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Saturday, December 16, 2017

Government Alleges Attorney is passing messages on El Chapo's behalf

 By Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat

he government filed a motion seeking to delay production of discovery that would identify government witnesses because of unspecified “security concerns.”  Eduardo Balarezo, attorney for Joaquín El Chapo Guzmán, responded saying that delaying production would violate his client’s right to due process,  and the ability to defend himself. The government in turn replied with an incredible accusation, saying that Balarezo had contacted potential witnesses and that he had passed on messages from his client, and that one of the people spoken with took the message as a threat. The letter below denies unequivocally the government’s “baseless allegations”.

It is permissible for defense attorney’s to contact possible witnesses.  Balarezo did reach out to persons that are possible witnesses, all agreed to meeting him…except one. One wonders how it is possible El Chapo could even give a threatening message to pass on to anyone, since he does not have the privilege of speaking to his attorney in private or contact visits.
Balarezo’s comment to Borderland Beat:
“I have not passed on any messages from my client to third parties, period. The government is using the same playbook against me - making allegations without proof of wrongdoing — that it will use against Mr. Guzmán at trial. They are simply trying to chill the defense and prevent us from doing our job. I look forward to addressing these allegations in court.”
Without evidence the government issued the allegation.  It appears, now that the government has El Chapo under control, they are going after his attorney.  First with the false accusation that Balarezo had a conflict of interest because he had been speaking to a person in Mexico that would result in a conflict.  Balarezo told the court in his filing that he has never spoken to the individual. 

While he sits solitary confinement, in a New York Federal Prison, the government has succeeded in, striping Guzmán of the usual rights given to all prisoners, even serial killers, mass murders, and the like. As BB has explained in former posts, it should matter to everyone that the government, who has an incredibly strong case, would jeopardized the case by denying the defendant a fair trial.  It makes no sense.  In my knowledge, I know of no other person prosecuted, for the crimes he is being charged with, having SAMS applied to this extent, including being denied barred of the right to speak to his attorney in private. 

The controversial (SAMS), meaning special administrative measures of housing and communication of prisoners.  It is used primarily for terrorists and espionage cases.  The law is considered particularly controversial because it permits monitoring of attorney-client communications of designated prisoners, SAMS was initiated in November 2001 after the 911 NYC terrorists attack.

El Chapo has been denied any communication with his family, press or anyone. No letters, phone calls, in person visits.  He had one visit with his sister, not in private.  Also his twin daughters were able to visit him on three occasions.  Any fair and reasonable person, knowing the history of Chapo can understand restriction.  However, since someone is listening to his every spoken word, limited visits would not appear unreasonable, that said, I will give this to the prosecution, in the balance, as not being terribly outrageous. 

Regarding the delaying of witness’s names, Balarezo filed an objection on the behalf of his client.  He stressed in his filing, how the non-disclosure of witnesses places the defense at a great disadvantage.  Balarezo asserts that delaying production of materials, would violate his client’s right to due process, hampering the right for him to defend himself. Balarezo stressed the importance the material in the preparation of El Chapo’s defense.  In the schedule of the government’s release of material, it would appear information of the most important or case damaging witnesses would be provided to the defense with only weeks to prepare.

The material contains “the statements of cooperating witnesses that are expected to directly implicate Guzmán, to the conduct charged in the indictment.” Leaving little time to investigate and prepare for cross examination of the “long list of witnesses”. 

Material being withheld include:
  • Consensual video and/or audio recordings of cooperating witnesses;
  • Photographs related to the defendant taken by cooperating witnesses;
  • Copies of travel documents related to cooperating witnesses’ travel to meet with the defendant or otherwise conduct business on his behalf;
  • Photographs of cooperating witnesses which, though not taken by cooperating witnesses, would nonetheless reveal the identity of cooperating witnesses when produced as part of the government’s Rule 16 obligations;
  • Documents detailing drug transactions between the defendant and cooperating witnesses

