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Tuesday, May 2, 2017

“Those of us who defended ourselves are imprisoned, those who did not, [are] dead or disappeared,” Mireles Says in New Audio

Dr. Mireles

Translated by Valor for Borderland Beat

The autodefensa leader, José Manuel Mireles, recorded a new audio in which he demands to the government justice for defending his people “those who did not, those who did not defend themselves, are appearing in clandestine graves that are being discovered throughout the Mexican terrain, for having waited for the institutions instituted to provide security and protection, to do their job,” he said.

Mexico City, Mexico. April 28, 2017– The founder of the autodefensas in Michoacán, José Manuel Mireles Valverde, who is imprisoned in CEFERESO #4 in Nayarit, broadcasted an audio in which he demands justice from the Secretariat of the Interior (SEGOB), National Human Rights Commission (CNDH), and the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN).

Likewise, Dr. Mireles questions these government bodies, as well as “the other rich people” to explain their definition of justice, since Mireles, like other autodefensas, “for having used our constitutional right to self-defense.”

“We humbly ask them to explain to us, as a people that we are, what is their true definition of justice?  Because those of us who defend ourselves from being murdered are imprisoned for defending ourselves, and those of us who waited for justice to be administered are dead and buried,” he says.

The leader explained that “those who did not, those who did not defend themselves, are appearing in clandestine graves that are being discovered throughout the Mexican terrain, for having waited for the institutions instituted to provide security and protection, to do their job, to do their justice, what they never did,” the leader explained.

Mireles demanded justice for all those who, like him, sought justice by their own means, and not only for “the murderers of the nation.”

“Justice only applies for the benefit of the political class and the rulers, the law only applies to the most fucked people in Mexico, which are us, the majority, and that we are all innocent of which we are accused of, with some exceptions.”

“All of us who defended ourselves are imprisoned, but the misfortune was greater for those who did not defend themselves because they are all dead and buried or disappeared, and justice has not yet arrived for anyone,” Mireles said.

Source: Sin Embargo


  1. Such an unjust system.
    He stated it so clearly. Justice is given only to those elite which in reality are the criminals.
    Political prisoner he will remain . A man who poses a great threat for the political corrupt regime.
    Unfortunately I do not see freedom anytime soon. Mexican government knows what awaits if released. A movement of suppressed citizens.
    Crime infestation within all governments and societies. Impoverishment continually reaching new heights. A broken system with no reform nor a prosperous future for its citizens.

    1. This guy is an illuminati. Open your eyes people.

    2. What the fuck is an illuminati? An alien? Is it a word paranoid people use?

    3. "This guy is a illuminati" You are crazy! Dr Mireles is the only honest leader in Mexico, and they are going to kill him for this honesty and courage. God Bless Dr. Mireles.

  2. To defend yourself is a direct threat to the state which has proclaimed a monopoly on defending you. Those that choose that route - like Dr Mireles - will be destroyed - like Dr Mireles - will be destroyed to safeguard the interests of the state and those that control it.

    1. All those that oppose government policies or injustices are targeted everywhere in the world. Movements of such magnitude are a threat to any government.
      Prime example: Arab spring in Egypt . Moreover what's occurring in Syria. Political change is often met with resistance.

    2. José Manuel Mireles for President and the Good People in mexico will overcome all the rats that Control Mexico and all the poor will rally be hind Hem and take back this Beautiful Country with its Beautiful Good God Fearing People The Rats need to be Put Down
      at any cost Viva Mexico.Jefe

    3. @12:50 and we are heading the same way with mass surveilance, secret courts, secret laws, secret judges, gag orders, the militarization of the police, presidential pardons, DOJ investigating itself, not a single bank executive being jailed despite massive fraud and massive money laundering, harrasing of journalists (Barret Brown, Gary Webb, Michael Hastings) etc. etc.

    4. @12:40 am from12:50
      We are in uncertain times . Civil liberties are questioned and being compromised.
      World is changing.

