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Friday, May 11, 2018

Cut the body of the monster of organized crime, not just the head: Shirk

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Zetatijuana article

Subject Matter: Mexico and organized crime
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required

A report from the University of San Diego reveals the failed strategy of the government of Enrique Peña Nieto in the fight against organized crime by attacking only the drug lords. Given the empowerment of the CJNG, the resurgence of Tijuana as the city with the most homicides in the country and an uncertain electoral landscape, experts issue their recommendations

Reporter: Ines Garcia Ramos
The Mexican government seems to have a unique strategy to fight organized crime: cutting off the heads of the main capos, which has not only has failed, but has left a country of death.

This is stated in the report " Drug Violence in Mexico, " conducted by Justice in Mexico , which explores the roots and consequences of 2017, the year with the highest number of intentional homicides committed in Mexico and which placed Tijuana as the city with the most murders in the country.

Justice in Mexico is a research program hosted at the University of San Diego, focused on designing strategies to improve citizen security, strengthen the rule of law and protect human rights in Mexico.

In this installment, Laura Calderón, Octavio Rodríguez Ferreira and David Shirk explain how the empowerment of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG), the fragmentation and weakening of the Sinaloa Cartel unleashed the worst wave of homicides seen in the country.

They also analyze the circumstances of the violence focused on drug trafficking corridors, the scenario facing the presidential elections of 2018 and a possible change in bi national cooperation in matters of public security between Mexico and the United States.

In an interview with ZETA , David Shirk, director of Justice in Mexico and one of the authors of the report, explains: "If they want to stop or face organized crime, you have to cut the whole body of the monster, not just the head."


From the outset, the researchers address how in the first five years of Enrique Peña Nieto's administration (2012-2017) an average of 23 thousand 293 homicides per year have been recorded, or 64 murders per day, which represents an increase of 20 percent with respect to the six-year term of Felipe Calderón.

Specifically, 2017 closed with 27,734 people murdered, 19% more than in 2016, and the State that registered the highest increase in homicides was Baja California, the study indicates. When talking about municipalities, more homicides occurred in Tijuana than in any other city in Mexico.

However, when studying not the figure by itself, but in relation to the percentage, the study reveals that the entities with the greatest increase are Nayarit, with 554% more homicides, and Baja California Sur with 192%.

"The deterioration of security conditions in the last three years has been an important setback for President Enrique Peña Nieto, who promised to reduce violence. In addition, Peña Nieto's low levels of approval during his first five years as President are due, in part, to the perception of handling cases of crime, violence and corruption, "the report said.

The research also compares this violence to other countries in Latin America, and while there are nations with the highest number of homicides, Mexico exceeds the total number of homicides in Belize, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Jamaica.

In addition, the number of homicides in Mexico exceeds that of the United States, a country with almost three times the population. The comparisons are a sample of how Mexico concentrates a large part of the violence, since one in every eight homicides in the Western Hemisphere was committed in this country.

Registries of Justice in Mexico also indicate that, in 2017, 75% of homicide victims are men, while the average age of the victims is 33 years.

According to the study, between a third and a half of these homicides are attributed to drug trafficking cartels and other organized crime groups, since they have characteristics such as executions, multiple victims and attackers, the use of high-caliber weapons, messages left by the perpetrators, dismemberment, beheading, clandestine graves, among others.

On the other hand, the researchers point out: "There is a concern that, given the high levels of crime in Mexico, candidates will feel pressured to take a stand on these issues and may be targets of violence" with respect to this year's elections.


In the most violent year in Mexico, one in every 20 homicides in Mexico occurred in Tijuana, concludes the report " The Resurgence of Criminal Violence in Tijuana " by the authors Jaime Arredondo Sanchez Lira, Zulia Orozco, Octavio Rodríguez Ferreira and David Shirk

This report is taken up in the national investigation of violence to explain how Tijuana returned to be the city with the highest number of homicides in the country, a place it had in 2007.

In 2017, records from the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System indicated that in this city, 1,780 people were murdered, that is, an increase of 86% in just one year.