   El Chapo attorney Reply Regarding Witness Threats by Chivis Martinez on Scribd


  1. It would make total sense for the government to sabotage their own trial especially with the information and testimony that will be given of el chapo is ever put on the stand . Operation "divide and conquer" was real and it gave the Sinaloa cartel free reign to operate in Chicago , Atlanta and other parts of the country in exchange for information on other cartels mainly Los Zetas to which at the time no American government official had infiltrated nor produced a "snitch" ask your self why they would tarnish and air tight case against public enemy no.1

    1. The American government of Texas KNEW Los zeta were selling pemex Huachicol to Texan corporstions, as a matter of fact there are names of "Texas corporations buying mexican pirated oil"
      Only the Mexican cartels are the lowest rung of drug trafficking to the US but there is an understanding between US and Mexican governments because "business is business", lately turning theexican army and marinas into mexico's police to make easier the control of crime and the exploitation of the Mexican criminals, LA Chapa is being kept isolated to control the damage, in case he really knows too much...
      Google: "russian criminals in Mexico"

    2. 2:39 dude please give it a break with you nonsense posts - now Russians? Get back on the meds, you need srious help with all your aluminum foil posts throughout BB.You are turning every forum in a leftist agenda. May I remind you Hillary Clinton was defeated in a electoral landslide and Trump is president. Nothing has change since the election except you continual Trump bashing and nonsense posts. GET A LIFE!!!

    3. 6:00 They're not sabotaging anything.

    4. The Russians love Mexico, tequila, cervezas, make big military parades in RUSSIA to celebrate the Mexican. Revolution, sing Mexican songs on the street and theaters, with military BIG BANDS, have given scholarships to thousands of mexicans, recently offered to buy Mexican meats and farm products the US rejects, they have never persecuted mexicans.
      As mater of fack, the Chinese are all over mexico, openly, but there may be more Russians than you could imagine, after all, "nobody is watching"

  2. This is ridiculous, how is chapo transmitting the messages? eye signals? I agree it seems the government wants to fuck the case, wonder what is feared.

    does anyone know if the attorney can sur for defamation or something. because this could harm his livelihood, potentially. I believe that is the legal standard. But maybe a legal mind can weigh in.

    1. Guzman acted this strategy he is claiming again of his health deteriorating when he was incarcerated in Mexico. There is such a thing of hearing voices out of the ordinary yet considering his weight in gold, his voices out of the ordinary are just business. So, question is who's next? His ally, the Gulf, or CJNG who he despises? Both cartels can harm or benefit him

    2. 7:29 WOW, LA Chapa is gettin' crazy,
      And you about blew all your bright bulbs.

    3. 242. And are You writing Guzman does not attribute all of his thought processes to business? If so, You must think most intelligent characters are dumber than dumb. He loves his women for a reason.
      Guzman did act out this mental health deteriorating strategy in Mexico to prepare himself in the witch hunt of evidence for his trial. If You don't believe that, then You might as well take up another profession in communication, considering Guzman is not a Pea in a Pod rather he is the Pod

    4. The Crazy Act of Vince "The Chin" Gigante was not impressive to me, what impressed me was how effective it was on a law enforcement of the times that should have known better.
      Get LEDs instead of replacing your light bulbs,
      I do not care what happens with La Chapa, but Mexico is all worse without him.

    5. It is good you did not find it and its impressive, other wise you would have found this sick act impressive:

    6. The US Congress settles harassment claims with congressional staffers, the cost of the settlements is at about 1.5 billion dollars,
      I guess it involves sexual harassment from both parties.

  3. Some possible scenarios...

    1. Mistrial - Chapo goes back to Mexico?
    2. Innocent - Chapo goes back to Mexico?
    3. Guilty - Chapo does not go back to Mexico. Then?
    4. Escape - Chapo hides out in Brooklyn. And then?

    Are there other scenarios? Anything could happen. Asi es la vida

    1. Fact, if there is mistrial, very doubtful he will retried until any conviction and will not be released to Mexico or into society ever in his natural lifetime. He has several other indictments in different dristricts in the US. Two, the evidence is so overwhelming he will convicted on every single count and each count the minimum is mandatory life times 25 and the judge will stack all 25 consecutive. Three, he will be immediately brought and housed in ADX Florence in a fresh concrete cell until he dies with minimal human contact. His only friends will be the walls and floor. Lastly, there will be no escape as where is is currently housed and his future home are not part of any third world prsion system. Lackluster scenarios my friend, very lackluster. Time to get back to the DC comic books and Batman reruns.

