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Monday, June 12, 2017

Border Patrol Agent Kidnapped, Beaten, and Fingers Cut Off

Posted by DD material from Las Cruces Sun News  and Blue Lives Matter

An off-duty Border Patrol agent has been hospitalized and is in stable condition following an attack Friday night in Doña Ana County, according to a press release issued Saturday by U.S. Customs and Border Protection.   

On June 10, U.S. Customs and Border Protection released the following statement about the incident:

 “U.S. Customs and Border Protection is assisting in the investigation of a report of an assault against an off-duty Border Patrol agent assigned to the Deming, New Mexico, Border Patrol Station.

The agent was discovered on the side of the road by a motorist at 11 p.m. MDT. The agent suffered multiple, serious injuries to his head, chest and hands.

Emergency Medical Services transported the agent to a nearby hospital where he is being treated for his wounds. The agent is in stable condition.

CBP is working closely with the FBI, Dona Ana County Sheriff’s Office, and the El Paso Police Department on the ongoing investigation. CBP has informed its workforce of this report and has reminded its law enforcement personnel to be alert and aware of their surroundings and potential threats related to their service.”

That’s the only official word on the incident. However, unofficial information has been leaking out.  Robin Zielinski, a photographer for the Las Cruces Sun-News newspaper, tweeted that a "credible source told me that fingers of off-duty Border Patrol agents were cut off during last night (sic) attack."

BREAKING: Credible source told me that fingers of off-duty Border Patrol agent were cut off during last night attack 

The area immediately south of the border in the El Paso sector, where the Deming station is located, “is controlled by the Juarez Cartel and their enforcers, La Linea.  

FBI is leading the investigation and their agents have been advised to remain vigilant and maintain a heightened level of awareness.”


  1. Looks like this guy Rob The Amado Carrillo Cartel of a shipment Who ever did it should hide when the FBI is involved your screw those guys will find you

    1. He must have been stealing. That's one way to get your fingers cut off🖕

    2. Stealing??the police do that every day doing kick doors (raids)and regular traffic stops busting dealers then the keep the drugs and money this is just a bit of their own medicine

  2. Gosh, he's crippled for life poor guy.
    Or, was it a deal gone wrong?

  3. That is bad shit. Oh wait, this has been happening in Mexico and latin america all along. Was the agent dirty? A message? Will we ever know?

    1. @9:54PM Wait until all the facts are in before we start speculating.

    2. @10:11 PM you speculate precisely because you do not have all the facts. When you have all the facts there is no need to speculate anymore. Hence, I will proceed by speculating that the agent was/is 'involved' and his little fingers had nabbed something that someone with a sharp knife did not agree with.

    3. 0327 precisely my dear watson. precisely.

    4. @dd

      isn't that what we do on here? speculate? you come off rude a lot my dude.
      p.s I'm not the original speculator just an observer

    5. 3:27 When the (so called) facts come out then do we believe that it's the truth ? There arecthings that a lot of government agencies hide from the public. What is the real truth ? Well everyone can just speculate!! Is the border patrol agent corrupt ? OR is he an honest official kidnapped and tortured by the narcos ? This only tje people involved know!!

    6. Hahaha! I speculate that your speculation is correct.

    7. @9:07 The comment that I replied to ask a question; "Was he a dirty cop? Will we ever know?"
      My response "wait until the facts or in" was not intended to be rude. It was intended to hold down the comments that said things as a fact, i.e. He stole from the Carillos, the queen of the Sur ordered it, even some comments that tied it to Kiki camarino torture or the CIA. Giving your opinions is fine, but stating something as a fact when it is just conclusions you have drawn from pure speculation is something different. I did not intend it as rude or attacking the original commentor, just addressing the questions he asked.

    8. DD, i'm the original speculator and in no way took your reply as an attack. It was a good, honest response. I only have respect for your hard work and dedication to BB and all the translators/ reporters hard work. I have learned alot here. My only plea is lets, all of us, not lose our humor.

      9:40 dude.

    9. 10:29 too late, i'm already lost my humor,
      I am speculating you started este pinchi pedo by your confession.

