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Sunday, December 31, 2017

California goes with legal weed tomorrow but will high tax keep users in the black market?

by Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat

Recreational weed goes legal tomorrow in California.  What at first seemed like a dream come true for those who imbibe, overtime have been jerked back into reality, which may persuade users to continue getting their supply from a black market source. More on that later.

In 2016 California citizens voted to legalize in 2016.

The objective was wide ranged, lessening the judicial system load and jail space for weed possession crimes. Many felonies will now become misdemeanors. And many of those convicted with marijuana crimes will be released from jail, and have records expunged .

Additionally, regulations could be imposed; weed farmers could emerge from criminality and become businessmen working on the side of the law.  The hope was to diminish the massive black market.

As for the legal aspect, basically, it will be treated similarly to alcohol.  Age requirement is 21,  and if you are 21 or older you can legally grow up to six plants at your very own home or be in possession of 1oz.. Driving under the influence laws are alike, but an alcohol breathalyzer is useless with marijuana which is measured by THC.  A company called “Hound Labs” has developed a new breathalyzer for marijuana and is in field testing. It also tests alcohol consumption.

This month licenses began being issued to businesses wanting to enter the retail market and larger scale  distributors, who will acquire the product from farms and sell it to retail outlets.


In San Diego California, one of a handful of cities ready to retail marijuana, Live music. Free T-shirts will be available in a  “Freedom” celebration with mystery prize boxes worth up to $500, a Marijuana legalization celebration is planned with plenty of hoopla,  being only one of the cities ready to sell legal weed to the public.

As of Friday only 42 licenses had been issued.

And other cities are warning the public against bringing  pot to their destination, 

A "Budtender" assists a customer in San Diego
Be careful where you smoke

There is an added caution for weed users.  On one hand the restriction will be similar to alcohol, there is an added concern…. smoker rules.  Where you lit up will be factor alike to cigarette smoking, example “no smoking in public areas”. 

It is up to individual cities to determine if facilities will be lawfully able to allow weed smoking.

And cities are tentative about the new law.  Many are in a wait and see mode.  In Los Angles for example they will not be accepting applications until January 2018.  Los Angeles is the largest marijuana market in California, and legalization was supported by 80%.  Fact is tomorrow you will have a difficult search for retails outlets selling marijuana.  It depends on the will of the cities. San Diego and Oakland are ready to begin tomorrow.

The tax rub

Marijuana tax will be the same for medical or recreational.  It begins with a base tax of 15%, but will be much higher.  Cities will determine their city tax.   It is complicated and in dispute as to the actual bottom line tax.  It is reported to be between 30 and 45 %.  Even with the expected decline of product price it may be high enough to keep users with the unlawful sources they have.

15% excise Tax Cultivation Tax- $2.75 per ounce of leaves 9.25 for flowers State and City Taxes- 8 to 9.75 percent Long term it remains to be seen what will transpire but for now many, cities, users alike are in a holding pattern.
Below is the California marijuana summary


  1. Question is will the legalization decrease their debt or increase their salaries? It is California ffs

    1. Additionally, Cartel Land is in their backyard, so profits may appear too complex for the better good. However, it appears obviously the ones not on drugs will profit, hence a lesson is in the making

    2. There is no money in legal or illegal Grifa in Califa,
      Everybody has their own macetas, except for Hollywood, califa is all about exporting their shit to other states victims of the Californicating business practices,
      pinchis mariguanos, ora van a seguir ahi nomás de calientes

  2. In denver its better to get it from the street its cheaper and its some really good shit

    1. That stuff is bought at the medical price and then re sold to undercut the rec prices.

    2. 12:22 the only shit bought at medical price is the licenses, and some Dispensary Supply for impunity, the bulk is imported for profit, and no cualquier cabron is about to steal and rob or under sell the franchise.

  3. I think legalizations great but I wouldn't pay tax on it lol

    1. "There is nothing more certain but taxes and death"
      BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, notorious womanizer Don Juan who captivated the French Courtesans with his linguistic abilities when he was about 80 and they returned the favour by getting the French emporer to support the revoLuton on the US with cash, info and "a thick dossier" for the Tea Party Indians of the day...
      --These days you take the meat to the investors on the land of Rasputin and the Rubles, or buy their street meats for millions of dollars in US taxes...

  4. That's pretty cool that Welcome to California sign.

  5. 420 baby happy New Year smoke two blunts at midnight and excuse me while I kiss the sky

  6. Marijuana is for people who can't hack it in life if you smoke weed and don't have a serious illness you are weak and pathetic. Liberals are animals especially out here in California and the racist Caucasian only far-right are no better fucking hypocrites!