    5. @5:08 we are on the slippery slope to a fascist society where the state is the protector of the citizens and anyone questioning that is an enemy (aka terrorist/liberal) of our values.
      This is how it is in Mexico today and we are heading the same way!

  3. No No No, those who didn't are eating steak n lobster get it right! N only you are in prison.

    1. 1:18 some that did not oppose the government or fight the narcos and ct are not in prison, they are eating the steak bones and the lobster shells...enjoy!

  4. Acribillan al mini-Lic Damaso Lopez Rocha en Durango/ Personajes Mexico.
    "Espero que no me roben "la esclusiba", we all waiting for confirmation, and for all out war about to explode.

  5. I am waiting for somebody to blame USA for this ...
    The blame-game is popular on BB forum.

    1. @3:33 Blame!? Why? The US is the same with its mass surveilance, domestic spying, secret courts, secret laws, secret judges, gag orders, militarization of the police, the prison industry etc.
      Sure Mexico is worse, but the US is on the same path to fascism. Of course in the case of the US it is called 'americansim' and some dirt poor and illiterate peasants (= US sponsored terrorists) 1000s of miles away get the blame.

      You are living in a bubble my boy and it feels good now, but eventually it goes POP!

  6. We all have a path in life, and Mireles choose his.Profound mistake to think he could go up against the cancers of Mexico, and not pay for it.

    1. That's because he has balls unlike many of you who pretend to live life as if nothing was happening. As if everything was normal. Many people prefer to live with their heads shoved in a hole in the sand and others see the evil and prefer to do something about it.

    2. I don't think he thought he wouldnt have consequenes. He's not foolhardy. He just couldn't sit by and do nothing.

    3. He knew what he was going against, he was affected by crime so he decided he was going to do something about it. Die fighting or live on your knees.

    4. He is an old man, and he knows he is going to die one day. He decided to do something to improve his world instead of living the rest of his life in hell. He did a lot for one person and he will always be respected for what he did. Better than living oppressed by criminals.

  7. An opinion off BB forum

    "FYI, gangs are american.
    Not to be an ass, but it literally is america's fault"
    MS-13 etc.
    The typical nasty blame culture that never ends,clothed in pseudo intelligent conversation

  8. Mexican need the right to bear arms
    And kill all the cartel

    1. Politicians don't want for Mexicans to bear arms because they will revolt. For this reason cartels are thriving in Mexico they figure if the politicians can get elected to rob loot and pillage so can they. with fire power.

  9. Boy according to the title there is just no way a guy can win;dead if he doesn't defend himself or jailed if he does so either way he's shit out of luck!

    1. Hard wired to self destruct

  10. To conquer a nation, first disarm it's citizens. Mexican Government.

  11. papa pitufo walking around like nothing for the same "offense"

  12. That's what he gets, ya me canse de ser pobre - Dr. Mireles. El senor de este pueblo nos da un million y medio por liberarlos - Dr. Mireles. He thought he was going to get rich but ended up betrayed like a dog all by himself locked up in prison. BB did you get my link on that book I think it's free on Amazon Kindle? I posted it on the other post of Mireles. All I could say is Mexico is a mess and I don't see it changing ever everyone wants to get ahead and no one wants to lose. The one that actually tries to change things and fails or accomplishes his goal always ends up dead never alive.

  13. He was told to lower his tone and decided not to do it.
    So let's be clear, he was warned about his doing. He made a decision and he is paying for it.
    He is not innocent.

    1. Are you playind dumb? You support him being in prison for things he said?? And he is innocent of the fake charges against him. 1. he wasn't carrying any weapons when he was arrested. 2. even if he was, he had the right to carry them under the agreement with the federal government. The agreement to disarm was made invalid by the federal government's noncompliance with several parts of the agreement - most importantly the arrest of the top 5 CT members prior to disarming.

  14. Replies
    1. The Americans won't allow that.

    2. You mean the Mexicans won't allow it.

  15. 16 Michoacán AD's were released Thurs after political party Movimiento Cuidadano paid the finance for them to get out.


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