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Thursday, February 8, 2018

Coahuila: Prison Chief caught on camera holding a weapon to the head of the prison dentist

Posted by LeChef for Borderland Beat  from Vanguardia

Israel Frias Luna, director of the Social Reinsertion Center (CERESO) of Torreón, has been relieved of his post

The State Security Commission clarified that Israel Frias Luna, director of the Center for Social Reinsertion (CERESO) of Torreón, has already been removed from his position, after the director appeared in images, threatening a doctor with a weapon while the two were the Coahuila prison.

On social networks, the images began circulating in which the prison chief appears in one of the images drawing his charge gun, and in a second image where it is placed on the head to Dr. Magadan, who is a dentist inside the prison. 

José Luis Chapa Reséndiz, Coahuila state security commissioner, reported that Frías Luna was immediately removed from his position as director of the Torreonense Cereso and is placed under investigation by the internal control body.

 "Any element of the State Security Commission that acts outside the law will be punished according
to law, we are now investigating, if there is any culpability, this person will be punished," he said.

Chapa Reséndiz indicated that, Frías Luna, depending on the results of the investigations, could face an investigation by the Public Prosecutor's Office for  possible criminal conduct.

The official confirmed that the person works as a dentist in the prison.

"Dr. Magadan works with us, he is a dentist at the center, he is the one who takes care of the inmates and until now we do not know the caused the incident but the investigation is already underway.

The people of the internal control body since yesterday (Tuesday) and all day today (Wednesday) was taking statements from the administrative staff, including Dr. Magadan himself to clarify the facts, "said Chapa Reséndiz.


  1. Removed from his position?? They should have gave him a jumpsuit, sandals and a blanket. bY_mE

    1. bY_mE right?? Wtf!! They might investigate him. Once again, you reap what you sow Mexico. All is well here in the US. Feelin safe and sound.

  2. Probably knows too much for the wardens liking...

  3. Very sad but not surprising. Saludos a la comarca lagunera from the Windy City.

  4. Will the Chief get a slap on the wrist, and be told to be careful nest time. I understand corruption, runs rampant in the Mexican prisons.

  5. Expect no response from the doctor of what transpired. His better judgment knows what consequences lies ahead in a country of a corrupt system.
    Suggest a transfer of employment elsewhere.

    1. The warden will order, one of the prisoners to go kill him, possibly behead the denist too.

    2. Que le arranquen el jundillo a mordidas de perro a este pinche warden. Hijo de su puta madre!

  6. Now, that's survival of the fittest. Who wouldn't love to do that to the union leaders and put thosetcommunist in their place

    1. Of course, yes, the corrupt lazy dumb arse shoots the educated honest doctor.
      What a great outcome for society.
      If that's your version of good, me and the rest of the sane people will take Communism.

    2. You have no clue buddy. 9:53...get back into the closet until someone tell you to come out.

  7. That's a sorry ass boss...if he ever needed medical assistance, the dentist would probably be his best option, next to a doctor.

  8. Wouldn't it make more sense to put this guy in jail until the investigation is over. If I were the dentist I'd be fearing retribution.

  9. Dang those Mexicans are gangtas!

  10. a SHITHOLE!

    1. After 11 years of war i think u r right

    2. 12:39,so is your so called mouth!

    3. Oh because american cops are the most efficient law enforcement in the world.
      How many private corporate prisons is MAGA planning to build in order to keep being number one in having the highest inmate population and free labor??

    4. There is a known effective way to stay out of jail... don't break the law! It's pure asshattery to blame the cops for arresting people who break the law, or to be angry at a judicial system that punishes those same people for the crime(s). If the cops come to talk or arrest you for something you didn't do, don't fight them and don't run. Don't hide that "buddy" of yours that you know committed a crime, it makes you an accessory and they can charge you for that.