When the researchers paid attention to the geographical areas where there were more homicides, they located several clusters of violence: East Zone (which includes the La Presa, La Presa Este and Otay delegations), as well as Sánchez Taboada and Centro.

Only 20% of the homicides were concentrated in 850 colonias, the main ones being Camino Verde with 75, Zona Norte with 49 and Centro with 32.

According to the researchers, the social consequences of this violence "has affected young and poor men in areas of middle and lower class, who are the main perpetrators and targets of these murders and who are often the product of what sociologists and criminologists they call 'social disorganization', due to the presence of family violence, substance abuse, lack of educational opportunities, among others. "

Therefore, as part of their recommendations, they suggest a program that addresses social and economic marginalization through development programs, implementing community policies in the most violent areas of the city, and even other measures such as improving public transportation and accessibility. to the colonies, in addition to the recovery and creation of public spaces.


At the national level, investigators identified two main targets of drug trafficking: journalists, three times more likely to be killed than other occupations in society in general, and mayors, 12 times more likely to be victims of murder.

The study details that from 2005 to 2017, 152 municipal presidents, either as candidates, in functions or even former mayors, have been murdered in the country. In geographical terms, the mayors riddled with bullets are on the other extreme than executions for organized crime.

While homicides have been concentrated in two main narco-trafficking corridors: the northern border, composed of Baja California, Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas; as well as in the Pacific: Sinaloa, Nayarit, Michoacán and Guerrero. The largest number of murdered politicians is concentrated in southern states such as Guerrero, Oaxaca, Chiapas and Michoacán.

Of the 21 homicides of mayors registered in 2017 (nine were in office), eight belonged to the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), twenty were killed by gunshots and one of their throats cut.


The study also retakes the empowerment of the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel (CJNG) as one of the premises to explain the resurgence of violence in Mexico. Researchers had already warned of this from 2016 and 2017, when it became more evident the strengthening of this organization led by Ruben Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, better known as "El Mencho".

The CJNG "has taken advantage of the power gaps resulting from the breakdown of structures of organized crime leaders," specifically the blows to La Familia Michoacana, Los Caballeros Templarios, Los Zetas and the Sinaloa Cartel, which have created opportunities for the CJNG to expand and grow.

These proposals are taken from the publication " The New Generation: The Threat of Emerging Organized Crime in Mexico", a report signed by Lucy de la Rosa and David Shirk, which warns that the CJNG has reached a level of power equal to or greater than that of the Sinaloa Cartel.

With a presence in 21 states of the country, including Mexico City, the CJNG has been able to strengthen the capture and re-apprehension of the leader of the Sinaloa Cartel, Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán, a direct consequence of the strategy of arresting capos, " what has contributed to the fragmentation, transformation and diversification of organized crime groups in Mexico and the entry to areas such as the trafficking of heroin, methamphetamines and other synthetic drugs. "

In the same way, the researchers ponder Jalisco's strategies, such as the alliances they form with local groups. One of the examples was his approach with the Arellano Felix Cartel in Tijuana to use this point of transfer and fight the cells of Sinaloa.


The study insists that the strategy of capturing only drug lords is counterproductive, not only because it does not dismantle the attacked organization, but because it allows the proliferation of cells that manage to separate from the cartel and become rivals.

Therefore, instead of continuing with this strategy, the experts recommend strengthening the capacity of the public security and justice corporations to conduct long-term and wide-ranging investigations that allow for more effective criminal proceedings, including the imputation of corrupt politicians and entrepreneurs linked to money laundering.

At the same time, that the government contributes with greater educational and labor opportunities for those who are at the bottom of the economic spectrum, which often leads them to get involved in violent criminal activities, especially in men.

In addition to this, the researchers insist that the government develop better monitoring of violence related to organized crime, improve judicial processes, work on special measures to address political violence and reinvigorate anti-corruption efforts, in addition to addressing the drug problem as a public health issue, among other recommendations.

