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Friday, May 26, 2017

"Mini Lic's" Right Hand Man "Moreno 14" Detained in Eldorado, Sinaloa

Translated by Yaqui for Borderland Beat from El Debate

El Debate May 25, 2017

The subject, known as "Moreno 14" was detained by federal forces in Eldorado, Sinaloa

Pedro Alfonso N, alias "Moreno 14",  a main operator of Dámaso López Serrano, "El Mini Lic", was arrested in Eldorado, Sinaloa, by federal forces.
During a search carried out by elements of the Criminal Investigation Agency (AIC),  the Attorney General's Office (PGR), and Special Forces of the Ministry of National Defense (Sedena), "Moreno 14" was arrested and a 66 year old man was released after being kidnapped in April.

Pedro Alfonso is identified as the leader of a cell of the Sinaloa Cartel that operates in Eldorado and is in charge of the security of criminal operations, and manages a network of hit men.
"Moreno 14's" network reported the presence of security officials and members of rival groups, which allowed the cell to take evasion actions. The detainee coordinated the safety for "El Mini Lic" while he was in the Eldorado area. He is the son of  Dámaso López Nunez "El Licenciado," who was arrested earlier this 
month in Mexico City.

"El Licenciado"
                                   "El Licenciado and "El Mini Lic" 

During the search, four men and one woman were arrested; two long and one short firearms were secured, along with three vehicles, one of which had been reported as robbed, two kilos of crystal, 250 grams of cocaine, two digital scales and cash.

The short gun which was secured had the engraved initials: FED (Special Forces of Dámaso) and "Commander Moreno 14", property belonging to Pedro Alfonso Domínguez Ramírez.


  1. It was reported that the hot pink on his shirt is what gave him away!.

  2. I hope he knows where Mini Lic is.... God knows they will torture him relentlessly trying to find out, Damn....

    1. Yup, pollo refused and he mysteriously died

    2. Some people don't just "die" and they usually have confessed it all by that time.
      --Only prezidents lie and leak all the time without retribution, sometimes accusing other "secret undercover liars" of being the lying leakers,

    3. Anon 6:53,Pollo gave up Damaso Sr,its a very common practice in Eldorado.Just like someone gave up this guy...hes going to keep the domino effect going.

  3. Ah, send in the military to do your bidding. El chapo lives on through his son

    1. Thats how its done and always has been.

    2. He certainly taught his sons well....

  4. Una buena calentada le van a poner!

  5. Just to show who is in control in sinaloa El cds esta mas fuerte que nunca traitors are not welcome here

    1. The corrupt government controls Sinaloa. All narcos including mayo are nothing more than pawns

    2. @ 12:53 I, remember a few years back when in cd Juarez some CDS mid level capos where being captured about one every two to three months and CDS nuthuggers where bitching and whining and asking about why they where the only ones being captured and CDJ members were not in this and other online narco websites. I, don't hear one CDS nuthugger complain now when the Sinaloa state government captures CDS enemies within that state. These people from Sinaloa are just a bunch of girls thats all!

    3. EXACTLY!!!!!

    4. Even though mayo is a respectful figure.. I have to admit your comment is spot on.. if any of y'all are interested in the truth.. this is it, this guy knows. Mayo. Chapo.. etc would be nothing with out governments help. Who's the real enemy?

    5. Dude wtf, it's the narcos that pay the politicians, not the other way around. The politicos that has ties to narcos risk prison and death just like the narcos, both do it for the pursuit of that chedda

    6. go to sinaloa and call them a bunch of girls and see what they think about it

    7. I'll go to Sinaloa and call them girls if they don't carry weapons and come at me one on one! Bunch of ladies!

  6. I know one day I'll get on BB and mini wini lic will be dunnzos.... atte: el comandante sanweech

  7. So was Liebre caught too ir not?

    1. Wait for it....

      He's bound to turn up dead along with Guayabo.

    2. No hay que andar matando el guayabo,
      it is hard enough finding, and much harder gettin some...

  8. How many right hand men does he have

  9. Whats the N for in the end of the names ? Thanks

    1. Narcotraficante maybe

    2. The N means that the last name in unknown or it's not being given.

  10. The Mexican government is panicking about the information that Damaso gave to Javier that it wants to capture and finish the Damaso family. Looks like these guys are in for a long interrogation and torture at the hands of the military & police.

