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Sunday, May 7, 2017

No one heard the Teachers: Today they are dead

Translated by Yaqui for Borderland Beat from an El Debate article

Family and friends say they were scared because the area was very dangerous, but nobody would listen to them.

The death of three teachers of Escuinapa in the highlands of Concordia, Sinaloa was preventable since the teachers repeatedly warned the educational authorities about the insecurity that prevailed in this area by criminal groups, Paola Lizet, sister of one of the murdered teachers says.

With tears and the pain of having lost her loved one in such a tragic way, José Feliciano's sister, demands that educational authorities guarantee the safety conditions of teachers in Sinaloa.

"I am dismayed that this tragedy could have been avoided. My brother and other teachers had already warned the education authorities of the situation of insecurity in the mountain communities of Concordia, but unfortunately they were ignored by their supervisor, Victor Loera, which forced them to go up to El Cuatantal risking the life of its teachers, " said Paola.

Jose Feliciano's parents were teachers for 30 years in the Concordia mountains. They were well known by the families who live in the communities of the mountainous area and had already warned that the safety of teachers was not guaranteed, "since the situation was very ugly, it was better not to go up."

"As a family we know perfectly the conditions that are lived in the mountains of Concordia and that is why we told my brother not to go up, but he was so noble that he did not want to have a problem with his boss and so he decided to go." stated Paola.

She regretted that the death of her brother and the other two teachers of Escuinapa could have been due to a confusion of the criminal groups that operate in that zone, since they had never been in the vehicle in which they travelled that fatal day. They usually travelled in a "vocho" or van, but these vehicles were undergoing repair and for this reason, one of the teachers got / borrowed the vehicle in which they were beaten.

Paola reported that her brother's life could have been saved, as he was wounded in one leg and one arm, but unfortunately he died bleeding while the support of the police authorities, took more than two hours to reach the scene of the crime.

Paola demanded that the highest authorities of the Ministry of Public Education be more aware and caring for their teachers, since like her brother, there are more than 40 teachers who teach classes in the communities of the Sierra de Concordia, and they must ensure their safety.

"I know that they cannot return my brother to me, but this injustice must not go unpunished. I'm going to work so that the supervisors realize that their job is not only being behind a desk and sending orders, they were also teachers once and  they must guarantee the safety of their teachers, " said Jose Feliciano's sister.


The Zone 029 supervisor, Victor Loera Álvarez, said regarding teacher Paola Lizet's statement that last year there was a shoot-out in the town of El Cuatantal and an official report was drawn up and handed over to the then Secretary of Education Public and Culture, Gómer Monárrez, with information on violent events and the request for change, but no response was obtained. 

In response, the decision was made that the mentors did not introduce themselves to the community until the insecurity calmed down.

"They returned to work and no longer made any complaints, today I am surprised that the teacher makes these statements and in truth I understand the pain that is happening. She and her parents know me because we both worked together in the area for 30 years and they know what I'm like. "

The supervisor accepts that the climate of insecurity is serious. They once had 95 students and today there are only 59 in elementary school. Zone 029 has 32 schools which have been closed by violence and today there are only 14 schools in the municipality of Concordia and in the community of Palmillas, which is also a remote area.

The Zone 029 supervisor, Victor Loera Álvarez, said regarding teacher Paola Lizet's statement that last year there was a shoot-out in the town of El Cuatantal and an official report was drawn up and handed over to the then Secretary of Education Public and Culture, Gómer Monárrez, with information on violent events and the request for change, but no response was obtained. 

In response, the decision was made that the mentors did not introduce themselves to the community until the insecurity calmed down.

"They returned to work and no longer made any complaints, today I am surprised that the teacher makes these statements and in truth I understand the pain that is happening. She and her parents know me because we both worked together in the area for 30 years and they know what I'm like. "

The supervisor accepts that the climate of insecurity is serious. They once had 95 students and today there are only 59 in elementary school. Zone 029 has 32 schools which have been closed by violence and today there are only 14 schools in the municipality of Concordia and in the community of Palmillas, which is also a remote area.

Original article in Spanish at El Debate


  1. Bastards Sinaloa cartel gangbangers murdered three innocent teachers.

    1. The mexican army always murders to provoke the mighty furies of the population and egg 5he against "the narcos".
      When la Chapa was around teachers did not have problems or suffer persecution or assassinations, even the beltranuses and DECAFES were not "fighting" against the teachers.
      This is all bullshit from theexican armed forces.and the PRI trying to make a come back to the top walking on the carcasses of their own victims, securing sinaloa for their candidate is real "important".

    2. Sinaloa cartel gangbangers and nuthuggers always trying to pretend to be good people. In reality they are all murderers and scumbags.

    3. 1:43 is an army and police nuthugger,
      --eating government propaganda is not enough, there is always going to be a need for milk with the cookies, no?

  2. Looks like beautiful country there but good place for criminals to hide out.Like Columbia in the 80's and 90's it was safer in the big cities and stay away from the rural areas almost the opposite as north of the border where cities are more dangerous than rural areas.

