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Thursday, November 30, 2017

Where is El Mayo Zambada, the leader of the Sinaloa Cartel that has never been captured

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Sinembargo article

Subject Matter: El Mayo Zambada
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required

The capo has maintained a low profile. Apart from the images taken with Julio Scherer, almost no images exist of him.

Reporter: Jose Luis Montenegro
Ismael Zambada Garcia, better known as "Don Mayo" or simply "El Mayo", is the leader of the Sinaloa Cartel, one of the oldest criminal organizations consolidated in Mexico according to a recent report by the anti-drug agency the DEA.

His accumulated experience is proportional to the size of his buisiness. Currently El Mayo Zambada and the Sinaloa Cartel export and distribute wholesale quantities of "methamphetamines, marijuana, cocaine and heroin to the US", thanks to maintaining distribution centres in cities such as Phoenix, Los Angeles, Denver and Chicago," says the same DEA report.

After more than 50 years of criminal activity, Zambada Garcia is one of the oldest and most influential drug barons in the States of Sinaloa, Chihuahua and Durango, which comprise the so called Golden Triangle where the largest amounts of narcotics come from.

Early Start

According to unofficial versions from Mexican Security Organizations, El Mayo began his criminal career in 1964, when he was only 16 years old. For this he counted on the help of Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo and Rafael Caro Quintero, two of the old guard of Mexican Capos, and founders of the Guadalajara Cartel.

When comparing El Mayo to his friend Joaquin El Chapo Guzman, there are no big differences. Ismael, born in El Dorado and Joaquin in La Tuna, Badiraguato, Sinaloa, are both of humble origin, they were dedicated from a very young age to the production and sale of drugs in the mountainous regions of Mexico and amassed fortunes that are clearly inexplicable, according to authorities of the United States.

The only difference between El Mayo Zambada and El Chapo Guzman is that the second has a long history of security operations against him and a series of captures and recaptures that, at the time, catapulted him into the worlds view as one of the most powerful drug traffickers in Mexico, as published by Forbes.

Quietly, El Mayo distributes contraband drugs, mainly to the US, through strategic points located along the Mexican border with California, Arizona, New Mexico and Western Texas, reads a document from the DEA.

It is believed that his character has used the most diverse means of transport to send illicit drugs from his country of origin to the North American territories, including trains, ships, submarines, motorcycles, airplanes and helicopters. There are even versions that, as a sign of Mexican ingenuity of this drug trafficker, maintain that the Sinaloa Cartel came to transport drugs inside cans of chilli peppers.

A fugitive for decades

After 53 years of uninterrupted criminal activity, Ismael Zambada Garcia continues to be sought by the Mexican and US authorities for the crimes of possession of firearms for exclusive use of the armed forces, money laundering, drug trafficking and conspiracy.

"The success of El Mayo in Mexican drug trafficking is due to his low profile, " said Ricardo Ravelo to RT, a specialist in security issues. He added: "His Government alliances have allowed him to avoid all kinds of attacks coming from the Army, as well as rival cartels."

Jose Reveles, a Mexican drug trafficking scholar, said in an interview with RA in Spanish: I think luck has not been on the side of the children of El Mayo, who have fallen out of favour after showing off their luxuries they possess thanks to drug trafficking, not only in their daily lives but on social networks.

Evidence of this is in the arrests of Vicente Zambada Niebla in 2010 and Serafin Zambada in 2013, both sons of the famous capo. They are not the only offshoots of the current leader of the Sinaloa Cartel, but only one of them has been able to verify any kind of criminal activity: this is the case of Ismael Zambada Imperial, also known as "Mayito", who is currently being sought by the DEA.

Where is he?

According to journalistic investigations, it is very possible that El Mayo Zambada is today in his home state due to the security elements he has and the support of the surrounding towns and people, as well as the difficult access to the mountain areas of Sinaloa. It is also presumed that he could move through the states of Chihuahua and Durango, the criminal strongholds he controls.

Anyway, to the question of "where is El Mayo Zambada", there are other like questions: How much is your fortune worth after decades of criminal activity? How many properties have you accumulated? Why have both authorities from Mexico and the United States not captured him? Is he still alive?, and if he is still alive has anyone seen him in the flesh?


  1. Last year, I went to a golf driving range in Mexico. I left my cell phone, credit cards, back at a hotel, across town. I paid with cash.
    After returning, I looked at my cell phone, I was bombarded with golf advertisements. Mind you, in the last year, I never surfed the web for anything even remotely related to golf .