"There is evidence that the crisis of violence that Mexico has gone through has had a cost in growth, investments, in reducing the viability of the market and compromises the security and integrity of officials, threatens journalism and freedom of expression, while reducing trust in institutions, which results in and undermines democratic governance in Mexico, "the study concludes.

"The strategy of hitting the bosses has had very negative effects, not contemplated. We need to stop not only the capo of an organization, but have all the evidence and research and all the necessary capacity to search for various elements at all levels of the organization, if not, the capo goes and the new one goes up; or worse, it fragments and they fight between themselves, "David Shirk, director of Justice in Mexico , warns in an interview .

The expert in public security points out that before the election of July 1, in which more than 3 thousand public offices will be elected, "if we see changes at the federal, state and local levels, those changes will definitely break some ties and agreements established with organized crime and may give rise to more problems of violence. "

Finally, he thinks about the relationship between Mexico and the United States to fight organized crime: "I am worried that in the coming years, if things continue as they did in the last year, we will see less coordination and more difficulty for the two countries. They need to work together. "


  1. CJNG is becoming as overhyped as CDS, there are much bigger players in Jalisco and Michoacan then mencho, and they won't be killed by marinas or spend a day in jail, just "taxes" to the D.F. as usual.

    1. Calling for more empowerment of police and soldiers to do police work would only result in more state sponsored terrorism, because the solution will not come from the top, only shit rolls down from there, and if "schooling kids" were to work in 20 or 30 years, it would be working by now, drugs have been fought since the 50s with "education".
      The only radical measure would be to leave it in the hands of block captains to enforce law and order neighborhood by neighborhood, that would be power emanating from The People and would be cheaper and effective without so much schooling for so many years...
      The 33 to 50% crimes attributed to the criminals leave one question, who is doing the other 50 to 66% of crimes?
      I am sure not mothers or sisters or activist Jesuits and Nuns or journalists, that is the Mexican military, mercenaries, polesia and intelligence doing the shark's share to enhance their paycheck, "orders from above"

    2. 1250 knows his sh$#

    3. Yes and No. They might not have political and government aid like Nemesio but Independents do have a tendency of lasting more years. I know a few people that work for someone that took over Julio Beltrans LINE. Right now I think he moves the most Blow from CLN and nobody here knows who he is. Same with individuals from Estacion Obispo y Pueblos Unidos. Many are pushing soo much weight on the low low. A que se dedican "soy agricultor"

    4. 7:50 Julio beltran the guy from the corrido by el potro?

    5. Like the valencia family to be worth more than couple billions in michoacan

    6. If you move lots of weight the government will know and they will want a cut or you will be arrested or a big cartel will take your cookies. Just like cjng did in Jalisco, nobody is bigger there than mencho and cuinis.

    7. 9:58am Yes. Correct. Y el Jefe that took over is real calm, respectful. His right hand is more disruptive and has a bad cocaine habit and his brother is not so responsible either but is trusted to communicate with people in Peru often.

  2. It is not a strategy by EPN, he hasnt done shit not more not less, its a strategy by Calderon under the guidance of the USA. And they knew it was Coming, since years ago they had predicted that the dismantling of cartel will give way for saller gangs to become more dangerous as they try to move in and try to get a piece of the action fragmentation only means that what was one whole united group turn into a shattered mess and those shattered pieces only end up fighting eachother driving violent crimes way up, the biggest mistake is that they try to solve it all with bullets not education, the people are at fault here aswell, us as mexicans are ignorant, we hate corruption but attempt to bribe the cops over a ticket, we glorify narco violence, if a criminal gets deported we march when students get klled no onw cares and all those people that marched ma free chapo cd none for mireles, we are quick to call for mayday marches pero para mexico nada

    1. I hate to admit but some the things you state are true. Citizens are much too blame as government.


    2. 1:33 debunk, you have not seen the marchers protesting 43 Ayotzinapos disappearances or the march they were going to attend that caused their disappearance by the government over MEXICO 68 massacre of students in Tlatelolco, they were all people trying to do "something".
      And there are marches every day all over Mexico these days, the people participating are Mexicans that must know something but have no powers to enforce anything, by design.

