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Sunday, April 22, 2018

Ivan Archivaldo Guzmán Armed Convoy Culiacán Sinaloa

Char for Borderland Beat

Part 1

Note from Char:

This video  was published in 04-20-2018 there is definitely more than 30 trucks, all the subjects are armed with assault rifles and some trucks appeared to have 50 cal. Guns in the back.
In one of the videos I saw some of the hitmen say “puro Ivan......a la verga ‘Guano’ ”..........

I might be wrong with the wording but for sure the hitmen basically say fuck Guano. The hitmen are from Sinaloa because all people from Sinaloa have that distinct accent.

Chivis Note:  they are in conflict with their uncle “guano”, half-brother of El Chapo, who is suspected of being behind the killing of Chapo’s brother Ernesto.  Ernesto was father in law of El Mochomo.. Two years ago, I wrote an overview of the situation to read it link here .

Comment from BB reader:

“On the second video you can hear on the radio saying that they’re waiting on a convoy coming from Guamuchil. They also mentioned gente de los Salazar. No question they were rolling deep.”

Part 2


  1. Do you they patrol in an area completely under their control or do they patrol the towns and city at random? In other words, are they risking being confronted with military or police?

    1. They are clearly risking being confronted by military. Not police because they outgun the police officers

    2. They probably own the police too...

    3. No, thier people keep them informed of the militarys movements in the area. Confrontations with military happen when they are in someone esles turf or if one of thier men is arrested they might fight them to get thier man back.

    4. There is definetly a risk, 6:46 doesnt know how the military operates, yes they do have lookouts that will inform them about the military or law enforcement coming in but that only works with the units that are on patrol openly the convoys that anyone can see while on patrol. But those lookouts dont work if these guys get spotted by a drone and the military decides to attack them by air. Why do you think that the special forces got chapo while sleeping and not one lookout had the chance to warn him? And whatabout the latest time it was a unit on patrol that arrived after a call and even tho his men did fought and gave him time to escape for a few hours, his lookouts failed to notify them on time about the military and give them enough time to really escape.

    5. 12:46 is clueless. Were talking about convoys not Chapp riding solo thats different. If its such a common occurence why does it never happen where huge convoys like this battle it out with the marines, ya cuz they know where the military is smart guy. Whens the last time a CDS convoy was attacked by air?? LOL never cuz it dont happen!! lolol

    6. They only attack by air when no 50 Kal is around. I doubt they'll attack by air and risk getting the chopper shut down.

    7. Wow! Where do they get their guns and the money to fund all those people and vehicles? What are they fighting over to deploy that many resources?

    8. Military and Police work for Sinaloa. You don't pay your light bill, they will put it out.

    9. They patrol the are that belongs to them. But they been firing the sales of stolen Gasoline that goes along the coast. Its a big bussines now date. This family always have issues when it comes to money and power, everyone want to be on the Top

    10. They were looking for guanos convoy to take them down...

  2. It would be a good idea if this cat starts a blog on YouTube just to see there daily routine, his blog can start like a Typical intro on a blog- gunshots guy yelling “let’s get out of here”
    Then it gets cut and you hear
    Hola Mis Amores! Hoy vamos De caseria y atirar pari

    1. I'll subscribe

    2. Ustedes son groupies

    3. 11:23 y tu tambien LoL or why are you here?

    4. Lol, we'd probably all subscribe....we dont have to like what they do or even be a fan but its fascinating in as much that if we (the average person) committed a fraction of the crime they do, we'd be locked up for life. They just keep on getting away with it, with the odd exception who is killed or caught.

  3. Guzman click won vs Damaso..... will they win again against there uncle?

  4. Hmm. Interesting. It's been a long time since I've heard anything about the dynamics between the current Sinaloa Cartel leaders, and it seemed like things had more or less stabilized. La Silla Rota had an article claiming that Guano was fighting El Negro, El Azul's son, but it didn't provide any evidence of that and I haven't seen anything else related to it.

    If Ivan and Guano are in conflict, does anyone know if it's a new thing or a continuation of something that had been simmering but wasn't reported by the press?