    The only thing I can think of, is that it was a facial recognition algorithm . So Mexican Security can pick out a nobody, but not high profile cartel members? What this proves to me is that these guys have a lot of power over the government, and/or the government is complicit.

    1. Youre Probably right there. Net and NSA big brother watching us

    2. You’re barely finding out that smartphones and computers track what you are doing.
      I’m surprised my computer hasn’t offered me any sex toys

    3. No lol Google tracks where you visit and ads are tailored to your lifestyle.

    4. If you have your mic on your phone and someone says for example “golf” it will advertise golf things to you. If you visit a website for example tractors a system called pixie installed by marketing gurus will follow your surf online. And it will constantly remind you of tractors on every social media and chance it gets. -I’m a tech nerd

    5. That's why cartel guys lay low have 15 flip phones, constantly rotating and tossing them.

    6. The point is,I did not have any device on me, that could track me...And the cannot catch these guys?

    7. 7:03
      Tossing flip phones is not laying low but being sloppy because the unique info left on the phone is could then be used to triangulate when another phone is used, it all gets cross checked.

    8. 10:34am yes you are correct about that.HOWEVER,the part that caught my attention was 10:43pm says he left his phone at hotel and hadn't searched golf or the likes in over a year.

      But 10:43 you may have been close enough,your phone at the hotel that is,for Google to send you and maybe others the ad they sent.especially if the golf course is one of the bigger attractions in that area.

    9. Correction: CIA DIRECTOR MIKE POMPEO, of the tea party
      Mike Pence is from the Indiana Klaverns.

  2. El Mayo is from El Alamo not El Dorado. Just fyi.

  3. An senior citizen can find him alone. But not usa and mexico?

    1. The senior citizen didn't find him, he was taken to him. The USA knows exactly where he is.

  4. Where is he? Everybody in or from Sinaloa knows....
    Why haven’t they gone for him? Because he’s the biggest DEA asset duh, any fool knows what’s going on. He has been betraying and turning in his friends for the last 20 years. His son and brother are DEA informants! His other sons have all been turned in so they avoid the battles and wars, Serafin turned himself in to the US, daddy dug a hole burried 100 million and said son you’re an American turn yourself in do your 10-15 years and live comfortably for the rest of your life. M Gordo you’ve been partying drinking and not focused digs another hole burried another 100 million let’s him get arrested. Here in Culiacán we all know this was the case, there is over 10,000 armed men where he was arrested what a coincidence...

    People are too afraid to turn on him because they know he has the DEA in his side. Here nobody can mention his son is an informant because bang you’re dead.

    He lets nobody get near him anymore sends orders through Mayito Flaco Pío Diaz and those that are only related through family.

    His reign will last till the day he’s not good for Uncle Sam anymore.

    1. 11:48 Lol! I was in Mochis & Culiacan the week up through Thanksgiving and there were NOWHERE NEAR 10,000 soldiers. If there’s 10,000 armed men it’s only narcos.

      We drove from El Paso and we had no problems other than long lines and construction on the highway to Mazatlan. Partied every night in Culiacan and Mochis with cousins and had a blast and felt totally safe. I’d move there if I knew how to make living outside drugs there.

    2. 4:43 is a liar. The Gauchos and Helicopters are flying over Sinaloa daily. The people complain that their homes are getting raided, soldiers take their personnel stuff even when they aren’t part of the cartel. And this is in Tegoripa, there isn’t any heavy hitters in Tegoripa.

    3. AH HA !
      “Los Tegoripenos y Los Guzmáns “ are who signed the narco mantas left in La Paz after the murder of the Human Rights Director Sylvester and his son last week threatening others to “ get in line or face the same fate as Sylvester because they are doing a cleaning “.

    4. By 10,000 armed men I meant on CDSs side. Which were given orders do not fight what a coincidence..... same thing when M1 went out what a coincidence nobody was given the order to fight they let him die.

    5. Nobody turns themseles in. Vicente and Rey Zambada were setup by Arturo Beltran and genaro garcia. They were there to snitch on Beltranes but got double crossed and snatched up by the DEA. You think dea are gonna leave evidence they met with capos and let them go? Foolish.

