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Friday, December 1, 2017

Texas: A tractor trailer mishap, may have caused the death of border agent

By Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat
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FBI is exploring a truck sideswipe accident causing border agent death

The theory is; on November 18, the night of the death, it was unusually dark and moonless, with the agents standing outside their vehicle, when a tractor trailer struck men and knocked the two into a culvert .

Culberson County Sheriff Oscar Carrillo was one of the first responders and came up with the tractor trailer theory.  He based this on the numerous accidents in the isolated area.

The agents were called to the area to investigate suspicious activity.  They may have exited their vehicle to survey the area.

A spokeswoman for the FBI, Jenette Harper, confirmed that this is one of the scenarios being investigated,  but that an attack by persons had not been ruled out.

She continued saying, “We’re doing our due diligence throughout the course of the investigation. The FBI role is to determine the facts in this tragic incident.”

Sheriff Carillo also said, when Martinez’ partner called for help, he did not say there was an attack, the agent reported “an accident”.

It is estimated 2-4 months will pass before a conclusion is determined.


  1. There must be more to this story. We might not know the truth.

    1. There is nothing else to the story. Accidents happen all the time. Just because one agent died and the other severely injured doesnt mean this scenario is some great big conspiracy. The evidence available is revealing that there is a greater chance it was an accident and quite possibly a hit and run. There are certain groups in this country that want to make it more than what the situation actually is.

  2. Ironic that many were speculating fowl play by Mexicans. So quick to judge and point fingers towards a group of mostly humble people exiting a war torn country.
    A lesson sure to repeat itself due to tensions and racism.

    Just pointing out facts.

    1. Fowl play so you think Mexicans were bird hunting?

    2. 5:57 Racism ? Maybe , but it seems everybody is so quick to play the race card . Why does nobody say nationalism ? Racism ? It seems to me throwing that line around does more harm than good . There are the ones that use this to manipulate and there are the and dumb that get manipulated . Every time a persons refers to the flow of illegal immigrants coming across the border , that person is a racist according to the manipulators and the manipulated . It seems the agents are the same race as the people that they are trying to stem the flow of crossing . Cant use racism in their description . Why don't we refer to them as nationalist ? Not as handy for the propaganda ?

    3. 7:37 because when a white man commits a mass shootings, kills his whole family during Thanksgiving, etc you alt-right ignore it or even completely but when is a poor brown person suspected to be involved in a crime you show your true colors.

    4. Sol was talking smack about the situation in the original posting that's why we should exercise caution first.

    5. @5:57
      Would be a friendlier perspective if that were to be true. Unfortunately, racial discrimination cannot mimic a lesser tone. Being of Mexican decent and American. It’s clearly evident that hate calls itself other to some.
      But I do see your point. And a valid one indeed.

      Enjoy the day.

    6. careful with your use of the word racism...or eventually that word will be over played like the boy who cried wolf, and people will stop caring. Don't repeat what you hear in the news, it doesn't make you intelligent. The majority of USBP is Mexican decent wheres the "racism coming from"? also i did not hear anyone except a few idiots state is was migrants. Speculations were it was an ambush by SMUGGLERS!! not poor migrants...

    7. “Humble people exiting a war torn country”. Lol. Playboy you almost sound like an after school special. Say that shit 2 all the families who’ve all lost a family member 2 drug overdoses. We don’t look at the colors of the rainbow when we go after anyone. Weapons are going south. Say 2 yourself that humble people are sending them as well. Say what’s most convenient where it best suits you. - Sol Prendido

    8. 7:37 . Well you got me there . I didn't even know about the mass shooting on thanksgiving . I must have ignored it because the shooter was white . Dude you need to keep a list of these ignored mass shootings . Maybe the country would wake up and the police would arrest them or kill them . Things like this don't need to be ignored .

    9. I have dealt a few times with migras and police officers on the US, blacks and whites, were just doing their job, nothing remarcable, but most latino looking migras trying to speak English like the king's knights really behaved like big shot assholes, MOST OF THEM, and by the way, we may be all mexicans or mexican descent, but we serve different masters, they and we are different in that "we are invading "their country" and are a source of shame for quite a few of them fine "mexican americans" with our misery we bring to parade "in their country".
      Obviously mexican illegal aliens are not all saints, but ibbviously, many people chose or can't help drinking the tea and the kool-aid of hate, I hope they get a chance to re-evaluate their beliefs, and if they can't or won't, beleeve me, I don't give a fack.