    1. It’s been simmering since 93.

    2. Guano has been smoked out in the sierra not listening to anybody for some time now. I think mayo and the rest of the leaders i.e azuls son finally got tired of his act. In other news I heard guano has a long standing grudge against chapo isidro

  5. Some of the dumbest people right there, and anyone who follows and is proud of being a servant of any drug lord.

    1. Same as any dummy who serves in the military and is the servant of any u.s president they just do all the dirty work for all those old fat geezers on capitol hill...No different then a sicario...they both follow orders for their greedy bosses

    2. Puro titere pa bajo todos los pelagatos.
      Ahi se ven.

    3. Yuhoo.. Good reply back . i am American , I live on the texas border to be exact.. So when i hear dumbass comments like 7:25pm , I like to hit them with the light that there so blinded by.. U.S politicians and government are the biggest greedy crooks in the world.. All the other world leaders know that , thats why there waiting for us to fall and crumble, so they can pick up the pieces and control the money flow..

    4. @8:30 👍 most people are blind they don't believe the type of shit their government does and all the fake wars they create for monetary gains...who does all the dirty work for these capos? Sicarios!! Who does all the dirty work for the president and his team? Military!! So here's some food for thought...if capos and sicarios are all going to hell for killing innocent people...where do u think the soldiers/marines the president and the politicians that approve shit like that are going??! 🔥🔥

    5. Many US leaders did serve in the military... and other world leaders are waiting and will continue to wait for the US to crumble... don’t hold your breath... there is a thing called international law and drug lords break that law and deserve whatever comes of that... what a comment coming from Texas considering the problems on the Mexican border... go get in a suburban with tinted windows and drive around Nuevo Laredo and see how long it takes to be dead...freedom isn’t cheap and everyone is still waiting...


    6. "Yuhoo.. Good reply back . i am American , I live on the texas border to be exact.."
      Ok millie,hijacking stories again with anti US crap

    7. Yuhoo and anon @8:30AM, I bet you two are very young know it alls, it's so easy to criticize. Isn't it?

    8. Yuhoo, do you think many of the marines and soldiers give a fuck about politics???? They dont, many serve not because of politics but because why the fuck not? Yes politics can be stupid but these guys are at the bottom of society, that video says more than enough, it shows a bunch of dumbfucks that think theyre the shit because they have weapons that most likely have no idea how they operate or what type of weapon they have sll they know its an ak snd no more than that, it shows guys rolling on trucks that i can bet they stole from the community they claim to protect. And the stupid part part is that theyre about to fight people that are not some outsiders to them, people that they know probably grew up together and might even be related, they kill eachother they kill their own in the name of a guy who dont give a fuck about them and they still there saying somos gente de ivan, when in the fuck do u hear a soldier or marine say we are obamas people we sre trumps people? Never they dont give a fuck about whos whos president. These guys are so brainwashed they will kill their own family over ivan. And their bosses clearly go to war with their own family over money and drugs.

    9. You guys have been smoking the guano me think

    10. Not claiming these people to be good people I agree they are at the bottom of the chain but one can compare a sicarios job to a marine don't matter if u.s or not I only stated u.s because a good majority of the bb commentators are in the u.s I'm American of Mexican descent and I think the u.s government along with the Mexican government are all a bunch of greedy dirt bags this business exists the same way cancer does because it's profitable to the government and your a fool if you think otherwise...@1:09 these scumbags yelling pura gente de Ivan is the same as the scumbag marines and soldiers waiving their u.s flag around get your head out of your ass...unless your in the service just keep it there while Trump gives it to u from behind 👉👌

    11. Well said Yuhoo

    12. It's kind of hard for any reasonable person to disagree with yuboo...He isn't saying what the cartels do is right
      But he is saying soldier who fight wars have the same blind follower mentality and do what they are ordered to do with NO questions asked...

    13. Ha not really... soldiers can face court martial... be tried and sentenced...nothing the cartels do is right... if it weren’t for capital hill you would be speaking Japanese or German... the US was unexpectedly attacked in the past and seems to have learned to not be passive anymore...