    6. 5:43 Screw you - why you wanna accuse me of lying when I’m not? You take my speaking the truth about my recent week in northern Sinaloa personal?? What’s that all about?

    7. EXACTLY. When Mayito Gordo got caught he was still drunk and tried to get on an ATV and fell down to the ground, finally mounts his ATV, too late tho. Caught. What most do not know, they contact Mayo by using their wives or sisters first to assure that it is a legitimate process. After that it goes to Mayito Flaco. It *may get dangerous if the Security does not remember that individual trying to meet him. Depending on his whereabouts determine whether or not "individual" has patience to wait a night, day or two to reach him... Thanks

    8. 8:19 just onother sinaloa in denial. Sinaloa has always been a war zone ever sense the Beltranes split from cds. It's always 1, 2 or 3 spot on the murder in the states of Mexico. Get over it

    9. 5:19 proof that Arturo had anything to do with any of this?? Vicente had already had prior meeting with these agents, and that was the basis of his defense in court stating he had been cooperating for a while with them and given green light to keep trafficking as long as he kept helping them out. Rey you might have a point, I’m sure Arturo was feeding his connections information hoping they would get caught or killed. Even though I doubt his because if you’d know anything on the subject you would know that it wasn’t till a week after his arrest that Rey was identified as mayos brither, they thought he was someone else.

      As far as I know Mayo was not too happy with the issues that arised after Rey was captured, his Colombian step son went directly to the DEA as an informant because he was an American citizen, his younger son became an informant for the Mexican govt and was giving info on his own family. What a coincidence he committed suicide.... and bigger evidence to all of this is the recent murder of another of el Rey’s sons in Culiacan, rumor has it that was Alfredo and Ivan getting even for Rey’s snitching on Chapo to the Americans. Mayo Let it be

    10. 5:19 also nobody turns themselves in?? Mmmmmm mini Lic, cadete Quintero, Serafin Zambada ? Believe me the son of the biggest drug trafficker knows when he has charges against him and can not cross into the US without getting detained

    11. 5:44 lic and cadete were on the run. Different scenario. Serafins charges were kept confidential untill his arrest. He did not turn himself in on purpose. I repeat, did Vicente go to the dea and say here I am bring me back in 10-20 years. No way. His arrest was well know. Zambadas were sharing df airport with beltran and they fighting for it in 2009. Its old news man.

    12. 8:19; exactly brother. You know that guy’s a poser by stating “there’s helicopters all over Sinaloa”. I haven’t been there in a while but Sinaloa is a HUGE state and he’s full of it.

      Thanks for the recent, relevant feedback bro!

    13. How long did it take you to sit there and count all 10,000?

    14. 540 I do not believe he had prior meetings but I think his lawyer had prior meetings with the DEA and they made agreement with his lawyer..

    15. I believe you are correct, through his lawyer. He was still the snitch, just not in person. When drug traffickers get large, the temptation to partner up with the DEA has to sound tempting. I recently read that there are more informants than police in the United States. Its disgraceful, but that's the way it is.

    16. Arturo btransfer leyva had the toluca mexico airport, .ay e others as well, but after he got murdered, his guests EPN and genarco garcia luna had it all for themselves...
      EPN even stole land in Atenco to make himself a new bigger airport, killing and murdering the protesting I dia ow ers and sending their women to prison where about 40 of them got raped "por putas", the DF airport (mexico city) is owned by epn (now) but owners alternate, I beleeve the mexican who is the richest man in the world IS the true one single OWNER of mexico city Airport his brother "el agente olvidado" Julian Slim Helu (nexos) used to "administer"

    17. 5:06 ayyy amigo, believe what you want to believe.... Serafin knew exactly what he was doing, not a coincidence his wife had a huge going away get together with her family..... and about Vicente, he had prior meeting with them don’t believe any official report there is a reason why everything on his case is so hush hush on the Americans side. Why do you think they didn’t let so much info get out on this case, I don’t think he specifically went in to meet them to turn himself in I believe the DEA felt pressured to arrest him after being spotted by medican officials, dealing with an issue like this would be huge.
      How naive of you to think he was just giving info on Beltran lol, my friend everybody know how el Mayo works, you get too big you go down.