    3. Citizens with nothing but a primary school education which account for probably 60 to seventy percent of Mexicos population can only do so mucho or be held accountable for so much.
      Large families and the need to provide for them is one of the factors that have kept Mexicos population uneducated although both birth control and education are becoming more effective/attainable as generations pass.

    4. 6:54 maybe killing half of Mexican families would make you happy, but I doubt anything that proposes depopulation is going to work anywhere, it has not worked for the last 100 years in spite of millions of people killed in many nazi , communist, socialist, capitalist or alt neo-experiments.

  3. Like Chicago blacks kiling blacks. Mexico Mexican killing mexican. This not good.

    1. Why even bring race into it

    2. 4:01 That comment is plain dumb.Of course it's Mexicans killing Mexicans.It's like in Poland it would be Polish killing Poles.It's not about race at all.Stop making an issue when there isn't 1.That just causes divisions among folk.

    3. Mexican lives matter

    4. Our drug policy is supposed to be about protecting lives, right?

      With 64 violent mexican deaths a day (and many more injured and traumatzied) it is in addition to the 175 dead by OD here.

      Yet it never seems as if our policy makers consider those 'brown skinned' deaths as part of the equation.

      So YES I think a strong case could be made that there is a racial aspect to these killings.

    5. In chicago, gang murdering, drug trafficking, whoring, arson and cit hall neglect in general, plus local politicians' sponsorship of select criminals quickly depopulation whole neighborhoods and select townships for the gentrification always ready with tons of cash to benefit from the misdeeds they pay for...

  4. Jorge Ramos stsy out of Mexico its killing field

    1. Jorge Ramos the Clinton supporter? Wanted to bring Mexico’s corruption this way

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. 5:51 don't mess with el yorch.

    4. Jorge ramos is puttrid, he wants the usa like mexico.

    5. El yorch ramos is from Venezuela or Guatermalawhy should he care about Mexico and Mexican people and criminals???

  5. Now they the study. Now what happens Nothing

    1. Off all the reports and studies conducted by so called experts. Nothing seems to change what’s been going on.
      3 thousand public offices are up for election.
      How many candidates are slaughtered prior to elections? Mexico’s political theater is the culprit of what’s transpiring. Embarrassing to say but embedded with criminal organizations.
      Note: there is a small few who try and have good intentions in office. However, they cannot fight a system that has embedded / embraced an ideology of corruption!


    2. You are correct, and its the point that never gets real attention. Look at all the corrupt politicians still walking around like they own Mexico. Salinas de Gortari ring a bell. He needs a bullet to his head not all the innocent hard working people.

    3. 9:24 i'll be happy if Carlos Salinas de Gortari gets one shotgun blast en el fundillo.

  6. Do u really think Pena Nieto Cares

    1. Like all past and present Presidents of Mexico. They enrich their pockets and move elsewhere. Never has there been a Mexican President who was tried nor convicted for plundering ones country. Much less for the illegal behavior with criminals or favored business cronies.
      Curious to see what percentage of government officials pass a Trustworthy Exam. An Astronomical figure I’m sure.
      Nevertheless, I’m quite sure that such a proposal will only be met with a brushing expression! Like many proposals to rid the filth of Mexico’s government.



    2. The people, "good citizens", are at fault for voting EPN into office.They're enablers.

    3. 8:19 Colombian hacker specialists gave the election to EPN, not the Mexican voters, they used $50 000.00 worth of Russian computer programs, ask JJ Rendón...
      And the US was nothing but happy with the results, until the 2016 election hack that trumped Hillary, Russian help again, but bolder, more expensive, and "sophisticated as a Louis Vuitton rancho handbag" made in jalisco.
      The debit cards without funds helped too, but that is not what makes you presidente, help from the colombian hacker team of Alvaro Uribe Velez was priceless, thanks to the Russians.

