they declared themselves "barrio azteca" as their own independent organization. Aztecas were loosing before this tablas dude got busted. Onviously he ran from border. My question wld be why michoacan?what organization let them come into michoacan?

    6. Los aztecas are a usa pridon gang obviously theyre not "made" by la linea. La linea chose an azteca member to be their man to do dealings with the aztecas. The aztecas did not accept this. They wld of made that decision themselves.

  21. I wonder about the ones who closed Coca-Cola in their area... I wonder how that worked out for them.

  22. "ATTE" is short for "Atentamente". Equivalent to "Yours truly...".

  23. "Atte" means respectfully or sincerely not "Understand".. Also "we will finish it with you" should be "we will finish you off"

  24. 35 killings this weekend in CD. Juarez, all killings were around central downtown area, chavenia & anapra the killings have gone up June-145, may-124, April-69, march-59 and February-43 1 out of the 5 narco mantas advices all juarenses not to be out in the streets passed 11pm and any suspicious vehicle will be stopped and checked by cartel

  25. La linia putting in work ?

  26. Los Linces cleaning the streets

    1. They havent existed for years.

    2. They dont exist anymore

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Where do linces fit in all of this?

  29. It's not signed because el hijo del senor de los cielos is returning to clean Juarez up...

  30. 7:53 it worked fine,
    no paga Piso, no paga Plaza no pasa.

  31. Strategic move by another cartel, same pile of garbage! Different rat pack! Highest bidder wins and competition gets executed asap to avoid or further hold the cash flow. Hhhmm wonder who it is lol


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