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Wednesday, June 28, 2017

US offers FBI help to train Mexican police

Posted by DD from Mexico News Daily

FBI training could 'change history,' says US embassy official

The United States has offered to provide training to 350,000 state and municipal police officers at the FBI National Academy in Quantico, Virginia, in an effort to better prepare security forces to combat organized crime.

The Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. embassy in Mexico, William Duncan, said the offer was made in recognition of the wave of violence in Mexico caused by the demand for drugs in the U.S. market and because police forces in Mexico are facing the “most ruthless” criminal organizations.

“The U.S. government understands that the security of both countries is directly related, what happens in Mexico affects us and vice versa. Our future prosperity depends on the collective prosperity of the North American region.”

Duncan indicated that U.S. authorities had noted a new commitment from their Mexican counterparts to certify police and stressed that proper training was the base of any professional career and that the FBI training could “change history.”

However, police training is not the only barrier authorities face in fighting organized crime.

Speaking at a public security conference this week, the chief of the National Public Security System, Álvaro Vizcaíno, stated that in order to lower the crime rate the number of officers needs to be at least doubled in addition to ensuring that they have adequate training and resources.

“We need to strengthen the police’s capacity to react and respond. The fundamental problems are that there are not enough police and in many cases the police there are don’t have the training or equipment necessary to be able to work.”

Mexico currently has 450,000 officers at federal, state and municipal levels but according to Vizcaíno some states, “have fewer than half the police they should have.”

Vizcaíno indicated that 1.5 billion pesos (US $80.5 million) have been allocated to strengthen Mexico’s police forces this year and that training courses are being designed in conjunction with the Institute of Juridical Investigations at the National Autonomous University.

Approximately 9% of state officers and 12% of municipal officers have failed evaluation tests but continue to serve in police forces across the country.

Mexico currently has 450,000 officers at federal, state and municipal levels but according to Vizcaíno some states, “have fewer than half the police they should have.”
Vizcaíno indicated that 1.5 billion pesos (US $80.5 million) have been allocated to strengthen Mexico’s police forces this year and that training courses are being designed in conjunction with the Institute of Juridical Investigations at the National Autonomous University.
Approximately 9% of state officers and 12% of municipal officers have failed evaluation tests but continue to serve in police forces across the country.
Source: Milenio (sp), El Universal (sp)   
Duncan indicated that U.S. authorities had noted a new commitment from their Mexican counterparts to certify police and stressed that proper training was the base of any professional career and that the FBI training could “change history.”
However, police training is not the only barrier authorities face in fighting organized crime.
Speaking at a public security conference this week, the chief of the National Public Security System, Álvaro Vizcaíno, stated that in order to lower the crime rate the number of officers needs to be at least doubled in addition to ensuring that they have adequate training and resources.
“We need to strengthen the police’s capacity to react and respond. The fundamental problems are that there are not enough police and in many cases the police there are don’t have the training or equipment necessary to be able to work.”
FBI training could 'change history,' says US embassy official


  1. The same trainees will form there own cartel or join one with all that knowledge they will learn.

    1. It's what they do alot of times, they get trained by the gobierno then they flip and use the same training in their dirty activities or to protect other criminals, many of them are borned traitors, corrupt since day one.

    2. @5:35 good point. The Zetas was born out of the GAFE which was formed to destroy the Zapatistas which was a grass-root movement (like the auto-defensas) in response to widespread government corruption and human rights violations.
      Maybe cops is not the problem, but poverty, corruption and demand for drugs and that is where the US should offer to assist if a solution is wanted.

    3. Pos los zetas se las pelaron aos zapatistas, los gafes se acabaron, los zetas tambien, el EZLN ahi anda todavia aunque batallando.

  2. Yeah let's train more corrupt cops.
    What can go wrong:)

    1. The US has trained cops and most of them they don't support or allow corruption.

      What is different there since you have active cops from different races including Mexicans?

    2. 6:18 the level of minorities murdered by cops on the US has skyrocketed since the police corporations have been using private security corporations with Welfare Queen Contracts to train police officers in the geadly techniques of murdering targeted populations, military shoot to kill, and the new police corlorations reflect their training,
      Many police officers love the donal' bease he promises them it all noatte what, others must pledge their loyalty to the
      "Dear Great Leader" el tromp.