      8:08 didn’t have to count my friend, just looked at the Payroll excel files they had open on a computer screen on one of my last visits to Costa Rica, and no I’m not talking about the country! Had to clear that up for all those that just read newspapers articles and go by what corridos say

  5. He is in the Program : protected witness program , if he steps out of line the Government will punish him

  6. Being in the discussion of old timers,I've been wondering what's happened to El Azul Esparragoza? I remember reading that he had a heart attack and died and the family members cremated his supposed remains but nothing for certain. Anything news on him?

    1. I honestly think Azul n Nacho Coronel "retired" from the game..they got major respect and are filthy rich what else can you ask for..

    2. 10:24; I dont think there’s been any news on el Azul except questions and doubt regarding his death.
      In the mid 1990s -2008 I lived in Guadalajara (Im a guero American) and I heard his name for first time. A guy who was part of the group we all hung with wholesaled millions of “Ecstasy” pills that were ultimately sold through the clubs of Guadalajara and DF down to Cancun and over to Cabo, He is married with kids now too but he maintained back then that el Azul was getting cut of all “club drugs” in Mexico and that Azuls org got him the X from Jewish mafia in DF. I hadn’t heard his name or anything about Moreno until I found BB.

  7. I believe, despite the crimes attributed to him, that he alone seems the voice of reason within the Sinaloa Cartel. The Government know without him at large, Sinaloa would descend into Chaos at time.
    One example of this would be the recent strife between Damaso and the sons of El Chapo, it was Mayo that was arranging the meeting between them to sort out their differences, even if it did turn into an ambush. I think Mayo has done exactly this many times over the years, including the recent negotiation with CJNG to release Chapos sons kidnapped. This all leads to a reduction in the violence.
    I dont see a vested interest in the Mexican Govt capturing him while he performs these kinds of acts.

    1. 2:28 Exactly. He’s highly intelligent and more disciplined than 99% of the wanna be flame outs that have a chance to “run” some short lived “Cartel”.

    2. Its unfortunate to say but the economy, local (Sinaloa) and abroad (USA) benefit from all this money. El dinero es redondo. Always remember that. The unfortunate part are the senseless killings and ODs of those who cant handle the drugs. Known and lived fact, Sinaloa is better and calmer under the MAYO REGIME.

    3. Sinaloa and Mayo have been nothing more than a front

    4. 2:28 You may be right but you may not be either . From what I have seen most of these so called "intelligent" drug traffickers don't turn out to be all that intelligent in the way that it is measured by tests . I will promise you that most of the us agents after these guys I Q is off the charts compered the these "drug lords. . The thing is most have a conscience and ethics , rules to go by . These people have no morals or ethics . Throw the rule of law away and they would be all done in a month . If not for the codes of ethics and playing by the rules by the usa these guys would be no more . I really don't believe these most of these guys are very smart . Sure he is smarter than some because he uses more caution than many . Set up any game and one side has rules to go by and the other only thinks of these rules his opponent has to go by and how to get around him . He will be successful many time before the one playing by the rules wins . Then when he wins ...

    5. At 4:16 ... You must not be that smart your self... Now tell me this how can ONE man who has not even stepped ONE FOOT in the untied states have so much influence within a Country he is not familiar or from.... Now answer this question, How did this MOUNTAIN MAN over come poverty in mexico?? Now answer this question, How did this man move TONS OF MERCHANDISE WITHOUT A PROBLEM. There is alot of intelligence out there in the streets my friend.. Street smart will outlast book smart in any catagory ... YOU BE SURPRISED HOW LONG THIS MANS FAMILY AND ORGINIZATION WILL LAST.. I DONT SEE THE ZAMBADAS FALLING ANY TIME SOON

    6. U SURE HE NEVER CROSSED the border?

  8. Idiots. Mayo is no DEA asset, he is smart, he is taking care of too many people, and what drug dealer don't snitch???? They all give info idiots

    1. Plenty do not snitch, isnt That the case with Alfredo Beltran? Don’t call me an idiot get your facts straight, his sons argument in court is that he had the green light to traffic from the DEA in exchange for information!! Did you forget he was arrested while going to go meet up with his DEA buddies???
      And why? Because after being being seen in public together the DEA could not deal with such a PR issue

      I am fairly certain you have zero connection to anything to do with Sinaloa because out here it is not a rumor, idea, or hypothesis, we all know he has the American Govts support

    2. Keep listening to your corridos, there are drug dealers that haven't snitched you just glorify the ones that do from snitchaloa lol

    3. 8:38 Vicente Zambada Niebla was working with permission of the CIA, the US government facetious agency that ordered the cartel de sinaloa in guadalajara to kidnap, torture and murder Kiki Camarena and his pilot Alfredo Zavala avelar, some blame POSers of being "rogue agents" but the agency has never mended it's ways, denounced its traitors, rebuked the rogue agents or persecuted the POSers,
      The DEA in chicago caught up with the flores twins and made the case against vicente zambada niebla, the CIA DID NOT TESTIFY IN COURT "BECAUSE THAT IS THEIR POLICY",
      Vicente zambada niebla did not "rat" his buddies, he just pled guilty, it was that or get 100 years mandatory.