    1. Welp i guess im weak and pathetic then. Ima go make me some breakfast then go be weak and pathetic lol

    2. 9:25. It's OK. 10:35 is just referring to his perspective of the Sponge Bob cartoon

    3. You may want to look up the defenition of Caucasian - unless you're black or Asian then you're Caucasian too.

    4. "Marijuana is for people who can't hack it in life"

      Dont drink,dont smoke,dont fuck,what do you do?
      At least you've got your opinion ey dude,what would you know about it anyway,shut up and go take your pulse,you might be dead already?

    5. Man you need to get laid.

    6. 1:18 IF grifa is so "good" for you, good for you, it is fine with me, I hope you find the most powerful strain and smoke all of it, but why do you need to promote and defend your shit so furiously and insult?
      --I don't give a fack about the vice, but when "so called businessmen" protest about their right to poison and recruit perfectly healthy "customers", lemme tell you, buddy, you and your bisness are full of shit...

    7. 10:35 "liberals" may be mariguanos baratos, but they are not into brainwashing poor weak minded underage libertarian intellectuals victims of propagandistas like Roger Stone.
      Ratbastard Roger Stone has some regrets. Oh. NOT his shitload of dirty tricks
      --Admin, Please post and check?
      i'm begging on my knees.THANKS FOR ALL YOU DO.

    8. Its Millie the freak,talkin about "white Caucasian " surprise surprise,what a fuckin troll,racist puta

  7. Large scale distributors are first in line to keep buying from illegal suppliers to keep the overhead low, --the customers, like all drug addicts are unable bola de pendejos, but pay two to three times for shit they can grow at home?
    --It is a pity Californian forests got burned all through 2017 to make room for "legal agricultural grifa", if the government wants to get involved they should supply it all for free or a small fee to all comers, once you compound "taxes, profits, legal expenses, kickbacks to lawmakers, and shit, the fun is over...

  8. Dang ! More tax money. Maybe California can Tax its way out of the hole . Doubt it though . California got in the hole because of the tax and spend lefties out there . Wonder if they go left far enough to dig their way back out . Na they will spend the money foolishly .

    1. 1:08 how soon you forget the rolling blackouts and EXXON's excessive billings and over Illinois and creative accounting that left califa bankrupt and ready for the Terminator to come and finish the job...
      --Laws were changed to allow for Austrian citizens naturalized US American to be eligible for the US presidency as soon as ahnuld won the governorship, if he hadn't got it on with the "Maid in LA" and had knocked her up he could be making plans right naw...but the way things look right now, he could be going for the job, and do better than the firer in chief...

    2. mills
      What a hater,told you,get a dude to sort you out man,get rid of all that tension you feel every day,straighten you out a little,for real it works,try it,give us a break then?

    3. 8:08 ...I love you, a lot, but NO...
      Thanks for posting to the administrators, some things need to get told even if it is too late or get erased later on.
      I am good, and I wish others all the best...
      --Let the comments be the jury, no???

    4. A Dirty Trickster Has Second Toughts
      By Benjamin Sarling.

  9. Finally some sense.Instead of money/profits going to south America/Mexico leave it to the American addicts and gov't.It's available anyway 24 hrs/day whether it's illegal,half-illegal or not.

    1. 2:14 American addicts ??? This aint meth or heroin . This is legal weed man . I know people that have smoked it every day for over 40 years and they didn't get addicted . It is a great alternative for all that addictive crap out there . Besides it has many medical benefits . Cancer and other uses .

    2. 4:17 although I agree pot is relatively harmless if someone is smoking weed every day make no mistake about it they are addicted. IMO it is the most harmless drug even less so than alcohol but it does have a some negative affects most obvious is what it can do to people's lungs.

    3. American prisons are full of past and present addicts that sunk into murder and lives of crime after getting innocently started on grifology at the gate, soon it was all about guns and cocaine, heroine, meth, or any other kind of pinguas and bath salts and murder to protect the business.

  10. Thanks Chivis,
    Yep, most folks have NO idea how complicated this is gonna get / be.
    The regs to get legal are unbelievably burdensome and expensive.
    There are so many regulatory agencies involved it’s mind blowing.
    From the bottom to the top.