    10. 6:58 you dont make sense.

  3. Still does not sound right.”first responder came up with the theory”. No way, no way in hell even at 10 mph and impact the bodies would be replete with massive injuries not consistent with the autopsy”. There is a cover up in process. A major cover up. I work ER and there is no way that theory is correct. I hope others will collaberate and back me up on this. No way on God’s given earth this theory is correct. Something happened and we may never know especially after this lame laughable (sorry R.I.P. Rogelio Martinez) excuse of a theory. The impact alone would have destroyed the bones (and from the fall & impact) in these agents from and one was not near the other. There is a major cover up in the works. One is dead the other claims amnesia yet he refuses to take a polygraph. WTF noiw is thewre collusion on a really big deal gone bad?? WTF, I am not a conspiracy theorist but being involved in law enforcement and then into the medical field I DO NOT for one second believe this bullshit. I was in 2 tours of Iraq and saw hundreds of incidents this theory DID NOT HAPPEN!!!! Someone is attempting a cover up on a possibly major deal that went really bad. I have no hesitation to say there is US involvement if not complete complicity. I know the issues from combat there is a government cover up attempting to take place, or has taken place. Something happened, maybe a major player or someone with info but this is to open. I know the CIA does black ops but something here is wrong, something or someone was never meant to be seen. People stumbled upon an operation and the end result is this. Fuck the CIA and all this government bullshit, this is a military kill. This is total BS for a theory. Martinez walked into a operation and had to be taken down by whatever means were available I have seen military kills in Iraq I know what they are capable of. They make the CIA & DEA look like a bunch of amateur sissies. Military assassins we had a name for in my command “ding dong” in reference to the Wizard of Oz. We knew they were not military, they were govt “security” officers. A license to kill, fuck Halliburton, they would never encounter the “ding dongs” in our battalion. Halliburton were cowards compared to these crews. This shit is real shit! I hope for God’s sake Trump tweets his response as harsh as I laid it out. There is a major cover up attempting to happen and it is beyond the reach of what our govt knows, or should I say the privileged know about. Remember the words we heard back in 1987 “plausible deniability”. Only a few know and they built a wall around the secrecy this is what is happening here. I can bet you everything left in my miserable life this is a US military operation to quiet any witnesses that stumbled upon a major exchange or crossing of a “high value” American interest or target. These agents crossed the path of the Devil, they were in the wrong place at the “right’ time. One survived, one did not. Mysterious amnesia but no doubt with intent to eliminate “family and relatives” on a need to be basis. Watch out I know how the govt operates on a “need to know basis.” US military op gone bad somehow with a accidental CBP interruption.

    1. Lol stupid ass hater

    2. 6:55 Woa ! damn ! That's a lot of shit to digest and most digestive systems will puke it up . Hellofalot of paranoia going on there dude . "not a conspiracy theorist " . This sure as hell aint a picnic theory . I did not know he refused a polygraph . Don't even believe he can refuse a polygraph and remain on the job . The worst case scenario I can come up with just by imagining would be dirty BP and the other end of it would be accident . A million possibilities in between . I sure don't believe this shit you described . Get back on your meds man they will help and it will be better for you and your family .

    3. So after our latest 4 day weekend it’s mandatory in our unit everyone takes a drug test. We all passed except the captain. Word filtered back quickly his urine test came back saying he sorta passed. But that he was also several weeks pregnant. The laughter alone almost killed us all. Afterwards he somehow mysteriously passed. Rumors of him having used his girlfriends urine swirled. Do cover ups happen? Yes they do. You have 2 be in power 2 pull it it off. - Sol Prendido

    4. Make sure you take your meds bud.

      I myself watch forensic files and more than once people have been killed by cars and very few have broken bones. Most die of head trauma.

    5. Dude you better run and hide because you know too much!

    6. 8:04 youre definitely a piece of work.

  4. It takes 2 to 4 months to tell if they were hit by an 18 wheeler or stoned to death?

    This Sheriff Carillo is too eager to write this off as "an accident."