    2. If you were Chapo, what would you do? What would be his best, worst and most likely outcomes?

    3. I don't think that numbers 2 and 4 are possible. :))

    4. Mistrial? Have they even started trial? Lol. Wouldn't put it past one of Chapo's "legal team" to be a go between for messages. Money corrupts.

    5. #5 Chapo dies in prison before any trial- He goes back to Mexico in a box. I believe this is the most likely scenario.

    6. There are pencils #2 for the cagazones, they have good erasers but you have to buy Dixon Ticonderogas.

    7. @7:30 .... if there is a physical way into Florence ADX believe me there is a way out .. it’s simple physics buddy, what world do you live in ?? With the resources that this Chapo guy has, I wouldn’t put it past him

    8. For 3:14 remember the old tuna commercial “Sorry Charlie” ADX is impenetrable like a fortress. Ground sensors, security 1000’s of cameras, there are 3 levels at Florence and then there is the speical wing of ADX which is not escapable. The guards are rotated constantly and to even get to him there are 100’s of cameras in each hallyway corridor and dozens of doors, cages, bunkers to go through. Keys are not used everything is done in command centers and the computers there are not for remote access so they cannot be hacked into. The only way out of ADX is in a pressure board box upon his death. Additionally the prsion grounds are so isolated that not even an assualt team could get anywhere near in. It is a federally protected airspace and any incoming flight would be noticed many miles away. There are speacial SRT teams always on the ready for each compound and one strictly for ADX. ADX has never had an escape nor will they. Go back to reading Batman comic books this is not Gotham or Arkham Asylum. Get off your meds. If it is simple physic inform us as to your Mensa plan. You would get lost inside it is a maze. Take off the aluminum foil propeller ball cap and get with the real world. I have a few other choice words for you but won’t post them here as others have condemned you time after time for your idiotic and stupid comments you continually post here on the BB. Case closed!

    9. 5:38 the ADX prison cost the American people billions and billions, and is being used to extort more billions from the peepol of this country to keep guarding some despicable cheap drug traffickers and criminals that are not a threat to anybody.

    10. @538 Do you work for ADX?? You sure act like it

    11. @3:14

      Simple physics alone doesn't dictate who could *legally* leave. Furthermore, the person you reponded to used the word "escape" implying that any inmate with his bear hands will not be leaving and, if you knew anything about physics, that should tell you something.

  4. I think the government is dipping into Sinaloa's finest. This case seems wacked.

  5. Chapo still standing Giving the gringos a hard time that's what I call sinaloa b@lls like they say over there Este Gallo sinaloese Les canta en su gallinero ajuuusas greetings from El Salvador

    1. Simon and don't forget el dicho, con la bara que midas, serás medido. Deniying people of rights in the land of the free, thats the reason guantanamo bay exists so that they can violate all the persons rights as much as they want.

    2. He's not standing, he's a broken man.

    3. Chapo's Problem is that someone accused him of being a billionaire, and some people who go around the world unabashedly demanding ransom or extortion payments from other countries in the form of "investments" that do not have to be repaid, want some of those chapo-billions somehow, or else...
      Even for eyetalian spaghetti bending mafiosos, thaat extreme!

  6. Ok Chivis . I see El Chapos side from your point of view but .Haven't heard the governments side .You stated "Without evidence the government issued the allegation. How do we know they have no evidence ? Very often allegations are made without presenting evidence . Then with this treatment you are describing ,"The controversial (SAMS), meaning special administrative measures of housing and communication of prisoners. It is used primarily for terrorists and espionage cases . This is usually the area I question your mindset . I personally consider someone like chapo a greater threat/ criminal than Osama Bin Laden was . It obvious you don't see that. Its this area , the seriousness of the crimes and threat to the usa that I seem always seen to be in disagreement with you . Still like you though

