Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Graphic Video: Viagras behead father and rips the heart out of his son

By Chivis Martinez for  Borderland Beat

I sat on this story for a few days.  I was not sure of the validity, or the age of the video as it was not posted on any of the MSM in Mexico or even regional media of Guerrero.  But the person who tweeted the story is known for breaking news and being credible.  
On January 18th Mexican Tuitero Francisco Landeta, broke the story of a Guerrero policeman who the sicarios  accuse of being being a “Chapulín”, [traitor] providing information to “the enemy”. 

 His son was with him at the time of abduction and he was taken as well.  The son was forced to watch as his father was beaten then beheaded.   They turn their attention to the innocent son next.  His killing is possibly the worse I have ever heard of in Mexico.  I do admit I could not watch the video but the son has his chest opened while alive and his heart ripped out.

Some reports say the two executed were members of the  “Guardia Guerrerense”.

The reference to a group called Sangre Nueva Guerrernse, which was  founded by three Zihuatanejo police, one of the leaders is known as El Cadete.   He was a commander of municipal police before assuming command in Zihuatanejo.

"R18" are people of Mayo Zambada

This video is thought to be from Los Viagras who have control of the area.   

Below is the video.  I STRONGLY RECOMMEND YOU DO NOT VIEW this is the worse execution video ever in Mexico.  I have not watched it, think before you click on to the following page. . No further text on following page, YOU DECIDE, BUT YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED

Part two


  1. TAKE THAT DOWN!! What the fuck is wrong w u?? Pics woulda got the message across idiot!! How would u feel to watch your brother or father dying like that?? Mexico is going to hell in a handbag and your speeding the process!! Nice job u fucking scumbag!! U better post this fuckin comment too!!

    1. Blind eye helps everyone in long run, right? SMH

      WHO IS THE SCUMBAG? THE ONE THAT WARMS OR THE FOOL THAT THINKS HE KNOWS BETTER? Fotos would be better? really? This is posted on twitter. Our boss has a policy of not hiding anything. You had a choice.

    3. I heeded the warning. You are the dumb fuck. The warning was clear, the description was clear, how stupid are you? an when did you stop watching?

      you fucking loser had a choice blame no one than yourself.

    4. Christian Lopez PalafoxJanuary 21, 2018 at 10:33 AM

      No, do not take this down. This is the reality of the daily occurence happening in Mexico.


    6. Oh so that makes it ok. What part of "that's someone's family members" don't u understand? I had to watch it to believe they would post something like that. I surely didn't send it to 100,000 people like this. I'm sure your a cartel fanboy little wanna be gangster. When u get a little older and wiser you'll understand. Unless your just an older wanna be gangster. And I'm pretty sure everyone gotta grip on what's goin on retard. We don't need to see a 10 yr old go through that. I'm glad ur tryin to make a difference down there though Christian. Your a real fuckin hero...

    7. To the U.S.A. citizens who enjoy most of the laws:

      Did the police officer and his son give consent for their death to be never mind filmed, as it happened in Mexico (go figure), but viewed in the U.S.A.?

      While posting these videos on the internet attract both desirable and undesirable people all over the world, the contributing to laws that protect American Citizen's (or any other citizen in another country) privacy and choice by practicing the such as HIPPA laws is desirable, hence the contributing of exploitation of the victims without first next of kin approval (possible) and second appropriate investigation (which highly unlikely in MX) is not desirable on websites created in countries with laws that protect its citizens from harm.

    8. obviously you are not in mexico. we Mexicans want the world to see what we live with. writing about it is not good enough. and the family? narcos assure they see what has happened with a warning. sometimes sending body parts. and the 10 year old? no difference than seeing your mother hanging on a Monterey overpass as has happened remember the redhead? children always see and know what happened. the outrage should not be that these videos are published , the outrage is for the world to be oblivious. we want them to be seen. we want help. we have no where to turn for help.

    9. 9:19 & 10:27
      Poor kiddos did you get traumatized?
      Go to some communist country like China if you want censorship.

    10. 9:52
      You're a real grown up aren't you

    11. We have no restrictions in Mexico when it comes to news. Censorship is like hiding the reality of things. No one here is forced to watch the video. Do it at your own risk.

      I have always follow Borderland Beat and I will continue no matter what.

      Keep up the good work.

    12. Let the drug addicted people decide to stop drug use so things like this won’t happen again.

    13. @ 9:19am...pendejo/pendeja! The article warns you to watch at your own risk. I didn't even think about hitting play. And yes all news and horrible videos like this should be put out there for everyone to see. Maybe, just maybe the piece of shit Mexican government will...Let me stop, who am I kidding, the Mexican government can care less. But the people have a right to know what is going on and nothing but the truth....Chivis, I hope you didn't second guess yourself after reading el pendejo o la pendeja's rant,even for a split second about putting this out. Keep up the damn good work BB!...De parte De un Devil Dog Michoacano. Congrats to all who participated in one of the many protest march going on yesterday.

    14. Drugs will always exist. This shit would be not happen if the US and Mexican government not dismantle the Guadalajara Cartel to begin with.

