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Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Reynosa: "Scorpions of the CDG" against Sedena leaves 1 soldier dead and 5 wounded

Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat from VXT

Reynosa, Tam.- A strong deployment by elements of the Ministry of National Defense is recorded this afternoon at a maquiladora company called Kimball Electrónicos de México.

An armed commando of the CDG Escorpion group attacked elements of SEDENA in the Colonia Nuevo Reynosa, resulting in 6 wounded elements; one of them died while receiving medical attention.

The six elements of the 19th Motorized Cavalry Regiment of Sedena,  were transferred to receive medical attention.

And this regarding the murder of Comandante Panilo

The betrayal and murder of Comandante Panilo

From Reynosa codigo rojo RCR

"El comandante Panilo, [Petronilo Moreno Flores, alias el "comandante Panilo"] was killed in the daytime yesterday,  he was betrayed by Miguelito Metro 56, choco metro 90 and chiricuas 85,  in a meeting at his ranch in el ejido “el Charco”.  

They have no idea  what they unleashed.  People will come from Coahuila, Monterrey and other states to support the relatives of Panilo. Tijerina and his brother will avenge his murder.  They will come from Matamoros and Guerrero, people people with whom he had dealings with, avoid going out because beginning today they began arriving and it will be a bloody mess.  The order is to fuck those who betrayed Panilo.

We're gonna miss him. He was a good boss and here we come."

Additional photos of the clash yesterday


  1. Dicen que en el codigo rojo de Reynosa que al panilo lo triaconaron y que le dieron cuelllo,.

    1. I added confirmation from codigo rojo

    2. Great article on on the theft of oil and the cost to the Mexican people...not trying to prooted the website just pass along the article...

    3. Im just waiting for the person who writes Juarez de Cabeza Cagadas de Vaca to say he was warned on Cogido Rojo LMAO ... Narco-mierda-cracia!!!

    4. escorpionnes de tony tormenta are shooting it up in revenge for the murdering of panilo, many people say they are francisco javier cabeza de cagadas de vacas' gang, he was sponsored for reynosa mayor by Osiel cardenas guillen himself and now is a "governor", maybe you know better than opening the yapper "just because".

  2. The music sounds middle eastern

  3. Definitely signs of a time in Mexico of a broken society structure. Where 500 years of rule of law have met an obstacle. Shaking the foundations of ethical and moral values in a country where it’s citizens have suffered far too long.

    God help these people.

    1. 12:02 500 years of European rule. 2 revolutions and still nothing has changed. Its Culture destroyed and its people enslaved. Hey but you gained from them losing everything didn't you.

    2. @ 12:52
      Implications of such magnitude are uncalled for. Moreover, unclear and unjustified.
      Unless that magic crystal ball of yours sees something I don’t see?
      Revolutions , revolts or wars have not Benefited my pockets. Education and dedication is what has given many here a share of the American pie. Doubt that your generosity is far from overwhelming to sustain your assumptions.

      So you can place blame on your electoral officials if you feel deprived!


    3. @E42, crystal ball?? don't you mean to say Crystal Meth? As long as there's so much meth in circulation, Mexico will continue to sink lower and lower. Mark my words, it's already well under way

    4. 12:02 the fracking about to start, less tamaulipecos needed, and no Mexicans will own shit from all that fracking, only perhaps maybe US BORN Francisco Javier Garcia Cabeza de cagadas de vacas from tejas, the former Reynosa Mayor osiel used to finance that has been sticking it to all his narcos to preserve his respectability, maybe all the way to Los Pinos.
      --Panilo could have left his diary somewhere, check his e-mails.
      --Nice to see how a real ambush against the melitary works, it looks a lot different than when the melitary just stages ambushes to cover up their motherfacking murdering.

    5. E42 you wasn't alive when the US started financing the Mexican independence of 1810, or the revolution of 1910, but you are alive to witness this one that has been going on since the 80s, try and open your eyes, intend of your maff, this may be your only chance for some real life education so you can stop belittling a people that is not all narcos and assassins, but live on a land "somebody" wants for all the fracking.
      --Check, honey, do not just lick your dog food platter.

    6. @9:05
      I’m aware of history and it’s injustices. Still see no reference to benefiting my pockets as u indicate. Rather this sense of discontent that u bear to those who contribute to selling out your country.
      As for belittling Mexican citizens in my comments? U are so wrong! Its those rats in official statuses and it’s criminal organizations which I condemn so dearly. Moreover, those that aid and abet such behavior.

      As for fracking? I am aware of the environmental impact applied to this. This practice made my family sell a 50 acreage ranch in Texas past year. A recommendation strongly suggested by oneself due water source are wells.

      So honey, Licking bowls or platters is a thing of the past. Evolution has taught us to walk on all fours.