  3. Narcos pendejos...

  4. Why aren't thousands of soldiers being mobilized in that area for citizens wellbeing?
    Moreover question is why do those high ranking cartel members permit such senseless and ignorant behavior to persist and continue without persecution?
    Definitely a lack of law enforcement and justice for citizens.
    Fine example being exemplified by municipal and government officials.

    1. 10:19 there are no "high ranking cartel members" around there, the most powerful gunmen around are the military and their impunity, of course, blaming the narcos is the official story for babies.

    2. They charge the teachers "piso" or tax for operating in their territory. If they don't pay, they get killed to set an example for others who disobey. The high ranking cartel members permit it because its a revenue stream for them plus they like exerting their power over the weaker elements of society.

  5. Why are teachers targeted? Is it as simple as the cartels see education of the public as a threat?

    1. 10:30 when la chapa was around he helped schools.
      Theexican government seen education as an opportunity to make politics and rob the.treasury, they are the ones making a living off the ignorance of the people and want to keep it that way.

  6. This saddens me personally i dont give a RUCK if cartels sell drugs or kill one another but this! Smh ugh these people only wanted to teach kids that was there only business being there. C'mon ugh.

    1. No respect for the educational institutions nor its educators. Stupidity at its highest levels from such ignorant individuals who initiate and prefer an illiterate society.
      Moreover, such Intellectual awareness is beyond their knowledge or comprehension.
      Such a shame for those who dedicate their life to enlighten and educate the citizens. A travesty of such caliber that the true rewards are that of the simple joy of enlightenment.
      Persecution and execution for those involved will definitely be justified.


  7. Probably some of the cartel's kids didn't want to go to school.
    Or the teacher failed one of the cartel kids.
    Or scolded them.

    1. Yeah, I bet those little turds are allowed to run wild and do whatever they want. Or else.

  8. As a citizen of the USA it makes me sad knowing that we are doing nothing to help the good people, our neighbors in Mexico. We have no problems spending billions and sending our armies thousands of miles overseas to police people who have been fighting each other since day one, but can do nothing for our neighbors. If the gov't of Mexico wanted to help it's citizens it would permit gun ownership. Nothing will get a gangster to see your side of the story faster than a 357 pointed to his head. It's a fact that the gov't of Mexico has failed to protect it's people. Let them protect themselves!!!!!! Everyone should have a right to live in peace and to be safe. If it takes killing off a few of the bad, so be it.

    1. If the Mexican gob wont do anything what do you expect the US to do?It saddens me to hear you

    2. 2:16 the US supplied the mexican army and police with billions of dollars, equipment and training from the best of the best, the Kaibiles of guatemala, and others trained in counter-insurgency, they rob, kidnap, torture, extort, kill, or murder as they see fit, sometimes just do it for practice, or by mistake, since anybody driving any car in mexico must be a privileged sanabagan...make no mistake, blame the politicians and police and military in the area, narcos do not need to heat up their turf like this.

  9. This is a tragic story repeated all to often. The fact of the matter is we do not know the whole story, Defiantly corption is the culprit. Be it, not paying piso, to scolding a narcos kids, to the teachers themselves hiring nonquailified teachers then extorting the very same "teachers" that they hired. Mexico is out of control. It needs political change from 5he top down, the bottom up and from the sides. In order to squeeze out the Narco- politicals. Only when this political change happens then Mexico will become an economical power house. Unfortunately with 500 years of Spanish influence this will NEVER happen, corruption is in the DNA of at least half its citizen's. Verguenza!

    1. 2:25 the Spanish only lasted about 300 years, from 1525 to about 1820, when the US finally achieved the Independence of LatinAmerica to freely impose "The Monroe Doctrine of America for the Americans" that has sunk the Latino world in a latrine full of Banana Republics, "anticommunism", low wages, poverty, ignorance, militarism and paramilitarism supported by the owners of the world, pretending to have schools, health care, better wages, unions, decent housing, makes everybody a communist. But narcos are easier to terminate, since they don't have any legitimacy from the start, and the government would not any other way.

  10. @ Johnny Rocco

    We have been throughing this very idea around for twenty years. At first I was against the idea of gun rights in Mexico. But after over twenty years of putting up with crap, I am all for it.

  11. Mini Lics security team arrested in mexico there on to him

  12. YAQUI here, Teacher Update:

    Three teachers were assisinated and a fourth one beaten but survived near the community of Mala Noche ( Bad Night ) .
    It has been confirmed by authorities that they were indeed mistaken for members of a criminal group, "Los Valeros".
    They were attacked with automatic weapons by men dressed in camouflage, with bullets proof vests and helmets.
    There are several rival groups operating in the area associated with El Chapo, Los Damasos, and Los Chapitos.
    Teachers in the area have organized protests and a march demanding security and justice. ( Riodoce and El Debate)

    1. I don't trust the authorites, or anything they say.


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