    15. That video has been reported
      End of discussion

    16. Amazing how just by reading some comments you know they are in the USA. In Mexico life is real its black and white not in color. Here in the USA we are oblivious to real life this happens this is real it happens and in Mexico we see it happen it happens to neighbors family celebrities its just not usually filmed but it's happening. Posting it by BB is an eye opener to most who live blind to what actually happens in Mexico. BB does say they recommend you dont watch it so if you do thats on nobody but you. I watched it its bad but again this is life right now in Mexico remember all those disappeared people this happen to some of them.

    17. @11:07- And u have no spine to stand up to these scumbags. After all, it's in your heritage to be spineless.

    18. at 11:35 it bothers me that people did not listen to the warning then get angry because they watched it. It seems incredible to me. but no, i knew it was going to be posted if a valid story, i just sat on it until I could verify it and get a little info. thanks for the support.

    19. I saw this story too Chivis.
      The worst ever , the world needs to know it exists
      which DOES NOT mean anyone HAS to watch it.

    20. @ 9:19-
      Do not come here if you cannot handle the real. This is reality. You WERE WARNED! You are a fool. You do not heed warnings or read directions. You are one of those people that puts a childs tricycle together and reads the directions last when you have parts left over. BB- keep posting this reality.

    21. @ 9:19-
      Do not come here if you cannot handle the real. This is reality. You WERE WARNED! You are a fool. You do not heed warnings or read directions. You are one of those people that puts a childs tricycle together and reads the directions last when you have parts left over. BB- keep posting this reality.

    22. I love ungoverned internet...Repeal internet government neutrality!! Screw the whiners like @9:19

    23. 2:43. Some can do without your waste of energy comments

    24. EL TEMO THE TEMO SALINAS KILLA4NIA BACKJanuary 21, 2018 at 7:01 PM


    25. This and worse happens to people every day, not just in Mexico, but in many many places around the world. These images are daily occurrences for many of the HUMAN race. And the only reason we as humans don't step up and do more to put an end to this, is because we can ignore it as long as it isn't happening to us and we don't have to see it every day. THIS is what should be on the news. Not kittens or trumps new hair doo.

    26. On a side note.... the most heart breaking part of that video, was listening to the kids cries as he watched his father die.

    27. This is the real deal news not that bullshit fake stream crap (fox,CNN,nbc)

    28. I have to agree with you on that James Roberts.I can never forget the wailing from that young man.Sometimes the sounds on 1 of these videos are as bad as what you see or just as impressionable.Yes the pictures are horrific but the sounds cover the emotions of the fear although the Dad would not give them the satisifaction of fighting it.

    29. Thank you for posting this, you gave the warning it was brutal and I heeded that. My sons (young adults) watched it and all agreed that theyll never forget it but will also show it to their friends who use cocaine. That's the reality of heavy drugs and those who use it are all contributing to these deaths. Its time that these brutal killings were publicised more across the world, it might stop the glamorisation the narco life.

    30. This is not the entire video. the worst of it has been cut out.....why?

    31. Video is up as it should, if you don't like go and tell your mommy, I LOVE THAT IT SHOWS THE DIRTY DEEDS OF EPN''s Cartel of choice, he and his envoy alfredo castillos de kagada left them in power, take it up with EPN,
      Love you Chivis, you can be wrong, but not on this case.✌👍👍👍

  2. Sick, sadistic s*it. Absolutely worst I've ever seen. Goes beyond my understanding WHY that treatment to innocent son?

    1. This is horrific los viagara did this are with cjng or against them?

  3. Wow, this incident would be on the front page of every news outlet everywhere until they were caught if this happened in the US. They won't even investigate it down there. I guess that's what separates US from them.

    1. 9:33. The incident would not include graphics on the front page of every news outlet in the U.S.A. The U.S.A. has ethic and moral laws for their citizens. These types of videos on American created websites go 100% against American Citizen's laws/values and risk getting taken down, and all in the name of graphically exposing these types of crimes against innocents or non-innocents. The videos do not belong on American created websites, jeopardizing the rights of American Citizens. The videos belong on websites created in countries where the rights of the people have no meaning

    2. No what separates you guys from us Mexicans is that we accept that this is a reality and we don’t hide it unlike you guys the US you guys kill innocents bomb other countries killing hundreds kids babies and act like you guys arent the ones doing it .that’s what separates us Mexicans from you , hypocrites

    3. 11:10 lol this guy so anti-american gtfo

    4. 933, you're making north Americans sound really smug. Please don't do it here in the comments under this horrendous video, if you feel the need. And 1110 is right. We don't have our hands on horrendous shit we do to people in other countries right now (or maybe we do and they aren't posted).

    5. But really why do Mexicans continue to allow this and turn a blind eye this is not normal nor it makes you tuffer mexico please wake up

    6. 9:33AM

      A few years ago a young girl was burned alive in U.S. and it barely made news. A homeless man was also burned alive a few years ago it barely made it into a small local paper. There's a lot of evil that happens in the U.S.

    7. 12:50 he is telling the truth i know it hurts to accept it but the us does do greater scale damage to other countries and alot of messed up shit happens there too.