    1. she takes the facts of cases from court documents. they are long and I admit I don't read all of them to 'end', but for sure that is where that part comes from, including government side. read them and you will see, for a fact she posted all the sams information on previous posts. why you so offensive to chivis? she has made it clear that it isn't about chapo, it is about the system. I look at it that way also once I remove chapo from the equation

    2. 8:03 I question your mindset.
      Osama bin laden was born to a billionaire Saudi family and was later demonized by his former partners in the US government, the CIA and dept of defense that trained and supplied him for years while he .atured his religious extremism...
      --La Chapa was born broke ass poor, and worked for the Mexican drug trafficking puppets of the CIA until he made boss of his cartel...of course, the present CIA and others do not know anything about any former agents' secret special deals with LA Chapa and co.
      Those things do not allow for any records keeping, but I am sure there is not much there, unlike the Russian Dossier regarding bigger US criminals and their associates, or Bain and Co and Bain Capital, they really reaped everybody's billions of dollars from LatinAmerican junta leaders to American offshoring investors...
      LA Chapa did not offshore American j◇bs, American citizens always buy their own rolling paper

    3. 3:16. Avoid the troll: his former partners in the US government, the CIA and dept of defense who trained and supplied him for years....

    4. 8:03 pure pinchi propaganda comunista.
      Once anybody has been demonized you always see the devil looking for the remains to come and reign over, often with the help of Russian mobsters, the Red Mafia and Russian Oligarchs while the princes of deceit deny it all and persecute the special counsels, their conspiracy theorists and the fake news

    5. @1018 do your research about the cold war

    6. 9:10. 10:18 is referring to your use of the word "that" in your dependent sentence

    7. 1:15 you depend on puras pinchis mamadas...

  7. He will never get a fair trial

    1. Oh it will be fair even though he deserves a federal death penalty, but he will get a fair trial and never be released in his remaining worthless lifetime.

    2. Exactly right . What is fair under us law ? You have a murderous piece of shit responsible for a huge portion of the supply for the drug plague and deaths across the country . I am sure there is no statutes that could even begin to make him pay for what he has done . Maybe years of torture with doctors to keep him alive ? It wouldn't be equal payment but it would get him a little closer . Your right there will be no fairness her in the USA. But we have his sorry little ass from now on .

    3. Sounds like a career law enforcement type.

  8. This punk has killed many people in our country. He should be glad that he has a rock to lay his pea size head! Hell is going to be that much worse.
    Stop whining and take your time like the boss you thought you were!!!

    1. 8:35 Big pharma has about 200 000 overdose victims on the US, and in 2017 alone about 70 000...
      LA chapa is getting singled out, period.

    2. 3:24 STO with you leftist anti American rants. You are a confirmed racist and bigot and you persoanlly post your adoration of hate. Every post is about leftist agenda, anti Trump & American, pro Clinton, and the list goes on. Please get off your Mom’s computer and off the public libraries free Wifi and get yourself back to the mental facility you escaped from.

    3. @3:24. The U.S. is aware of pharma overdose's at the choice of the victims. It is the U.S. where freedom of speech and choice is emphasized, hence land of opportunities where a tremendous amount people dream of immigrating to. Guzman is getting singled out for reason of illegal drugs and forced prostitution by which interferes with the U.S. politics in the name of deterring the money gained by illegal drugs. There is your open can of worms

    4. Let’s no forget the Tobacco companies whose products kill millions each year worldwide.


    5. The top 10 lists of deaths annually in the USA do not include drug overdoses. So everyones drug theory is misled even though the opioid deaths are rising at an alarming pace.

  9. I believe in due process, and elements of this are disturbing, but the government does have a case. As the leader of one of the world's largest criminal organizationso he has no doubt committed and ordered acts of violence that can be construed as terrorist in nature, for example threatening or killing journalists and politicians. Also, he and others have shown how easy it is to maintain a high level of control over their organizations while imprisoned. These two things alone show that he is willing and able to do anything to maintain his power and protect himself, like killing or intimidationg witnesses, judges, and attorneys or jury tampering. Furthermore, nobody knows how much power he would be weilding if he was given all the leeway a "normal" prisoner gets, nor what those ramifications would be. Finally, let's not forget his previous escapes from prison. Who could say whether or not he would start a mini civil war like Pablo did. He is not a serial killer, mass murderer, nor any other type of "normal" criminal with limited means at his disposal. We are talking about a man who a very short time ago had access to billions of dollars and thousands of well-armed fighters.