    14. 9:04
      Your bar for "reasonable" is low. I have a bridge to sell you.

    15. I believe the government is corrupt and what not but you gotta do what you gotta do to stay on top as a country. Can't let some shittty ass country become the next super power. MURCIA.

  6. The nephew fighting the uncle? Typical family reunion...

    1. Then there drinking together next weekend. LOL

    2. El Guano killed his own half brother. He is not to be trusted even within family. If I was Ivan I would watch my back with that snake.

    3. Should of had el mochomito finish el guano off.

    4. Who was the half brother? Well im sure thats why Ivans guys are rolling so deep. It looks like they might be getting ready to raid a ranch or something because in the last video men run up to the gate and look very at alert.

    5. The half brother of El Chapo was the father in law of El Mochomo Alfredo Beltran Leyva and gramps of Alfredito imprisoned in Jalisco, attending college to become a full blown Jaliska...

  7. Family feuds have always existed in Sinaloa. But blood fighting blood very rare.

    Kind of reminds me of when my pops told me about the Quintero and Lafraga feud years ago.

    1. What was that feud about??

    2. 10:48 se peliaron por los pedorros.

    3. 10:48 el control de marijuana

    4. Lafraga cease to exist, they got rid of almost all of them. And their corridos got no play in Sinaloa only to the south of SIN where the lafraga hail from. Kinda like the Salcidos they was also some bad mofos.

    5. My pops was childhood friends with one of the quinteros i think un tio de RCQ.

  8. The hit man are all from sinaloa because of there accent ? hahah quema mucho el sol

    1. Its Ivans convoy mostly trusted people from sinaloa...why is that hard to understand?

    2. Anyone know the song in the intro to vid 1?

    3. @ 8:21 pm....where was this convoy when grandmas house got sacked? Mofo’s ain’t shit. People from chihuahua would smash these bitches. Golfos too!, Even the zetas from now a days would crush these lames. A los de Guerrero se la Pelan or should I say los de Guerrero would literally peel that wig back, any cell or group from mich ni se diga! rats dont scare anyone, the jig is up on you girls. Dan lastima, pero como Dice un compañero de BB, ahi andan de Calientes!

    4. It's chalino Sanchez ando enamorado i think it's called

    5. Don't bring michoacan over here them fools and wife's got taken by los zetas and not even the zetas GAFes could take over Sinaloa in the war they had you just hating bro straight up me being from guerrero have no problem with Sinaloa and you trying to talk for all them states get out here foo

    6. @8:23 it’s alma enamorada by chalino sanchez

    7. @10:01
      Chill out with the sinaloan hateraid bro you sound like como se dice, ardido. Come dicen en el negocio Deja de decir mamadas y Ponte a trabajar

    8. Maria, saludos a tu papá Samuel,
      ahi te caigo a la noche, nomás que se duerma.

    9. 10 :24 michoacanos were zetas/golfos until they created la familia and went independent. No outsiders have ever taken over Michoacan, get your facts straight pendejo. I keep reading this same comment over and over.

    10. Zetas have been in sinaloa, remember when the zetas threw a bunch of dead cds guys in Culiacan??????? They did have a brief alliance with the Beltranes

    11. haha 10:01 sounds very mad. Mochomito was trusted in the area no one expected him to flip like that. How long did him and lic and mini last after that little stunt a week??? LOL. Idiot.

  9. No wonder Cjng is terrified of invading Sinaloa those guys in them trucks look like str8 up kaibiles not to forget mencho already tasted the power of the Gente de Sinaloa when his son got kidnapped and basically punk to take off the apoyo to damaso and Tito and we know how those guys end up two crazy world

    1. You are wrong , the reason why They got taken away is so they can let Menchos son out , as soon as Mechos Son was out and safe then he gave chaps his kids back , that's the real reason

    2. Man you're a know nothing corrido fanboy. Cjng has no need for sinaloas territory. Street sales of drugs are so little of the pie that guzmanes are fighting each other over them. They might grow cheap ass weed but that's no good anymore. The money is in meth and cocaine. And that is produced elsewhere. No reason to waste money invading sinaloa.