  4. They are sending a message, they will kill your entire family if you cross them. It doesn't matter to them if they kill women children or babies, they just don't care. This thing happens all the time, the videos are just normally not released.
    If videos like these go viral, there is a chance the Mex Gov will be shamed into doing something. If these stay underground, Mex Gov will deny stuff like this happens at all. I admit its nasty to watch, and not for anyone without a strong stomach, but this stuff has to be posted. Pictures do not provoke a reaction like yours 9:19, that kind of reaction is exactly what the Mex Gov needs to see.

    1. The Mexican gov was prob holding the camera

    2. thank you otis. Well stated.
      but I must correct one point, to this astonishing and horrific degree, this does not happen regularly. Beheadings do and are bad enough. And in the past week 7 beheadings occurred in Gro. If a slaughter such as this happens it is to send a message and terrorize. and when it does occur it is quickly uploaded to social media. What is different is the dynamic in GRO being different than other states. And the unusual alliances in effect.

      It was posted in the U.S. by a racist rag. claiming that their intelligence in Mx gave them the info. actually it was the brave tuitero that posted this.

    3. Chivis, I think everyone who sees this has the same reaction, anger. Anger at the animals who did this. Problem is that some are venting that anger on BB staff. I understand the frustration that people feel at not being able to do something about it.
      I would say that use that anger in a positive way. Write to the Gro governors, GRO has a government website with email addresses. Write to them or the Mexican ambo to the USA and vent your anger on them. Tell them how disgusted and sickened you are that shit like this happens. That as they give impunity to those who do it, that makes them worse than the animals carrying out the act. But doing nothing will help no one. Use that anger for something positive.

    4. “You may think there are things that these people are simply incapable of. There are not.”

    5. Otis chivis one thing we cant scratch out is the kid very well could of worked for his dad as an halcon his age and looks keep him off the radar so he can go and stand places others can't being that age if his dad was giving info maybe some of that info came from his boy it happens we know it does and thus why the gruesome murder of both.

    6. @ Otis
      And to think that this has been occurring on a daily basis. Most not knowing!
      True conspirators of what’s transpiring in Mexico are those with government authority. A condoning evil and corruption which has plagued that country.
      Terrorists are what they are! And yet no categorization has been imposed to address those as such.

  5. I caught the video on twitter yesterday and I agree Chivis it was the worst I have ever seen. I think it’s important that these are brought to BB. Sometimes we forget that an event like this is described in 1 sentence and I couldn’t finish the entire 2 minutes of the video without turning my head.

  6. The man was obviously corrupt, poor kid.

  7. Graphic Video: Viagras behead father and rip the heart out of his living son


    1. Ur exactly right 10:01!!

      WAIT MORE WARNING IS NEEDED!! or maybe u can't spell.

  8. and if chivis didn't post the video you would call her viagras nuthugger and cowardly

    1. Haven’t heard of viagras prior to this article. Who are they affiliated with and what’s the relation to “R18”?

    2. It says they are Mayos people.

    3. What’s the relation between viagras and R18?

  9. POS will eventually get theirs. Hope they get caught by the Marina's, and receive a slow painful death. No arrest!

  10. Los viagras no valen verga. Pinches chuntaros ya los veremos muertos como el joto de la sopa que se lo fumaron a la verga.

  11. As an American many miles away from the carnage this video evokes emotions that can’t compare to text or pictures about thousands of murders 😢. It’s clear the corruption in Mexico is too deep for self control. US military, $$$ and political pressure could absolutely change the dynamic... especially given lessons learned in the Middle East. Right now 40% of America thinks about Mexico as parasitic. Videos like this necessarily humanize the situation. Unfortunately, it’s what is needed to provoke outrage and calls to action. Americans would never have gotten so hyped up about ISIS if it wasn’t for their propaganda vids to make the atrocities (which we are so protected from) real.

    I couldn’t follow all the Spanish in the video and hadn’t heard of the Viagras before this article. Who are they affiliated with & how do they relate to R18?

  12. This is like Logan Paul 2.0!! But 10x's worse and disrespectful!! Don't people in Mex view this site a lot? I don't think a fam member would appt this.

    1. Who gives a fuck about Logan Paul don't bring up that stupid shit here

    2. 10:41
      Well that's too fucking bad it's called journalism not censorship to save someones feelings

  13. Everyone who is sickened by this write
    address it to
    Gerónimo Gutiérrez Fernandez
    Let him know your feelings, do something !

    1. What is the title of the person I would write To?

    2. Otis are u like taunting the people that don't agree with this?? I understand u think it was a really informative video, but I can assure u that most of society AND people like me that monitor this site daily are aware of these atrocities.

    3. mexican ambassador to the USA

    4. @1:27 and what have you done about it? simply watched it and chalked it off as been there seen that? Too many people watch these and go back to their lives like nothing has happened. Im trying to get people to be pro-active. Stir the pot or nothing will happen

    5. Otis what don't you understand? Mexico a country of itself or Mexico unwilling to accept anything other than money, weapons, and training (btw, money, weapons and training no longer offered from U.S.A. to MX)?
      The U.S.A. took out Blanco when the body count exposed her not when some of the cartels put a hit on her for having the niece of the Ochoa's killed. And then ... the U.S.A. took out the cocaine cowboys. What are you expecting from the U.S.A.?

