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Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Jalisco: Mencho on the run as Mexican Navy in hot pursuit

Posted by Char for Borderland Beat from Contramuro

The night that he presented the images in his television news program, Ciro Gómez Leyva asked: In what country of the world does the armed forces attack and nothing happens?......We had the answer on the screens: in Mexico.

At the time of her arrest, Rosalinda González Valencia, wife of Nemesio Oseguera, alias El Mencho, immediately destroyed her cell phone.

"They are not unpremeditated," high-level sources told Semar yesterday.

They emphasize that the head of the Jalisco Cartel New Generation  is "furious" over the capture of his spouse, but that the lethal reaction they expected, after the capture of the woman, has not occurred.

"We surprised him," an admiral told us.
Rosalinda González is suspected of being the administrator of the economic resources of the criminal group. A court order is sought for the crimes of organized crime.

 We went to the Secretary of the Navy with the intention of knowing how the issues of the seafarers were attacked in Ciudad Guzmán, Jalisco, on the morning of Tuesday, while they replenished their vehicles.

It would seem an action linked to the detention of González Valencia.
[Above subjects assault and insult sailors of the Marina]

You probably saw on your television screen how a group of people linked to the Cartel Jalisco New Generation -mistreated the sailors.  CJNG was painted on SEMAR vehicles. [above video]

That episode, like others, reflects the degree of decay we experience in Mexico.   The attack was orchestrated by “El15”  Guadalupe Rodríguez Cruz, CJNG plaza chief of  Zapotlan el Grande Jalisco. 

The sailors were shaken, kicked, insulted, thrown stones, sticks, whatever. "Fuck!" "Thieves!" "Ojetes!" Said the signs painted on the vehicles.

The elements of the Navy, all very young, did not use their weapons against their aggressors, although there was greater risk to their lives. They simply fired shots into the air to disperse the aggressors.

The night that he presented the images in his television news program, Ciro Gómez Leyva asked: In what country of the world does the armed forces attack and nothing happens? [read more using this link to Yaqui's post]

We had the answer on the screens: in Mexico.

"El Mencho operates. He knows we're on his heels. He is furious about his wife, "said the admiral, who does not hesitate to compare the CJNG chief with El Chapo Guzmán or even with Pablo Escobar, at the time.
And he had the luxury of saying where he could be: in Pihuamo, Jalisco.

"And why could not they have taken him? We asked.

The capo is elusive. It is protected by many people. The strategy is to weaken him, and remove him  from his comfort zone.
The SEMAR agency,  by the way, are convinced that there is a "black campaign" in the media to discredit the Armed Forces.
They want to present them as violators of human rights, responsible for enforced disappearances.
"There are NGO activists who are paid up to 80,000 pesos a week to carry out this task," the source tells us, recalling a note published yesterday in this newspaper.

And he takes up the name of the head of the Human Rights Commission of Nuevo Laredo, Raymundo Ramos Vázquez, for receiving five thousand dollars a week from the Zetas, to hide his members in their offices.

He also tells us that there are bad guys who buy fake uniforms and kidnap people to push the belief that they are responsible for those disappearances.

Behind that campaign, they say, is the crime money. "They want to get us out of the regions they control." he says.

In SEMAR they are aware that there have been excesses in some of their operations.
As an example, they cite the case of Juan José Farías, alias El Abuelo, detained in Tepalcatepec, Michoacán, for alleged links with the CJNG.
There were shots from the Navy helicopter to the truck where El Abuelo traveled with his family. The scene shows a man running in the middle of the shooting with the grandson of Farias in his arms. "The sailors who are responsible for this error will be sanctioned," he assures us.

The admiral with whom we spoke noted the passivity of the state police of Jalisco in the face of aggression against sailors. He says that even some of the aggressors in Ciudad Guzmán requested the support of the state last Tuesday. "I understand the municipal police, it's silver or lead. But those of the state?


  1. Mencho on the run, his days are outnumbered. The nightmares will be over.

    1. So if Mencho gets caught the drug world crumbles? Yea ok. - Sol Prendido

    2. The name's change but the Game It remains the same - APA

    3. No, chole, new owners always change the maps and the populations and old goes on their way in silence, and it will happen again when this is over.
      Shet, drug supply hasn't dried for the last 40 years,
      the more they catch and fight it the more abundance while people come and go.

