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Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Cancun: Abandoned decapitated corpse with message to CJNG

posted by "Anasazi" from Infobae

In the middle of the holiday season, a corpse was left abandoned in front of a public clinic next accompanies by  a threatening message.

He was beheaded, with his head left between his legs, his face was flayed off and his penis was inserted  in his mouth. This is how the authorities found the abandoned body of a man in Cancún, Quintana Roo, one of the most important tourist destinations in the country.

At the stroke of midnight, the authorities received a report regarding the finding at emergency number 911.

The body was abandoned leaning against a fence in front of a public service clinic of the IMSS the message saying: 
Víctor Manuel Olivas Jalisca, you are next! Keep fucking around and supporting the Jaliscos (CJNG) and you'll get fucked together with all those filthy 'putos'! They forget that dogs live here. This goes for all the assholes who continue to support the Jaliscas".

The message refers to the Jalisco New Generation Cartel that entered Quintana Roo in order to dispute the plaza with groups linked to the Gulf Cartel, such as Los Taliban and Los Pelones. Also challenging a powerful local cartel headed by a former policewoman named Leticia Rodríguez Lara, known as "la 40", who operate with the support of the Sinaloa Cartel and the Zetas Old School.

This dispute has already left 215 people dead in the state, according to local media. In previous years, in comparison, the average was around 50 people.

The National System of Public Security and the National Crime Semaphore locate Quintana Roo as one of the most violent entities in the Mexican southeast, with regard to murder statistics.


  1. Killing innocents is not going to stop the take over, its to late.

    1. They ain’t giving up with out a fight that’s for sure.

    2. CJNG hasn't taken over any town they have claimed is theirs. TJ, Baja California Norte and Sur is being won back completely by CDS, they tried going into juarez and failed, they tried turning sinaloa on each other and failed, they still fighting for veracruz almost 10 years later, Guanajuato 6 years later, they're losing in colima, barely have a foot in michoacan and still dont own all of Jalisco since Sinaloa launders their money there and owns a lot of real estate there. FOH with any take over bs.

    3. 4:07 That is very accurate explanation of what has been happening and where CJNG is today. They will never control Guadalajara.

    4. No digas manadas lo q está pasando es q ya no pueden con la nueva

    5. 4 :07 please stop spreading nonsense, you are just in denial that CDS is losing ground. Cjng has taken half of Tijuana, veracruz is mostly cjng ( specially the port) and Colima has been menchos.lastly cjng has more of jalisco than cartel DE sinaloa has in Sinaloa, cds has not done much damage to beltran3s and are deep in Sinaloa.el chapo isidro is too much for cds lol GTFoh with your nons3nse....

    6. Wow bro you some kind of cheerleader or what is your Dailey soak on the news you red on here we don't fucking cheerlead we want a change in Mexico why do you even read on this site,it's not for that glorification of cartels it for the news of our towns or cities your so lost this the reason your family doesn't drive to Mexico or for that matter why you don't fly to Mexico wake up stupid dam be lucky if my comment makes it through just tired of all you cheerleaders get a life echale ganas ala chamba y algun dia tendras algo no como el Chapo que tiene ni su sombra se puede mirrar

    7. 7:45 losing ground? CDS has grown in cells since Chapos extradition, they now have Caro Quintero resources too where exactly have they lost ground? What cjng has done is gone into plazas that have owners and heat it up and set up shop in the narcomenudeo which is street sales. They dont own nothing in TJ but some corners here and there for selling meth. Get over the bs they own any plaza besides southeast of Guadalajara to suguayo.

    8. el cholo owns jalisco not el mencho remembered that

    9. exactly CJNG will not finish any Letra B or Mochomera/ Mazatlecos eso sí son de guerra and from what i see Nayarit siguen siendo Mochomos you May finish a cell from sinaloa but Letra B will kick Mencho and all his boys ass right outta southern and northern Sinaloa. The last one standing will be Isidro the man is just to smart y tiene mucho apoyó. Para que les quede claro el Mochomo Sigue Rifando.

