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Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Tortured, raped, and disfigured: No arrests in the case of 6 murdered escorts

Translated by El Profe for Borderland Beat from Valor Por Tamaulipas
                        Las mujeres asesinadas en México en el último año
MEXICO - The murder count of escorts, four Venezuelans, one Argentine and one Mexican, continues without end in this country and already adds six in the last year, after the recent death of another Venezuelan named Kenny.

The murders of these women, in the framework of the wave of femicides that has shaken the country for at least a decade, have remained unpunished so far, despite its media impact.

The peculiarity of this new case is that Kenny, the Venezuelan, was burned with acid. It is not known whether before or after being victimized.

What is known is that her body appeared with traces of torture and her face completely disfigured and abandoned on public roads in the municipality of Ecatepec, one of the most dangerous areas of the State of Mexico, adjacent to Mexico City.

Kenny, 26, advertised herself, like the majority of the others in Mexico City and the State of Mexico, Puebla and Nuevo Leon, on the website known as "Zona de Divas."

The first investigations reveal that Kenny left for the weekend with some friends to an electronic music festival in the State of Mexico, but on last Friday she went out of communication with friends and acquaintances on WhatsApp.

Her friends revealed that she met the people she went out with through social networks, who hired her for an escort service and invited her to the electronic music event.

Numerous women are brought to Mexico from Central and South America with deception by networks of traffickers under the promise that they will work as models, but when they arrive they are forced to cover the expenses of their move with sexual services.

Kenny was considered a star of the internet portal and had numerous customers, which generated good profits for site administrators, according to her acquaintances.

It is the first time that one of the victims was found in an open area, as the rest were found in hotel rooms.

The deaths gained greater notoriety on the social media sites not only because they are in most cases foreigners, but because the phenomenon of feminicide in the country is on the rise.

The first femicide of women who apparently were engaged in offering high-level prostitution services through the internet, occurred on February 4, 2017 at the Príncipe de Escandón hotel in Mexico City, when the body of the woman was found. Venezuelan Wendy Vaneska, 26 years old.

The second occurred on April 13 at the Estadio hotel in the Roma neighborhood. It was also another 28-year-old woman identified as Katya, the only Mexican victim of this chain of homicides.

On November 17, the third murder took place, the victim being the Venezuelan Génesis, 24 years old, at the Venustiano Carranza hotel.

Adreina, a 27-year-old Venezuelan whose body was found on December 27 in the upscale section of San Pedro Garza García, State of Nuevo Leon, was the fourth victim.

However, she died when she left a nightclub and gunmen shot her from a moving car.

The fifth case corresponded to the Argentine Karen Ailen Grodziñiski, 23 years old, originally from the Chaco province town Presidente Roque Sáenz Peña. She appeared lifeless at the Pasadena Hotel a day later.

Finally came the case of Venezuelan Kenny, which appears as a real challenge to the authorities and is fueling again a strong clamor for justice because so far no one has been arrested for the six murders.

According to official figures, between 2004 and 2016 in Mexico, 26,266 women were murdered, of which 34 percent (8,913) could be classified as femicides. That is, they were victimized for the mere fact of being women, according to the organization Civic Data.


  1. Lie down with dogs get up with fleas.
    Easy money comes with a price.

    1. Not sure if you read the whole article, but they were lured to be models. After arriving and there were no modeling jobs they were given an ultimatum. They probably would have been killed if they did not go along with the criminals.

    2. At 419
      It doesn’t state tha they were lured but that it may have been the case. For the most part lots of escorts are independent due to easy clientele via internet. Some look like men and for many that is usually their demise as men think that there must be something unique about them that they can attract good looking woman even if they’re paying but usually can’t accept the fact that they slept with a man and seek revenge to hide their true feelings. It’s really not revenge but selfishness.

    3. Please show us exactly where in this article it states that these particular women were brought under those circumstances. Thanks.

    4. Good response 6:18 pm. I don't see why a call girl should be killed just because of what she do . They provide a service that's all .

    5. I guess I read this part and thought it stated they were lured in as models. My mistake. I still agree with 6:18 and these woman should not have been killed for any reason. This is where I became a little confused as it was written in the article.

      Numerous women are brought to Mexico from Central and South America with deception by networks of traffickers under the promise that they will work as models, but when they arrive they are forced to cover the expenses of their move with sexual services.

      I know this happens a lot that this statement is true, and it does happen a lot. Even worldwide.

  2. Feliz Día Mundial de las Mujeres
    Tomorrow is the worlds Day of the Woman.
    Lets hear from you, Women y Mujeres !

    1. Don't celebrate Yaqui, ORGANIZE,
      because men will never do anything for women, you have to do for the people, and don't let males corrupt you again.
      These women are all victims of exploitation, mistreatment and feminicide, but many are just disappeared and nobody is looking for them, the ones found dead from domestic violence are different from the ones murdered because they "stole too much business" from the competition, that is why the drive bys, others are just too pretty and too lovely to leave around for other Satyrs, this is not about celebrating the males posing as women, there really are some cute ones like my girl, "La Chole" and her chaparro she exploits to live like a Queen.
      --Escorts should take photos before going with customers, or not go at all, some people have recorded their abduction before disappearing, but the hypocrisy does not allow for the girls to organize in their own chicken ranch, the pimps have rights too.

  3. Bad news travels fast. In the cases of foreign women, you can't tell me that word hasn't trickled back of these sham offers of modeling. They sign up already knowing that "modeling" is a euphemism. But that doesn't mean they lack worth, or deserve an untimely violent death.