    3. Come back to reality buddy

    4. Mi Compa anda machin loco

    5. 11:00 you are so stupid. The Guzmans control the heroin trade, you must not be paying attention America is in the middle of a heroin crises the streets are flooded. Those kids are making billions of dollars no doubt Mencho wants some of that. Get your facts straight, they also push lota of cocaine and crystal.

    6. @5:57 knows where the money is at!!! @11:00 your stuck in 2005 bro stop acting like you know something lol

    7. Miki mencho had nothing to do with the kids was Lic that kidnapped them,Mencho would of killed them! Stop reading what other people write!

    8. After all that work for so many years, there are still alucines that think the CDS needs street sales in culiacan or shit with and from grameros and turf from cornermen...
      no mamen, no sean tan pinchis corrientes inorantez,
      parecen zetas chingá

    9. the money is in the fentynl and heroin and Sinaloa is flooding the US with it you think they care about small sales in culiacan what there doing is cleaning the zone

    10. lmao you know 1:22 has no clue what hes talking about when hes says all the money is in coke and weed.
      Nobody smokes mexican weed anymore dumby, its all being grown in California i dont know one person who smokes Mexican weed. Also, coke is bieng fazed out also its not nearly as big as it used to be in the states. Actually the real money is in heroin and yes I know lots of people on it you fool. Dont talk when you dont know anything stupido.

    11. Chema you don’t know a thing. It wasn’t a Alfredito Beltran they kidnapped them, After Mencho let him enter the plaza. But Mayo gave Mencho a call and told him he would make Guadalajara Tremble. If anything happened

    12. Everyone is arguing over which drug makes more money lol. The reality is these cartels sell all of the aforementioned drugs. Business 101 is to never keep all the eggs in one basket. Also, that food is flooded everywhere right now. Theoretically, that top notch raw Coca Cola could fetch a nice profit margin right now. It’s a harder commodity to obtain although I hear Florida is booming again.

    13. 1:22 dude quit smoking that cjng dick. Menso and cjng are fighting over street sales and cant even take over any plaza. They already losing GDL to golfos and lfm, CDS is taking parts of Jalisco back. Shit CDS launders most of their money in Jalisco and cjng cant do shit about it. Sinaloa has the heroin game on lock and grow most of their shit in Sinaloa so clearly you dont know where the money is at. Sinaloa also produces the most meth shit BB did an article on that about a year ago. FOH poser

    14. Mencho kidnaped those dumb kids and got money and plazas, mayo is scared of Mencho last time he called a truce in la paz because mencho was killing his cds crew THERE, while the rest jumped ship to work for Mencho. Ese michoacano has Sinaloas pissing their pants lol facts SON

    15. 1237 those aren’t facts, all the info you got were from posts they put on here. You should come down to Mexico and see who controls what. Mayo threatened Mencho and he let go of the Chapos hahaha. He’s all talk

    16. @ mikiballs menchito still in jail so shttttttt!!!! dummy.

    17. @12:37 CDS has the control of tHe US market and traffick in almost every continent in the world . CJNG used to be CDS armed wing, facts son Mencho needs 30 more years in the game and then might challenge Mayo.

    18. 5:37 Ill say it one last time. Stay on topic and take your ADD meds cuz it sounds like you forgot to. We're talking about Culiacan and surrounding territories where plenty of mota is grown in nearby mountains.  This is what guzmanes are fighting for that mencho does not need. You mention cali weed, thats another topic, theres not an abundant market for that in northern sinaloa. And coke fazed out? Thats a novice comment.  Mota and coke users are everywhere. Heroin epidemics come and go but never outsell those. Anyway no point in arguing with someone that cant stay focused.

    19. Lol you must be from Michoacán. Fact of the matter is mencho is hot right now. But the Sinaloans are flying low and flood all of Chicago and New York, Jersey, Baltimore with heroin and fentynl. At the ended of the day the Sinaloans run the drug game bro, they been doing it for Decades

    20. I can only state facts about the heroin wholesale trade on the west coast is controlled by michoacanos I grew up in the bay area and I currently live in Portland OR. Michoacanos also move most of the bulk perico and Crystal. Crystal market is so flooded right now you can hardly give it away. U guys put too much emphasis on the cartel shit most of the work is moved by independent family s.