  3. The U.S knows what it's doing, train the Mexican police to be more lethal = more dead Mexicans

      and now the FBI managed by a russian spy puppet that doesn't remember that he "had a relationship with that man" The russian ambassador Sergei Kislyak is going to save mexico? Plesae.
      It.may be easier to train 340 000 mexican police.officers, but i'd go for stop paying for the corrupt mexican government's FUERZAS DELICTIVAS ESTATALES and disband the policia judicial federal and imprison politicians and ginirals that have.been defeated by the ugly biiig baaad narcos, let them find why in prison and re-education camps.

  4. Shat Mexico needs is some soul searching. Roughly 90,000 murders have been reported in the country since Pena Nieto became president and another 100,000 plus when Calderon was around. "Not everyone is a criminal in Mezico" they say which is tru but these figures are no SMALL feat! Only countries like those in the Middle East and or Africa rival those murdered in Mexico.
    I, love Mexico don't get me wrong but people in their quest for ricbes have seem to have forgotten their past as civil, honest hard working individuals there that don't go about and sell out to the cartels or any person for a measly 150 pesos or less a day!

    1. USA has 33,000 gun deaths per year, easily on par with Mexico, people in glass houses shouldnt throw stones.

    2. 8:11 that true, but on the US it is not the corrupt police officers that do most of the crimes, it is the NRA and the impunity they buy for weapons dealers and the gangs.
      While in mexico most of the crimes are done by or under the shadow of police officers or the military all over the country

    3. Hey.Otis, Thd murder rats in Mejico I'd 4 times that of the U.S. and most likely higher since stats are manipulated and difficult to come by in that corrupt country. People who live in slaughtering houses, well you know the rest.

    4. 33,000 gun deaths in a country of over 300 million is not the same as 33,000 gun deaths in a country of over 100 million. United States inst the safest country by any means but it has been doing a better job than mexico. Mexico is full of awesome people and they need to be protected even if it means getting help from the US

    5. Let me throw a stone.germany has less then 400 per year.
      No guns=almost no crime.
      So from my point there is little difference between gringoland and narcoland.
      But at the end you get what you pais for.

    6. Yeah right! 33,000. Where did you get those stats? The stats I, got where from a same Mexican tx channel. Accidental gun deaths and cops using guns are also included in U.S. gun stats by the way!
      Se defienden los Mexicanos "como gato volteado para arriba" dicen. Y yo soy Chicano.

    7. Can't say anything about Mexico's murder rate because right away instead of taking a hint or admitting to something wrong they rather point to other's so called faults!
      Grow up!

    8. Move to Mexico then .You will find out real quick it ain't Kansas Toto. A guy down here in QR use to always use the gun deaths comparisons as well. Might as well just lie because the Truth is the homocide rate is tremendously higher here in Mx. They just happen to use machetes and knives as much as guns. Keep repeating it long enough and its the truth is what all the liberals think. Makes alot of sense to somebody that doesn't have any.

    9. The U.S. has a terrible problem with gun violence. But at 1/3 the population of the U.S. and 3x the murder rate, in spite of strict gun control, Mexico is in a league of its own... And let's not even get into the abysmal conviction rate for major felonies.

    10. Not to downplay our issues in the US with violent crimes/homicide - while that number is in the ballpark, I think it's worthy to note that about 60% of gun related fatalities in the US are suicides.

      For 2015, BBC published an article claiming 13,286 killed by guns in murders and accidents with suicides retracted from the dataset.

    11. its not about how many guns are in circulation, its about who you give them to. Uk has 4.7 million registered firearms, we have 2000 gun deaths per year for a population of 72 million. New York has more gun deaths in a month, than the UK does in a year. Something for you to ponder.

    12. So where did you get those numbers at Fake News cNn ??

    13. It's also about enforcing the gun laws. I grew up and live in the rural west. We all had guns in our trucks at school and no gun violence occurred. We were raised with them, taught to respect them and what they could do. Most in these communities open or conceal carry. I would rather live here in the mountains with the bears and lions than in the cities with gun violence. No second chances with a gun was my dad's saying. When you handle a gun treat it with respect.

    14. 9am. How many officers in the US have been convicted to shooting unarmed minorities? Is that considered impunity??