    1. Most folk except the entire state of

  11. Thanks to the Readheaded Blackbelt for this :
    Check out the Video

  12. I can't believe it took so long to legalized in California this should have been done since 2000 less people in jails or prison less money is spent on prisoners the government can tax it therefore more income to put into many areas that are needed like fighting poverty finding a cure for HIV,cancer, etc. Fix global warming you get the idea, help the environment.

    1. They should put down drug addicts to just like you do animals out of their misery. And Yes marijuana is a drug and bad for you. Thats why the majority of bud smokers are idiots with no goals and lack of morals

    2. Your ignorant you must be a cop that is scared of losing your job. Or someone that is so close minded I feel bad for you!

    3. With your terrible spelling and grammar and infantile logic, you are the last person who should be calling someone an idiot. You sound like a glue sniffer.

    4. 11.29
      "They should put down drug addicts"
      Another one talking out of his arse,dude why don't you fuck off,we are bit more enlightened here,know what i mean?Nah,you probably don't,Indonesia is calling you home ballbag,go East young man,enlist and you can legally hunt drug addicts in that fuckin yard

  13. It doesnt matter becuase when they made the law they gave the ultimate power to the actual counties so while state can say hey yea sure legal weed the cities and counties can say nope fuck that not in my county marijuana is bad and in fact most counties have already outlawed it or made it entirely to difficult to get the permitting process so this wont help much and you certainaly can grow at your house those 6 plants but if you live under an acre they have to be in a building not attached the house and cannot be bigger then 10'x10' and use more then 1000 watts essentially guaranteeing you wont even be able to produce your own meds or rec weed so the effort required isnt worth it when you can just purchase off the market.

  14. Not only will many current illegal pot users continue to buy weed that has been smuggled into California by Mexican drug cartels, but new users will be drawn to the black market where marijuana will be much cheaper than it will be in licensed pot shops. Those high taxes will keep the cartels from shedding any tears. But just in case, there is also the demand for heroin and meth.

    1. The pot expensive at 1st. Then become dirt cheap. We've had legal weed for 3 yrs in Wa st. The prices are lower and lower everyday. $15 1/8ths....$80-120 for oz. The tax money is great too. Schools being fixed, roads etc. No one wants crappy outdoor Mexican brick weed. The good stuff is legal, and cheaper.

    2. Not the case in Nevada and it's only been legal for a year. Cheap Mex bud is a thing of the past here.

    3. Lol so how come is Mexico importing US weed? They're even switching to hydro.
      Yes the poor smoke compressed crap but middle class or rich people get decent hydro.

    4. Compressed is,
      do you mean squeezed of all the life saving oils?
      I hear perfectly good healthy customers would buy grifa if they are told it's been to the moon.
      --Hashish used to be provided to would be ASSASSINS, for some strange reason, before compressors of cold pressed oils were even invented, matter of fack, I have been wondering what ISIS and El-Aurens used to get to get it going.
      That's Lawrence of Arabiya, that British mophaka.

  15. In Colorado when MJ was first legal it was expensive($300.oz) for about 1yr. Until Rec growers caught up, now the market is flooded and top shelf flowers are about $100.oz

    When you buy legal MJ you go into a store get to pick and choose from dozens of great strains. Big difference between that and meeting some sckechy person in a parking lot and getting a bag of ?? lower grade random Mexi ?

    No comparison you never see Mexican MJ in Colorado anymore. Never.

    1. Exactly...when Cali gets it's supply in order, the Mexican weed won't be able to be given away.

    2. Mexican MJ is a disgrace

    3. Hemp Seeds, roasted, are $5.00 a pound on select grocery stores, and you can smoke them too, or just squeeze the oil.
      --All the grifa does is smell like Las Patas del Chamuco, I don't get the vice, maybe you need to get born addicted like a pinchi crack baby...pinchis mariguanos mamones.

    4. Except that you can get the same high-grade stuff on that street that you can in the stores, for less because you are avoiding the taxes. Cigarette smuggling is a multi-million dollar/year business, you think that doesn't happen with MJ?

      Make it legal everywhere and you'll still have to deal with the smuggling of weed from low tax states over into high tax ones. Lower risk due to reduced punishments and the same reward level. To top it off, you have the risk of being a MJ export country in a world where the vast majority are still against it AND the THREE international treaties that the US is a ratified party in (which everybody forgets about and actually removes the states' rights argument).


    5. 3:36 so how come they're selling Bubba Kush, girl scout cookies, etc? The compressed seed weed is just bait. Cartels know how to make hydro, not rocket science Rafa Quintero was selling the famous Acapulco Golden back in the 80s,one of the best strains back in the day.