    4. Sol.....that worked on CDS..Chapo's fall decimated them. Totally out of the game. Jajaja Getting Mencho will start a vacuum then it will break, and hopefully someone less blood thirsty gets in. But...will probably be worse.

    5. They speak of violations because the mans family was there . Is that how they think it works ? Live a life of crime and blood daily except time out on family day . They are the main ones who put their families at risk .

    6. 3:18 Soledad short nickname, Sol.
      But Chole is more pooular.
      --We are friends now so I don't call her sol peyido.

    7. Sol . It will go on but not for that little running hiding rat mencho . These people are dumb asses . They really think they can go on forever . What everybody fails to understand is things change . Mexico could turn into TOTAL anarchy without this war . There has to be a fight against these criminals . Everybody in mexico knows what the ultimate end could be for them in they join in . The death toll has been very high and its been 98% criminals . If they join in , they knew the risks . Reminds me of a old gringo song about a mother pleading with her young son "Don't Take Your Guns to Town" . Surely there are Mexican song similar .

    8. Is Sol's nickname Chole like spanish Chole or Chloe like the female name ?

    9. It dont matter, His sidekick Sancho will take over. Its already been handled...

    10. El 85 is ready to take his place, don't worry

  2. Se le va caller el canton a ese puto

    1. El tuyo es de carton,veremos a quien a el o tu puta madre se les cai el canton...

    2. al 11:26 siempre se le cae el calzon cuando le muestras una bolsita de criko

  3. That admiral will be killed for arresting his wife and even quicker if he catches Mencho. Happens every time, there are alo t of generals killed in Mexico because they do favors for a cartel and onother cartel finds out about it or they arrest or kill a close one from a capos inner circle

    1. If the "admiral" is so sure Raymundo Ramos Vazquez hides criminals in his human rights offices "for 5000.00 dollars a week, I trust he could invade and arrest the whole crooked bunch, but he ain't done nothing, because he is a pinchi pendejo or he is trying to look like a pendejo, nobody can be that much of a pendejo,
      If anybdy were paying 80 000.00 dollars for people to make bad "black propaganda" against the Mexican armed forces they would not be the first to know, the marinas have done their crimes all over Mexico with impunity, nobody else could have got the government to disappear the evidence, C4 communications between marinas, soldiers, state police, federal police and federal government offices, moreover, the state and federal imposed news blackout violations are paid with the life of the reporters...
      This motherfaking "admiral" is as full of shit as they come.
      The marinas attacked were planted on purpose to show their restraint during the day deliberatedly, but when nobody is watching there is no reason to be decent or professional.
      The Mexican military defense forces were supposed to cover themselves with glory but chose to cover themselves with cagada from their Commanders in Chief visiting their officers all the way down to their corporals, voluntarily...

    2. The evidence the military and federal police and intelligence units disappeared is about the 43 Ayotzinapos, and thanks for posting, there are about 1/2 a million too many murders in Mexico the government attributes to organized crime, they should know, they are Organized Crime...all the way up to the Presidents.

    3. The narcos know perfectly well that every big fish has to pay the tax to the authorities. There is no bias unless a cartel pays more than the others.

  4. They should have turned and shot those motherfuckers! They are the military in a third world country, they can do what they want to do!

    1. Arm chair my experience people who spout of like that are the biggest cowards.dont you think the cartel also has weapons?by the way fuck all cartels.get out of mommas basement.

    2. 518 doesn’t work

    3. 1:18 this was a pact, the armed soldier marinas, who are no seafaring seamen but Mexican navy owned infantry did not shot up anybody for show and tell, the attackers were not retaliated against for show and tell, but tonight somebody is paying for it, with their nalgas.

    4. 12:02. Good, they need to start killing them and their families to make a point. Fight fire with fire...

    5. 7:44 simply stupid!!! You want them to kill their families? Women and children? What an idiot!! Politicians children should also get killed then both Mexican and u.s since their even worse then these capos!! And let's not stop their..abusive cops in u.s their kids should be killed too!!! Fight fire with fire!! Pendejo!!!

  5. The Marines that captured Juan Jose Farias were sent by Lorenzo Barajas the municipal president of Buenavista Tomatlan who has them protecting his Ranch and the Viagras. He works directly with the Viagras.