    1. Tidying up loose ends.
      Better believe that the government is going to put a halt to any liabilities. Plus Mayo and chapos kids have the government well paid .
      Regardless of what information goes out to DEA . Mexican government officials will discredit and continue their practices.
      A Narco government.

  11. Another corny message. This time on a shirt. I wonder if this guy does his shopping at Toys"R"Us. But hey sometimes it makes sense not 2 go everywhere looking like a coiled snake. - Sol Prendido

    1. Most people never grow up especially nowadays with social media the shit they post. When you are out in public look around you and do the same when you are driving. Attention whores and crazy drivers. "The bandwagon mentality/effect". This guy wanted to be a narco now look at him with and the shirt he has on the joke is on him and the rest of the douchebags that never grow up

  12. They can just withold his insulin and he will start talking

  13. Why is it always some big fat guy. He obviously didnt use any cocaine

    1. Why is it always some dumb ass guy who obviously didnt use his brain.

  14. Wow and yet the Sinaloa government has 40 plus years looking for Mayo Zambada and at least 10 years looking for Chapos kids and every body but them always get arrested easily! Sinaloa the nost fuckin corrupt state in Mexico.

    1. Money talks bullshit walks

    2. I don't think Chapos son's are wanted in Mex.

    3. 10:12 the most corrupted "state" in mexico is not even a State , it is EL DISTRICT FEDERAL where all the mexican currents of corruptions merge, and the most corrupt state is ESTADO DE MEXICO, where epn and arturo montiel, and too maNY corrupt politicians, police, businessmen and foreign partners of organized crime are from or reside.even la Chaky has about 100 houses, homes apartments and residences, just like BLADDERMIR PUTIN, but BLADDERMIR NEEDS HIS MILLION DOLLAR COUNTRY ESTATES FOR HIS DUCKS, RUSSIANS HAVE RUBBER DUCKS,
      --mexicans don't have any kind of ducks...

    4. @10:52AM I am disappointed in you. You are always full of facts (some true, some questionable) but the entity formerly known as the District Federal ceased to exist last year. The official name is Mexico City, an antonymous city in the State of Mexico. It will not be a state but will take on some of the responsibilities and powers that the 31 states already have. It will also get its own constitution and congress, and what are now the 16 delegaciones, or boroughs, will become more like municipalities, and each borough chief will become a mayor.

    5. Oops, but the corruption remains, and the export industry of corrupt federal law enforcement and the import of rural politicians to show them how it is done by the big boys,
      The DF sure wants statehood, there is senators and congressmen to help tilt politics there too. The influence of DF mayors grow each year, ebrard left Mancera, who made progress in politics after finding that la Comandanta lorena did not kidnap niño Fernando Marti in cahoots with the federal police of genaro garcia luna, even fernando's father millionaire alejandro pushed for her release after 6 years 10 months in prison, epn is hapoy too, they are HIS CRIMINALS, but the prosecutor mancera gets to be candidate for president, even Ricardo Monreal is a "mexico city delegate".
      Mexico city needs to deport the provincianos and their jalopies and their garbage picking Industries and become "la region mas transparente del aire" as some high faulting mexican writer said a long time ago.
      And thanks for the news about Mexico City, had no idea.

  15. What's the word on Liebre?

  16. Damasos are the new Beltrans, they messed up with Chapo and Mayo, and now the government is doing their dirty work by getting rid of them. It just really shows that cartels only exist because governments allows them in the first place.

    1. You are correct my friend. Cartels only exist because of government support and backing.
      No cartels operate without such approval.

    2. Yeah!! No one be surprised if mini lic gets apprehended soon. It took them like a yr to kill el jefe de jefes and 4-5 months to get el licenciado after el chapo's extradition

  17. Is every cartel coping the Zetas using a number system behind their names?, what a bunch of no brain copy cats

    1. Ya, cuz those sophisticated Zetas, invented using call Use call signs!

    2. 5:33 special forces training, and very smart, keeps your mexican identity a secret for long enough, others, just use a mask to cover their anglo/african, american, polac, nazi, roots...

    3. Most are radio codes, however why someone would announce their secret pincode is beyond me.

    4. 4:09. Bragging rights, be glad they are not coming out of the closet. Except for las Jaliskas.