    21. @ 6:59
      You talk about the Bay Area and say the Michoacanos control the West Coast. Michoacanos in the Bay Area have a hold of Redwood City and Parts of San Jose yes, but they do not control The Bay Area nor the western states. Walk around the city of San Mateo and take a trip up to Stanislaus County or even Santa Cruz or Monterey Country. Look at the port of Oakland that is one of the most important and major ports on the Pacific Coast of the United States that have a strong connection to CDS operations from trafficking illegal goods to illegal drugs.
      If your from the Bay Area you know the housing market around the area. Chinese gangs are laundering drug money through Bay Area and Vancouver real estate for CDS.

      You live in Portland OR. It goes the same way in asian your neck of the woods.

      You go as far as LA Long Beach and even San Diego the Mexican cartels don’t have much control over the ports.The asian triads do. They also control chemical factories and are shipping narcotics, including fentanyl to Vancouver and to the major cities in Western states and washing the drug sales in British Columbia’s casinos and high-priced real estate, and transferring laundered funds back to factories to repeat the cycle. And who do the triads got an alliance with? Ask Chivis she can answer that question for you.

      -the guy who knows nothing

    22. Seattle, Tacoma, Spokane, Vancouver BC....all.flooded with CDS smack and meth.

    23. @elgranderojo you sure it ain't the beltrans smack and meth,they move heavy in all those areas mentioned

    24. 6:59 is right on the target.. I dislike some michoacanos but I have to agree, as a southern Hispanic michoacanos are providing most of the trade

    25. @12:48 he never stated michoacanos control the West coast... But as a southern Hispanic I know for sure they are sending a lot of goods.. And believe me they are no cb... Saludos a los maga....???

  10. I seen this as well on another site. They certainly look like they lack the experience but make up in numbers. Word is that they are taking over the huachicolero business from Guano. Where’s a marina helicopter when you can really use one?

    1. Or drones patrolling the skies?
      Goes to show military presence is bleak if any when it comes to who is protecting who!
      Government collision many will say. But reality is that government is the cartels.
      Any one with sense can figure that out.


  11. i love the accent they talk hella cute lol never new in mexico people had different accents
    Black Roses

    1. That applies to any country regardless of the language there is regional differences sometimes.I have trouble understanding Chilangos from Mexico City even though I lived there for 6 months compared to other parts of Mexico.I don't know if it's the accent or they just speak too fast but the latter for sure.

    2. Forget about the chilango accent, watch your wallet and keep away from the pickpockets.

    3. I found Canadians also to have their own personal characteristics. A client of mine is from Manitoba. Always so respectful and courteous. Something that says is one of fine characteristics of Canadians.


    4. 9:51 en cual esquina trabajas, E42?
      Must be real busy...

    5. @214 lmao get em!!!

  12. Nephew fighting his uncle, you know business is bad.. Not to long ago guano and chapo son were fighting too when chapo got locked up the 3rd time. Terrible, that family is all screwed up

    1. Guano is famous for the rescue of "El Kevin" in which several soldiers were killed. He has been fighting the Beltranes in the mountains. Everything I have read about him says he is a major prick.

    2. Guano is strung out on meth everyone in the cds knows that

  13. All of those losers in the truck will be dead within a year.

  14. I wonder what side EL Mudo is gonna choose. Chapo other brother

    1. 8:59 El Mudo can't say nothing.

    2. +3:18 I was waiting for that I set myself up for that one lol

    3. El mudo only talks with his chimuelo echando puros pedos.

  15. Holy shit that engraving work on that rifle stock is fucking sweet... y que suene chalino chingao!!

  16. If these guys can roll around like this, what is stopping terrorists from infiltrating these groups and doing real damage...

    1. hahaha these guys know all outsiders you dont just infiltrate them like that with random jihadis lmao some people man....