    Not to long ago he had his political adversary killed.

    About a week ago the Viagras got their bottoms kicked and ended up running away from Paracuro and went to Morelia to ask the Governor of Michoacán Silvan Cornejo Auroles to help them. This was his response.

    This was the battle in Paracuro where the Templarios made the Viagras run from the town before coming back after the Government showed up to expel the bad people that took the town.

    The Mexican government and the soldiers sell their ass to person that pays better. The Mexican government is going after Mencho since Sinaloa pays better and they have always been favored by the Alphabet agencies.

    1. True but to most of the clowns from sinaloa's dismay.most cooperate for a better take it in the culo for more money.

    2. 2:00 thanks for bothering, with links and all,
      --that is some reporting, instead of complaining about your comments not getting posted...

    3. its not that sinaloa pays better it simply is that since the government is separated in levels from municipal all the way to federal, and also in regions, political parties etc etc you csnt but the government as a whole plus the government isnt even united theres alot of rivalry in government, its just that the parties and agencies of certain areas that are bought by sinaloa conduct these hits against sinaloas enemies while those bought by cjng conduct hits against cjngs enemies im that agency's jurisdiction. thats why a cartel gets hit hard on some places while at the same time it flourish in other places

    4. PRI= Fedration Sinaloa, Gulf cartel, Zetas, Los Chilangos

      PAN= Allies CJNG, CDJ, AFO, Gulf Cartel looks like Los Escorpiones took out the metros in the political aspect, Beltran Leyva if think they are PRI but who knows.

      Between each cartel internal disputes occur or are occurring with one side trying to flip to the other or go independent. Sometimes that sides Candidate wins even if they are in a weaker position.

      The war on drugs in Mexico is actually a political dispute between Mexico's elite and Mexicos drug cartel familes. The elite and the drug cartel families on one side and the elite and drug cartel families on the other.

      This election period in Mexico is very important for that reason it seems like lopez obrador is still PRI at heart many of the people that joined him are all a bunch of theifs. But who know what that crazy old bastard is going to do. He reminds me of Mexico's Trump that couldn't win things in the first round like Trump. I wonder if Obrador is going to have the Mexican elites just as pissed off as Trump has them in America if he wins.

      Crazy how the world works if you just think about it.

  6. Theyll get him before its over and he will be in the u.s joining el chapo la barbie and el mochomo up here if hes not killed in a shootout first! Live by the sword you will die by it!

  7. You know damn well it was U.S intelligence that caught her not marina, they just get the credit. Just like All the times chapo got caught, always DEA or American agencies. BS stories

    1. True and mexicans don't like a gringo making the shots

    2. The Mex agancies are bought out by the cartel that is most feared or in some cases the agencies get money from a few cartels at a time

    3. It could be private paraco contractors more than regular US Government agents, private paracos go for bounties, US agents won't be paid bonuses, except if some buddy helps offshoring some cheese for their cooperation here and tbere...
      --Tonto Paronto is now a Model and Spokesman for here and there and this and that, after Benghazi, he has been playing with the devil for too long...

  8. it is truth. in Jalisco all over the place searching but I think maybe he is not even here.

  9. Michoacanos are gone be in suicide watch if mencho gets caught but by the way it look the Marines and us intelligence are closing on him if he stays low profile like Caro Quintero he could stay alive but that would implicated him not been able to run his organization so he has two options

    1. The USA knows where everyone is,
      They can spy on China, you don’t think they got satellites all over Mexico

    2. Lmao,Caro thought he was a bad wasn't until he did that time in a Mexican prison that, that paisa saw the true power of good ol red,white,and blue.that has him underground like a mole.

    3. That's so funny!

    4. Rafail Caro Quintero' madrotas in the CIA are gone and now powerless, but the agency is still not betraying him and his buddies, after all they were through a lot of shit together since the 60s, way before they murdered DEA agent Kiki Camarena...see "Operation 40" foto, jan 22 1963 Mexico City.
      Felix Israel Rodriguez, Porter Goss and Barry Seal in one group photo, PRICELESS...