    10. Look at it this way...someone speculated you were a child molester, you're OK with that assumption without any facts? We are talking about miscreants, to automatically connect cut off fingers to a dirty cop is ridiculous.

    11. Apples and oranges 926 pm, apples and fucking oranges... don't sound so dramatic

    12. 9:26 PM Getting your fingers or hand cut off is USUALLY but not ALWAYS associated with stealing..Thats why most are saying he was dirty.If someone is found with their penis cut off you or most would speculate he committed a sex crime..if not for speculation there would barely be any comments since we would have to read the article and simply wait until one of the moderator gives us the "facts"

  4. Time to take the gloves off. They will learn not to fuck around with a federal officer. Never heard of Kiki Camarena? They will.

    1. What about Kiki? He got WACKED and for WHAT? His respected work changed absolutely nothing! A few ppl went to jail then other ppl took over the cartel and last I checked cartel bizz is alive and well.

    2. What were you doing with the gloves on in the first place?

    3. Yea but the people that ordered it lost there freedom. Especially those in power

    4. 11:04 PM EXACTLY RIGHT! As a matter of fact the cartel bizz has grown exponentially since Kiki. I wonder if part of the growth is not even because of Kiki!

    5. Only one dancing now is Caro Quintero. After Kiki the Cartels multiplied. It only proved that the DEA, FBI, ATF,n CIA have a piece in the business too.

    6. I doubt that rcq is dancing. Sure he pays money to stay Free but how Long.he cant leave mx or he might get arrested

    7. Now they are really

    8. I thought that Kiki getting wacked led to the de-centralisation of the Guadalajara cartel and to the destabilization of Honduras. Which in turn truely fucked both Mexico and Central America, in addition to those countries fucked up by the CIA.

    9. The Zetas killed a US federal agent a few years back and the gloves didn't come off.

    10. There actually is a video on youtube of rcq dancing surrounded by his sicarios y la banda tocando

    11. If tou want caro quintero, he was seen with a group of men in Santaigo Durango, He is in the golden triangle and is trying to establish himself along the Chihuahua border. His group is stealing vehicles and robbing citizens.

    12. Put out the link mamon!!

    13. Pendejo, I was just there and had 1st hand experience with the young lads. They took one of the trucks we were in and they proudly stated who they work for.

  5. Deal gone bad is exactly what happened! You'll see.

  6. Wow, this was the worst decision they could make. Trump won't play around if this turns out to be a cartel.

    1. All Trump is going to say is, Those are some bad Hombres.

    2. Oh really? maybe he should start an investigation into your glorious BP agency. They are probably the most corrupted federal agency after CIA and DEA.

    3. 7:44 the boss of the BP was let go to start the purge, the rest of the old time crooks will follow, new loyal officers will be hired that will pledge their loyalty to the Biiig Boss without feeling "the pressure".
      forgetabout serving their country.

  7. Eh, he will have a latino name and everyone will brush it off and move past it. Brian Terry died a martyr, Jaime Zapata died as another manguera

    1. Who?
      Mi 45 conmemorativa

    2. That's real. Mexican Americans are just labelled as Mexicans to the white folks even If their family was here for 3 or 4 generations. Fact

    3. You're God damn right 2:41 I've been around the United States. NYC, LA, MIAMI NEW ORLEANS KENTUCKY ATLANTA NEW JERSEY PHILLY TENNESSEE KENTUCKY MISSISSIPPI just to name some and I know what you mean brown skin is automatically labeled Mexican they look at us different. And some of our dumb ass people don't even known our own culture and roots some even get embarrassed of our culture!

    4. 7:58 What culture?
      I know one thing is most of the american people LOVE MEXICANS, THEIR HISTORY,, in spite their history and no matter what the government feeds them.
      For every racist person I have encountered, I have also met hundreds of well intentioned gabachos.
      Also I have seen some baad hombreis making fun of some mexicans and their claims about foreigners stealing their mexican culture by inventing Australian burritos, let's laugh it all off together.
      I also predicted 5he narcos would start chopping off some of their tormentors hands when they got extended for "their share of the bounty",
      --maybe now they will start wearing their KEVLAR ANTI-CUT GOLVES...

