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Thursday, May 18, 2017

The Narco-State

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Proceso article

Subject Matter: Narco Corruption
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required

Reporter: Jose Gil Olmos
It has been three decades, starting from Salinas to be more precise, in Mexico that the gestation occurred as what we know today as the Narco-State. In this form of Government, organized crime and authorities have merged into one with the deadly consequences we now face; journalists executed, thousands of deaths and disappearances, rampant violence, delinquent Governors, covert parties, participant society, impunity, and a President of the complicit in acquiescence or direct participation.

i am starting from the fact that, from the Salinas Government, this form of co-government began to take shape due to the case of this brother Raul Salinas, who was accused of using the Conasupo networks for drug distribution, although he was jailed for other crimes.

But before this government had already presented some symptoms of overlap between authorities and drug trafficking, as was evident at the ranch "El Bufalo" in Chihuahua. Nevertheless, in Salinas term the signs of the Narco-State were seen.

In three decades, the breakdown of the political class and corruption have crept to the highest levels, leading 30 Governors from different parties to be accused of having links to organized crime, engaging in corruption, creating cover ups of criminal networks, carrying out illegal business, diverting resources and receiving dirty money for their campaigns from different criminal organizations.

Cases such as that of the PRI's Tomas Yarrington and Eugenio Hernandez in Tamaulipas, Mario Villanueva Madrid in Quintana Roo, Fausto Vallejo in Michoacan, Angel Aguirre Rivero in Guerrero and Sergio EStrada Cajgal in Morelos, are some clear examples of how the Narco-State is already a reality.

In that Narco State, organized crime is the one that governs and controls the territory. Nothing that happens there escapes its power, including the exercise of freedom of expression. Eight journalists have been killed so far this year, including Javier Valdez. It is no coincidence that in states in Veracruz, Tamaulipas, Guerrero, Sinaloa, Michoacan and Chihuahua are where the most cases of murders, threats and persecution of reporters are recorded.

All authorities are involved with the criminal groups where they collude with organized crime. The armed forces do not escape the corrupting power that buys wills with enormous amounts of money to ensure impunity in the distribution and sale of drugs, as well as in the business of kidnapping , extortion, people and arms trafficking.

But in the Narco-State all participate directly or indirectly. Many times the broad sectors of society are accomplice and are part of the networks or grassroots support community that are generated by necessity, by force or by interest around the different criminal groups as has happened clearly in Michoacan, Guerrero, Tamaullipas, Veracruz and State of Mexico.

On other occasions, the society itself has normalized the presence and the violent action of these groups before the impossibility to protest or make a complaint. How can one turn to an authority that is corrupted or is part of the criminal group that governs the municipality or state?

This situation will be a priority for whomever wants to be President in 2018. The expansion of areas controlled by organized crime grows every day, the addict population in Mexico exceeds six million, according to the latest statistics of 2011; the number of journalists killed or disappeared increases day by day, the number of murders in this sexenio has shot up by 600% and there are more than 350,000 displaced from their homes by violence.

Despite the seriousness of the situation, the issue is not on the agenda of any of the presidential hopefuls. None of them speak about organized crime, less of the Narco-State and its consequences. It is a thorny subject that they evade, but whomever wins the election will have to face it.

Original article in Spanish at Proceso


  1. The new governor of Tamp. Is talking about it!!! And Doing something about it. Closing casinos. Discovering paid bodyguards for criminal former PRI governors. He is currently not a presedential candidate. Maybe in 2024? Thanks Mike T.

    1. Francisco javier garcia cabeza de vaca "que es puro güey": is cleaning up tamaulipas to steal the drug trafficking for himself, and looks like he has been at it for a while even before he got the governorship, you don't get the appointment if you haven't earned it. He became a panista as soon as he saw the PRI would not be able to steal the state for this period, you could say he created all the narco-murdering in the state, and he could go back to controlling it, but he will not end it, that where the presidential campaign money comes from...

    2. Actually it looks to me like the PRI sold Tamp. to the devil himself. CDV was running Reynosa during this time but who got Rich? E.H.soon to be locked up. and (Yarrington locked up). and next door ( Moreia should be locked up under the jail)! (excuse the spelling) and ultimately P.N. is running the country. (And the fatboy from Veracruz. Locked up). Cabeza de Vaca couldnt sell what he didnt have could he? Mike T.