    2. These guys are about money not an ideology
      Terrorist sre asre about ideology,
      Narcos like el phoenix admired terrorist like bin laden but where simply fanboys, these guys are stupid but not stupid enough to let a terrorist organization join them, its too much attention too risky, they know they would have a new fight not against the mexican government but the american military that will go directly to them anywhere in sinaloa or mexico and destroy the shit out of them and the mexican government wont be able to protect them.
      And lets be realistic here, groups like isis kill in the name of islam, the guy on 9:21 says they wanna kill americans period, thats wrong, they have killed more european asian and african people than they have killed americans, they have killed more of their own people, more middle eastern people, more people of their own countries than they have killed americans. Theyre Theyre killing anyone not affiliated with islam or stleast their version of islam. Mexico is mostly catholic these guys i bet grew up on catholic families, if isis and them would come face to face isis would want to kill them rather than become allies

    3. 7:07 well, the Flores twins led Vicente Zambia Niebla by his ear, and recorded him asking for BIG BOMBS to the point that the CIA had to allow him to be busted by the DEA who also got El Chapo, and want all the other CIA jokers in Mexico to get their business back, I would suggest you don't even think of throwing rotten tomatoes these days, those powerful that most deserve them have told to punch you on the snout and "they will pick the bill"
      I hope raspberries are still safe legal and free privileged speech, like conspiring with Russians while getting taped by Obama...

    4. 2:25 question: how many people have all the mass shooters in the U.S. let know about their plans to commit those crimes? In other words how many other people knew about the crimes before they where committed? How much warning did they give before committing the actual crime? How many weapons did they have to aquire or how many where bombs?
      My point is if someone wants to kill people (innocents), they will do it and alone if they have to. To get a large group of people that have never been terrorists on the same boat and commit the same crimes is also almost next to impossible. The cartels have never joined with terrorists before that is why! What people that think like you. have is called paranoia.

    5. 2:25 Take your meds man, you are off your damn rocker. Rotten tomatoes russians and Obama..holy cow get this guy a doctor asap!

    6. "what is stopping terrorists from infiltrating these groups and doing real damage"
      Man o man,you couldnt make this shit up,infiltrating a Mex cartel,i dont know ?

  17. These cats are high on their own supply. That city is a war zone and the press is keeping quiet. The cops basically blocked off traffic so these narcos can ho and do their thing .

  18. Part 2 at 28 seconds. Pass me my gun so I look cool in front of the other guys....

    1. More like pass me your gun so i can look cool, your gun looks better than mine, unless he likes to be unprepared when heading to a gun fight

    2. Estas mal. De echo dijo asi.. Chale se bajaron con los rifles todos traen los rifles.. Como diciendo va haber accion. Y dice pasame el rifle

  19. That guys voice sounded crazy af lol

  20. Ciudad juarez shooting at Ole bar 2 killed 8 injured

    1. CDS aligned prison gang Artist Asassins infighting. They are pieces of shit anyways so nothing to worry about.

  21. I watched it twice and couldn't see the impressive numbers . Did see the big mounted gun . They don't look like wealthy drug traffickers . Looks like they blew their funds on these little SUV's and have nothing else to go into battle with . Either that or not expecting confrontation . If they run into the marines on the road , I put my money on the marines . They win 99.9% of the time anyway . Silly fuckers will get caught out and get cleaned out.

    1. uhh ok rambo. did you not see that modified AK or whatever it was with gold inscribings and a huge drum clip along with everyone wearing tactical vests. What more do you want, who else rolls around with mounted 50 cals lmao

    2. its called engraving and its called a magazine not a clip wtf

    3. Ok and is that gold going to make the ak better on the field?????

    4. 10:46 7:49 the marines know not to approach them and considering mr soldier of fortune wants to point out its called a magazine and not a clip (magazine is retarded af too since it doesn’t have pages but hey rednecks you do you) you'd figure your poser asses would know a modified .50 cal can eat thru certain if not most armor thats not on a tank. You dildos should focus more on the weaponry and not so much on clips and magazines.