    5. 7:03 yes, Mexicans have culture and history. Places like Arizona where I live used to be part of Mexico and now it's one of the most racist places in America. All these politicians if they want to be elected all they have to say is they will stop Mexicans from coming over lol white people actually believe it's been proven many times from the fields of California to major cities across the U.S that Americans can't make it without Mexicans. Mexican are hard workers and do jobs white and black people will never do.

    6. Forget labels. I served with some Great Americans with Hispanic last names.

    7. 11:10 "Mexican are hard workers and do jobs white and black people will never do."

      Mexicans ARE hard workers but so often you never see that sentence completed. Here is the complete one: Mexicans are hard workers and do jobs that white and black people will never do for the low wages that companies insist on offering.

      It's all about the businesses trying to get more for less and extending their greed, always looking to drive wages down further.

      And the way they do this, they also drive a wedge between both groups of people that they are actively screwing over. Mexicans are not my enemy, I'm not theirs either - but the old divide and conquer is used to make it appear so.

      The status quo is not sustainable either. At some point, the local labor pool gets to be so broken that they can hire whites and blacks to do the work at those wages or even less. It's pain for everyone except the "landowners", all because they fooled us into believing that it's not a class war but a race war.

      Do not be misled, stop being divided and join against them. Be smart.

    8. 11:10 am...i was with you until you included black ppl in your comment..Black ppl have been here and worked under far worst conditions than any other race in the history of the Americas for absolutely nothing..I understand Mexicans are hard workers when they come to the U.s but the hard work is also motivated by the fact that these jobs still pay more than the same job in mexico.Again I take nothing from Mexican ppl but if you really believe that stereotype about blacks being lazy you are misled..IVE WORKED WITH BLACKS..

    9. I grew up in San Francisco and my best friend was Mexican. Our commonality besides liking to party was that I was Irish Catholic and he was Mexican Catholic. My mother was a English Protestant until she married my Irish Catholic Father. I have English Protestant cousins, but I'll take my Mexican Catholic friend over my English Protestant cousins because I know how my Mexican Catholic friend thinks because we are Catholics, but I don't know what my English Protestant cousins are thinking.

    10. 9:36 most mexicans are not religious fanatics, we don't believe on extremist shit, but if the government comes facking around, the priests can raise srmies real quick, right one the priests are in the government's pockets.
      Remember los cristeros.

    11. " Mexicans are hard workers..." Well we did have a black president. So enough with trying 2 make 1 race superior over the other. And people wonder how Hitler came into power. It's the foolish talk some of you spout that give rise 2 evil. - Sol Prendido

  8. Well, that's what happens when u join the game. That's not an attack, that's a personal message. The agent needs to be investigated at this point. Wait for it......

    1. Indeed, he could have been killed but they didnt, that was a message, I believe he stole or snitch one of the 2

    2. Snitch? He's a's his!

  9. This sounds weird, false flag??

  10. There's something more to this story, no possible way if your're a border agent, you would let someone, at the border, get the drop on you, or get taken alive, during the war on the cartel when you know what they do to captive, I have a feeling the patrol agent is involve in someone else.

  11. They gone back to Mexico
    Old school cartel would never do da.

    1. Yes they do just ask RCQ. New school cartels learned from the old heads mistakes. The new cats just sends the message without killing. Only the Zetas are dumb enough these days to kill a US Federal Agent.

  12. A lot of things happening in Los Cabos being covered in the American papers right now.

    1. Thats just because its a tourist spot

    2. @9:46 Which of those vacation spots do you vacation in? Juarez, El Paso, or Deming New Mexico.

    3. Neither of then he said los cabos...

  13. robin's fingers cut off? what is this

  14. Hahaha cue all the internet rambos talking about "sending in seal time 6" if they kidnapped him, beat him, and cut off his fingers, he knows a lot more than who it was.... all they gotta do is ask him the right questions, he knows why they did it. Fingers cut off? Keep your hands out the cookie jar. People still think dope, and sex slaves, make it to the country of junkies and sex fiends by mystical magical ways. It's through corruption at the border, plain and simple.

