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Tuesday, May 16, 2017

United States detects 61 million dollars of Humberto Moreira in banks in Monaco and the Cayman Islands in his wifes name

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Reforma article

Subject Matter: Money Laundering, Humberto Moreira, Off shore banks
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required

Moreira's fortune detected in Monaco

Reporter: Reforma Redaction
The wife and sister-in-law of former Coahuila Governor Humberto Moreira Valdes made deposits for up to 62.1 million dollars in bank accounts in Monaco and the Cayman Islands between 2013 and 2016.

According to an investigation by the US Treasury Dept. for corruption, money laundering and drug trafficking against Humberto Moreira, a former PRI national leader, and his brother Ruben, now Governor of Coahuila, are aware of a number of financial transactions of his relatives.

Reforma had access to the FKA file 835-530MMBT of the Financial Crimes Network (FinCen), a special agency that stores and analyzes information on financial transactions to combat financial crimes, such as fraud, money laundering and financing of terrorism.

The document includes bank statements detailing dozens of cash dollar deposits at the Broadway Bank of San Antonio, Texas, between 2013 and 2016. The statements made by Reforma are part of a file from FinCen of the Treasury Department of the United States; reveals the wealth accumulated by Vanessa Guerrero Martinez, Humberto Moreiras spouse, and Cecilia Aguilar Morales, wife of Ivan, brother of the former Governor.

Guerrero appears as the holder of the account 0010194130 at BNP Paribas Private Bank of Monaco, which in October 2015 had a balance of 10.8 million dollars, and by April 2016 had a balance of 16.6 million dollars after receiving transfers of 5.8 million dollars.

The resources were sent from the account 48371115 of Ricardo Mendoza Reyes, at Broadway National Bank in San Antonio, Texas. Mendoza is married to Elisa Moreira Valdes, sister of Humberto and Ruben, the current Governor of Coahuila.

As Guerrero lives in Monaco, the apartment building is registered at 47 Jardin Exotique Boulevard, while Mendoza Reyes registered a house at 20300 Grail Quest in San Antonio.

Humberto's wife has also held account 2326588 at CIBC First Caribbean International Bank in the Cayman Islands.

In February of 2013, the account held 12.1 million dollars, but by August of that year it had reached 18.6 million dollars, receiving 6.4 million dollars from another account at Broadway National. The latter was in the name of Cuauhtemoc Esquivel Sanchez, located as an official of the education sector in Coahuila.

The sister-in-law of Moreira, Cecilia Aguilar, handled the account 2937276, also in CIBC First Caribbean.

His balance, at the end of 2014, was 27 million, after Mendoza transferred 5.4 million from Broadway National Bank.

In January 2016, Humberto Moreira, a former PRI national leader, was arrested in Spain on charges of money laundering and embezzlement of public funds. On January the 22nd he was released for lack of evidence.

However, on February the 5th, 2016, the Treasury Department was alerted to suspicious money laundering movements of the former Governors relatives including his wife.

Even in September 2016, the mother of Vanesa Guerrero Martinez and mother-in-law of Moreira, Herminia Martinez, agreed with the US Government to hand over a $600,000 Texas residency, which was terminated last February.

The lawsuit against Martinez de la Fuente is part of the charges that Federal and Bexar County officials have filed against the former President of Coahuila and his administration officials accused of laundering million of dollars stolen from the Treasury.

Original article in Spanish at Reforma


  1. Pinches ratas!!! Seize everything from this culero

  2. The NSA got every single transaction for each and everyone of us (including the Moreiras) recorded and could expose all the black money in the world if it wanted to. I bet that the source of this information has its origins in the vaults of the NSA.

    1. Lol. Stay off the drugs

    2. True bro don't listen to these dumbasses, NSA has everyone under survaillance.

  3. The sad part of it is that the 馃挵 is in Monaco osea good luck collecting the mula.. But baaam there u go man ur a thief.. Asi oh mas claro..

    1. 62 millones d Dollares k no volveran a mexico...

      El hippie

  4. It is a lie, I hope BNP, and Bradway Bank tell us if those acconts and money actually existed or if anything of this happened... US GOV should tell us if this allegations are true

    1. You are probably related to this Corrupt thief !

    2. How in the fuck is this a lie , give me your address and name so I can visit you with proof

    3. One thang is for sure, Cuauhg眉ila and the cuauhg眉ile帽os will never see one red seized penny, mexico will pay for his defense against all comers, no extradition.
      But if he wants to go see his princess bride in Monaco, "El Bertie Boy" may get nabbed by INTERPOL, they want the rest of the stash. Ni pedo, la Princesas Moreira de Monaco se va a chingar los millones en darle Calabasas al Cornudo Moreiro por pendejo...heheheee

  5. Lol, was just looking to see where to post this!

  6. That's just two banks but how about the ones in Panama? Or Swiss banks on fake names... They left veracruz dry, they even took the money from kids in medical need! They have more

    1. 9:44 I think these are from the northern state of Coahuila . Its easy to confuse one criminal governor with another . Its pretty much everywhere in Mexico . Mexico the failed criminal state .