    4. keep thinking Alfredo was some narco saint. He was just another scumbag, you have been fooled by propaganda.

    5. 2:44 he did not just plead guilty buddy what are you talking about!! His case is sealed but it has been mentioned by agents he was brought into witness protection, his wife and children were all given US citezinship and left with him.

    6. Vicente zambada niebla has a puertorican uncle and that man introduced el mayo into drug trafficking.

    7. Vicente got 10 years and will be out sooooooooooooooon with plenty of dinero.Then his other siblings will be out shortly after that.Family reunion with pops&company.Maybe the CIA had influence on his sentence?The world will never know as deny,deny,deny is the way of the CIA.

  9. Es usted de Sinaloa? No Sinaloa es mio!!

  10. This man does not bring heat on himself with selfies and showing off. That is why he is left alone. He is not a metrosexual that is just looking at himself.

  11. The golden rule - he who has the gold rules. The only one who will fall will be RCQ after he is turned over to guarantee Mayo’s reign. RCQ is very expendable and Mayo’s key to future survival will be to hand him over or relay his whereabouts to the US so they can go in and kill him. RCQ will not be captured either by the Mexicans nor the US it will be wanted DEAD only. No questions, no reasons.

    1. For some odd reason I have to agree. The heat is to get to Quintero. I am sure he is paying out his ass for protection.

    2. First off Mayo is the top of the food chain in the narco world. Mayo is an untouchable as long as he continues the game he plays with both countries. He doesn't have to turn in no RCQ to keep his current reign. He has already sacrificed his own sons to ensure his freedom. Your theory about RCQ will never solve anything.

  12. El mayo is a necessary evil...he's earn respect within the underworld and the gov't. Just like el azul, they're business men, not gangsters. In comparison to the Medellin cartel and the Cali cartel

  13. Two years ago, a friend said he saw him in Villa Adolfo Lopez Mateos (VALM), or better known as "Tamarindo," just outside Culiacan. He appeared to be with family.

    1. Sure he did. This guy doesn't leave the mountains or his ranchos

    2. lol ya right El Mayo is out walking around at la he is at one of his many ranches eating beef and shrimp with his men.

  14. El quinto mes, EL SEÑORON sigue ordenando.

    1. 7:01 y tu sigues ordeñando, pero no vacas! LOL

  15. Kind of odd. In other articles, when Mayo is brought up with a picture, it seemed to almost always have a pic of a person that looked very much like Chapo, holding a rifle by a farm with a hat on (BB readers now this picture well). I always thought that pic was Chapo, and now looking at this pic of Mayo pretty much confirms it. The Power of propaganda.

    1. Dude in the pic is chapo

    2. On la Kate documentary aboUT el chapo, there appears el mayo with the face of el chapo doctored in, tinted mostachos and everythin'

  16. that some sinaloa intelligence and huevos this man even paro de cul0 a el mencho cuando secuestro a los chapitos , he str8 up told him aqui manda puro sinaloa no michoacan que queda claro ojo por ojo diente por diente and after that the chapitos where free crazy ass things tho than man A Don if not for him chapitos gone killed

    1. Didnt mayo supposedly threaten to kill menchos son if he didnt let los chapitos go? Then after they were the let go didnt mencho wipe out the entire cell that was responsible for the kidnapping?