    What about the second agent arriving later after the first incident?

    This whole thing has fallen down the Trump hole, where everyone is taking sides. The truck accident theory sounds silly to me. Where's the truck diver? He didnt notice he took out two Border Patrol agents??

  5. Then they're gonna say the tractor trailer was full of illegal immigrants. Hope the family get the answers they're searching for...

  6. Cartels and or inmigrants rarely target inmigration officera specially far from the border. It very well could have been an accident for all the lame ass fucks that say otherwise.
    Who's to say bikers, Italian mafia or any other organization did not make the kill either if it was a murder???
    Just because it is smuggling territory anyone other than the easy suspects still could have caused this agents death!

  7. Hahaha and sol thought he was all smart jumping the gun in the other article thread, what a doofus.

  8. I wonder if this happened on I-10. Usually border patrols have a passage way away from the interstate. A dirt road which is a safe off-road. There are not so many hard surface roads in the vicinity. This is No mans land

  9. Accident but they want it to be seen as an attack.

  10. no accident. Guys were ambushed. Chi is and everybody else trying to make it sound like it was anybody but a Mexican sad.

    1. Don't fabricate reality. Wherever the blame I want the entire truth be told. Either way. Why? Because the dynamic of the United States is shifting where everything is black and white, immediately people take sides, without facts. I have be careful to be fair and present the op's and articles of the media and present the info from gov agencies. I honestly do not know and have no solid opinion.

      what I do surmise:

      Rock attack by immigrants....could be true
      Rock attack by narcos, unlikely narcos would use weapons not rocks

      fell in culvert: unlikely that both fell unless holding hands which is highly improbable

      Hit by truck or other vehicle while surveying the area they were sent to to check out suspicious activities:
      this also could be true.

      the surviving agent called from the culvert and did NOT say they were attacked, he said ACCIDENT. The FBI called it an accident. Rock throwing is a deliberate act. In case you need it broken down for you.

      Being a racist is the only reason why a person would not accept fact if it doesn't comport with what he/she WISH it to be.

      Myself, until there are official facts and evidence I am keeping an open mind and I am not "rooting" for it to be one way or the other. How stupid that would be.

      Use you comment time more wisely, instead of attacking people, say why you think it is one way or the other. Use facts known.

    2. Dont belive in The truck Trailer Story. Driving offroad with a Truck you are not so fast to not see their car and The agents. Driving at night also requires light and a truck is not as silent as a tesla.they must heard the truck. Driving with nightvision. Narcos would use guns or avoid the agents. Same for immigrants and smugglers.
      I belive they had some personal trouble, thats why he "cant" remember.
      When i discuss e.g min.wages in mx with mx mx friends they get really fast upset and very angry about me.
      Maybe he got angry and pushed him into the culvert. But we will see.

    3. I do not care one bit how the incident happened, but I hate that some commenters were so quick to blame "the mexican illegal capos del narco" and start talking shit about their master's wall that will never happen unless they surround his prison with one for many reasons like treason.

    4. 12:52 . There is another scenario . The trucker passing could have seen a opportunity to run over some BP agents . 2:45 Trying to decipher what you just said . Sounds like you been listening to the same type people that sold so much American uranium to the Russians . When evidence come out about the treason you speak of I will use the hot tar while you cover him in feathers . What we think we do know is there is a dead border patrol from head trauma and another that has also suffered head injury . Its not talk , accusations or politics . Its the real deal . I really don't see how this will have much of a effect on border security either way .

  11. nitwits & dimbulbs ; so many of you. The truck didnt have to hit them, just the wave of air from a 75 mph semi can knock you over as every hwy cop knows ... the truckers do it for sport, but in this case may not have seen them. A better BP investigation is the friendly fire shooting here in az a coupla years ago... why were these guys firing rifles when there were no armed bandidos in the vic. ???

  12. Updated information:
    I reaffirm the agent who was injured and who called for help called the incident an accident not an attack. The FBI confirms it is investigating this scenario.

    Al Peña, former deputy director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE, isn't so sure about an accident and believes perhaps "something else" may have been the cause.