      Do I pity people in situations where they feel crime is the only way to get ahead? Yes. BUT it is a bullshit excuse in the U.S. when so many people have managed without resorting to criminal activity. Thomas Sowell, Herman Cain, Dr. Ben Carson, Allen West; perhaps you have heard of them? Maybe Barack Obama, Loretta Lynch, Eric Holder, John Conyers, Sheila Jackson Lee?

      There are jobs everywhere, if people are willing to move (most people aren't), most of them don't even need a college degree. Keep your nose clean until you graduate high school and join the military; the Army at least is almost always hiring. Be willing to leave those stupidly high cost of living cities like Chicago and New York, you'll have a much better chance of getting ahead in life.

      My dad worked his ass off for 13 years to get us out of a bad neighborhood. He managed it, and nowhere along the line did he think he was owed anything from the rest of society because of where he was or how he grew up. I've been unemployed twice in the last decade (once for nearly 2 years), but never felt I needed to turn to crime. I was, and still am, willing to move where the work is.


    5. I get where you are coming from in staying away from crime and what not. But there are countless cases of police officers in the U.S. being heavily involved in corruption. Just recently there was a group of officers in Baltimore that got busted planting evidence and selling guns/narcotics back on the street.. On top of that, the Prison Industrial Complex is a GIGANTIC problem here in the United States.


    6. 7:13 how come you are not a presidente?
      Is it perhaps that you blew your FOUL AS A SHIT HOLE PIE HOLE before it was time?
      your personal anecdotary is worth knowing and sharing, but by no means representative of the whole American Police Corps, some of which died like heros on WTC, but surely were no saints.
      --Berne B. Kerik of the rudi giulianni jet set of abusers who ended in prison himself after being police commissioner in New York city presided over the elite police unit that murdered Amadou Diallou hitting him with 19 bullets of 41 fired at him for looking like a rapist...his family got 3 million "settlement"
      --Torturing Abner Louima by raping him with a broken broom stick and then forcing Mr Louima to smell it took more determination from the offending police officers, Louima was awarded 9 million dollars, how much would you take from your saintly police officers?
      Trayvon Martin was murdered by a self appointed "captain" of the neighborhood watch, that pursued him like a crazy drugged pervert that now brags about his kill on gun shows...
      --george zimmermann is a total POS JUST LIKE YOU, also armed with fire and fury.


  12. Keep up the good work, Mexico!

    1. 2:06 sure will bro, come and visit soon, we'll make you barbecue or pozole, what would you want? Carniasada?

  13. Let me play devils' advocate, all we see is the Warden with a gun to the Dentists head. What if the Dentist was smuggling contraband? What if the Dentist was helping the bad guys inside? There are alot of scenarios.....We don't know, again I know it looks bad, but I imagine being a warden of any Prison in Mexico is not an easy job or for the faint of heart. Again I don't know, maybe they had a personal feud, I just remember the age old adage. "Don't believe what your hear and half of what you see"

    1. Hey devils advocate . He drawed his gun on the dentist inside the prison . Then put it to his head . Ok say I only believe half of that . I am not sure when in any law enforcement , prison guard situation that it would be appropriate to use exactly this form of control . Let a video similar to this get out here in the USA of a police officer detaining a suspect in this manner . Ad a little to it and make the cop white and the suspect a minority .Right there a huge section of the city goes up in smoke and many major violent assaults . Anyway , I have to give mexico this . evil prison officials aren't just in mexico . They are everywhere . But the dentist ? Bet the warden was getting pressure because some gang member wasn't getting what he wanted from the dentist.

    2. Yeah yeah.., my espousa didnt cheat, she was drinking... grass is always greener.. he really didn't break the law... it's only a little white lie... get your head outta the sand??? It's on tape and he pulled a gun on the dentist because of corruption...

    3. 2:15 There are processes that deal with corrupt prison employees, and there are corrupt mafiosos that put themselves above the law, draw guns on employees and prisoners, kill associates with baseball bats at dinner in front of every body or follow and stalk their rivals and opponents while they deliver political speeches.
      --Even in mexico, there are internal affairs procedures and they are not optional...STFU

  14. En Mexico cualquier pendejo con pistola se cree la gran cagada.

    1. In 'Merica, we are afraid to leave our house without a gun. Infact we are afraid to walk inside our homes without protection, ol gah-briel might be plotting.