    5. the USA knows where he is, they just cant go get him just like that, they coukd if they wanted to but that would only piss off mexico, so while keeping their eyes on any wanted capo they negotiate and come up with a plan that they both can agree and find a way where they can go in with mexicos approval and get him, make it looknlike a mexican mission with mexican military to make it look more authentic as a mexican opration while us personel supervise and guide and even join the fight but all done in mexican uniforms and mexico taking the credit and epn sayimg it was mexico it self with no help who caught the big boss

      thats why the mexicans marines exist to conduct american operstions in mexico

      because when the us relied on the mexican army, they would tell the where the target was (guzman) and they would not go in, or they would tip him off that theyre going in, or simply wait till he was gone and then go in

    6. 4:22 the marinas talk too, one subsecretary of the navy was in cahoots with the Pineda villa brothers of Maria de Los angeles pineda villa de Abarca of iguala's imperial couple commanders of guerreros unidos, the Mexican navy marinas also produced El Compayito of La Mano con Ojos and their admiral Manuel Mondragón y Kalb specialist in "sudden attacks" trained El negro durazo among other high level criminals, his gramps "El general mondragon" murdered Francisco I Madero and his cabinet to deliver on the deal with ambassador Henry Lane Wilson...

    7. Wow 2:36 ! how old was Caro n 1963 ?

    8. 8:41 Rafael Caro Quintero born in octo be 29 1954 was 9 years old in 1963, but Pedro Avilés, Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo and Ernesto fonseca carrillo and El güero palma born about 14 years before were well on their way to capos del narco.
      --Alberto Sicilia Falcon Italian and Cuban exile was arrested in tijuana for drug trafficking in 1975, at 31 years old, there is a Mexican poet whose son was murdered, same name.
      Quintero came up later on his merits, El chapo was about his same age and Amado carrillo, ABL BORN 1961 WAS A BABY.

    9. 8:41 RCQ was 9 years old in 1963.
      A very impressive young capo del narco,
      he must have trained "El Ponchis" LOL.

    10. "Michoacanos are gone be in suicide watch if mencho gets caught"
      Michoacanos are not like sinaloenses mija!

    11. 5:02 I know, michoacanos son mas sanginarios, that's the reason cds lost a big chunk of their plazas. Those michoacanos are ruthless. before michoacanos used to be independent or with golfos or zetas but now that they got their cartels they gave proven to be more ruthless.. People used to fear Sinaloas because of their fake corridos but after michoacanos called their bluff they are not respected as before lol

  10. Cjng is made up cowards from a state known to be loud mouths and believing they are invisible just because they burn in a state where is violence and extortion innocent killing and more buch of cowards

    1. Loud mouths come from Sinaloa that's a fact known by any Mexican

    2. 3:16Hate is bad for your health, you need a hug?... Lol those michoacanos are getting alot of hate after they took over the drug game in Mex

    3. Your right. Jalisco is screwed up. Just drive through there and you can see it in their eyes!
      El Zacatecano

    4. Calm down rambo,I thought you had died😁😂

    5. chinolas vs. michoachangos .puro pleitos de alucines

    6. How do they think they're "invisible"?

    7. the crazy shit is that cjng is mostly mochoacanos who relocated to jalisco, from the bosses to the sicarios, like the one caught after attempting to kill the officer.

    8. 3:16 and 5:17 Yea maybe but a Texan can piss higher .

  11. Have you guys looked for menso in Sonora? Big state and less likely place to chill. He’s probably eating aguachiles inside a house overlooking the sea of cortez.

    1. The chances of him being in Sonora are close to zero the only people allowed are CDS and Beltran leyvas he will stand out immediately . Imagine him trying to pass a check point by CDS or chapo isidros people they would eat him alive. He has to stay close to his area of influence, hes in Jalisco or Michoacan.

    2. 3:23 did you forget all the other places Mencho gas influence in? You missed about 6 more states my friend

    3. 6:00am dude stop with the mencho/cjng powerful bs. The article literally states they got him on the run. That statement wouldnt carry weight if his wife and all the other recently weren’t detained but they were. We all know where cjng especially mencho is heading. Their protection is over. Everyone has their sights set on them. Menso will be joining chapo in the states soon or el barbas in hell hahaha

  12. CJNG are cowards, they kill people that do not have weapons to defend themselves.

    1. at 3:26 PM there all the same really regardless of the cartel its just a different coloured coat of paint over a piece of shit. They won't fight other cartels except when they know for a fact they'll have better weapons and more numbers. They are all just coward scum who need exterminating!