  14. I applaud Borderland Beat for showing the truth! This is reality of what people in Mexico experience!! If B.B. had censored the story, this site would be like all the others who sugarcoat the truth. You have to shine a light on this stuff to get people to wake up.

    1. 10:52 This is what a very tiny porcentaje of people experience on Mexico, US, Canada. I am Mexican but worked Texas Chicago routa and other routa into Canada for almost viente (20) years. This ABSOLUTELY DOES HAPPEN IN USA y CANADA but criminales in USA have reverse motivación to terrorize because. Criminales in USA from every country do this but everyone does not want USA polices de dea, fbi, and other to have the evidence.

      I watch this and I don’t get reaction like every body here do because I see tipo of killing too many times. Only reaction i get is curiously because all this violence on video is to control routa to USA to get what USA want to pay for but there is no anger in here at the people in the northe that have make people like me rich?? That is all I dont have understand because this video is only business.

    2. 1151. A country will always be there unless natural disaster says otherwise. The people of a country are what make a country what it is yesterday, today, or tomorrow.

      Do not forget the U.S.A. (alongside other countries) has many more citizens, bikers, drug addicts and dealers who have weapons and are more than willing to kill for their country. So, of course there is no anger presented in the video at the people in the north. Now do you understand?

    3. 11:51 U should take a couple English classes in the states while your here. And I can assure you because of my job, that there has never been a murder such as this, with a father and son, occur in the states, let alone be taped and posted to the net. I work in Virginia, but I would be deployed to anything of this nature, anywhere in the country. There's been some pretty horrific things happen here but to compare the US to Mexico in terms of violence is a joke.

    4. 1151, I definitely feel anger and disgust towards the drug addicts who are demanding the drugs and fueling people towards a life of crime. They inject that shit in front of their kids and in general, are tuned out to the rest of the world and not entirely useful or motivated unless it involves getting their next fix. However, even if they all quit drugs, natural order of this overpopulated world suggests that there would still be some other exploitation going on of powerless people (like the people that sell migrants for slaves).

      Overpopulation is our problem, and the wolves are always going to try to take over.

      I'm not saying this sarcastically - a big part of me feels empathy for you if this video doesn't affect you. It should. I know you said you're getting rich, or are rich, but seriously, if you've seen this type of killing a lot in person, it might be time for you to get out of the business. There's still hope for you to be a human being again someday and not part of this.

    5. A rather racist statement 1:49, you are ignorant of what happens in the US. how about the beheading last week in Montgomery county Maryland? maybe not a father in son but what difference does it make? were you "deployed there big guy?"

      gruesome killings happen in the U.S. also. how can we forget dahmers fridge?

    6. 149, that is rude to be condescending to someone speaking a second (or third or fourth language). I understood his/her English just fine. At least the person is trying.

    7. Hey 1:49. How many languages do you speak? That's what I thought. Also you don't get deployed anywhere anymore. You're just a racist, man. Full of yourself

    8. 2:49. Since you are on the subject of ignorance, who and/or what influences or encourages this type of senseless overkill? Intelligence does not get convinced easily

    9. 1:49; I think you need a class in reading comprehension and punctuation. You ever heard of a run on?

      10:52; thanks for your perspective but I too am saddened for you if this doesn’t bother you. I appreciate your confirming but really I had no doubt this happens in the USA and other places as well. In fact what those parents did to their own children in Ca pales in comparison to as you say “only business”.

    10. 2:49; Ding ding ding; and the answer is Money$$$

    11. Ahh. The endless Mexican blame game. No wonder Mexico sucks. It's always the other countries fault. Mexico is innocent.

    12. “PooR Mexico so far from god ,and yet so close to the US .”

  15. Guerrerro more than anywhere else in mexico you find the worst killings. Something needs to happen there. Long gone are the days when it was just business and a bullet to the head would be enough

    1. Yea i think vercarcruz equals to guerrero in brutality and killings. Nayarit is getting bad to

  16. ok enough of those comments from dumbasses who actually watched it. How about talking about el mayo and viagras what the hell is that about?

  17. Don't come to a Mexican website that reports on crime and murder and complain you stupid fuck.

    1. Is this website REALLY a Mexican website? This website reports on Mexico News ALREADY in the news by Journalists who risk their lives in Mexico. This website translates the news from the ALREADY posted news. So, realistically, the people, who translate the articles on this website, risk the Spanish speaking Journalists lives in Mexico not necessarily their own lives as the internet does have a translate button. So, before you call somebody commenting on this website a stupid fuck, you ought to research the truth of what you read or hear

    2. while you are correct we are an English language website, almost all but Otis are living in mexico full or part time. I have a good cover because of my work. although we do translate Mexican media articles we also write original articles. but don't play down translation. it is time consuming. if you don't think so you must be monolingual.

    3. 12:19
      So basically your whole argument towards the original poster was over calling this site a Mexican website. You're sad.