    2. Is your source Los corridos? Lol mencho lo tiene de Los huevos, he even broke their alliance in Durango. Mayo is a boss but you need to let his nuts go and realize everyone's reign comes to an end and Mencho is the big fish

    3. esas son mamadas, aver escucho que haiga dicho eso? estaba ayi? y todos saben que ni era los de la NG que hisieron eso, en el video del levanton esta el mismo hermano de Damaso, eso era un pedo entre ellos porque los chapitos no han atacado a la gente del mencho?? y hablo de los verdaderos sinaloenses contra verdaderos jalisciences que si son de sinaloa y jalisco, no de esas celulas de la baja y otros estados, esas celulas que eran antes de otros bandos y sus miembros son de los mismos estados donde operan no de jalisco ni sinaloa, porque fue la gente de Damaso y deseguro de tito ya que se habia hido a esconder a jalisco

    4. sinaloa vs Michoacános yeah right you know Tarascos run the show no mames guey

    5. Hahaha it’s culichis vs Michoacános don’t involve all of chinola In there my boy because Mazatlecos and guasavenos will kick your tarascó ass this shit is chess not checkers.

    6. Michoacanos ni al caso . Ni en 100 años años le llegan a lo ke an hecho las mafias sinaloenses

    7. Michoachangos vs chinolas

  17. El govierno si sabe nomas se hacen pendejos

    1. este vato si sabe

    2. The truth is best kept when it’s been compartmentalized. - Sol Prendido

  18. Most likely very few actually know where he is . Many understand he may be in their area at any time . They don't talk out of fear/loyalty . One point is corruption is so embedded in the authority that they know that they will never talk to anybody . Then theres the home town team mind set . Works very well in politics here in the usa . He's ours and hes good . He stays in areas where he is lord .

  19. The secrets that man knows..

  20. He’s in Palm Springs enjoying retirement sipping on a margarita

    1. Yup just seen him in El Paseo shopping center last weekend!!

  21. Everyone says he lives on top of a mountain! It's an open secret.

  22. Maybe he is on a tropical island drinking cold chelada y buchanes and has six sexy women by his side LMAO# SOUNDS NICE DOESN'T IT

  23. He is old school and follows old school rules all while keeping a very low profile. That's the only reason he hasn't been touched.

  24. Boy. Did my comment that he may be deae on the previous post warrant this? I truly believe that might be the case. Making people think he is alive may be helpful to the cartel. Rival cartels and the government are looking for the wrong leader. Might be an elderly woman baking pies running things.

  25. Forget amado forget caro who was number 3 in the guadalara cartel. El mayo is the best that ever done ot in mexico.

    1. 3:14 #3 was Ernesto Fonseca Carrillo, "Don Neto" that had Amado Carrillo Fuentes working with el pablote, Pablo Acosta en Ojinaga and Cd Juarez Chih.
      El mayo zambada, el chapo, los beltranuses, los arellanuses el güero palma still were small potatoes and little babies
      #1 miguel angel felix gallardo
      #2 rafael caro quintero,
      --comandante Guillermo Gonzalez Calderoni the childhood friend of juan garcia abrego was federal judicial police commander and a heavy hitter with the NL mafia of carlos salinas de gortari and would help the DEA with the Camarena case, also had to escape from mexico to the US where he got murdered.
      Rafael Chao Lopez, "el chino chao" of the DFS was already collecting his centavos from don neto and caro quintero,
      Senator Manuel Bartlett was a secretary of the interior or sompim' making points for his presidential candidacy, but salinas beat him, he was ready banging president De La Madrid.

  26. Was in Sinaloa for semana santa . Went to a Pueblo off the 15 . Saw one of americas most wanted chillen like a villain . Care free with no worries enjoying life and ceremony for the week with his sicArios ,protected by the town . Everyone knows where they are at. They do good for the towns . There are no other means for survival .

  27. He's CIA.. DEA ?? That's too small for this big fish.

  28. All of you are wrong....mayo is hiding in the face, new name, new life, that vato is smart

    1. 7:44 I think I seen him at a tire shop ,I swear it was him talking with some guys

    2. I seen Pablo Acosta in youtube:
      "Echale aire..."

  29. Sigan ladrando, señal que seguimos avanzando. Plebada no se preocupen, atiendan bien el mercado, las broncas el las arregla en menos que cante un gallo.

    Y lo último que les digo, el 10 no se citó para dar información, se entregó para proteger a su padre. Los gabachos querían cobrar con el viejon pero El Niño estando morro y entendiendo que para el no condena eterna se sacrifico para su padre. El Niño es gallo de adeveras y no se raja, ese niño si le encantaba los chingazos con cualquiera, contrario o gobierno la vale verga. Por que creen que hecho a las letras gabachas de cabeza, para que sepan que no tiene miedo ni estando en las manos del diablo. El 10 ya mero sale, y viene muy bien apalabrado. Ya pago lo de su padre con los gabachos.