  13. Run forest run 🏃 🏃 🏃

  14. I hope he goes out like a boss. Like el botas blancas, only better. Die hard kinda shit

    1. To die assassinated while you try to surrender is the pits.
      And then they pull your black panties down.
      Better write your memories and leave them to be published when you die, that way NOBODY will mess with you.
      Imagine all the secrets ABL took to Hell with himself?
      --while EPN andCarlos Salinas de Gortari enjoy their billions and billions of dollars and keep arresting and murdering his family and friends...better be a RAT and leave no one standing.

  15. He is definitely going to be arrested. The only question is will it be before or after the election?

    1. No extradition when AMLO is elected...nada cambia,
      Arriba La Mencha

    2. 2:39 wants to vote for a Socialist. He must think Venezuela is nice this time of year

    3. 5:45 venezuela is undergoing an attack and blockade from The US for nationalizing their oil and refusing to pact the selling down the river of the whole country,
      "The Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" is a book that would do wonders for you and many other penniless capitalistas brainwashed with billionaire gold leafed cagada...

    4. You know what some other socialist countries are


      Why is it that the alt right always uses Venezuela as the example for socialism? Yeah Venezuela is "socialist", and is a failed state.

      But, the countries i named have some of the happiest, and most satisfied citizens in the world.

      Why do you all always try to ignore that?


    5. Venezuela is NOT a socialist country it is not communist either, it is a struggling country trying to progress without capitalist extorters or exploiters and corruptors.

    6. Branding people or causes as "socialistas" condemns them to extermination, people have been fed the contras for too long by the party of NO.
      Same party that got 4 American nuns kidnapped, raped and murdered in El Salvador for preaching one too many times the Gospel of the Theology of Liberation IN THE US itself, while denouncing the human rights abuses of the El Salvadoran army and police, then 8 more Jesuits got murdered with their cook and her daughter, for the same reasons, working with the poor and the disenfranchised...the murderers do not care about people they have been indoctrinated they are the "enemy" for hundreds of years.

  16. Mexico is a laughing stock of the world.

    1. no its not .the us is the laughing stock ask the israelis or the russians

    2. 9:13 you are RIGHT mister,
      Blame the Con Don and his cohorts,
      after all the righteousness and indignation and their many sins it is coming out that tey are Russian asset livestock, but they still protest righteous indignation
      "However bad you think it is, it is worse..."

  17. Looks like Mayo has always been 10 steps ahead of these clowns

  18. wheres chapo snitched guy?... bb you block him?

    1. Chapo snitched

    2. 9:35 that was you DD, don't do it again.

    3. 10:02 then the only other suspect is Chivis,

    4. 10:02 sure, you wasn't there and you got wisnesses, I know...

  19. Mencho maybe control as much of the trade as chapo once did but he is no where near the caliber of chapo or pablo. Only after you have rose to the top and maintained that power for extended time that you are on thier level. " it dont matter whos bread the longest, its who can stay on the streets the longest. Once slip now your outta there.. Wont be back to the damn buck rogers years"
    Its easy to gain the power but to manage and maintain the poweris a feat.

    1. Exactly don't believe the hype - APA

    2. you are confused and your comment says it all, you might aswell just say who stays the longest on the spotlight, chapo amd pablo where powerful but the reason you mention them is because theyre famous, not because the years they have in the bussiness. the only new thing about cjng is the name thats it, the power the plazas the connects have always been there just under a different name, Mencho has been very powerful for a long time, sending shipments and personaly taking them to california at a young age, there are mugshots of a baby faced mencho who was already working amongst people from sinaloa and milenio he was respected by Nacho Coronel and he respected the man aswell he was already challenging big timers aswell like the valencia brothers but he simply was not famous till recently, there are plenty of powerful guys who have operated longer than chapo but where smart enough to stay off the radar and are not famous and i bet you wont consider them at chapos caliber and in reality they set the bar, for example mayo, even tho he is famous but for a person in the business for 40+ years many years more than chapo, a person who is quiet and doesnt go out invading plazas fighting soldiers, and never been in jail, he is a way higher caliber than chapo. they dont even look for the man now thats what a outlaw leader should aspire to be