  2. In Mexico there is the narco-state. In the U.S. there is the deep state. It appears that neither one can be unseated. That is the challenge for all of us on this continent. Either we challenge them somehow using Sun Tzu's ultimate strategy of defeating the enemy without firing a shot, or we are left to follow Clausewitz's conclusion: total war (war is politics by other means). One way or another, the future of life itself is in the balance.

    1. You sound like one of those BBC nature channels. Not trying to offend just offering a little humor to everyday life.
      Unfortunately life and the world we live on is not perfect. We can scream and cry to no avail without making a dent often. Politics is in world by itself. Playing and pleasing those special interests. Sad to say but that's life.
      We either bite our tongue or we can just ask God for strength and patience.


    2. I just want to dance in Mexico! Seems more groups from Mexico play in San Antonio/Dallas/Houston than in Mexico. I want a good senorita pero en Mexico!!! Juan

  3. Even the people that protest the loudest dance to narco corridos. Hopeless in Mexico.

  4. Clean up Tamps
    First than run for president. He is got big job here in Tamps

    1. He sure does, he can start by killing off all of the golfas that kidnap the taqueros for a $100 dollar ransom.. he can then kill the zetas in nuevo laredo that ramsack ppls houses in order to look for food cause the comandantes don't pay... he can then arrest all of the halcones that give the estakas the heads up when the marines are coming or give whereabouts about where the guys selling elotes and pirateria and paletas are located so they can be extorted.. he can arrest all of the dumbasses that get blown to pieces when they try to milk the Pemex gasoline lines.. tamps has fallen to shit, it is an embarrasment to even claim to be involved with a narco-group in this state.. i don't understand why ppl do it, it's not like they live a life of luxury at all.. have you seen the pics of sicarios and narcos from tamalipas, all they do is pose with guns in front of stolen vehicles and houses that are falling apart, the sicarios look like they haven't eaten in days only el comandante Toro looks like he grew up on a cheetos diet all his life (should be comandante vaca) i'll give em this they have balls to risk their lives for a bottle de bukanas.. pobresitos los narcos de tamalipas.. uy uy uy ke miedo

    2. People who are heavily armed and starving, yeah no danger there...

    3. @6;59am.
      Mexico definitely has been transformed into a society run by criminals. However the government allowed and permitted such criminal activities to persist with impunity. They are to blame for such violence and corruption. They are to blame for the hardships citizens bear. They are to blame for the economic crisis which many face. Finally the incompetence which continues within the judiciary system which allows such behavior to go unpunished.
      Mexico has become an organization of criminal activities where livelihood has become a daily struggle for many.
      Unfortunately good governance can only begin by implementing same trustworthy guidelines to those elite individuals who continue to plunder their citizens and country. Such necessary measures will eliminate the corruption practices which has plagued Mexico.


    4. @6:59 Perfect analogy My friend !

    5. @6:59 couldn't agree more. It's truly pathetic why are they even called narcos?? The narcos I used to kno they would hit the hills for 6-7 months and come down with burros bien cargados and spread the wealth with there ppl. Some would cross the border and HUSTLE HARD make money take care of there ppl and there little villages. They were RESPECTED BUT the ones I new are now dead. Killed bye these greedy fucks. Now ppl live in fear and nobody trust nobody. Mexico wasn't always like this. It was beautiful fun exiting I mean cmon where else can u be 12 and allowed to drive

    6. 659
      Gave a realistic view on the life,its a long way up from halcon to real decent money,and yeah,they do have balls,even the sicarias have balls,when you have nothing but life,to them its enough?

    7. 1003
      South east Asia,but they cant afford cars

  5. Javier good guy

    1. 4:50 No mames, güey.
      The FUERZA DELICTIVA TAMAULIPAS he has formed with his corrupt friends, former "policias" federales proves who "javier" is,
      a capo with his own private state militia.

    2. Carlos salinas de gortari's father Raul Salinas Lozano was a minister, secretary of commerce and industry with president Adolfo Lopez Mateos, an economist graduated from Harvard in 1949, became a partner with Juan N Guerra in trafficking "household goods", Pablo Escobar's line of business, but drugs was the name of the business, founder of ELECTRA Stores all over mexico, elected Federal Senator in 1982, his son Carlos salinas de Gortari was working with Miguel De La Madrid when Kiki Camarena was murdered, and got selected to run for president, but had to steal the election after his.rival cuauhtemoc cardenas.won,.in spite.of the murdering of about 500 PRD election workers.
      Raul Salinas de gortari had become.the partner of Juan N guerra who was too old and got replaced by Juan Garcia Abrego.
      --The Salinas family has been dirty since the early fifties.
      THE NEW YORK TIMES/ "Secretary to Mexican Patriarch Discloses Links to Drug Barons", Feb 26 1997.
      by Sam Dillon with Christine Biederman.
      Carlos salinas de Gortari also went to compete in "horse dressage" in Colombia when he was younger, and rafael caro quintero's son too, while rafael was in prison (plus Olympics in China)

    3. @10:10 am
      Your comments about government involvement in the drug trade are correct.
      Definitely a classic case of government involvement which continues to this date.


