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Friday, November 10, 2017

Alleged perpetrator of the murder of journalist Luciano Rivera arrested

Translated by El Profe for Borderland Beat from Zeta Tijuana
Bruno Fabián Martínez Hernández 
 by Manuel Ayala
[On Thursday Nov, 9] José Bruno Martínez Hernández, alias "Bruno", alleged perpetrator of the murder of journalist Luciano Rivera, was arrested in a coordinated action between the State Preventive Police (PEP) and the National Defense Secretariat (Sedena).

The detainee is the brother of José Luis Martínez Hernández, who was booked on September 14, already linked to the possible participation in the murder of the Rosario newscaster.

José Bruno is accused of having deprived the life of the newscaster with a gunshot, on July 31, on the premises of Bar La Antigua, located in downtown Playas de Rosarito. He is the third involved in the case that has been secured.

This subject is linked to part of the criminal structure of the Sinaloa Cartel and has a criminal record of theft, drug possession, weapons carrying, and fights, mainly in the center and north of the city.

José Bruno was detained in De la Silvana street, Colinas del Sol neighborhood, carrying a firearm and approximately 50 grams of cocaine, the subject was placed at the disposal of the corresponding authorities who will be in charge of corroborating the information issued and determining his legal situation.


  1. I grew up with that fucker and el secre, bruno was a good boxer and secre was a short fucker but had balls, we all use to go to the chavelas bar on fridays those were the days en la ZONA NORTE

    1. So you were hanging out wish PSYCHOPATHS were you. How odd that you say nothing of the loss of human life.

    2. Boxing what? butt holes!

    3. No mames Mari!!!! Yo tengo amigos cholos y uno que otro tirador de veneno..yo soy pastor Cristiano. Pastor Abel Garcia.

    4. 7:04 pm if nobody gave a fuck when my dad got murdered in tijuana y the fuck should i care abput other peoples lifes

  2. Casey Anthony fine as hell

    1. Casey Anthony ???? You are certainly into the exterior and care nothing about the rot inside it . Shallow shollow shallow .

  3. Already got 3 of them . Almost makes you feel hopeful that there is change staring . I am optimistic that mexico will be a decent place once all these criminals are killed out . Look at how things work . The things that always gets fixed are the things that need it most . The squeaky wheel gets the grease . Wheel are squeaking very load in Mexico . When I was a kid California lead the nation and maybe the world in air pollution . Many decades later California may lead the world in prevention . Remember everything changes . It has to get better .

    1. As long as the mexican law enforcement are poorly paid because their commanders in chief steal the budget, and because mexico is not going to borrow to pay them, because they need to rob mexico all they can before selling it all down the river, forgetabout "decent" law enforcement in mexico, au contraire,
      it has been corrupting Law Enforcement all over the US, along with the All American Master Puppeteers.

    2. Gotta admit despite the a sense of hopelessness,change feels good!
      Baby steps!

    3. @ 9:41
      Your comments are always ending with American puppeteers. Suggest you change your puppets or your master if it’s not working for you.

    4. The only change I feel on the air is a coming change of the US president, I expect to see impeachments, resignations and BIIIG FINES, FINGER POINTING, WITNESSES TURNING ON EACH OTHER, BETRAYALS MURDERS, EXECUTIONS, SRTTLEMENTS, AND A FEW COMMERCIAL BREAKS...
      Better have your pills ready.

    5. For a quick change on the air, echate UN PEDO,
      it will be quicker, and deadlier,
      primero comete un zorrillo.

  4. Replies
    1. 5:01 nice to meet you, broli widow.
      ya pa orita puro tutano queda del pinchi broli.
      Eso le pasa por andar ahi nomás de caliente

  5. 2:46 prolly the arresting "officers" needed live fish to work off and to show the work, they need the propaganda once in a while, but still can't recover their credibility,

  6. 8.20pm .... They will never get rid of them they kill 1 there’s 100 2 take his place that’s the way it always has been and always will be unfortunately.

  7. I have an unrelated question for chivis or any of the bloggers or people that comment here..i was wondering whats the reason for the new trend of some of these capos and mini-capos turning themselves in directly to US federal seems to me the trend started with Damaso Sr. If im not mistaken i heard that he arranged to be picked up in his luxury apt in DF. Next was mini lic and now just wondering what drives this Capos to do that since im Pretty sure they know theyre not gonna end up in a good place..i mean how great of a deal can they be offered in exchange for what? Im sure the DEA knows most of these peoples activities and whereabouts...but anyways i was just curious...maybe theyre family is under direct threat from enemy cartel and this is the only way to settle it? Get rid of the enemy without having to wage a bloody expensive war? Seems something smart but who knows..-El Guanatos

    1. Looki here panza verde, what are you gaan do when your supply dries up, you feel persecuted, you know it is you turn because your former leaders have been getting "neutralized" by their former associates in the police and in government, and you know you are not safe in any mexican prison, what would you do?
      I would run to the norte,
      porque del bote salgo, de la tumba no.

    2. On the US prisons you get to eat 3 times a day, and a pimp.
      In mexican prisons you get cogido 3 times an hour until you find a husband or a pimp that makes your life easy, eat once a day, wattery beans and a tortilla.

    3. @ 6:37 Guanatos es un apodo que se le tiene a Guadalajara...nothing to to with guanajuato and its Panzas Verdes and what u say would make sense if these were low ranking cartel members que van a salir del
      Bote pronto bt look at mochomo...he got washed up very quickly vicente and los arellanos didnt get off easily either...chapos faith is still to be seen but i guess what im
      Trying to say is that capos like ABL or El Lazca went out like savages cause they knew whatbwas waiting for them in an MCC en el
      Norte so did Pablo Escobar in the early 90s

    4. Orrait guanato, all I mean is Mochomo sale un dia del bote, la chapa maybe, the dead will not have hope ever again.

  8. Your friend whom you idolize so much may have had a Lot of balls but he did not have any common sense because he got caught and you don't shoot anyone anywhere even in mx in front of se les quita always showing off like Paisas.who show off their pacas. in bars on payday they get the Usa.

  9. I quén era Luciano Rivera?
    Se necesita saber quén era pa entender porque lo mataron,
    O que les hizo a los asesinos intelectuales.

  10. What about the 12tons of cocaine seized in Colombia anything on that?

    1. Una ton por cada venadito del Santa Claus, no?
      I think it is all about chrismiss.

    2. Santa's reindeer were 8 plus rudolph the drunk one with the red nose,
      Snow White had 12 little men, they loved Snow.

  11. Say they forgot to put a black rectangle on his eyes. He was out of mordita money. So everyone gets to see this fool.


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