    10. @9:44 rifando con la ayuda de CDJ and Zetas ??
      No niego que tienen power pero tienen plaza Frontera?

      No se piensalo...

      No creo que mazatlecos/mochomera/MEZA-Flores tengan Guerra con NG, no creo ayga truega tampoco

    11. 9:44 you read wrong amigo, CDS has not done damage to Beltranes. Cjng kiked them out of jalisco though, cds should be ashamed of that lol nayarit is menchos plaza TOO because the crooked governor from there sold it to him. If anybody can take out beltranes it's cjng, cds sicarios are NOT that good. Remember the anthrax? Lol Mencho is too much for el chapo isidro. Mencho pushed him North while isidro was trying to go deeper into Mexico, cds should take some lessons because beltranes are strong in sinaloa but Mencho took them out from Jalisco. Back to my POINT, cjng has more of Jalisco on lock than mochomos or cds in Sinaloa.. Case closed lol

    12. These cds fans are getting annoying. All the new stories lately are saying cds is losing ground but yet they are saying that cds are gaining ground. These Sinaloa people pr9bably just look at pictures lol

    13. How can people be "fans" of this bunch of homicidal animals. The comment section is full of fantasizing morons

    14. 7:45 how can u say cds hasn't done much damage to blo? Blo is almost nonexistent. I don't care who is doing what I'm just saying your statement was bs. And for 4:07 who gives a shit about who is doing what. They all need to be wiped out but the government makes to much money from it. It's sad to hear about but it will never change

  2. seems that CJNG is attacked from all directions, even in jalisco.

  3. And how do you know he was innocent?

    1. A better question is, how do you know he was guilty? All cartels have a proven track record of using innocent people as props for narco mantas. You are assuming because this person was unlucky enough to end up naked and decapitated that they somehow deserved that fate. Guilt or innocence have very little bearing on the truth of crime in Mexico.

    2. 919, well said. Thank you.

  4. It is too late for the peñanietistas del pinchi PRI and their madrotas del PAN y PANAL, they and La Mencha arrive too late to campeche with their jaliskas, nomás vienen a andar de calientes.

  5. Zetas don't die they multiply

    1. For those of you, who have not read the card signature, it is signed by as follows: ATN: LFM

    2. @5:07 You are incorrect. It is NOT signed as you stated.

    3. 5:07 cancun is controlled by los PELONES who were la Celula Sureste when they worked with Carillo Fuentes/Magaña and then they started to work for Zs/CDG in the early 00s. They have connections with Mayo and BLO too.

    4. 119. there is another card board sitting by this person from another blog signed by LFM

    5. 3:54...that's funny since they aren't anything anymore.

  6. I'm sure there is way more than just 250 dead like the authorities claim, probably like 1250

  7. Sorry for newbie question, but what is the "Zetas Old School?"

    1. Is a los zetas faction of first or second generation zetas and their ppl that are willing to work with the cdg and by cdg rules like it was becore their split from cdg.

  8. Zetas split into two groups one is old school or Zetas Vieja Escuela the other is CDN or Cartel Del Noreste cartel northeast
    they are fierce enemies.

    1. Seems like CJNG cant even control Jalisco.

    2. @ chivis
      Best specification; a mongoose and a cobra fighting till the death!

    3. 4:55 The zetas have scattered like mice throughout Mexico and the Zeta Cartel no longer exists. There are former affiliates who use the zeta name to intimidate and extort retail drug dealers, but the zetas as a cartel are no more.
      There is no longer a political and financial infrastructure that the former Zeta Cartel used to funnel millions into laundering schemes and buy favors from various governors. The Zeta Cartel is completely dismantled and the remnants that claim to be zetas only claim this name as leverage to intimidate. They are small time extortionist, kidnappers, retail drug dealers; and they are very insignificant when it comes to the wholesale movement of narcotics.

