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Saturday, March 3, 2018

4 police imprisoned while legal process begins in case of three missing Italians

Chivis Martinez from Milenio

According to the Attorney General of Jalisco, Emilio “N”, Salomon “N”, Fernando “N”, and Lidia “N”, will remain in custody for one year as investigations continue.

The Prosecutors Office of Jalisco, linked four policeman of Tecalitlán Public Security Police force,  to the investigation into the disappearance of three Italians, Raffaele Russo, Antonio Russo, and Vincenzo Cimmino, who were detained by the four police on January 31st and never seen again.

The suspects will remain in custody for at least a year while investigations continue.

According to relatives, Raffaele Russo was the first to disappear, so his son and nephew went in search of him.  It was then the family received a WhatsApp message that the police were forcing them to follow their motorcycles and squad car. They also disappeared.

The family says that Raffaele had been living in Mexico for a “few months”.

CJNG controls the area that the men disappeared in.


  1. I don't think anyone can bring the men back at this point .It's too late but whether their corpses are found might help the foreign families for closure.

  2. people are not safe anymore not even foreigners who this cartel name jalisco and their coward lider from michoacan operated killing kids and babies woman for nothing smh

    1. An American doctor was just beaten to death in Puerto Vallarta.

    2. Not for nothing homie. For a shit load of money. And Italians in Jalisco in narco Jalisco, yea ok I’m sure they just went there for tequila. Wise up son.

    3. Cjng is asking pena nieto come get me

    4. 8:05 CJNG is EPN, EPN is CJNG.

  3. omg what were they doing in Mexico. It is not safe there

    1. They were mugging off CJNG selling crap fake equipment to them, as one does.

    2. I feel safer here in Mexico than I do in the states. But of course I don't sell drugs or knock off tools. These guys were totally involved in illegal business dealings. Lie down with dogs, get up with fleas.


    4. The same goes for the US 10:27. 99% of the people in the US are safe unless you are involved in drugs or gangs. Yes we have mass shootings but obviously you would more likely die in a car crash these days. The only reason a person like you should feel unsafe in the US is if you are a islamic terrorist, a documented MS-13 gang member or an immigrant who can’t re-enter the US legally. Which one are you?

    5. Or You Are Fighting for human rights. Freedom of speech or beeing involved in digital rights. Maybe even of You dont like nra or donald. Easy minded ppl make america great

  4. One year in custody for at least a year for the arresting officers?
    after one year they will go free when the scandal is forgotten.
    Meanwhile, no progress in the questioning of the arresting officers, who cares who ordered them to do the trabajito or their phone records,
    Being a politician instead of a policeman is what is fk

    1. Thinking the same about what will transpire.
      A little vacation for the officers with monetary compensation for family and his well being.
      Nothing will come of investigation.


  5. So the question is, where they innocent or nah?

    1. The Colombianization of Mexico would include fabricated guilty parties and "false positives", positive positives, positive negatives etc and then go into the triples and quadruple tables, never into the truth.
      That includes colombian election hackers, the specialty of JJ Rendon, Colombian too.
      "Alvaro Uribe: The Most Dangerous Man in Colombian Politics"
      By Maria Alexandre Silva, Research Associate at at the Council on Hemispheric Affairs.
      --includes some analysis of the consequences of militarizing of the country, specially when financed by washington...mexico''s problem, compound ed by complicity with fearsome cartel groups sponsored by EPN, his narco-governors, military zone commanders, police chiefs, or municipales, all part of a rotten government installed and supported by Washington dc, who knows no shame.

  6. Those police have families and believe me.... No one is talking.

  7. This is getting bad. Someone knows something. I'm reading a book called Taken. It comes out to be that many of the disappearances are not related to the cartel. They are related to small time gangs who have no work from the cartel so they supplement their income by kidnapping. Not that cartels don't kidnap. It's usually the low level gangs and sometimes police are in on it.

    1. as if these guys were tourists....

    2. I believe it, think about it, what are the ramifications? Unfortunately the cartels have to be the one's to police these guys. They do, no doubt, sad for people to have to just get used to it. Kids and people not associated with politics or cartels - getting taken - are the ones that really make it disturbing.

