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Tuesday, June 26, 2018

129 is the new assassination tally, as another candidate is murdered and four others

Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat  from EFE

Emigdio López Avendaño, a Morena party candidate for the Congress of Oaxaca and four members of the party were killed. Two more were wounded but only one required hospitalization, said the Oaxaca Prosecutor's Office.

The armed attack occurred on the road from San Vicente Coatlán to Ejutla de Crespo , an area where López Avendaño was a candidate for local congressman.

Salomón Jara Cruz, coordinator of Morena in the region and candidate for this party of  the Mexican Senate, condemned the assassination and asked Alejandro Murat, governor of Oaxaca, not to allow the act go unpunished.
With these deaths, the number of political actors murdered during the current electoral campaign in Mexico is raised to 129.

Since the beginning of the electoral process on September 8, 2017 there have been more than 543 direct attacks, with 129 politicians murdered.

In the elections of July 1st, the new President of Mexico, 500 congressmen and 128 senators of the Federal Congress, along with  local authorities in 30 of the 32 states of the country will be elected .


  1. Imagine this happening in the USA ? Mexico is a failed state. I see Mexicans complain about Trump but their own president is worse.

    1. 11:45 in spite of all their corruption and venality, the Mexican president has not been investigated for being a corrupt Russian puppet, elected with Russian money like the so-called US President...
      EPN used Russian programs and Colombian hackers, but paid his millions of dollars, for the help.
      --trump got it all paid for and a few millions of dollars in interest free loans, some from DEUTSCHE BANK CYPRUS and some more on investments he can lose or steal at his pleasure.
      Please, stop promoting this monster of corruption, at least until he is declared not innocent but not guilty for reason of insanity due to old age...

    2. Give your proof of Trump taking Russian money to Muller, as he hasn't found any evidence yet. You sir are a real dumb azz.

  2. Yet no security measures have been implemented to safeguard these politicians. Other than talk of doing so.
    Democracy under threat!


  3. HI Chiba Loca,
    quén the quere, beibi.

  4. Here we go again, the candidates feeling they the donut's hole still don't surround themselves with bodyguards or security, at least should hire AutoDefenses chingá...

    1. I’ve done security details for different clients. And many a times these guys just don’t want to pay for that service. They feel secure and sure of themselves because of family bloodlines. And or the so called work they provide for their constituents. Many of these deaths can all be attributed to them being culos (tight asses). If they wouldn’t hesitate to pay I’m more than sure a lot of these deaths could be prevented. - Sol Prendido

  5. The country and or state should be responsible for protecting candidates. This shit is out of control, everyone left in the election stay safe... Also demand protection!

  6. It’s time Mexico takes responsibility for this BS. Instead of fleeing to another country stand up an end this crap. Many Americans died for us to enjoy or freedom an liberty that we have today. To many years the higher ups to bribes an looked the other way an now look at the situation. This shit bags ruin Mexico are a cancer to man kind.

  7. Question, how many of these hits do you guys think are setup by rival candidates?


    1. 6:59 all of them, mostly by el PRI.

  8. Out of the 129 killed, they only acted on one criminal group. Shows you the government cold care less, but bribes and money, thats what they go for.

  9. Mesoamericans sacrificed members of their society for a long time for actual and perceived gains... unfortunately the trend continues in 2018 with “impunity”... those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it... Burke... ol Mexico is failing and I hope she recovers...


    1. 5:21 "mesoamericans" sacrificed to their GODS.
      Modern nation builders pepper their targets with carpet bombings and collateral damages to save the countries for the US global investors and their partners in crime, supplementing their wars for profits with "Wars ON Drugs" for the drug market wherever they go, their mercenaries would not go "sober".
      --Lucky "The Mesoamericans" had no planes to use against their enemies, still don't, but their cultured and learned enemies do have and use them...

  10. This has to be some kind of record..sad what Mexico has become.

  11. It is time to unite the new worlds... Canada your out... the USA and Mexico are culturally different but more Mexicans live in the USA than ever before and more and more Americans are living in Mexico... along the border you have to speak spanglish to survive.... the United Kingdom did it... and the Irish hate everybody... the economies should blend, the culture and government can blend over time...democracy in Mexico is failing but will be strengthened by the US and labor/workforce in the US will be strengthened by Mexicans... political corruption by the cartels will be eradicated...

  12. 6:21 even sadder what has befallen the US, with Russian spies and assets all over the WHITES' HOUSE and Congress, business associates and private war for profit warmongering chicken hawks biting and kicking all the way to Special Counsel's torture chambers.
    --Even rudi giulianni is protesting about "the mental breakdowns of this poor man", his client...
    @6:21 we share your pain, don't hide it.

  13. He was just a state congressman. Not a federal congressman if that's any consolation.


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