    5. 1:36 Read the above comments bozo, he was saying they have enough money to have gold plated AKs, he wasnt talking about performance in the field. So many dumbasses on here its hard to take anyone serious.

    6. 5:49 are saying they are going to hynotize the Marines with the machine gun or the Marines gonna run away when they see tactical vests?
      See the video of what the Marines did to "H2" in Nayarit. They "make or break" you in the end.

    7. 749 Magazine and a clip are the same thing. "See de Ivan has a Banana clip on his vest".

    8. 6:42 the marinas dog pack are trained dogs that only attack when their corrupt master tell them to, or when they get real hungry and don't respect their commander in chief anymore,
      he is not watching anyway...

    9. AnonymousApril 22, 2018 at 10:46 PM

      true the marines ALWAYS win and why wouldn't they? they don't play. The only way cartels win against the marines is if they vastly out number them.

  22. En Culiacan se pasean siempre en carros brindados...Con sus pistolas por fuera y R-15 lavados...Amigos muy influentes tienen por todo el estado...Arriba mi Sinaloa...

    1. Ya cayese mejor y haga algo productivo en su vida y deje de andar con chingaderas. Por eso Mexico esta como esta, por tanto pendejo malparido como usted mi guey!

    2. Que orgullo... Mi sinaloa puro flojo que no less gustan trabajar. Dinero y Vida recia que no dura mucho

    3. Brindados porque son robados. XD.

  23. On video part 1 you could hear that guy hitting this cristal machin. Despacio pa que no aga llorar

  24. On the second video you can hear on the radio saying that they’re waiting on a convoy coming from guamuchil. They also mentioned gente de los Salazar. No question they were rolling deep.

  25. This is know where near Culiacan, hiding up in the mountains as usual, and they know the military is no where near their location.They may be young dumb and high but no mentally disabled.

    1. This is in Mojolo. North of culiacan. Not exactly in the mountains

  26. “Hoy nos toco andar patrullando”. - Sol Prendido

  27. El Guano will shut this shit down like Russell Westbrook

    1. El guano has no support in Sinaloa. Chapo was the only one protecting him

      -El Desconocido

  28. arriba El SR Ivan .

    el 5 de los Especial Forces Ninis

    1. These idiots wouldn’t last a day in a rivals territory the act tuff when they know no rivals are near them

    2. El 5 was Chino
      El NiNi is 09
      Why did you deny the first post Bb. It’s funny how you guys deny real info posts sometimes. You guys should let people that know about the Mexican drug war control the blog, not just anti American posters Jajaja

    3. 5:43 exposing the foreign and domestic enemies of America is not anti-american, on the contrary, there is no more American thing to do than exposing enemies of the People and their Republic.

  29. The convoy from Guamuchil is del McCormick y el Senor de las Tatemas. La Vagancia Sigue

  30. This would have been a good time, to load up the drone, with misses missile s, and blow up that convoy.

  31. They even took police lights and put them in thier car. Where are the Mexican Marines.

  32. It must be Ivan the one trying to get back into chihuahua along with los salazar after seeing and reading this trying to take out La Linea

    1. Ok.. They’re already in chihuahua

    2. They pass by chihuahua but don’t control it they alway end up going back to Sonora

  33. The mexican government could take these dudes out with a couple choppers and miniguns if they wanted.
    They easily know these large convoys movements and permit them to ‘rifar’ .

  34. Arriba la paz y tranquilidad de México. Muerte a los carteles y corruptos.

  35. Sinaloa cheerleaders will start yapping when I say that Guano was always the above chapo

    1. Oh rly? You know more than everyone combined even Mayo! Aparently you never read Mayos interview...LOL. Guano was nothing until Chapo got locked up then he started acting stupid. Stop trolling we aint stupid like you..Guano above Chapo...LOOOoOl!!