    4. 12:19 who gives a fuck if this is a Mexican website or not their just giving us cartel news in English simple as that retard

    5. @10:59- I thought this site was in English? This site reaches enough people on both sides of the border. This was an opportunity to show some class and just post still shots w maybe a link to video. But when the staff and audience are all fanboys this is what u get. The "people need to see this stuff" excuse is played out. It's been goin on for 20 yrs here in Mexico. I find it hard to believe there were only 2 or 3 people that follow this site, that thought this was unnecessary. The comments on sites like this say a lot about the staff. I've lived in Nuevo Laredo for 16 yrs now and I can tell u everyone I'm aquatinted with doesn't need reminded of the violence.

    6. 1:02
      And so what if your from nuevo Laredo? That doesn't make your opinion anymore better. Don't like reading/watching reality then get out.

    7. 12:45? Cartel news in English? No problem. Child harm imagery? Problem. End of discussion

  18. this story and video is on many websites and on a few American media outlets with images and video. and without any information of who did it and why.

  19. The anger and frustration as I watch and can only compare this to myself and my father is heartwrenching. To watch a man beat a father in front of his child all over a cartel that does nothing to him other than bring a small check, it's just disgusting. Men like these I wish would be caught without their stupid little weapons so I could strangle to death with my arms. The Mexican government should be ashamed on a how little progress has been made to combat these pathetic fucks. If only the u.s could help. I pray for the kid and his family

    1. They offered. EPN declined. Columbia excepted yrs ago. Now the only producers there (farc) hide in the woods in the rain. :)

  20. We all know this is not TMZ and this is not click bait. I applaud BB for showing the evidence. Maybe this just what is needed to start a movement. For all you huggers out there. I hope this reminds you this is real. And will only get more gruesome over time.

  21. Americans are aware and could give a shit.

  22. That's why the situation in Mexico is messed up. People don't value life. These is a failed state which the people have to raise up against the government

    1. Exactly right, There needs to be a revolution against the govt. What is happening in Mexico is pathetic and needs to be stopped any way possible. Its ludicrous that this barbaric crap is happening.....

  23. I am more convinced than ever. Mexico needs a new revolution.

    1. They don't have the spine, it's been 15-20 yrs of it.

  24. posting this is legal in case you are wondering
    remember when facebook made the decision to allow these videos?
    "Activists — particularly those operating in countries without a free press — have come to rely on social media, including Twitter, YouTube and Facebook, as indispensable ways to document and spread awareness and images about human rights abuses and atrocities. Yet these groups have to worry about the very site they’re trying to use to bypass such censorship.
    The only thing worse than seeing a video of a person being beheaded is not being able to see it at all."

    1. U the BB attorney? We've all had the Internet for a while now, so to all retards, we know u can post a beheading, a porn, a meme, etc. And we know where to go if we wanna see people gettin tortured, rotisseried, drowned in a cage and so on. Thanks, everyone is good to go.

    2. You should repost a couple chainsaw beheadings!! Give everyone a little reminder in case us Americans forgot what u guys do to each other!!

    3. @12;33 pm True or post some videos of some out of touch with reality kids, United States citizens ,who go and shoot up schools full of innocents just because they are having a bad day in ,case The whole world forgot what Americans do to each other

  25. OMG there absolute scum 1 of the worst videos I’ve seen in a while hopefully there caught and the same Happens 2 them filth.

  26. The Viagras are in Tierra caliente region ( michoacan and guerrero) now that cjng is getting a grip of that area those viagras are getting desperate but refuse to work with cjng like la familia and CT. Cjng killed a Santana brother like 4 months ago in michoacan, the Santana family is the head of the viagras. They are so desperate that they rather let the snitchaloas in michoacan, the anthrax and mayos people. The cjng has a big presence there now so it's just a matter of time before cjng takes out the Viagra completely. I hope they do, this video is sick.. But at the same time all cartels do the same thing

    1. Viagras began in Huetamo where they are from and had a ironclad alliance with cjng working under the direction of mencho until tigre was arrested. Viagras were used by mencho and then he axed them as he always does with alliances after the group is not needed.

      viagras did the dirty work for mencho in michoacan for him to gain power in the state. they eliminated the autodefensas for mencho.

    2. Brings to mind Harry Devert..

    3. The puto that’s talking sounds exactly like el gordo from the viagra brothers. That fool looks like he can’t handle the pressure any more . Getting push from all sides. Alrato lo verán en un vídeo tambien

  27. This must be a new trend. I saw a couple videos a few days ago where they ripped guys hearts out. Sick bastids.

    1. Yea i saw another from cd victoria tamaulipas where they rip out a guys pancreas while he is still alive,

  28. OFF TOPIC: it seems the USA has a law which allows them to try foreigners under extradition with the crimes committed in furtherance of the crimes which led to their extradition to the USA. El Chapo is apparently going to be complicit in dozens of murders he personally participated in and “in furtherance” will be tried with those crimes he is currently under indictment for. Seems instead of a six foot deep coffin for the cockroach mass murderer he is going beneath that. Guaranteed single cell ADX with music, lights, etc. etc. LMAO. Fucking scum deserves a baseball bat shampoo every night for those he butchered or ordered executed. Chapo is done, his kids are next. Hopefully his boys are caught and slowly butchered while Chapo is in custoday. Fucking whole family needs to be eradicated and exterminated including his dirt ball mother.