    Se los dejo de tarea.

    1. Mejor ponte a trabajar guey y deja de escribir tanta mierda apoyando a pendejos animales!

    2. 5:52 Vicente Zambada Niebla no es ningun animal, y ya mero sale asi que callese güey y muerase por todo el pinchi yoyo de envidia.

    3. 12:14 tas pero bien pendejo. Al mayo todavia lo quieren los gabachos.

  30. Spain or right under our noses somewhere in hill billy mania 😹

  31. Mayo is not as powerful as people from sinaloa claim, first they were all over chapos nuts and now that he's locked up they claim Maya was running the show the whole time but cds is not as tight as it was when chapo was out.. Doesn't make sense. Now there is crews from mayo's people switching to work for Mencho.. Mencho punked him in la paz and mayo wanted a peace treaty lol

    1. @6:52
      in one sense you are right. when el chapo was at large he had the biggest group of traffickers within the sinaloa cartel and the biggest group of sicario's. el mayo has always been one of the heads of the sinaloa cartel except he had a smaller faction of sinaloa under him. and what el mayo controls is still enormous and a
      giant size group. but it was chapo always warring with other cartels for plaza's and territory. it was also el mayo who had to let chapo know that flooding the US market with cocaine and other drugs because of the fact it reduces whole sale cost. so if mayo was really the head of the cartel all along he wouldnt let chapo know he would flat out tell him to stop. but overall they worked as a team and chapo was the muscle. el mayo like el azul always stayed back and played less active roles within cartel activities. now that el chapo is locked up in the US el mayo doesnt have the overall muscle and presence to get complete control of the cartel. which is why he still works with el chapo's sons because they are able to not only maintain their faction and have a presence but also the fact that having loyal partners can never hurt. and right now i would have to say mencho has more of the upper hand at this time because of his cartel growing in size and territory is too much too contain right now for el mayo and los chapito's. right now el mayo and los chapito's can only hope that el mencho gets arrested by the gov. because since el chapo left mexico el mencho has ran wild. its gonna be interesting seeing how things play out. great story Borderland Beat and keep up the good work :)

    2. Yea it's fake news, the only real news is when they say sinaloa is #1.. (Sarcasm)

  32. Either he maintains his bribes lives a boring quiet life with no electronics that can be hacked to find him or he a informant they leave in play to help get arrests against others.

  33. ... And What About Enedina Arellano Félix ( Another DEA Asset ) ? ... The Real Boss Behind The Scenes Of AFO ... Why Has She Been Downplayed And Never Searched For ? ... Cut From The Same Cloth As Mayo ... Old School Rules Still Apply , But The Young Bucks Now Are Like Sexual Intellectuals >>> F*ckin Know It All's ...

  34. MZ has a Cuban santero en el gabacho and has been in the US several times.

  35. Mayo stays on a mountain top in Oso Viejo in sinaloa protected by his men.

  36. God damn that woman on the left < geez

    1. That is Sandra Avila Beltran. La Reina del Pacific. Old School beauty queen turned narco. Had affairs with all the big narcos. Facilitated coke deals with Colmbians and Sinaloa/BLO. She served time, and lives peacefully in Mexico as we speak.

    2. @ ElGrandeRojo como sabes lo de la reina del Pacífico? Ten cuidado con lo que digas por estas redes mi amigo..

  37. Dejense de decir pendejadas. They put el 10 in prison por mandar matar al hijo de LA emperatriz y al Moreno y su primo por acidente pero ESA historia for another day. Just know his capture had to do with the death of El Moreno. A son for a son.

    BB Lurker

  38. kitty paez is out and doing what he is do best

  39. Unquestionably believe that which you said. Your favorite reason seemed to be on the web
    the simplest thing to be aware of. I say to you, I certainly get
    irked while people think about worries that they just don't know
    about. You managed to hit the nail upon the top and also defined out
    the whole thing without having side-effects , people can take a signal.
    Will likely be back to get more. Thanks

  40. I was a fugitive in Mexico in November of 1988. Anyone remember a 34 year old blond who hung out at the Mazatlan bus station for 30 days. I swear one guy I spent 3 days with was with a cartel when I got there. It is so amazing that if I had stayed I could of probably met El Chapo myself. But I didn't I fell in love with a guy that was the brother of a local policeman.


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