  16. More money for narcos.

    1. On the contrary, the Mexican weed is a thing of the past. Even states like Georgia that were once big time buyers if brick weed don't fuck with it anymore. Why do that when u can get some bomb from states closer to you.

    2. 10:32 narcos do not collect taxes for "municipal or county" or state projects some call PORK BARREL, That includes school improvements for about to be privatized schools some pirates of "education" see as their big break.

  17. why shoul i pay 150 an ounce when i can get it for 60 dollars an ounce on the black market? just because the state wants a piece of the pie?just like the federal goverment if they dont get a piece of the pie its illigal but if you pay them theire share its fine

    1. Dude,the same thing for everything.
      Now the sheep with their pathetic notions of the"demon weed"will all of a sudden chill out"because the government made it legal and ok"wait and see the change in the sheep's attitude towards weed.
      Its true the proletariat are docile and bovine

    2. Sheep smoke shit because, well, that what sheep do.
      Sheep pay their taxes because, well, their sheepherder has taught them well,
      Las cabras del monte pay pura chingada.

  18. If the prices are too high I would definitely remain in the black market. I'd just be sure to only carry legal limits on me. It's not like the weed has an identifying characteristic that would tell authorities where I got it.

  19. When are they gonna legalize coke?

    Atte: El Perico de Pericos, Sinaloa

    1. 12:38 right after tourist pederastia, that makes a lot more money since before the Habana Hilton got made famous for its "exquisite offerings", minor aged children legally snatched from the street back when Cuba was living its golden age of debauchery in the arms of the eyetalian mafiosos.

  20. Just say no to drugs. That’s more $ in your pocket. - Sol Prendido

    1. 1:07 lissen' to Chole, yer right there baby.

  21. The more you come here the more you the see the hate for anything US and white gringo,and i thought mexicans were nice people yeah right

  22. The black market in California will just get flooded with legally grown weed just like in Colorado. This article was written by somebody who doesnt understand how the economy works, my suprise when...

  23. This will get interesting with midterm elections and the DOJ does not stand with legalization. It only takes 1 public scandal of this for the Federal Goverment to make this a crime.

    1. Just let Don Fanuccio wet his beak a little bit, ya know.
      Why bring in the feds?

  24. I still have my medical card im not paying those outrageous legal prices only a fool would pay those high taxes prices for legal weed this will not stop the black market unless you sell at black market prices

  25. Here in Las Vegas grams go for under $20 and the quality is top notch.

  26. A huge increase in supply in California will lower prices sufficiently to more than offset any possible taxes.

    This is a big loss for Mexican cartels.

  27. Its been legal since nov. 2016. This year recreational shop can open.

  28. Like everyrhing else in usa. Grams for 20 dollars. Fucking ridiculus

    1. in kaz 2$ a gram high grade weed. 0.5$ for gram if weed is legal

    2. U getting ripped off. In LA a lot of spots are hooking people up for $10 a gram. $30 eights. WeedMaps is your best friend.

    3. 20? Lol you getting rip. A single gram of the highest quality is no more than 15.

    4. $5 grams, $10 1/8, 15-20g for 85%+ BHO, all day everyday on any corner in Seattle/Tacoma!

  29. One thing nobody has been able to answer; where did the millions of dollars of initial investment money come from for all of these pot farms across the legalized states? There are more pot shops in Oregon than there are Starbucks. Colorado has more shops than Starbucks and McDonald's combined.

    Banks didn't give loans because MJ is federally illegal, same reason they won't allow credit charges, or even deposit funds from a marijuana business in some cases. If people think all of that money came from private investors and not the cartels they are fooling themselves. To top it off, those cash only businesses are a godsend to money laundering operations.


  30. For you commentators, who wrote the Government passed the initiative to legalize marijuana in so many words, Please go back and re-read the initiative.
    The legalization or non-legalization of marijuana per State in the United States is per STATE LAW not GOVERNMENT LAW. Marijuana is still illegal per Government Law. Safety is foremost

    1. Glad to know the government puts safety above else. Now, if you excuse I'm going to take my xanax, Risperdal, Pfizer and Marlboro red and Jim bean on the rocks. Safest and most socially accepted drugs.
      Weed is for communists Anyone can grow it and that's totally UN-AMERICAN

    2. You mean FEDERAL LAW, all laws are government laws except for natural laws like gravity or vacuum that will suck up everything

    3. Safety, and 3 U.S. Senate ratified international treaties.


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