    1. both Northern y Southern borders of MX. None of this "consumer supply" would be available without complicity/cooperation at all the fed/gov/muni checkpoints

    2. Yes indeed he knows who did it and wby..Those who did it are probably dating him to tell the truth because it would most likely incriminate himself.

  15. DD, the paper is Las Cruces, not Los Cruces. Just an FYI for the tag line.

  16. Lets get that Wall built. We need it up pronto!

    1. How would that have prevented this?

    2. Fox makes fun of "el Trompo"
      Says "he is going to build a 25 billion dollar wall that a 25 dollar ladder can beat, I agree, but the wall's price of 25 million dollar is "per mile of wall" to scam the american people


  18. This pseudo agent
    Got served
    He got money from the carrillos and he didnt look to the other way
    So he got munch by a pair of pliers
    Not scizzors
    Thats what you get from being collided with this wild bunch

  19. Can I rent you folk's crystal ball? Stocks? Bond's? Weather? Earthquakes?

    How many of you speculators actually LIVE down here? Like it or not, I know how the US Department of Justice works. Their primary directive is SUSPICION. Behind the scenes you can bet your ass a meticulous background investigation of the agent is already underway. Financial Forensics is the specialty of the FBI. If there is ANY connection to a cartel they ARE going to find it. I love how you impugn anyone and everyone, so my advice is STAY NORTH WHERE YOU BELONG. Please.

  20. More to the story . Read between the lines.
    A message he either owes money or a reminder to the contract he agreed to.


    1. Maybe they wanted money from him and he spit in his face.

    2. Only you would go tu mexico tu get extorted and lose your fingers por andar ahi de caliente, mister Banderas de Coco.

  21. I speculate Love triangle

  22. We'll never learn the complete truth.

  23. Got tortured most likely for a stolen shipment.

    1. How can you be so sure, these animals don't live by any sort of code or standard

  24. Replies
    1. Jesus Pena? If so where was he apprehended?

  25. They cut his fingers off because he stole from the linea , plain and simple.We all know that when the cartel catches someone stealing either your dead or they are cutting off fingers.

  26. It could be possible the kidnapping had nothing to do with his job or cartels.

  27. If u steal.. ur fingers get chopped.. status quo..

  28. It was the queen of the south orders

  29. From Associated Press - gunbattle in Tamaulipas prison

  30. DEA or CIA deal gone bad.

  31. Sticky fingers, you know what happens to them digits that take or touch things not their own?

  32. Ildelfofonzo Ortiz reporting they have a suspect and a warrant has been issued

  33. My "guess" is he took money directly from couriers, or he got paid to get a load through...and it didn't make it. Message sent...killing US agents is suicide, but maiming him, and sending a sign that he is dirty, is a whole new story. If they kill him, he's a glorified hero of the senseless WOD. But now, there will be an investigation, into why the BP guy was maimed, not whacked...Narcos are smarter than you think. This was a dirty cop who pissed off the wrong guys.

  34. There's a lot of crooked bp agents, I bet he's a dirty agent who messed with the wrong people

    1. My guess is he is dirty and stole money or product from a cartel. Only a hunch, but I bet I'm right like others who are commenting.
      When the time is right, he'll get a polygraph from the agency.

    2. Maybe the message should be read by other border agents as:don't play ball with the cartels,this is what happens in the game so sometimes message could be read another way and not the way the cartel intended it.What works in Mexico doesn't work in US but the guys that did this to the agent are probably in Mexico so does the US still go after them?

  35. If the angent was dirty, would the Feds release that information to the press? I doubt it.

    1. Yes they would. Just read it carefully and you will understand

    2. He'll probably "be re-assigned" or more likely "immediately resigned due to permanent life-altering injuries with lifetime disability, workers comp & full pension."