  7. Mayo knows best that been number 1 is not good, look at all his compadres, amado,Benjamin, Arturo, joaquin, not bueno to be his compadre

    1. 4:50 yeah, not even his children escaped El Mayo...
      Ora se tiene que dejar coger y que lo metan al bote pa probarte que no hay impunidá, ni complicidá, ni traición...
      A lo verás, orita.
      Se prohibe blasfemar en su mes del Señor Don Mayo Zambada.

    2. El M tiene un santero en el gavacho

    3. 2:42 echenle más sal bendita a Las Cheladas en este Mes Del Señor, pa que le dure, en el nombre de Mexico.

  8. just as i have said for many years.. stay out of Mexico if you want to travel. These numbers dont ring that common sense bell ?, then watch some videos of what goes on.

  9. Will 2018 top the killing of 2017?????

    1. It’s looking that way!


    2. 7:13 Pos a güebo!
      It is the elections ingredient that will spice shit up, and all the PRIISTAS that refuse to give up their perks and power without a great pedo.

    3. I would say about 32.000 killings in 2018

  10. Sry for beeing OT but The German biker who was missing seems to ne shot. And i Read an article in German fat that friend from poland was beheaded.
    In mx press they were talking about bad driving skills/accident which killed both but i could not belive This. Are there any News about This, even if its not English? Thanks in advance

  11. The study also says that if we could only stop aging, we could live forever. Readers a question...

    Do any of you actually think that Mexico is capable of doing what is suggested?

    Q: Want to stop this?
    A: Stop corruption. Build an new special prison and put all of your corrupt politicians and policing officials in a pretty place. Charge 20 pesos a month to live stream it and boom! Paid for!

    Thank you, Elvis has left the building!

  12. The capos are the head the body is the government. That's why they don't cut the body when they (government) are the body. As long as corruption is out of control crime will follow. Colombia had to let the US in to get it under control.100% no but better than it was before. US has invested more in Mexicos drug war than Mexico.

    1. The US just got the drug trafficking back under the control of the elegidos, but only after Alvaro Uribe Velez was exposed for his murdering ways under cover of the AutoDefenses Unidas de Colombia (AUC) his paracos, his milicos and his guerrillas...
      --However uribe remains untouchable because even if he is a Sanababich, he is OUR SANABABICH...


    2. All the financial support given by the US has been pointless. If true intentions were to eradicate drug trafficking and production in Mexico, government would have done so.
      Common sense indicates government involvement. Note: “ Governments “.
      However, one must take into account that transitioning a narco state to a good / moral neighbor would be virtually impossible.It’s disappointing that Mexicos narco culture is the image being reflecting worldwide.This image has overlapped the kind / humble nature of its people.
      And to think this negative image and portrait is due to government corruption.


    3. The financial support may be meaningless,
      but "NO refunds" is the policy.

  13. The body is the government. Without corrupt judges, government officials, police of all levels, all levels of military groups that are corrupt you would see great things happen in Mexico. Cleanse the body and you will see progress in Mexico. They do not drive truck loads of drugs to the borders and pass all the military and Federal checkpoints without paying the way to the border. Put corrupt officials in government for life without parole. Also arm the people in remote pueblos and cities in Mexico and let them defend themselves. But again, letting them arm themselves is not what the corrupt government wants. It is all talk and no action.

    1. This cleanse you refer to sounds like an “Exorcism”. Doubt any catholic priest would be safe due to how many have become victims of the killings.

      Nice comment 8:35

  14. Capturing a Capo looks good.Instant publicity for a politician although it might not be him rather the US dictating who goes down but then again this is the easy solution (as you can see not really a solution) but the hard part like going after the money laundering and the corrupt politicians is the hardest part as the wrong person (whatever that is) might be exposed and it costs a lot of money for investigations which would not be available which goes back to the 1st part of the sentence.Catch 22?What incentive is there beside the welfare of the citizens of the country?

    1. Yeah, the hardest part might be exposing the Mexican President Puppet in charge of drug trafficking in Mexico for the American concerned side, sometimes it hurts more taking off the mask of hypocrisy than peeling the skin off your face.