    15. According to the CDC , Mexico has less gun deaths per head of capita than the United States, 7.64 per 100,000 people in Mexico and 10.46 in the United States

    16. Otis lied about 33,000 deaths due too guns. Back tracking now
      This place is so bias lol

    17. Everything thats Otis is saying are nothing but the FACTS !

    18. Liberals fight for everybody's freedoms,
      Libertarian tea kettles with elephant ears fight to enslave and rob everybody else.

    19. I cant find CDC stats on mexico. But Homicide related gun deaths are not 10.46 that number includes suicides. The gun deaths related to homicides are 3.5. Not taking away the importance of suicide but if we are talking on violence lets focus on the homicide rate regardless of whether guns are involved. The OECD has the Homicide rate of 18.9 for mexico while is says the homicide rate for The US is 5. Yes gun deaths when including suicides are higher in the US, but in terms of homicides it doesn't come close to mexico.

    20. I, saw some of the figures the CDC has for gun homicides in the U.S. For the year 2014 alone there where roughly 8,100 homicides in the U.S. and although homicide numbers vary year by year just this figure alone multiplied by say 10 years which is roughly how long the cartel wars in Mexico have been going on you would get about 88,000 homicides in the U.S. for that many number of years compared to Mexicos 120,000 or so gun homicides listed above for the same number of years just about. Now given that the U.S. is a country with over 350 million people vs Mexicos say 140 million this statistic that there are more gun related murder per capita in the U.S. is untrue!

    21. "USA has 33,000 gun deaths per year, easily on par with Mexico, people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones."
      but what you are leaving out(whether because you are misinformed or deliberately to hide the truth remains to be seen)
      you know what Ill just cut and paste the facts it easier..You can google FBI gun deaths homicide vs suicide rates to verify.

      There are roughly 32,000 gun deaths per year in the United States. Of those, around 60% are suicides. About 3% are accidental deaths (between 700-800 deaths). About 34% of deaths (just over 11,000 in both 2010 and 2011) make up the remainder of gun deaths and are classified as homicides. Sometimes the 32,000 and 11,000 figures are used interchangeably by gun control advocates. Clearly, the 32,000 figure is a far more dramatic number and it is often used for impact by anti-gun activists.

    22. 8:44 don't mess with "the Antu-gun activistas"
      You could end with your ass all shot up,
      It has even been discovered recently that "white republican congressmen's lives matter"

    23. When EPN started his spurious stolen presidency he was going to train 40 000 new Policia Nacional officers, "in France" because frankly it has been a shame with the results of the Ones trained by the US, the kaibiles and some israelies...
      But they say it stopped at 4 000, however they never did a y thing worth mentioning, except for their supreme commander who has replaced enrique francisco galindo ceballos who had to resign over the Tlatlaya murder-massacre.
      --The new boss of the mexican federal police Manelich Castilla Craviotto "el hombre que vendio la plaza zeta de San Luis Potosi y de "el quique" galindo ceballos al Cartel de Sinaloa por 10 millones de dolares..." is a favorite of carlos slim Helu accoring to the article.

    24. I am certainly not an anti-gun activist, im an anti giving guns to criminals or people with psychological problems activist. I have a section one firearms certificate, and have been shooting since I was twelve.

      The suicides with guns are important to the Government of the USA or the UK. Ill explain why. Since 1933 the USA and UK have been bankrupt, we withdrew all money that was worth its face value and issued worthless pieces of paper with " i promise to pay the bearer on them that are worth jack", while these promisary notes can be exchanged for good and services, they are no good as securities for the IMF for the huge debts both countries owe them.

      What our governments use as collateral on these debts, is our future work earning projections until retirement age, as neither country has enough gold bullion to act as security. So every person that dies below retirement age, be it through suicide by gun or being murdered by guns, is a problem for the government. People prefer suicide death by gunfire because it is quick, with no suffering. If that option were not available to them , they may well not have committed suicide.

      A bullet will travel through your head and destroy brain function to receive pain in 2000 milli seconds. Your brain requires pain input for 200 milliseconds to register. Hence this being the preferred method.

      All lives matter, be they suicides or homicides. I know the USA is very keen on the 2nd amendment, but to outsiders, this may be why the gun deaths rate is high in the USA, which officially has 112 guns in the country for every 100 persons.