  15. Enough with the "Mexico is a shithole" Any of us would get pissed off hearing people say that about whichever country we are all from,doesn't get us nowhere except a lot of fuckin arguing,so can we give it a miss on here for fucks sake ?

    1. I understand your frustration, its a narco blog ffs.

    2. 5:00 Former president of mexico Vicente Fox alias LA Chachalaca said it best:

  16. The doctor is a death man. If I was in his shoes I would move asap. I lived in Michoacan for a 15 years doing PGR and the other 15 in tijuana with a business of carniceria of 4 legged animals. The point I'm trying to make. "Muerto el perro se acaba la rabia" while working the beat I meet lots of criminals and some sicarios that would kill or spray your house or car with a ak47, anyone for the right price. In Mexico the law applies to those that have money to push the "los peritos judiciales , el investigador ,el jusgado" but everyone in the profession knows some one that take the "chisme las novedades" back to whom ever for $300 dolares. Mexico is not the USA or Canada or Europe. Around here Plata or plomo is the rule of law. Is only when the press or mayor scandals get out off hand justice is served to quiet the people down. The easy way to quiet the doctor up is to take pictures of his family and pay them a visit late at night with a flashbang grenade through the window to let them know what's up. And if the doctor wants to play hard ball take the wife or kids for few days to show who is boss.I put some sound track music to give you an idea of who the poor dentista is dealing with

    1. 5:08 I am sure you could use a lot less space and name a criminal or two from your 15 years serving on michoacan that never made the news or the arrest warrant lists...
      --like Francisco Sahagún Baca...

    2. 722 pm...Mira niño si Quieres mirar al paco ve para sahuayo al Rancho de las ranas...Pues bien, sucede que Francisco Sahagún Baca, fue jefe de la desaparecida Dirección de Investigaciones para la Prevención de la Delincuencia (DIPD), que formaba parte de la agrupación policiaca cuyo Titular FUE EL TRISTEMENTE CELEBRE Arturo Durazo Moreno, durante el sexenio del presidente José López Portillo.

      En el panteón de Sahuayo, Michoacán, hay un sepulcro que tiene inscrito el nombre de Francisco Sahagún Vaca, pero todo indica que el deplorable personaje que se supone debería estar enterrado en el lugar sigue vivo y protegido por algunos pistoleros en uno de los ranchos de su propiedad cerca del cementerio. Esto comentan algunos lugareños otros dicen que aún se dedica al tráfico de estupefacientes, ¿quién sabe? Te animas a rascar le panza al coronel?????? Mira lo que le Paso a los 14 suda americanos en aquel tiempo los mando a nadar al rio eran muy Buenos para flotar.

  17. Clock his strides,the warden going john travolta

  18. That prison chief should run for president

  19. I have reading about these drug grangs fo a least a 11 years. Guess this is the norm for Mexico

    1. 4:36 the prison warden is no drug gang member pendejo.
      He is a corrupt law enforcement officer like Arpaio, Oliver north, julian leyzaola, bernie kerik, bernudez zurita or El Rambo de tijuana de Graco Ramirez.

  20. That'll teach the dentist to show up late to work. Not on my shift!

  21. My compliments to the gentleman talking about working hard to get ahead not that anyone reading it will do it but he is right keep the good work and the real tough guy is the the one that works hard not like the DUMBASSES that idolize narcocorridos and that crap that's why Mexicans get a bad rap in USA because of idiots like that and as for the stupid Moreno cops who got caught in Baltimore they couldn't handle Rags to Riches idiots.we have those in our own race too.

  22. The ridiculous price of dental work will make a man do that.

  23. Those Fatties are tough!!!!
    Quick more Manteca on his burritos!!!


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