    1. the article alludes to the fact there is a very strong case, one of bb posts lists the evidence. it is massive. you established that traffickers should be considered terrorists. and list his sins. so lets hang him. without due process, without evidence, and being treated differently than any other terrorist drug trafficker that preceded. are they not, also terrorists? And a few of them are given deals to say whatever supports the government case. Is that ok with you that they will walk one day? maybe even go in to witness protection and leave prison soon? by my count there are a couple dozen of those waiting to say whatever is necessary. Your knowledge of what chapo has done, and has acquired is amazing, where did you learn such information? Call forbes, they tried to estimate and admits it is impossible. All cartel leaders do what you describe. the media hypes reality. Mochomo beltran Leyva was called 'the scariest narco monster ever'. and we know that is a lie. but people believe it because they are ignorant and those people will fill the jury pool. Conviction should be based on hard evidence, which if what they list is true, they have, and the testimony of credible people, which they lack. my two cents

    2. @1:31, I didn't allude that all traffickers are terrorists, just some are....and u r alluding that chapo is not the leader he assumes to be, so ignoring everything else tell me how did he organize the only escape from the maximum security prison altiplano (that had to have costed lots of money between buying the property, building the tunnels and paying the right people or intimidating them). His escape from altiplano could only occur once, so why would they waste it on him unless he was important...and I did say some of the government's behavior is disturbing but this is a unique situation where u r basically dealing with a warlord. I will start to lose sleep if this treatment becimes more common practice, but until then, i repeat, this is a unique situation where the accused has shown he is a greater danger than 99.99999999% of normal criminals.

    3. Oh I see then you are saying only this trafficker. which proves the point. it should be equal treatment. I think you are very ignorant of narco history, and Mexico. It shows.

    4. 8:39 lucky we anonymous, but the CACA stinks all the same.
      If the powers that be are soon right, well, come on with all they got, La Chapa is not interfering with the investigations, he has no V E T O power, he is not going to fire the special prosecutor or the crown's, so, what is holding up his trial?
      The US government has always known where he was and that he was their good loyal employee, until the changes of regimes in Mexico and the US that are now spinning their cobwebs and spiderweb of death threats against journalists and "politicians for profit" without even one cardboard or a manta for evidence.
      You should think twice about your propaganda and your priorities instead of drinking all that nazi tea and kool-aid colon cleansers and trying to feed the world the TP and the hogwash.
      Vicente Zambada Niebla also demanded his partners in crime bring their as to court and partake of the cowpies, after all they were together when the going was going good, but they said No Way, josé...the powers that be concurred, but if it was other genuine American product, it would have been all hugs and kisses in Congress like US rep Henry Hyde and "cute boy ollie", and all the "rogue agents" presudential pardoned by the George H W Bush administration, more than one hundred "iran/contra weapons for hostages drug traffickers that had been poisoning the US since the Vietnam War and continues to do so from Latin America and Asia where now they own all the American industry and jobs they offshored with their ill gotten gains...
      And now they just can't have this chapa baby? Whatvs it going to take, a cesarea?
      "Dispara cobarde, sólo vas a matar a un hombre" Che Lives

    5. @5:58 please explain the point and please explain how I am ignorant of narco history and Mexico. Your generalizations are not good arguments.

    6. you are comparing apples to oranges. this is the United States not mexico. bottom line I say the law should treat all major capos the same for alike charges and I am opposed to the denial of private conversations between client and attorney. No matter who it is. any information the defendant says which should be client attorney privilege, is heard and can be used against he or she. about generalizations, I gave an overview adequate for this forum.

      justice is to be blind, everyone given a fair trial and treated fairly. If he breaks the rules of confinement, then punitive measures are warranted. whoever it is. period. you say it is ok because this treatment isn't given to the masses, how silly of an argument that is. where do you draw the line? country of origin? kin color? status on forbes most wealthy? I say you are ignorant because if you look at narco history even recent history, there have been many capos as bad, and mass killers, like edgar, and they were treated mighty fine, and cut deals. Narco history a hundred years strong except when drugs were legal, which btw they did not have violence in those years.