      My comment was pertaining to unwanted social behavior and an obstacle causing havoc.

      Enjoy your day

    7. Ohh mi ruka,not the old US-Mexican independence bollocks ? Ever heard of floggin a dead horse or is it donkey? Man you flog anything US

    8. Mills is at it again

    9. 12:54 12:55 you been looking sooo pretty all this time you have been silent, but this new war on tamaulipas since the 80s is not a dead horse, it is 37 years old too, wonder why it doesn't just get done with? hypocrisy?

  4. No way would i assume leadership of one of these cartels most who do end up dead im good working 5 to 5 at least i know my 401k getting fat and I'll grow old with my beautiful wife better than living on the run from the law the rivals and sometimes even their own. If i could tell these kids one thing is i do understand why they join i wish however it were different. There aren't many jobs that will get a young man out of poverty and the illusion of new cars new clothes big homes and lots of money look pretty damn good but it's not like that at all most the time they dont even get to live in the big home they need to stay on the go always hiding the new cars get taken away because they're stolen and money only the one's at the top see any money the new clothes is usually what they die wearing. Now why doesn't Mx run anti-narco commercials like US does with just say no MCGruff and the dont fry your brain the dont smoke commercials they do keep some kids from using drugs maybe they'll keep some kids from becoming future sicarios and some is better than none.

    1. The "just say no" is bs. And the USA is the number one consumer of drugs. Heck not even Europe during the 70s and 80s had a opiate epidemic as bad as the USA has today.

    2. "Just say no" didnt work in the US for drug use. The US had some of the highest drug use rates it's ever had during the nineties after that phrase. You honestly think it would work for mexico in terms of cartel employment?

    3. 1:45 you might want to rethink that,tons of crystal meth is staying in mexico,along with other hard drugs,Mexico might eventually become its worst enemy,my bad I think it already has....Good day...

    4. 1:45 - Yeah i dont know for sure, but the opioid problem in the U.S. is probably as bad as it's been in the world since the Opium wars. However, I will say Europe(especially the U.K.) seems to be more Cocaine crazed then the U.S. is currently.


    5. Mexicos drug consumption goes up big every year. Soon Mexico will have a worse problem then the US.

    6. "Just say yes" to prohibition of unwarranted whining

    7. just say NO to holocaust deniers, always ready to deny history to justify their agenda full of twisted points of view that make it easy for history to repeat itself.

  5. People here forget that many CDG/Z cells have been in a world of hurt for almost 2 decades. They can perfectly live in la sierra madre mountains or the southern jungle like guerilla and strike under their own terms whenever they want.
    CJNG or any other millennial cartel do not.
    So yea, cdg might not be moving as much product as before but they know how to survive without governments aid. Can CJNG and pacific cartels say the same? Doubtful, they're NOTHING without the government.

    1. The Beltran/ Mazatleco/ Mochomera do the same they been fighting everyone for ten years and the government has pressed them hard as well if this is about Tamaulipas being harder then any other state then stop because Jalisco, Sinaloa, Michoacán have all had their valientes and cobardes so stop all that nonsense about the pacifico

    2. ALL cartels pay the local government if not they will be completely dismantled

  6. OH MY these are some bad hombres

  7. I suppose elements means soldiers!!!

    1. you get a gold star. But it is a member of an force. they are elementos or elements. it could be navy, or even of the attorney generals office.

    2. If it is Mexican armed forces they are excrementicious POS's at the service of their masters EPN, El PRI and El PAN.

    3. "I suppose elements means soldiers!!!"

      No,its the very fine wire in a light-bulb..

  8. 1 soldier down while 11 sicarios been killed by the soldiers.

    1. Un dato importante, me lo paso alguien del mañana, fueron 18 elementos heridos y 8 muertos por los del gobierno. Y gente de los malos fuerom mas de 26.

    2. El saldo real no lo estan enseñando.

  9. Replies
    1. I luitenent from Nuevo Leon

    2. "Who’s Tijerina?"

      The guy next to me in the picture

  10. Was he related to M3?

    1. He was a sicario for M3 back in the m3 regime

  11. Quien es el escorpion 89?
    Who is this scorpion 89?

    1. mano derecha del contador cardenas


    3. 8:57 q paso con escorpion 2 o el diablo gente del tyson?

    4. 12:12

      A todos esos se los fumaron, en el cdg hacerte comandante es firmar tu sentencia de muerte y no por los contrarios, si no por tus mismos disque amigos. Lo mismo pasa con el CDN y Z. Estos 3 bandos tienen gente pero entre ellos mismos se matan. No aprenden al modelo de los de Juarez, union, control y negocio. Analizando esta,guerra desde hace 10 años, los que se ven y operan mas estructurados son los de Juarez (linias). Cuando as escuchado que los de Juarez tengan conflictos internos? Nunca. Ellos siguen protejiendo sus zonas a capa y espada, y hace unos meses empesaron a entrar a coahuila por el oeste.