    1. 1:01. They really don't care when they are getting their fix

  29. The worst killing i have ever seen so sad what humans do to other humans may they both r.i.p from this fucking cruel world of people

  30. I've watched a bunch of narco video's, every single one posted online. Im not sure if i can go ahead and watch this video.

  31. Damn chivis you from guerrero huh de costa grande cause you know a lot about that area are these cuernudos people or viagras or what sangre nueva looks like it ain't doing to much to them sad sad every thing went to shit in that area after the killed someone big from la union

  32. How many people are hearing about this violence for the first time today by this video?? No....nobody?? That's what I thought. Real nice Chivis.

  33. This brutal killing is done by CJNG and uploaded by them to defame Los Viagras so that the Mex. government can launch a big attack on them and kill or torture villagers who support the Viagras. CJNG are the biggest bastards.

    1. How are you so sure of this iam not doubting you but do you have good evidence or heard from a reliable

    2. CJNG did blow that kid up with dynamite so I wouldn't doubt its them

    3. This is el gordo from viagras

  34. I saw a recent article saying that alot of montain towns of guerrero have barely any men left in them just women from criminal groups like los rojos, ardillos, viagras etc. When will they understand no amount of killings will give them control I honestly think its just a planned genocide by the goverment, they dont give a damn and are even part of these groups.
    Just imagine all those women in need of some garote but it wouldnt be worth getting caught up by these monsters,

    1. yeh a "planned genocide by the government" LOL! why exactly???? be totally pointless.

  35. people need to know what happens - i thought the chainsaw videos were bad - as a long time first responder i did cringe but it needs to be reported

    1. @1:31 Reported to who? BB readers or Mexican authorities? They'll both do about the same thing which is nothing.

  36. I am an American living in Mexico. My wife's son who I also call my hijo reminded me of this young boy. I shed a tear just reading this and seeing his picture. It is one of my son's 13th birthday today. I got him a pair of tennis shoes as a gift and he gave me a hug. I would have liked to give this boy a hug. My mind is swimming in anger at these demons. I will not watch the video, but I have already seen enough insane violence here in Mexico perpetrated against friends, acquaintances and people I know. Horrible things. With all the hate and anger in me I could not have the stomach to do this to them. But I would not have a problem sending them to hell with a bullet if I had the chance and could get away with it and not put my family in Jeopardy. Mexico is without a doubt the worst when it comes to the most horrific murders. You rarely see it hit the US papers like the Muslim violence does half around the world. But on the flip-side the real people can be the kindest. I worry more about my friends, and family here than I do for my own life. My life has been good and I am not probably be around around more than another 15 years. But I want the best for those who still have time to experience love, have a family of their own and build their nest. Her older Son who is 18 is the first to go to college in her family tree. He is really making it work and I am a little stricter with him knowing what has happened to other people here and their children. I am looking forward to watching him grow and succeed. Play this just one time to kids in High school and show them what drugs are doing here to the people. Maybe it might save a couple of lives. Paz!

    1. Warming comment Paz

    2. You got a good heart bro. Keep up the good work

    3. thank you for your comment. I saw a dead body for the first time when arriving in Mexico. and horrible things happening to friends. a friend who made furniture for me for foundation cases, had his teen sons taken one founds one not, he himself vanished. perhaps by choice, perhaps not. shootout that transitioned into my office grounds that left 2 mothers shot waiting for their kids at school. shocking terrible things.

      people will always take or abuse drugs. I feel the problem will be greatly helped by taking the criminality out of it and legalize.

      your comment is constructive, heartfelt and I applaud you for that. Paz

    4. Okay... It is time, has been for awhile; Mexico, you can begin a new Dirty War. Just War Theory will provide international immunity. As for the US, time to move on the market. Your ratted with no cover now. Message to the DEA and FBI: expect intel soon because this evil must end. The video is necessary to give Mexico the cover to move. Pray for that man and son - please.

  37. Ignored the warning and watched the video. Resolved to try to make a difference somewhere. How utterly horrifying and sad. I don't know what that poor guy ever did, or his son, but no one deserves that.

    1. Passing information to a rival cartel Snitching

    2. Snitching... No, we are passed that manipulatative tactic. Open intel on any and all affiliated with DTOs, either in Mexico or the US. Mexico, you are not alone anymore.

  38. This is by far the worst execution video I have ever seen. The U.S. definitely needs to do something about this. I understand that Mexico will not allow it, but seriously this needs to be taken care of. The drug trade will never end that is clear, but these barbaric killings need to stop.

    1. It is a long shot but maybe jist maybe if the U.S. would not grlorify drug usage in the movies and arrested high profile drug users like Snoop Dog, Willie Nelson, Charlie Sheen and even a U.S. Senator or two as well as a cop then people would stop buying drugs and stuff like this would not happen in Mexico. Then again I, might be asking for too much and believing in dreams...

    2. It is a long shot but how can any cartel or corrupt politician making money off of selling drugs agree that this is good? It might be to strike fear into the enemy but in reality I doubt it does. The people involved in this will get whats coming to them someday. My point is we truly need the U.S. to step in already. This has gone too far.

    3. ?????, Mexico glorifies drug with their corridors. Stop the blame game. Do the right thing and stop selling drugs you lazy corrupt mf rz...