    4. The Old School Zetas I guess still has the original Zetas that are left. While the Cartel del Noreste is ran by Treviños family.

  9. I like how the title expains that it was "abandoned" lol. As if dudes normally dump the body and stay by its side until its found

  10. Who controls Mexicali, since I am from there and going down there this week for New Years, thanks...

    1. Checo 6 on behalf of mayo z

    2. El mencho and los garibay

    3. La Nueva Generacion and Grupo Escorpiones they are taking out Gente Nueva and los caballeros templarios most of Mexicali is owned now by the new generation and scorpion group

    4. Comandante perro controls la cachanilla

  11. One d3ad cjng guy and people act like cjng is done? Really?... Lol

    1. They can't control their own state and they think they're going to take the Gulf States when they've been struggling for more than a decade to take veracruz.

  12. So is zeta escuela vieja working with cds with la 40? Or is she working for both sides?
    Puro cochinero aunque digan que no pero el chapo ase falta mas a fuera que dentro. Animos plebles echelen ganas y in saludo patodos en especial pa la gente de Mazatlan

    1. Jajaja Chapo was just a figure head, Archivaldo is doing good work With El Nini, Panu and many other big names fighting for him

    2. Archivaldo al Mando

  13. Saw on FB this guy was from Cartago (not Cartagena), Colombia. And that the rumor is they also killed his gf and her father.

  14. @7:07pm In Mexicali, mostly CJNG

    1. jajaja. Da fk you smoked son? Mexicali is CDS.

    2. Lmao what corrido did you get that misinformation from? Let me guess a corrido about mencho lmao

    3. Mexicali is Mayos


    4. I thought the remnants of Macho Prieto were still in control?

  15. No as this is stupid nonsens.splitting countries is no good thing

  16. Soy el Mencho guey!!



    No pues wow, creo que alguna gente tenga razon...

    Pero tambien no se si estos son de Los Meza-Flores que son Los twins de Chicago

  19. The states in the gulf coast of Mexico are the "Afghanistan" for the pacific cartels. They just don't get it. They can't handle being out of their Sierra madre occidental confort.

  20. You obviously haven’t educated yourself to the money that leaves as welfare and supports infrastructure for the rest of the country from this tiny industrias area of educated and hard working area. You also haven’t educated yourself on the random nature in how Catalonia even became a part of Spain. Americans are so f’n opinionated yet amongst the least educated in the western world.


  21. This kind of nationalism in 2018 is ridiculous,what next bombing campaigns on innocent people?

  22. Do cartels hate the tourist industry or something? You'd think they'd at least respect Mexico a little and stay out of Cancun...

  23. Elect Donald Trump and build a wall around cataluña

  24. No shit! Last time I was there in the opened front bars they was a hit were quite a few were killed by a drive by on a motorcycle. They tried keeping it all as hush hush as they could. Problem is it’s way too pervasive to cover it all!

  25. Exactly why you want to leave.MONEY
    Nationalistic crap NO SUPPORT here

  26. Last time i was in here was when the "chapo Snitched Guy" was always saying that stuff , then we all apologized to him because he was right all along -- what happened to those good OL dayz ???

  27. Why not help a poorer side of the country if it’s possible it’s like saying any rich state in America should be there own country because they bring in more money not cool man

  28. PLEASE, we needs the people of Mexico to please go to your President & tell him that President Trump offered to come into Mexico & help but the Mexican President said, "Absolutely, unequivoqually NO", we're not pumping bullets into drug cartels as a way of solving this!" WHAT?!!! President Trump didn't offer muder just to help Mexico take their homeland back from drug cartels that have made Mexico & every major city in it the #1 Murder capitals & Most Dangerous Cities in the world, like ever!!! It's time to reclaim Mexico!!
    God be with you!! XOXO


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