    25. I never said Suicides don't matter or aren't important. all I said was that in a conversation comparing murder rates of different countries shouldn't include suicide rate. I also believe that that the vetting process for buying guns is to lenient. I went to buy a gun expecting a process longer than a sheet of paper and 30 background check. Walked out with a gun and ammo.

      We can also talk all day about the horrifyingly large number of suicides in the US and how to fix the problem. However, The article is talking about FBI training for Mexican police on organized crime. If we were talking about the US sending training to mexico on dealing with suicide then we would be throwing rocks from glass houses, because we have no idea how to deal with suicide. Not to mention that our suicide rate is higher than Mexico's.

      We don't have experience with nor do we understand suicide. We are still in the mindset of "get over it" on mental problems. What we do have is experience with organized crime. We aren't perfect and corruption still exist but we have done well in comparison to mexico. That's what I was talking about. Violence involving organized crime isn't the same thing as suicide.

    26. The problem is not the facts used by the much appreciated Otis but the simple fact Mexico offers 'facts' which are horribly under accurate not to mention those that they have even found yet.

    27. "From my cold dead hands," Como decia este Moses. The debate is settled -- the debate is over. Well in my book -- it's not up for debate. To defend my integridad fisica. Alias el chosen one

    28. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. you mean train them to be better crooks. heh

  6. Where do I apply

  7. A new made in USA Zeta

  8. good idea make a new cartel.

  9. Could this be a ploy for the US feds to go into MX and gather intel for investigations into the corruption within the ranks of MX police force? Just throwing this out as another angle to consider

  10. A quien le dan pan que llore 🍞. - Sol Prendido

    1. 10:23 a ti lo que te van a dar es un Palo por el cabús sol.
      Ya tiene tiempo que te lo ganaste.

    2. Wuuuh sol, que vas a ser, te vas a enojar?

  11. Mantas hung in nayarit. By hs .they have ben killing ppl by 2s maybe retaliation for h2

  12. The problem is not to teach them to be cops but teach them about the

    1. Nah, the problem is payno them enough and making sure they know they will be summarily executed if they don't play get alongto go along.

  13. Well that means Mexicans are going to be shot at every turn now.

  14. I think the US tried this program once, and all it produced was the ZETAS. Lack of training isn't the problem, corruption is.

    1. It has backfired in many countries.

    2. J edgar hoover used to dress like a big fat mama, chomp cigars, live, work and vacation with his live in boyfriend, and persecute criminals, but not all.

  15. Hope all this attention and training works out for Mexico. Moreover what has been transpiring in Mexico has had an impact here in US. Drugs, Demand = Violence.
    Both countries face an epidemic!


    1. The need for money has driven too many "important american entrepreneurs" to drug trafficking, and too many political "dignitaries" help the enterprise, because: "the Business of America Is Business"

  16. Lol Otis, are you really going to compare murder rates from firearms between Mexico and the Yankees? How many firearm deaths are even accounted for in Mexico, half? I'm not even an American that has an insane bias towards the USA but I know you're just trolling trying to compare the two on equal terms lol.

  17. Sounds like the FBI wants to get into the Narco business. Trump will never say no to making money, LOL.

  18. More cops, more guns, more blackhawks, more punishment, more missiles, more eavesdropping, more bombs ... lately it seems that these are the only policies big government USA is willing to come up with ... ohh I forgot the wall

  19. The FBI does not subcontract "trainers" on other countries,
    Maybe NOW Jeff Sessions does...
    I think the men in black are just going to send more private security contractors to get another pemex check from mexico, they will even pay commission to the pushers of the "legiation", matter of fack it must have already been paid and offshored...

    1. Did they send texas 100 million dollars to erect (Aay güey) a new prison for profit for homeland security Corporate Welfare Queens?
      Also Jared Kushner is trying to assign a buidling contract for about 2 billion dollars for the new FBI building to a Russian and Donal'.and other Secret Parnas LLC orporation...
      They have.made.sure that there is no conflict of interest standing on their way to the bank,

  20. Pay them well, and let them take there firearms home.. How can a Mexican Police man defend himself when going home if the gun issued is at the Police Station when shift is over..


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