    7. Justice be blind, but there is always a code where justice on the US knows better and looks the other way...
      John De Lorean and the Iran/Contra drug traffickers, the murderers of Barry Seal, those denounced by Gary Webb, never got punished, but only a few investigations and wrist slapping.
      I sez, punish all the Lord's creatures big and smalll equal, and to the nay sayers, Up Yours...
      Now, if the US is to judge us all, we want to make 60 dollars an hour for doing better work than many righteous US citizens, own all our countries a d their resources and treat the people like gabachos with all the rights and obligations, but nooo, the enslaved live stock mustn't attain or achieve any rights exclusive use of the Master Race, aaight?
      Fuck the Master Race.

  10. Don't worry US government is requesting extradition of former governor of Tamaulipas Eugenio Hernandez. Hopefully a few more especially former Veracruz governor and former Coahuila governor. And they are going cry and then TALK and show how the $ goes UP to the TOP! Then what? Do we bring Nieto? Why not we brought Noriega. Does Trump have the cajones to do that? Or... do we let them keep killing millions of our dumb "sick" drug users? And China ingredient providers next! Tony Montana

    1. I am not defending our home grown Mexican criminal politicians, but why is the US interested in extraditing them?
      Their bosses and other enabling accomplices LIVE ON THE US:
      --president Ernesto "LA Neta" zedillo butcher of Aguas Blancas, El charco, Acteal-Chenalhó, and who headed the murdering under excuses of looking for the zapatistas.
      --El president FECAL who presided over the murdering, kidnapping, extortion, disappearances of hundreds of thousands of mexicans, with help of his army and marinas, also loves on the US, both are Yale or Harvard "professors"...
      --one of the US newest millionaires, Genarco Garcia Luna whose murdering police forces helped his as become a millionaire many times over and who is a partner of the richest Mexican in the world Carlos slim helu, part owner of the New Yor Times (that once accused Manuel Cavazos Lerma and manlio fabio "La Fabis" beltrones of being drug trafficking money launderers based on US government information)
      These few crooks are now special protected species with Sovereign Impunity on the US!
      Must be related to the robbing, stealing and privatization of PEMEX, and anything their hearts desire on which legislation they "worked" under epn...

    2. 5:51 legal drugs have been killing about 3 times more people than illegal drugs, according to US statistics, and many the ones that die from illegal drug overdoses were usualy started on their addiction by legal prescriptions.
      The Chinese will sell to anybody, they do not really own the industries offshored to their country, they are the property of the global vulture capitalists that stole them from the US and financed it with goverment loans and tax breaks for corporate welfare queens. So, the Chinese have to make do with the doggie doo their business deals leave them, "or else", tax their captive slave communist laborers' $0.40 cents a week salaries?
      --The mexican government already tax the mexican workers' $2.99 usd a day minimum wages by one third, the minimum mexican wage is now equivalent to 2.00 US dollars A DAY.
      I am no fan of drug traffickers, but I understand their predicaments, maybe you can fix the problem, I can't and I won't

    3. according to the 2017 report page 25 :

      RX OD deaths were 31,181
      RX psycho stimulants 5716
      Heroin 12,990
      cocaine 6,784

      about 37k in prescription deaths vs 20k street drugs

      most drug stats of opioid deaths are together in media reports. when one hears 50k opioid deaths people think it is all prescription drugs, when in fact a big chunk is street drugs.

      as for fentanyl, those deaths are primarily when infused in heroin or mislabeled street retail not pharmaceutical produced

    4. No way. They have criminals in the RGV from Tamps they won't arrest. All politicos

    5. Shit, BB looks like a full fledged bitch fight these days...
      Bring it on perras! I have a knife and a fork ready.