  36. Here come the apache attack helicopters at night... good luck fellas

    1. 10:14 no helicopters at night,
      puros pedos Levantando las cobijas
      Saying excuuse me will fix nothing, too late.

  37. Everybody is saying dirty . Maybe and maybe not . A hand removed might indicate he was on the take. Fingers ? Who knows . Could be some small timer that just wanted to do something to a cop . Whoever it was could be in trouble big time, if they didn't have permission from the powers that be . Then if a cop knew who it was he might turn off the camera and smoke his ass .

  38. Fingers cut off usually means hes a snitch or a thief i will lean towards thief believing that because he was a birder patrol he wouldnt be touched la linea are some straight killers

  39. "El Mora" of BLO Luis Lauro Ramirez Bautista was captured a few days ago. He ordered the hit on Osiel's lawyer in Texas.

    1. Thanks, was wondering how story would unfold. Now, will The Real Slim Shady please stand up -- Rodolfo Villarreal Hernandez “El Gato/The Cat.”

      _Canadian girl

    2. I taugh it was someone nick name el gato

    3. "El gato" = the "go fer" the one being told "go fetch".
      Sometimes the nickname is for looking like a cat too.
      "La Gata" is used for female domestic help.
      You can tell anybody to "call the patrona", to imply they are domestic help and make them green with rage and beat you up.
      Mexicans are evil.👺👹👺

  40. I only know one drug lord with the balls to go after a US law enforcement official. He's done it before. I've always heard that he was on the back channels of the Kiki Camarena killing when he was a liason for the Guadalajara Cartel. I would not put it past him to do it again as he grows his branch of the Sinaloa Cartel.

    1. Kiki got sold out by the DEA / CIA get it right fool

    2. Rafael Caro Quintero

    3. Lmao sure bub

  41. Whats with BB now? I, spoke about Trump having a field day for his anti immigrant policy and his border wall if it turns out the cartels hurt an innocent CBP agent and my comment wasn't posted???

    1. 11:24 your comment was not really important, impressive, or just not good enough to post, still isn't...

  42. According to an article published on, the suspect has been identified as Sergio Ivan Quinones with a year of birth in 1984. This suspect is supposedly well known to law enforcement because of a violent criminal history that includes aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. An arrest warrant should have been issued or will soon be issued for his arrest.

    The article does not provide a motive for the assault but it is a couple of days old since it was published.


  44. It's strange that this did not make national news in the US.

  45. -Desde Tierra Caliente-

    ¿No sería creíble que esto le sucediera a una persona que es inocente pero que se hace parecer que la persona es corrupta? La observación de autodefensas y rurales cambiando de lado y acusando por dedo a otra persona me hace preguntarme. Pensar que los sicarios son estúpidos es ser uno mismo tonto.

  46. More fodder for Trump . He wont quit until the border is so tight a fart cant blow through .
    "Times They Are A Changin .

    1. Jaja yea in a million years 70% of narcotics come right over the bridge please give me a brake. . . Build a 100 ft wall drugs will keep flowing into the country im not big on drugs lol but lets be real

  47. If they were such good ppl the cartels wouldn't be able to corrupt them...Trust me, Some of these bp agents are just waiting for a offer.

  48. Disability payments here we come! You just know he's gonna get paid out. Local sympathizers appease this man. - Sol Prendido

    1. Love not having some of you as neighbors down here. My family and friends are all Méxicanos for good reason. I would suggest reading USA border newspapers to WOW! actually see what happens to corrupt agents. When they go to prison it's federal and in isolation to keep them from being shivved the first 5 minutes after they arrive. They lose their car(s). They lose property, bank accounts, and they forfeit their pension. Try actually LOOKING AT state laws regarding disability intentionally derived by illegal activity.

    2. I personally know of many troops that purposely hurt themselves 2 claim disability. And once they ETS those claims go through. Anything over 50% is gold. It all starts off with mastering the art of MALINGERING. You best believe we are everywhere. We serve in every capacity out there. - Sol Prendido

    3. 5:46 Hey sol, have you witnessed any FRAGGING?

  49. Update, arrest made:



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