    3. TAKEN is fiction, pura pinchi propaganda comunista,
      real kidnappers do not last long on the us or in mexico, unless they are experts trained in the best schools of the assassins with israeli mossad agents helping the training and blackwater interrogation experts tactics, they all make a lot of money, share it and make sure of impunity for their well organized brethren, tghere are some israeli former mossads wanted in colombia for some shit like that

  8. Moral of the story is don’t fuck with the cartels. The Mexican cartels lord (rule, for those of you that don’t understand certain words) over the Italians in the evil department. The evil that they commit can only be matched by Isis. - Sol Prendido

    1. actually, the cartels got the beheading idea from the Taliban.....

    2. They actually got the Idea (part of their training) from the Kaibiles.

    3. Beheadings have been recorded as far back as biblical times. John the Baptist was beheaded because of a woman’s wish. It’s really nothing new. Nor is it confined 2 one group of people. Very unfortunate that it happens 2 anyone. - Sol Prendido

  9. These cartel homies dangerous asf..dont play games!

  10. And Isis is an offshoot of the Taliban. - Sol Prendido

    1. ISIS and the Taliban are inventions of the creators of Weapons of Mass Distraction who have gone from rags to riches since: "Rat Bastard" Roger Stone forced the Florida to throw the election to the Supreme Court that started the 100 years war on the middle east terroristas...
      --The US has even paid British propagandistas to make fake news videos of beheadings by ISIS and other terroristic attacks from "assad" to force INTERVENTION that keeps blackwater heirs well fed and fat in steroids and meth to carry on...

  11. Fuck them,they are no good anyway,in Italy,in Mexico,in any part of the world,lowest of the low the Italian Mafias

  12. Selling so called inferior equipment and machinery in Mexico deserves kidnapping?. Possible death sentence?. Really?.

  13. Typical Mexican comments blaming the Italians and ALWAYS the US. As usual it's no fault of Mexico and the Italians deserve it. Blah, blah, blah. Same old story.

    1. 5:17 typical, Doña Malinche, you always blame the Aztecs and never the foreign devils that got their asses in the lion's mouth, Italians in Mexico are like emperor Maximiliano de Habsburgo's left behind trash,
      then the mafioso spaghetti benders come looking for some?

  14. Does this mean that Mexico only manufacturers the highest grade machinery? Yet are so offended by inferior quality? It certainly must.

  15. Its Italys fault, Greece, France , the UK,Europe, Asia, all the Middle East, Africa, India, US, and Canada, for all the drugs Mexico and South America smuggle. All the world's drug addicts are to blame for all of Mexico's problems. And Mexico is completely innocent of anything whatsoever. That is what this bb site keeps saying over and over. Like all Mexico are the victims.

    1. 5:35 guess what, no Mexican banksters have ever been fined 600 million dollars for money laundering,..
      by US government agencies, that once fined Trump's Taj Mahal about 250 million dollars for money laundering which caused him to steal all he could and leave his partners there holding on to the shitty end of the stick and led to the fantastic abandoned ruin Taj Mahal is now...
      --HSBC, BCCI, CITY, CHASE, SANTANDER, DEUTSCHE BANKS may have Mexican funds, but no mexican partners or owners,
      --then there are the Russian Banks with wallets open for any Benedict Arnold wannabe, specially American, from the US...

  16. Italians weak ass shit nowdays! Mexicans run the show!

    1. 7:39 ain't that true?
      problem is others get to keep all the motherfackin' money, why?
      Just because they spaik inglish?

  17. Did they ever find the three meatballs

    1. --Michael Francese (the man who taught the Russian Red Mafiya to be like "smart" American gangsters) of the Colombo Family, a survivor, living free unlike the genoveses, Fat Tony Salerno, Paul Castellanos, John Gotti, and a few others got imprisoned for life incommunicados to help them stick to Omerta, same thing happened to Manuel Noriega and now El Chapo, some people really know how to stick it to their Goombas...

  18. Mexico has only the highest standards when it comes to equipment and machinery.

  19. They had been found chopped up and buried on the outskirts of town


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