  15. This is what I, had mentioned before. Even the U.S. demands Mexico capture drug capos instead of teaching anyone to stop the consumption. This drug shit is a battle that cannot be won by simple thoughts or actions just like it has been proven over the course of at least 30 years.

    1. Educating the public about consumption of drugs is like trying to educate the harmful impact of all known products which are legal for consumption throughout the world! Results vary little for consumers.
      The tobacco industries kill more every year than drug overdoses.Despite the recent warnings enforced by government to inform consumers about its products.
      The only solution is to either legalize the problem or simply eradicate it. Added with the necessary treatment for those who are demonized by it.
      Note: since Ronald Reagan’s era of educational policies for educational awareness about drugs. America’s consumption rate continues to spike.


    2. 8:56 from @ 12:00 Ronald Reagans "Say no to drugs" campaing when first introduced showed very promising signs of it working to discourage children myself included into not trying drugs. This policy unfortunately and probably because it was targeted more towards school kids than adults was not working fast enough to curb the street drug sales in places like NYC and Philadelphia where heroin usage was becoming an epidemic and Chicago and LA and Miami where gangs who distributed them where locked in intense battles over sales of drugs. This led to places like this pushing the government to spend billions on building new jails to house drug dealers and drop the teaching method.
      A narrow minded one sided quick fix approach that has shown not to work and costing billions of dollars as well as countless lives.
      I, stick to what I, say about teaching.

    3. BEFORE Richard Nixxon started forming the DEA, during his reign and after, during the Carter administration, US drug traffickers in high government positions were doing the drug trafficking from Vietnam and SE Golden Triangle and from Mexico and SouthAmerica, all through the Reagan administration it intensified until the Iran/Contra rigmarole narco-farce exploded on their face, with the kidnapping torture murder of Kiki Camarena for icing on the cake...
      But I sincerely believe the "Just Say NO" campaign of the Nancy Boys was good intentioned and almost worked, except for the greedy money hungry drug traffickers and profiteers behind ronnie's back,

    4. 7:56 prisons including private ones are big business as well so "say no to drugs" cannot compete with business greed either.

  16. How gullible are the ppl .. U really think they want to stop drug trafficking ? When every government official from top to bottom profits from bribes and corruption .. It is silly to actually take this serious .. All they do is try and not make it look as obvious..or esle usa will use it as an excuse to come to mexico and expose them all ..

    1. 12:21 ay, no mames güwy,the US can'take expose much shit in Mexico because for the most part they all have been partners in most of the BS real and imagined IN MEXICO, and those drug trafficking parnas on the US are the ones at the global level too, they only bring down one smaller narco, for taking too much for himself, once in a while, but that is like internal strife for the business money, not because of some social work or public safety or welfare shit of eliminating drugs.

  17. We need updates on whats happening in gto

  18. Wait a minute , lots of Drug dealers in the Us and king pins , they should just go after the ones that fuck up and lieve the good ones alone , Los Gavas just wanna take over Mexiico it's wasn't anought taking all those states, blood thirsty sobs

    1. Miki . You are right . Just take out the bad ones and leave the good ones alone . Get us a list of those good drug dealers so they wont be bothered . Hate to harm a good drug dealer ya know

    2. 9:06 woa, yeah, release La Chalupa, he had order on his state and wherever he went, and release La Mochoma, he is no torcido and he guarantees more than 1000 other politi-narcos.

  19. In theory it is not that hard, just attack the money aspect of the business, the banks. Why dont they do it? Why they do not prosecute the white collar criminals (besides that they are one and the same, govermnet and bankers).... the economy would collapse.

    1. 5:19 with all due respect, the economy may recover MORE if the white collar criminals get imprisoned or sent to their maker...the living would be so scared straight they may even work for free like nuns, or monks, but even mother Teresa became famkus for caring more about the money than about the poor she took home to die, she would not spend one red penny to alleviate their pains because it would be needed to complete another billion dollars "for God"...besides, the more the pain, the more chances of getting into heaven for the poor dying in her care

  20. It is funny how all these professionals do not seem to understand that doing the work vs writing a paper behind a think tank or university desk. I had SDSU professors talking like a bad ass of how to deal with criminals but in reality they would last a day living it.