    3. 4:46 you are actually dead wrong. You clearly dont know the history of the narco families in Mexico. Chapo was given a large piece of the pie by the Mexican government and Amado Carillo. These families you speak of are not independant that is not how it works. Everyone answers to a bigger organazation that is being protected by the govt. Mencho was a small time heroin dealer in the US he wasnt recieving big shipments. It wasnt until he became a Jalisco state police officer and met the Cuinis that he really started to get powerful. Chapo and Mayo ran Sinaloa together on orders from the govt, Chapo happened to have a bigger name because of his prison escapes, the cardinals killing and his leadership of the armed wings of Sinaloa. He controlled the hit squads so naturally his name came up much more than Mayos in reports. Chapo was in the bussiness since he was a child dont be mistaken. Not sure where you get your info but I hear that alot on here.."big independant narco powerful families in Mexico" and I always chuckle because they simply dont exist. They are all working for someone and pay taxes to them. Chapo was as big as they get trust me, theres a reason he was the worlds most wanted fugitive all those years. Its not a fairy tell man. Keep dreaming.

    4. @1:02 there are actually alot of heavyweights that we dont hear much about, specially in Sinaloa and Durango

    5. there is especially in culiacan theres heavy familys that got there hands in all the pies but you dont hear of them

    6. Chapo was given shet.
      As a matter of fack soon was Amao taxing his buddy until the friendship went to hell, Amao had Cd Juarez on lock for Don neto and DECAF had the tijuas Feliz gallardo spent a few years organizing for his golden retirement.
      CDS had their prick to hold for RCQ, wars everywhere and Arizona nearby, that how ARPAIO lasted there so long imprisoning all the mexican rivals...

    7. Mencho is very powerful. His DTOs presence and notoriety should be a testament to that. The circle could be closing but it doesn't change the fact that he hasn't been caught yet. Chapo was a fugitive for decades. Mencho is capable of the same.

    8. Michoacan has a bunch of heavyweights in the game,they are known to be low key unlike people from Sinaloa. Sinaloa people love attention, I'm sure there are a few low key figures but not like in michoacan or halisco

  20. se me antoja una caguama bien helada.

    1. Y si... Saludos para la Marina y todos Los soldados que no sense venden... Todos 28... Jaja

    2. 9:11 pos echate a tu suegra,
      pero helada no va a estar la vieja pelada,
      Ahi anda nomas como diablo atrás de todo el vecindario

    3. 1:28 nadie se las compra, por eso no se venden,
      Pero de que se rentan se rentan, hasta por un peso

    4. 12:52 hasta tinieblas y de paso te picho las ostiones en el centro

  21. I wondered about that abuse of the Marinas that it wasn't just the townfolk that it was actually the narcos spraying CJNG on the patrol cars like confusing and almost accusing the Marinas of being in bed with the Narcos.How blatant!Most criminals don't like drawing attention to themselves.Only in Mexico they don't give a rat's ass because impunity on a 1 to 10 is a 10!

    1. The stoicism of the marinas just shows it was all arranged to make them look like they don't lose patience but will take attacks with a cool head and restraint...
      It was all staged.

    2. there where plenty of cartel guys there for sure probably small timers like halcones and globeros but they blend in, at the moment while chaos reigns its hard to see who is an actual protester who wanted a peaceful protest and who are those that are just there to fuck shit up because they blend in they are part of the crowd, they arent danny trejo, cholo looking or suit wearing people portrayed on the media

  22. The admiral at least has the courage to speak out against the corrupt humanos derechos these cowards take the us money to help the repressed then the dogs sell out to the zetas and cjng and hide criminals from officials they atively hid vale vale and ramas for years in NL the humanos would pay whole crowds to protest arrests the "poor innocent children" that disappear are usually halcones, punchan llanta makers and or young narco flunkies that terrorize the government and then cry foul when the poor innocent little narcos dont come home. Just like in american cities where evrey little thug that runs from police sells drugs or pulls a gun on a cop is all of the sudden a sweet little arhlete awwww grow up evreyone! If anyone can catch Mencho it will be Marina. Vaya con dios guerreros Aztecas!!!