    1. Well put. They know there are risks. Serious risks. how many women put themselves in this game? coming to Mexico to model and make a life based on their sex appeal? Real risky business compa

    2. Sounds to me lie it could be the organization they are working for killing them . I truly hate a goddamned pimp . There should be a sanctioned season on killing pimps and no bag limit . Goddamned serial killers and pimps . Pieces of "humanity" that don't deserve the air they breath . LOW LIFE FUCKIN PIMPS .

  4. I think of my kid sister and its harsh, how these young these girls were... Nobody ever mentions these femicides in the media, it isn't right maybe they should start.

    1. We do. Check out my post from a few days ago, Feb 2.

    2. Spot on. Remember that in their short lives they were once adorable impish toddlers craving only love and acceptance from their parents. Upon reaching adulthood they are abruptly thrust into a cruel world, who can blame them for exploiting the only resource they have? And men can be snookered just as easily. Plus, like young male military recruits, I suspect that many women grasp any opportunity to escape dreary lives.

  5. There's no such thing as "feminicide" except for serving the purpose of giving women preferential treatment wich is why it was invented in the first place. They might aswell come clean and admit "yes we care more about women" because the arguments in defense for "feminicide" as a valid concept are so incredibly fucking thin the desperation ain't even funny anymore.

    1. 8:15 PM
      " There's no such thing as"feminicide" "
      Fuck off ballbag,are you the resident RIGHTS FOR MEN advocate. What the fuck is your game anyway?
      I care more for women than men,fuck us dudes,we should protect women because nature made us that way.
      DO YOU LIKE WOMEN?What is your point?

    2. @8:15 What is wrong with you ? What world do you live in your twisted mind ? NO ONE deserves to be murdered and god only knows what else happened to them before they were killed, the actually final straw was probably the good part of the nightmare.

    3. hear hear! @ Yaqui and 12:24

    4. Thanks @12:34 more men like you ! Like feckkkkkkkk that. How deplorable reading that idioes response

  6. Top left looks like a dude. That’s probably what caused all this.

  7. Im tellin you man,there are some fuckin idiots on here..Where the fuck do you all live?Do you all live perfect lives were everything is black and white,some here sound as though they don't like women.Cause a woman works this game some clowns here think they somehow deserve it.DOES A WOMAN DESERVE VIOLENCE OR KILLING IF SHE WEARING SKIMPY OUTFITS?Fuck outta here with the snide attitudes

    1. Yea there are some strange opinions on here . The mentality of some people . I guess that's why so many serial killer can operate in Mexico . People thinks the victims deserves it . Sure if these girls are engaging in sex for hire , they are putting themselves at risk . That in no way makes it ok for some sick bastard to kill them . It is a very twisted , sick and evil scumbag that gets his jollys that way . A person like this needs to be caught and shown to the world . Needs to be exposed as he is dealt with and processed .

  8. Natural selection...

  9. Some of the responses on here are heartbreaking, any murder is still murder, regardless of a womans career. The girls/women don't just wake up one day and decide to be prostitutes, they do it because they were either tricked, kidnapped or left with a great need for money that they feel they have no option. Do you really think they'd want to sleep with a dirty, sweaty old man if they had no other option?

    Instead of judging them, think of ways you can stop this cycle. Perhaps by educating your own children about the drug war and empowering them so that they aren't caught up in this cycle. Prostitution is one of the oldest careers and that gives nobody a right to judge or take their lives.

    1. Some of the response's piss me off and are naïve to say the least,your right I'm sure the girls love going with stinky fat dudes and the like(sarcasm) The attitude's on view show a certain level of indifference and other things. These poor girls were MURDERED no matter how they earned a living ?

    2. These girls are not model material, the odds are they were not recruited as models...They were probably recruited/hired under false pretenses. Let me make my self clear, I have done work with Non-Profits, NGO's and even regional autodefensa groups in different parts of Mexico. I have rescued 4 girls directly and 18 indirectly. 5-10 percent of sex workers are trafficked. They usually have some one go to their shit town where their from... Some times even one of their friends will be it.... They went to Mexico and worked as a..........if its a tourist area? Waitress "as the tips are amazing I mean the Americans just throw money at you" Garbage like that....The girls will come from super desperate a in shack no furniture..The lies get them there the Meth keeps them there...Plus they let them send a pittance back home. They want out, beat them up, they tell any one, kill them... The A-hole my crew and I caught up with that was going all over Mexico, only mistake we made was not bury him...From what we gather there is s system...he prettier ones ended up in Cancun, Cabo or Vallarta the less attractive ones to border cities. This guy was charming, articulate, educated and well spoken.....He turned himself in to the Pin(bought himself in we think)... (Paid to go to jail paid his protection) He thought we forgot about him...He is in Vallarta right now he tried going to a few ranchos in Zac to get some girls. Not proud of this but ni modos, we have his step daughter and Bio Daughter located one in California the other in Mexico City. He has been warned one more girl....We send goons for his...that has been the only thing keeping him at bay right now... These guy are animals.....

  10. 2:45 . I don't know anything about what his family does but kidnapping his family puts you in the same classification as him . He is the one that owes .

    1. I have worked in Orphanages, I have done the Christian Ministry thing, I have done the NGO thing. You want them to stop? "Whatever you do to these girls we do to yours" That's it, truth be told I could never bring myself to such things, but there are plenty of people out there who have been directly affected by this come that will refer to the Old Testament. Sometimes you have to speak a language they understand. If you are going to be a monster just be a pragmatic one.

  11. The internet is a bit like primitive telepathy, you get to hear how ugly and vicious the normal thoughts of humans are. - SKR

    - Sol Prendido

  12. If you cant get laid and need hookers fine. But why the hell kill them. Even more why the hell torture them. Some sick fucking animals in mexico!!

  13. Where are you from to criticize Mexico? Why even comment about Mexico then? Why do you care?


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