  21. Go after the money. Pass corruption laws that citizens must proof their wealth. Too bad most politicians would not pass go and collect $200.

  22. None of these studies have revealed anything new, the bottom line is lining the pockets of every official in mexico...Nothing will change in the reality of justice

  23. It's easier said than done, you analysis!

    1. PhD criminologist Dr Juan Pablo de Tavira inventor of Mexican maximum security Altiplano and tormentor of Rafael Caro Quintero is an example of the battle between erudite intellectuals vs hard core criminalals with political clout and money in the bank, after a few years out of work and surviving attempted murders, Dr DE Tavira was shot to death in the cafeteria of university of Pachuca, Miguel Angel Osorio Chòn's career as a university porro really took off all the way to the governorship and the Secretary of the Interior combined with Public Security
      SSP from where he wanted to jump the presidency, and Osorio Chón did not graduate, he bought his degree like EPN, on a flea market shop in Mexico city.

  24. All this study is BS..the problem is the lack of rule of law!!!! Simple government in mexico only corruption!!! Quit making educated excuses.

  25. This is exactly right. Hit the sicarios on the streets, shoot to kill them when caught armed and in the commission of crime, build prison camps out in the desert for the rest. These sicarios are murderous sociopaths, they cannot be reformed or be allowed loose in society. They need to be permanently removed. This country badly needs the death penalty for killers and kidnappers, executing them in a most public manner.

    1. 10:47 Wouldn't you give them hugs so they can feel all warm and fuzzy ? You are exactly right ! There is only one cure for this type of disease . Its not nice and it makes no normal person feel good but they have to be purged in order for a society to function .

  26. "The Mexican government seems to have a unique strategy to fight organized crime" . How is this unique ? Seems that is how it is always done . Not unique at all . Cacada !!! Blame the war against drugs for the violence of the criminals ? Maybe they just need hugs so they can feel all warm and fuzzy . The key to less homicides is to pretend there is none and don't combat the criminals . Let them fight it out until one group is dominant . Absolutely do not report on any activity and crime . Mayors , just do what they say and you will be safer . Perfect solution for these studiers .

  27. 10:55 there is too much rule of law in mexico,
    so much that they became the most powerful criminals and even made it their rule of law that they are immune to prosecution and have the impunity to do as they please and don't have to think about anything other than keep and enhance their power.
    That BS need to be stopped at the source, no more power to the politicastros de mierda ruining the world for everybody else.
    --Public servants Serve, they do not help themselves to the people's treasury or to other's property or suborn, kickbacks or trickery.

  28. 4:05 . Not to offend but your comprehension of what rule of law is , is not the correct definition of what "rule of law" actually means. Criminals with badges is not rule of law .

    1. 9:00 criminals have hijacked the rule of law, be it in colombia, Chile Argentina or Mexico, there is nothing but criminals in government in high office colluding with their polesias, sicarios, melitary to impose their law, there is no other law but the dead letters on the books,

  29. Sadly the entire country of Mexico needs a reset. The problems stem all the way back from Spanish rule and how they administered their regions of control. It's a multi-century cultural issue that would require a revolution and some method of insuring the various criminal groups don't retain control.

    I don't think it's actually possible without another country going in, taking over, and instituting martial law for decades; something I doubt anyone wants to see or commit resources to.


  30. 2:58 Was wrong for trying to correct your term of expression . Everyone knew what you meant . My opinion is the same as your .

    1. 10:35 yer welcome to the discussion, WE are setting each other straight here, but not everybody has the good will to acknowledge things. Thanks ese.

  31. Mexico City (not TJ) has the most murders in the country. By far. It's always been like this, apart from Juarez in 2010 and maybe/maybe not one or both of the years either side.

    The problem with these studies is they often use a non-corresponding municipal division instead of physical urban sprawl. To measure how big a city is you need to use urban sprawl, otherwise it's not going to make a lot of sense.


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