    Although there have been “threats with rocks” however there has never been a murder or serious attack with rocks.

    “The injuries to Martinez could not have happened the way the media has been trying to portray,” said Stuart Harris, vice president of the Border Patrol Council Local 1929. “Agent Martinez was ultimately murdered. The agents were tracking footprints and were ultimately ambushed, and assaulted by, I don’t know who, but it could have been illegal immigrants

  13. at 3:02AM jthe reports of the track says something about the mirror hitting them. I thought that not possible but i am not an expert of course

  14. My bad, I apologize, I did not connect to original post about fbi, which was dallas news. there is a reason. but according to dallas news, fbi says the incident is being investigated as a possible accident. however the agent who was injured called in as accident. according to the sheriff who responded....

  15. Whatever happened to the agents they were not carefully in approaching the area and not calling in their location these guys knew the dangers of the job nobody forces you to have a badge regardless where you live in this world being careless can kill R.I.P.

  16. Where does it say the second agent refuses to do polygraph? One of the caveats of law enforcement state of federal is to waive your "rights" to undergo polygraph examination. Is it possible an MD is stepping in and declaring the agent unfit for polygraph because of a concussion?

  17. There are two groups of people telling their versions. the sheriff says the agent that survived called his wife saying there was an accident and he didn't know where he was. it is that sheriff that says it is an accident

    then the vp of a local BP union says it looks like an attack to him. he also says agents inspect culverts. he also says it would not take this long if it were an accident.

    so pick your poison. like chivis says it could be an attack or accident nothing has been made clear.

    1. and then there is this guy

      Rush Carter, a supervisor for the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol region that includes the area where Martinez died, told the Associated Press that all the agency can confirm is that the two "were injured while performing their regular duties" and that reports the agents were attacked are "speculation.

  18. Agents act irresponsibly every day
    A lot of different scenarios come into play
    We might never know
    Chivis, appreciate your effort in keeping us informed

  19. Well . At this point there have been so many opinions out there . It really don't matter what any of us think . If they say it was a attack there is going to a outcry from both sides . In accident same thing . I really don't see how racism plays a part here but there are already plenty of people crying racism . The important thing is , is what happened . The obvious first speculation for any normal thinking person would be attack . Don't mean it was . Like chivis said , if it was cartel there would have been weapons other than rocks . They also would have robbed and taken weapons . I don't know that they didn't but haven't heard they did . Don't mean it hasn't been said because I work out doors day and night and just read a little passing by .

  20. Man this is a hot topic ! Whats it going to be ? The "racist" north Americans or the pro migration . People are automatically racist if they think it was anything but a accident . It don't matter about all these stories we see on this very site about all the murder and mayhem just across the border . If anybody thinks it was an attack they are racist because people think nobody would be out there but Mexicans . Stereo typical "migrant workers" are all the same with this pro - migration opinion . The real truth is they are not all the same . I have many friends that migrated to the usa from mexico . One in particular I usually talk to several times a day . If you told me he ambushed and beat somebody with a rock I would know for sure you are a liar. Mexicans are just like everybody else . They all are different . I know many and you just cant say they are all the same . Besides that sounds insulting .

  21. I don't know, I think my reporting on this has caused hate to rise to the top. I just wanted to give info that is out there from the main players. But FBI has not given a hint either way. I do think they have done a huge disservice to the public by not ruling out one or the other or at least saying "it appears as _________. perhaps they can't, but it would be helpful.

  22. Chivis, it is not about anybody's reporting, the seeds of hate have been planted carefully for a long time, I would say since "the traitor mexicans helped get bill clinton elected" and then Obamanos, because it is easier to blame the mexican than the trickle down economics have been running out of gas for a looong time, it got so bad that on top of the gerrymandering and vote suppression it also took foreign helpers to hijack the last election through a gerrymandered electoral college and russian hackers...
    And things are getting worser and worser all the time, some are contemplating a good ol' coup d' etát like a regular banana republic to affirm the new Cancer on the Presidency and it's military junta.

  23. Accident since the start, there was no Police Activity or warning to the public in the nearby towns, to stay indoors, or report any suspicious activity in the area.

  24. Chivis where is the update to the story? Don't want to disappoint all these conspiracy theorists?


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