    6. Most opioid related overdoses, including the illegal ones that result in death are the result of Big Pharma buying US lawmakers and congressional committees to STOP the DEA from seizing suspicious billion pill orders shipped to suspicious pharmacies in towns with 100 people or the money obtained illegally through sales with or without prescriptions.
      GOOGLE: Mc Kesson Pharmacy investigated by Congress> "The Opioid Epidemic: How Congress and Drug Lobbyists Worked to Neutralize the DEA" Washington Post and 60 Minutes
      By Scott Higham and Lennie Bernstein, congressman US rep Tom Marino headed the campaign, received $100 000.00 us campaign donation, and I am sure, a lot of performance bonuses, perhaps offshore, somewhere safe.
      --AND US "senator" Orrin Hatch, for $177 000.00 usd and prolly more somewhere else offshores where nobody can touch or find it, big Pharma spent 102 million dollars buying your lawmakers to pass the law and tie the DEA AND THE PRESIDENCY INTO PASSING AND SIGNING THE LEGISLATION WITH LITTLE REVIEW AS POSSIBLE...
      --Donald Trump, our most greatest president ever and great unparalelled clairvoyant, nominated Tom Marino for drug czar a few months back, "mister" marino withdrew prematurely when errybody started making waves about his dark past and relation with the opioid crisis...

  11. Gente Nueva ,Talibanes,antrax ,chimales , a las ordenes de el Patron

  12. 3:24 wrote:
    "chapa is getting singled out, period."

    Oh, please don't cry.

  13. I am impress with most of you. They are treating this man as if he was Magneto and can control minds😂🌊

  14. Yes,the US Government should also go after CJNG's Enrique Peña Nieto the day his term is over.Make him a poster boy for "all" the prior x-Mexican presidents/*future president*so that there will be change.Follow his money,assets compared to what he made and what his 2nd wife laundered.Might as well look into his 1st wife's mysterious death which allowed him to hook up and marry the women he was cheating with during 1st marriage.Corrupt,short little guy with napoleon.

  15. They can do whatever they want. They are squeezing him for everything they can get. What world are you living in. Look at our clown of an attorney General. The trend is so extreme, there is no rights cases ever being legitimized. No chance.
    Also two legal considerations. They do consider him a terrorist as for sure he is. Both American and Mexican citizens are at risk. Second, I'm sure ultimately he will be nailed with continuing criminal enterprise. This allow a big increase in security risk. Additionally, their ability to use prison escapes from high security prisons followed by extreme criminal retaliation makes their security measures seem reasonable.
    But another point we as citizens need to recall is that all of the innocent victims this sorry human being totally denied rights and due process to is catastrophically worse. In Juarez alone, he has killed thousands, many innocent.

    1. 3:47 you are regurgitating propaganda comunista, because as a matter of fack, Cd Juarez terrorism was a terrorism of state against a people that needed to be submitted by any means necessary conducted by polesias federales, estatales and Mexican army, still is all over chihuabua.

  16. Chivis . Don't you just love it !!! You get so much response with you posts and lots of opposing opinions . I think you are posting anonymously on here but I still like you

    1. anonymous posts? what a waste that would be, I put what I think out there, interaction is a good way to stimulate good discussion, and if a follower asks me a question I try to respond. Otis does this also. Buggs is not a fan of reporter interaction, but I think he has softened his opinion because he is not saying to knock it off.

  17. Good that's what I like to see on here . Good intelligent arguments even if I don't agree with them . My argument may not always seem as informed as some may . But I still have my opinion and it is based , on I hate drug traffickers . Hope you aint one . Wouldn't like you anymore .

    1. Everybody worried about Chapos treatment. How about his victims

  18. I see some people hate USA so much,
    that no matter what is the subject
    they just blame my country for it.

    1. 6:38 travel around and know your country, it is easy all over the world wide web.
      --Better yet, it is not your country, it is "the dirty deeds of the politicians that have hijacked our country's government" GOOGLE...

  19. The us government is more afraid of chapo telling whose on the payroll on the us government border patrol Dea etc they don't give a fuck about Mexico because we all knew they were dirty to begin with

  20. He had a deal with the Government and broke the deal so this is a lesson to others out there not to brake there deals with the USA!!! Or you will be treated like Chapo.

    1. 2:20 No MA Menaces, ya estas grandecita...
      Jose Alfredo Jimenez/youtube


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