    5. El Sr. Cortez no es parte de la familia Cardenas pero siempre han trabajado juntos desde que El Sr. O andava libre.

  12. “en los pueblitos del norte siempre ha corrido la sangre”

  13. As of right now the firefight still continues. People of Reynosa are reporting 50 to 100 trucks marked "Grupo Escorpiones" rolling around the city. There objective is to revenge the death of Panilo against Metro 56 "Miguelito" Metro 85 "Chiricuas" Metro 55 "Manuelito" Metro 90 "Choco" Metro 21 "Wero Chuyito" and "Boludo".

    1. Párese que dicen que andan a la orden del Señor Cortez

    2. Sounds like a cluster fuck. Military helicopters blasting all these clowns would be nice.

    3. All those people betrayed this guy? Dude was probably a d**k

    4. I thought that el boludo was killed by el toro for killing his brother beto. So is this a new guy? As for panilo el m100 he shld not stopped fighting after el metro 28 got shot or killed by his own guys. He shld of killed them all and replace them with his own guys. Also what happened to betito and lokillo are they alive or did they get killed and no one said anything?

    5. A special unit that has misses, and is not corrupt with the government, should fire the hellfire missle at criminal groups, of 20 or more cars. This way less innocent people get killed. I know already government, will not go for it, as they want crime to never stop.

    6. Escorpiones were most definitely working with Panillo,if anything Panillio wasnt treacherous enough like all the other rats,he picked up punteros and halcones of Pelochas and didnt kill them,apparently he let them go cause they are working caught up in this shit.Pelochas must be hiding like a rat

    7. Isnt there a war going on ZACATECAS right now too ?
      CJNG have released videos of Talibanes they have caught and interrogated naming names of police,the Talibs have also been picking people up who they say are CJNG and left them cut up with mantas

    8. Loyalty in mexico is none existant.

    9. 11:11 En Zacatecas los talibanes esos son mas un grupo de secuestradores, no mueven ni un gramo de sal. El fuerte del CdG es el F1, quien fue capturado y puesto en libertad otra ves........ El F1 fue gente del Goyo (M2), y luego del Hummer (que en dos años mas sale de la sombras), tiene su historia ese personaje.

    10. No era el hummer perdon era el Z que agarrarom como el 2006 en monterrey o rwynosa, que tatiana cantaba en fiesta de su hijo.

    11. 7:56 anybody working military or police for the mexican government at any level is working for EPN and his country and therefore CORRUPT, PLEASE KEEP YOUR HELLFIRE IN YOUR ASS, we don't want anymore mistakes and collateral damages or casualties because of more organized crime courtesy of the us

  14. Ok . Having a little trouble sorting this out . Was he a drug trafficker or military or both ?

    1. Traffickers,both comandantes of CDG El Panillo was vying for control of CDG Reynosa against another cmdte El Pelochas after El Toro was killed by Marina,both have claves M (metro)Pelochas is m28 Panillo m100,CDG started taking sides with one or the other and it was still confused.
      Now,the people who had sided with Panillo,Chiricuas m85,Miguelito m56,Choco m90 have killed him at a meeting.
      Many of these players have big families who have been players for generations so big trouble is kicking off,besides Panillo was well liked,not using so much extortion kidnap an all that if you can beleive any of it

    2. Ahorita todos los disque comandantes del CdG eran lava carros del señor Goyo (M2), el verdadero jefe de Reynosa. No esperen que tenga las mismas eticas de la vieja escuela todos estos bola de malandros. Cuando don goyo tenia la corona en Reynosa todo estaba calmado hasta podias andar a cualquier hora, si te paraba su gente pero nomas a revisar que no fueras contra o inteligencia.

    3. Actually after el toro got killed the cdg gave the reynosa plaza to panilo. Panilo told his people that wld not be anymore kidnapping for ransom. No more extorsions even though under el toros orders panilo used to extort the smart chain stores in reynosa. El pelochas or m28 and betillo el toro's nephew with the help of some other of the comandantes said screw that and they turned on panilo. They were fighting until recently when el m28 was betrayed by his guys tired of his shit and shot him up. He might be dead or alive. Panilo called for a meeting and he was killed by the other comanders. Now hes brother and whats left of his people will be aveging his death with the rest of the cdg as backing they will try to wipe out the rest of the metros. Last night codigo rojo informed of shootouts all night. This shld be a bad weekend for the reynosa citizens.

  15. These cdg guys are always going at it, no leadership structure what so ever!

  16. Only a matter of time before a real cartel takes over that area


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