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Tuesday, November 14, 2017

“ El Tortillero” Detained: One More of the 122 Most Wanted Narcos

Translated by Yaqui for Borderland Beat from Proceso

“El Tortillero” Falls: Another of the 122 Most Wanted Narcos

Mexico City Nov 13, 2017

Samuel Lizárraga Ontiveros, El Tortillero , one of the 122 priority objectives of the Mexican Federal government, was arrested by elements of the Criminal Investigation Agency (AIC) of the Attorney Generals Office (PGR).
In a statement, the agency said the capture was made in the capital of the state of Querétaro, on Sunday Nov 12, "without the use of violence or harm to third parties."

Lizárraga Ontiveros, 34 years old, has an arrest warrant issued by the Fourth Specialized Court in Federal Criminal Proceedings in the municipality of Toluca, State of Mexico, for his probable responsibility of the crimes of / and or regarding organized crime.

He also has three arrest warrants in force in the common jurisdiction for the crimes of kidnapping and homicide, two of them issued by the judicial authority of the State of Chihuahua and third one by the State of Sinaloa. 

“El Tortillero”, who is related to a criminal organization with presence in Sinaloa is identified as one of the probable responsible for the trafficking of narcotics from Baja California to the United States.

Originally from Sinaloa, he is considered one of the main generators of violence in the south of that state, and is characterized by the high degree of violence exercised against its victims.

According to the statement, his detention was carried out "in strict adherence to due process and at all times his rights were respected."

The alleged criminal suspect  was placed at the disposal of the agents of the PGR , assigned to the Deputy Attorney General for Organized Crime Investigation, to determine his legal status.


  1. He's only 34?Wow does the stress of being a narco ever age a person!I would give him 54!

    1. Hey Canadiana
      Meth, along with stress and anxiety included with the fight or flight enhanced sympathetic drug (meth;crank), ages an individual 10 fold. Excessive stress alone puts wear and tear on the heart, scars the heart. So, with meth, organs deteriorate faster than evidenced in old age

    2. But if they reveal his dreamy seductive eyes he would look like a sexy 35!

    3. OK 6:39, that is just gross!

  2. Wait Chapo Isidro operates in Tijuana Baja California? ...yes that's correct and Mexicali and Nogales

  3. Linked to the Beltran leyva, used to leave tortillas with his victims and that why he became el tortillero.
    All they need to know is if this is the right guy or just a stand in.
    Queretaro is where el H used to live while he worked and mingled in San Miguel de Allende guanajuato as a real estate and art dealer businessman, but how? No partners and assocates have ever been caught, they fingered the bad guys to steal everything.

    1. He owns a few stores in Mazatlán that sell tortillas very popular. Most of the Lizarraga Clan comes from the ranchos outside of Mazatlán, la noria, siqueros, mármol, San Marcos, potrillos etc. all under Beltran Leyva y los Mazatlecos

  4. should have put him in a room with 2 agents with aluminum baseball bats for batting practice for about 15 minutes. then baptize his putrid ass in a waterboarding ceremony lol.

  5. Tortillero. Ahora hacer masa en la carcel.

  6. One of the last high profile BLO operatives.

  7. excellent work Yaqui!

  8. With that face it should be "el tortas".

  9. Sinaloa is a war zone right now. Too much chiefs not enough Indians

    1. Are you dumb. It’s only El Mayo with The Chapitos under his wing. Under them is Guano, ElPanu, ElNiNi Under the Chapitos. El Contador, El Cheyo, ChavoFelix, El20, Changuito And Antrax under them

    2. 10:22 u here to many coridos

    3. Lmfao 🤣🤣💀 right 9:25

  10. Poco a poco se va acabando la escuela de los Beltran Leyva.
    Pero a el Chapo Isidro nadie lo para.
    Dicen que el tortillero fue quien entrego a su primo Chaguin.

    1. Estuvira muerto si eso fuera verda

  11. Looks like he’s the tortillero because he eats too much of it himself


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