    1. Aztecas? Your lame the aztecas were whooped by the Tarascos

    2. Funny how averyone is proud of being azteca decent. Little do they know Tarascos always kept them out and in their place.

    3. Purepechas wooped that aztec ass.

    4. @7:29
      Purepechas aka Tarascans were whooping the Aztecs ass way before the Spanish came over and they(Spanish) too got their asses handed to them by the Tarascans

  23. Which cartels will survive? I hear some of them are switching, or creating new cartel named, Mencho has created so much heat.

  24. I don’t know if I could be one of those troops. Going through that gaggle fuck of people. And them throwing shit at me like that. I’d be busting bitches up left and right. I really would. You can’t be messing with little brown people like that and expecting them not to strike back. Why does revenge feel so good? I mean...not that I would know anything about that. 😏 - Sol Prendido

    1. Sol goes on here and acts all tough but joined the army instead of the marines

    2. Sol goes on here and comments on Sol’s on post.

    3. @4:55, You must be Navy.

    4. 4:55 well, maybe some army dumbasses are not as dumb,
      it is better to be army than bullet stoppers.
      --And don't get me started with steroid and meth beef by the case seals, hungry for mó money and mó pay
      --One thang's for shó, evangelical devils and independent contractors accusing regular US melitary of incompetence have become invincible, the US DOD JUST CAN'T BEAT THEIR ARSES.

    5. @4:55. That’s a good way 2 draw out the truth there. Lol. I’ll be honest though. U.S. Army. Can’t complain about Marines. Learned how 2 go hogging from a few friends out of Camp Lejeune. Every so often they actually come into Fort Bragg for training. Among other other extracurricular activities. Like hogging. Lmfao. - Sol Prendido

  25. Replies
    1. The og Italian Mafiosos snitched too. And they invented the term snitch. So what value does snitch have in your demented little idiotic world, boy? Organised crime is filled with hypocrites, and only the idiots who care for the public face refuse plea deals. The small time runners doing 25 to life for cocaine crumb busts while Chapo's son is looking at 15 years in jail? We live in a classist world, where the poor will always be dealt the worst hand, and the capitalists will always shape their world, even in jail. Don't be mad at someone for snitching, be mad at them for not having more snitch material.

  26. All you nuthuggers complaining about this and that but Nieto is bringing the World Cup in 2026 No one else can say they brought the cup to Mexico

    1. 6:52 Miguel de la madrid brought the the World Cup to mexico guy. Nice try tho

    2. Now anyone uses the word nuthugger...and the World Cup is going to be played mostly in the US Nieto did nothing special you provide zero knowledge to this article...10

    3. 6:52 I got your cup for you right here
      And when you're done you can stick it up peña nieto's ass
      The north American tournament too because minor captive slave laborer nation Mexico is NOT one of them

  27. I was in jalisco in 06 where we were crazy que no mi raza

  28. It’s crazy, theirs politics in prison and politics in the steeets. Blame politics for most of everything that makes life shitty. However, we do it to ourselves!

  29. Mexican police and armed forces need to be more like their American counterparts. If that were in the US all those people swinging the sticks would have been rip. That's why no one respects Mexican authorities

  30. Look at all those cowards taking advantage of their civilian status. Tagging CJNG on the truck should warrant extermination of all those cowards. Wish Autodefensa were allowed to deal with all those village idiots.

  31. Go out like a real one mencho. You lived it up. Great life. Experienced more than than any "HERO" that will talk down on you for being a successful Mexican. Make them pay for coming for you. You might get caught or die. But hopefully you have millions saved for your family when you ate gone. But kill as many as you can when they come after you. Real war shit. Shoot the choppers with rpgs. The vehicles. Military tactics. Take as many as you can with you strategically. When it's over it's over. Or do do your best to escape. Hustler from az .

  32. people keep portraying el mencho as the new el patron now since el chapo has been extradited but you have to remember el mencho only rose to prominence because of the death of ignacio coronel villarreal and was nothing more that another ruthless capo, the boss of all bosses in mexico if you ask me was heriberto lazcano who beat back the sinaloa cartel and turned the zetas into mexico number 2 cartel and the biggest geographically but it still confuses me how el verdugo died was it a secret special ops takedown between the PRG and DEA or was he simply betrayed by z40?


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