    4. 2:12 hey👍 I owe it all to that pusher DD, it was easier and faster without having to post sources...
      --No Breitbart for me DD! They are owned by Robert and Rebecca Mercer, who at first supported AngustirostrI canadian ted cruz candidacy with Stephen Bannon and Kellyanne "Stepford" Conway...their founder did a good job, at first...
      --then you start observing and lissenin'...

  6. Enrique Penis Nieto, will go down in history as the most nonchalant President ever!

    1. Well, the fire is reaching to the Donal's ass too...
      Please note, I am not trying to diminish the cuntributions of epn, he has earned his place in hell too.

    2. Not only Enrique Pena Nieto but others in government who also has had the opportunity to do more for its citizens and country.


    3. 1:38 the opportunities government officers give are all for family and friends, all others have to buy in.

  7. It would be so gratifying to see honest politicians elected who would remain honest and start cleaning up the mess in Mexico. I'm not sure it can be done now. Is it time for international intervention in Mexico to come in and clean house? All of the politicos will bitch, moan, cry, and complain about violating Mexico sovereignty because they DON'T want the mess cleaned up. They are part of the problem! In the meantime, the honest people will be subjected to fear, violence, robbery, murder extortion, kidnapping and everything else. They should rise up and create another revolution themselves. Oops, wait a minute! I forgot that the government has disarmed the people and they can't fight cartels and government with pitchforks! So sad!

    1. Definitely agree with the conception of good governance. However to undertake such a challenge of cleaning government would require a miracle. Sad to say.
      Current government practices require shady practices to engage and sustain all those involved. In other words; pay to play motto.
      This form of practices has embedded itself in all governments. Unfortunately it's the citizens who pay the unwanted price.
      Revolution would seem appropriate but given the costs of lives of many is somewhat hard to digest.


    2. The AutoDefensas will do the job for free, a Palos y a Pedradas, just take the pinchis aguacates y marinelas and leave the fake polesias to their own devices...
      --but nooo, how is the governor "Puro Güey" going to do that? They are his buddies!

    3. No money to pay to play, the only ones that can do that are the the foreign investors now bidding their time until they get paid to play and take the bankrupted state owned corporations off the stupid mexican government politicians, mexicans still will get nothing from any of it.

  8. I truly believe that most political candidates will be cautious when speaking out against organized crime. Especially when government and criminals have been noted to have affiliations to such.
    Moreover, where executions are a norm for anyone, journalists, government officials, municipal officials and let's not forget the killing of a presidential candidate.
    Clearly one thing is evident that Mexico is a narco state.


  9. Replies
    1. Well, stop the presses! "Mexico is a Narco State!"
      Please, I hope you are joking.

  10. At the end of the day if you are asked to participate or die ,most of us will agree being tortured and decapitated is not on our agenda so it pretty much sucks both ways lol...

    1. Depends on the individual who bears moral / ethical issues. There are many who defend such moral characteristics by all means. Even death.


  11. Nothing new here..

  12. IQ matters in a countries standards!

    1. 7:15 epn with his poor schooling and low IQ knows he ain' paying for no facking wall and says so.
      --other "high IQ" well studied PhDs don't can't see why stupid shit mamadas don't fly even if they paint their lips red.
      All the Rubles in the world can't make anyone's IQ smart...

  13. Isn't narco state definition - Sinaloa? Or isn't narco state synonymous with it?

    1. 8:23 mexico may be all the "Narco State" you want it to be, but it will never take first place in money producing, in dollars, for the world's banksters, that belongs to the US forever.

  14. The Mexican people need someone who will stand up & fight for them. But that is a long shot. Everyone is in bed with the Cartels.

    1. The mexican people need o ly of the US to get th fack out of there with their loans and grants to the murdering mexican narco-government "just because they tried to reduce crime by a 1% of a 10%. According to their own inspections and reports"
      No mames!

  15. Some times I want to go back to being a Porn Dog. Politics sucks.


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