    4. Unfortunately the selling of drugs will never end. It's sad to say that these killings will never end, and will not get less brutal. Money drives people to do crazy things.

  39. Go watch CNN if you want news your way!

  40. Don’t listen to these anonymous chicken shits CHIVIS! There is a reason they don’t post on the forum!

  41. Not to mention to many of these bad guys doing their own bad drugs,
    we have a consumption problem in the US, but Mexico isn't far behind at the rate they are going, good folks killed over killing for dime bags, dealers killing each other for corners, fragmented factions warring , a whole new generation being brought up in drug infested neighborhoods, they have swallowed their own poison now and YES, Otis; People need to put some anger to work SOON.

  42. Whoa that was pretty brutal😬😬

  43. DO NOT WATCH!!!

    1. I watched it that shit is nasty

  44. These guys get pleasure doing these things tbh they feel more adrenaline the more brutal they kill. But I’m glad la Mariana los va mandar al infernio.

  45. to the reader complaining that this video is cut short, we went with what was on twitter end of story

  46. Grotesque video. - Sol Prendido

  47. I remember the videos of 2010 to 2013 were horrible, the chainsaw beheadings and who can forget diablos entire family being beheaded. the la Barbie videos are tame in comparison. then were didn't see them. their return seems to be very regional.

    1. at least El Diablo's family were knocked out before the beheadings.

  48. Going back to the old ways.

  49. I remember when I was in my early twenties and pressed play on a video of a bunch of Zetas with black masks on in front of a field that looked like corn, the screams of the three tied up Gulf kids haunts me to this day. Not a chance I could even think about watching another one. I truly feel sad for the honest working innocent people in Mexico, no one deserves a government like the one which currently has power. Likely the policeman in the video was a player of some sort, but his young son? May these cowards burn in hell when their time comes.

  50. I watched the full video. Jesus Christ. Those fucking animals!!! Mexico should change something. Things have gone too far. You can't do such a horrible thing in a civilized country without suffer the consequences.

  51. Aquí en Zamora los viagras corren al escuchar la caravana de jalisco. Andan causando desmadres en las rancherías pero se esconden cuando escuchan la nueva generación. Salgan al topon culos y dejen de esconderse de tras de las viejas!

  52. By posting this video, you only glorify the violence and give fuel to the gangs to post more to gain infamy.

    1. And who will go after the criminals, and try to fix this if nobody sees it?

    2. 7:40. In Florida in the 70s and 80s, drug related murders were not video taped

    3. How in anyway does that video glorify the violence? It shows the reality of the violence, the video shows that people are suffering as bad as those in the middle east and yet other countries dont seem to care. Why has this not reached the news channels abroad?

      Thank you for posting this and to those upset by the videos content, as Otis has said use that horror to be proactive. It wasn't BB that committed this atrocity and in no way have they glamorised it, be angry with the perpetrators.

  53. Well according to the bunch of heroes on here, shits gonna change since this video was released. Because EVERYONE needed to see this.

  54. They woulda had to shoot me way before they touched my kid.

  55. Who is the junior he is talking about a Guzman son?

  56. You know there was a time when being a narco was accepted in Mexico as honorable men. In los pueblos they would stand out in the plaza and my great grandmother would say "es el hijo de que tal fulana,es Mafioso".....the trade off to easy money is death, a early grave. But now? This is Evil, pure evil.killing has always been part of business.....but this? This is Maras type shit.(For the record, I did not watch). The drug game will completely change once again.

  57. I hope mayo punishes his own people for this shit.. I know I know it won't happen..but c'mon this is to much.. saludos borderland beat from the RGV.. SOUTH TEXAS ..

  58. So this is Mayos people doing this? Someone enlighten me! I passed on the vid. I've seen too much cartel brutality. The guy getting live or kidney ripped out of him by zetas was the straw that broke the camels back for me.

  59. Just curious if anybody knows what City/Region of Guerrero this was in?

    1. Some articles say its in la union guerrero area others thats in the petatlan guerrero sierra. Who really knows, all i see is comments of how messed up the video is but what they should be thinking is how we can find out who these cockroaches are and where they are located at

  60. The most terrible thing I have ever seen, that was before I realized the son was just a young boy. I feel anger, disgust and despair after seeing that depravity. Couldn't even really watch the very end.. Somebody should drone strike those motherfuckers, exterminate them like cockroaches.

  61. The video posted on here doesn't show when the heart is ripped out. It is still pretty graphic. I found the complete video online and when its get to the torturing of the kid it gets really bad, some sick horrific stuff goes on. I had to watch the video in segments. I had to stop and pause and turn away for a bit before going on. Just an fyi of what to expect.

  62. those that think the leader in the video sounds like gordo here is a link to his voice.

    gordo was arrested months ago, was he released? before or after cjng killed his brother?