    2. Guano es libre y El Chapo

  36. Very polite of them to put on their flashers to advise traffic coming behind them to detour around their vehicles..

  37. Its a shame that most of these guys last thoughts when getting killed will be "why did i get in to this?" Sad

  38. Oh please leave Ivan alone. He doesn't bother anyone

  39. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. I think mencho is cute, just saying.. Stop hating guys, it's bad for your soul. Those michoacanos sure are crazy though, they make these guys look like amateurs, have you seen their videos? Crazy

    2. 1040
      Thats cold,lmao


    3. "everyone in the US think we all look like you"
      Funny shit that

    4. Haha spot on bro you see like you'd be my best friend

    5. Bunch of haters on here haha first sinaloa took over Guadalajara, now it's michoacanos running the show, hate it or love it but you can't do nothing about it but talk sh!t..

    6. Don't be STUPID, everybody already knows michoacanos run Jalisco cartel. No secret THERE

    7. 10:40 thanks you for the comments, it is a pity the comment was taken down and I don't save them

  40. Échale ganas menor lol

  41. I think the favorite phrase of all cartel members is "al la verga" all the videos I see them in that phrase is said multiple times.

    1. It's a vulgar phrase much like la gang members saying "foo"

  42. Why don't they act like that in Tijuana or colima where cjng is kicking their a$$ left and right. Cjng took cds last plaza in jalisco last year too in los altos.. That little pendejo won't last, mark my words.

    1. Of course B.B. would allow this comment, but denies real info.
      This site doesn’t provide accurate info. When you got mods controlling the comments and playing favorites.

    2. CJNG lost tijuana, once Changuito was sent down there. You haven’t heard a thing about CJNG making advances.

    3. They do act like that in Tijuana and Colima. CJNG is losing colima and in Tijuana they never had a chance

    4. Changito? Don't make me laugh. Cjng already has that city on lock, too much misinformation from the cds groupies

    5. 8:39 i live in TJ and word on the street corners is cjng is getting gaped out of TJ. Quit making up shit jalisco is done in tj. They dont run shit here and never did.

  43. El Guano just confirmed Paul George to the lakers

    1. We don’t need him. He’s only had one good game in the playoffs. Trust the process! Lonzo league mvp next year.

    2. Lonzo league mvp keep dreaming delusional laker fan 😂...10

    3. Please keep your football players outtahear,
      and don't make me come

  44. These people are so proud to be "Ivan's people" but Ivan doesn't even know their fucking names or give a shit about them or pay them well lmao

    1. Exactly lol they get peanuts

    2. you gotta start somewhere..and for some thats the best option for them to choose to provide for their growing family..its a known fact that Ivan and Alfredo are flush with cash that el chapo gained over the years..if i had to pick anyone to roll with joining ivan and alfredo seems to be the best bet as far as pay of the main factors that keep Los Chapitos faction remaining strong is that they have huge sums of cash hidden all around the world.

    3. @5:50 They sure do got a lot of cash Chapo ain't giving the U.S a dollar of what he earned with them

  45. What a boring life...tumbleweeds and all.

    Canadian girl

    1. Boring? not
      at all .

    2. I doubt its boring but its sure as hell short.

    3. Your little chicle would shrink to the size of a grain of rice if u experienced a few seconds of the adrenaline rush. Saludos muchahcha

  46. What's commandant perro have to say in all this

    1. Who do you think filmed the video?

  47. stand back everyone there's a convoy of low lives coming through...

  48. Nobody controls Tijuana like the arrelano Felix family did back in the 90's!. The only thing that's happening is that people are fighting over is about blocks of territories, like in Chicago. The people that are making money is the cartel that supplies the fuckin mules in the game! Not one cartel owns that city. The time & the game has changed. If you want to win that city you need to have the municipal, state, federal & politician on your side. And not piss-off the working class citizens. (Don't extort them or kidnap them).

  49. I don't get it when you die you die, that's a stupid statement.

  50. Bola de abusivos Vergas! Nomas quitandole las casas y los carros a la gente e imponiendo terror en los ranchos y poblados. Cuanta gente no se a ido pa culiacan o pa Sonora corriendole a la violencia que estos arremangados sin oficio Han causado en rancherias. Vallan y coman verga todos y dejen en paz a la gente pinches cristaleros cocainos y mariguanos!!

  51. Isnt Guano his real bro and Ernesto was half blood


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