    2. 12:02 all the mexican states got autonomy to handle their own affairs, including THE MONEY as a parting gift from salinas and zedillo, the rest is history, an history of robbing mexico blind, and if your state has the president, or ministers, in some big money handling secretariats, the bounty multiplies,
      Like VERACRUZ the beggar home state of PEMEX, where the rats doubled up on the double, and pemex is about to get posesse by the devil.
      The pattern of robbing the states has an origin on mexican government consultants, accountants and lawyers, find them, there are the foreign investments counselors, they should all be liable for malpractice, and it is the same on all the states, Movimiento Ciudadano could help, if they have not been pretty much partners of the criminal politicians, they have accountants, Gilberto Lozano and Samuel Garcia are always pushing their luck, but NL state congressman Samuel Garcia has been accused of stealing about $500 000.00 peisos, by the impolute priistas and their PAN parnas, for making NL governor Heliodoro "la yegua malparida" Rodriguez, look like shit (guv formerly known as "el pony" or "el bronco" rodriguez, "the independent" priista de coraz贸n)

  7. descubierto por el gobierno gringo, y el gobierno mexicano apa? los mariachis callan!!! porque? en mexico ni siquiera existe una investigacion, el hijo de puta ha de ser un angelito junto con su puta familia

    1. Of course they are not investigating them. People in charge want to follow their footsteps and steal from the Mexican people too. They don't want to make investigation a common practice. Every one wants their shot at stealing money.

    2. Check ODEBRECHT, many mexican governme t give them million dollar contractz to steal money away from mexico and get their "commissions" secreted away to other bank accounts and investments that produce othing but more monetary investments "or everything will be lost due to market fluctuations"

  8. Chivis few years ago I read a report about the Moreira nexos whit los Zetas in this Site , do you still have it ?


    2. Thanks a lot

  9. Question is ? What is being done to freeze and return the money aquired from these individuals?
    Stating the facts of funny business practices will not do any justice to Mexican citizens.

    1. 10:05 . I think this is drug money paid by the drug traffickers . Trump plans to take the money and build a wall .

    2. Can agree with drug trafficking practices for majority of the funds @12:05 am. But do disagree with trump allocating money for a wall. Or any wall .
      Truly believe that money should be returned to the Mexican state which he was appointed to serve. However no guarantee that such proceeds will be mis-allocated by other rats in office.
      Everyone seems to entitled to filling their pockets nowadays.

    3. 6:18 not one red penny will be returned to mexico or even applied to the mexican foreign debt, and if history teaches us anything, some money will be used to defend "el Bertie Boy" in court, in absentia, of course, or just pay 10% fine and kiss and make out like big banksters and the US government.

    4. so disgusting. Mexico please start defending yourself again money hungry u.s.

  10. The feds are asleep at the switch.
    What with Sarbanes-Oxley and a legion of other statutes and regulations what have they done to this bottom feeding bank! Proabably nothing. Feds are just waiting to get their "mailbox money." Hopefully, Moreira's 'pollination cycle' is going to come to a quick end. What a scumbag!

    1. The banks are the biggest criminal cartel of all. They have the money to pay the politician in the USA to see that they are never charged with any crimes. The NSA, CIA, DEA, all do the bidding for this criminal cartel. You can bet this is in the news only because he failed to pay a share to them.

  11. How do I join the PRI?

    1. Me to
      And get rich??? How much longer is going to go on. Lol

    2. Easy, go to one of their offices in any Mexican City. Register and now you can run for a posotion.

    3. Registering as a PRIISTA is easy,
      Making profit takes a while, you have to murder, rob, steal, kidnap, extort, lead a criminal cell, be a good lawyer, talk pretty, impress someone up there with your biggest pistola and pray they are connected.
      And have a few discreet narquitos on the side, just in case.

  12. Take that beautiful money and make a state of the art college out of it

    1. 11:57 hahahaa, tu si te la jalaste de un estir贸n.

  13. Thats why mexico is all jacked up.

  14. More likely this is only HALF or a percentage of all the funds they stole.

  15. can imagine the money Lazcano made since it was he that was paying him off, im sure enough money to pay off his own fake death

    1. El lazca had other bosses, not all the money was "his".

  16. Where willbe the money end up?

    With the country tbat finds the account and cash or the country who did nothing to prevent the theft and did nothing to find it?

  17. i really hope "la rata" moreira is the next narco-politician to get canned behind bars they seem to be getting closer just a matter of time now...

  18. Now the good ol U.S of A will take that money somehow, and lil ol Mexico will just sit back and watch smh

  19. Peanuts compared to the billions missing from the state of Coahuila.

  20. Cabeza de Vaca is going to clean up Tamaulipas. Just going to take some time. Jorge G.

    1. Francisco Javier Garcia Cabeza de Vaca es puro g眉ey.
      He has his former criminal compadres policias federales working as his personal FUERZA DELICTIVA TAMAULIPAS, taking over drug trafficking for the boss cabeza de puro g眉ey, from the cold dead hands of the drug traffickers that helped his ass become governor, Comandante Toro can't talk anym贸, that the idea.

  21. I wonder how much of that cash was given to him by El Verdugo its hard to believe the zetas are still letting this dude breath air

  22. Why the fuck isn't this money being frozen and seized??!!

    1. 6:20 that is my b猫ibi El Verrugudo.
      -El Sol Prendido

  23. Mexico should get the money back

  24. Coahuila state owes about $30 000 000 000.00 million peisos, about 1.5 billion dollars, but when the debt was incurred the peiso was abUT $12.50 per dollar,

  25. "bout pay for Trumps Wall.


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