    1. I should add for those who don’t know, the brother killed by CJNG was José Carlos Sierra Santana, "La Sopa", who was the leader of the group known as "La Nueva Familia Michoacana", or Nueva Familia, the enforcer arm of "Los Viagras", which maintains operations in the La Ciénaga region, between the municipalities bordering the state of Jalisco
      This criminal group fought against CJNG from entering the portion of the state adjacent to the state of Jalisco.
      They also fight against the group led by Ignacio Rentería Andrade, "El Cenizo", formerly working under Servando Gómez Martínez, "La Tuta".
      Sopa was second in command in Viagras. Gordo is premier leader who was arrested last spring but apparently was released within a month. Gordo was a fake autodenfensa working with Papa Smurf, both were recruited by the federal government to join the michoacan fuerzas rurales to put a end to the genuine autodefensas.
      Viagras were the first and only splinter group of caballeros Templarios. They broke away with an alliance with CJNG, only Tuta thought they were loyal to him. Viagras on behalf of CJNG did all the fighting to eliminate autodefensas.

      yes I know it is confusing and fluid.

  63. Thank You for showing the brutality of this war uncensored. It makes me wonder if the deaths of the people were even mention in the Mexican MSM...keep up the great work

  64. God dam even African Warlords don't treat their enemies like this, next were going to see people wearing body parts as a trophy.

    1. Too late. Africa has leaked pics of some posing with body parts as trophies

    2. @9.42 that's naive and I'll informed, African people in have endured this kind of violence for years. Why do you think so many risk death by fleeing?

  65. I honestly feel guilty for watching this video. Its not necessarily the graphics but the screaming of that poor child that will take me a long time to get out of my head and having to watch his dad go thru it . that shit changed my life hopefully I can be more grateful for what I have in this country this is why I give it all I have in life because we could've been easily been born and became accustomed to this environment. I pray to God for a miracle because thats only thing that can salvage this country in which my family came from . My grandma's mom is dying and it breaks my heart that she can't go to say good bye to her mother due to the obvious reasons and watching this dont help.why God? Why doesn't are government do something about this Its b.s. that we barge in other countries but look at are neighbors this is something serious and it's bs that nobody that has power steps in .

  66. For those angry with this website and author for posting video.. The warning of the gruesome nature was loud and VERY clear yet YOU still chose to watch. This is reality. This is uncensored journalism and needs to be shown so the world can see first-hand Mexicos everyday reality of murder and violence fueled directly by the drug trade. I could not finish the video but respect you guys for posting it and appreciate the clear warning and the choice to view. Keep up the good work BB. Longtime lurker here in SoCal.

  67. I'm an American ans I have seen an equally bad video that has effected me for months. Curious about the cartel I search cartel violence and came across this video... They cut the guys hands off, peeled off his face, removed his eyes and jammed a machete down his throat to stop the screaming, all while they kept the guy alive by tying his veins so he would not bleed too much. In the video you hear them saying "you are on the wrong side". They are laughing while they are doing the torture. This is a gang on gang incident but no one deserves that kind of torture. --Reading about this kid(I could not watch this video) getting similar treatment leave me without words.

    The cartel keeps getting worse as they become more and more desensitized to what they are doing. How do you stop it? Once someone does something as evil as ripping an innocent child's heart out, where do they go next. To a day job? The disease of killing to get ahead needs to be contained. There are better routes than drugs. The people who get involved have no excuse, they are taking the weak way out by joining the cartel.

    I deeply empathize with the people of Mexico who have to go through this. I wish there was something I could do. The world needs to step up and help the people of Mexico. If they saw these videos, I believe there would be international involvement... as diificult as it is for the victims families and privacy for the victims, these videos NEED to be seem. Otherwise the world just does not get it.

  68. Thank you. The video has provided me the clear presence of mind to understand the Vatican's stance on Just War. I can say with a clear conscience these evil men must be destroyed as soon as possible. Just as important, American users your on notice: open intel. You will find no respite.

  69. I watched it and it’s sad that their killing ther own people in their own back yard this is true demonic human activity if you think this is bad the second death is eternal death. Much worse!!

  70. This doesn't even show the worst of it. The full video is absolutely horrendous. I pray for Mexico everyday. God help us.

  71. These people are not human, they are savages, spawns from Satan and this is why they need to be eradicated and exterminated on sight. Human rights my ass they need to be put down like rabid dogs.

  72. Poetic justice for all the brutality he and his family inflicted!

  73. This video needs to be broadcast by all the American MSM on the nightly news.

  74. It would be cool if it was Mayo and his sons!
    And great if it was Chapo's family!

  75. Shouldn't show videos with kids in them. And whom ever doesn't agree with that has problems. Period.

  76. Come on man, the video shown here is child's play compared to the one I seen...shit don't faze me none, but I will say this these fools call themselves mexicanos, son animals, people like that bastard in the video day I hope that the USA gets to hunt you fucks down because I'm volunteering.....chingas to puto madre, usted no son hombres

  77. The reason anybody would be upset about this vid is the child part of it. I get it.

  78. @12:01- I agree, this def puts the Mexican cartels on everybody's radar. It's time for someone other than the corrupt Mexican gov to put an end to this. It's time for EPN to ask the US for help. Mexico has had the equipment for yrs but obviously the personnel lacked the will. Swallow your pride Mexico. Enough is Enough.

  79. seen some gruesome videos but this defintely takes the # 1 spot, horrible & the man who did it? wtf man, burn in hell.

  80. We need to send military there to exterminate these savages. This is atrocious.


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