  18. the sh*t never ends, ah

  19. El 15 is next he is top security and boss of Fuerzas Especiales Damaso .Once he is captured Mini Lic is done .The Damaso clan will soon be eliminated .Mayo and Chapos the CEO of Sinaloa

    1. El quincenas al pendiente no tengan duda

  20. Sometimes I feel like I'm losing my mind
    I do beliee our nature's kind
    Just confused and we're so far gone
    Got no clue how to right these wrongs
    So we bury our head in the sand or the desk
    Anywhere but inside of our flesh
    If I looked at my self - I would see I am the enemy
    I am not honest nor kind nor caring nor sharing
    Or any of the many thing that I pretend to be
    I'm selfish and arrogant, and obedient
    Follow truth only when it's convenient
    Accept laws that I know that decieve me
    So I can sleep in my bed easy
    Don't blame governments, they are just us
    If they are corrupt, then we are corrupt
    Look back through history
    What makes you think that we would act differently?
    If we were in power
    We would devourer whoever the underclass were like cowards
    The question is, is this inevitable?
    Is there good or evil?
    Is it terrible?
    Or just survival?
    Some say it's overspill from days when we were tribal
    I don't buy that I think you will find that
    That's an excuse if we just don't buy facts
    Everything we really need to survive actually makes us feel good inside
    Sex feels good, food feels good
    Damn, even taking a pill feels good!
    So if war and hate were our natural causes
    Why would we need conditioning for it?
    But I ain't gonna forfeit my privilliges
    Now I'll get back in line and follow my orders

    1. G's thats some good stuff ur on.. Get it. Good stuff.. 👍

    2. 8:15 you know your shit pretty good, I see.
      And I know BS even better, no matter how well presented.
      We are not all guilty because we have not sent mexicans weapons to feed their own murdering sprees, and not all of us work as middlemen for the american drug traffickers, many of whom hide under and behnd the ample petticoats of the US government, it is not "US" honey, not at all, we did not go to harvard or yale or stanford to learn to rob and steal and murder or deceive or toearn to help oths how to hide and launder their ill gotten wealth while paying no taxes on any of it, and we are not all paid Stepford Mouthpieces of their
      Alt realities and we are not all tripping over our russian or chinese made ties...

  21. Yep, cf the video report of that journalist who traveled to the rural camps of the cartel, it was as if the entire land were occupied, militarily, by dope pushers Only with the tacit permission of the "legally" constituted authority can such a state of affairs exist

  22. Y havent BB posted the new pics of mini lic? Him & Liebre are chillin in singapore.

  23. His shirt says dont grow its a trap hahaha

    Pendejo being a narco is a trap

    1. It says DON'T GROW UP,IT'S A TRAP..

  24. Ivan and Mayo are cleaning Sinaloa up. Damaso underestimated Ivan and let him go in Puerto Vallarta. Bad call, Ivan is only getting smarter and more cunning like his father.

  25. Wait for sometime. The same person will get released in few days. Guys I have a small doubt, are the persons who are getting arrested are actually criminals ? I'm asking about the members or hitmens of cartels getting arrested, not the leaders or high ranking persons.

  26. Right hand man of a high level cartel figure "El Mini Lic" who has 100s of corridos talking about how bad ass he is.. Goes down without any resistance..

    In Tamaulipas El Hamburgesas gets detained after a 5 hour shoot out between CDG & marines... Proves them Sinaloa dudes is just all corridos

    1. Hamburguesa got arrested in Zacatecas not Tamaulipas lol

    2. Youtube "policias y ladrones" con El Piporro,
      after 24 hours of balazos shootout nobody dies.

  27. Big mistake going against Chapos compadre Mayo. Damaso must have been new to the game to think he can go against Mayos political network. No wonder he was hiding in Mex city while Mayo is eating shrimp and beef on his ranch in Sinaloa.

    1. A narco should never leave their city or rancho. I think it makes them an easier target if they do.

    2. Damaso didn't go against Mayo but rather I think he snitched on high up government officials and that is his downfall. The Mexican government decides which narco stays and which ones to put an end to. I am guessing that even Chapo's sons ate not safe.

    3. 12:23-I don't get what snitching on a government official would accomplish.Hardly any are arrested or eliminated there like narco guys.

    4. 10:38 If snitching or wrting about corrupt government officials would hardly accomplish anything then why have quite a few investigative reporters paid with their lives doing the same. If corrupt goverment officials didn't perceive it as a threat or were not worried about the writeups against them then why were a lot of reporters killed ?

    5. Sometimes snitching on a government "officer" accomplishes outing of a snitch, and those enticing him were just testing the snitch, if you do not snitch it may get you killed faster, but your killers.will respect you.
      The mexican military School of Medicine, had one case of a freshman cadet, raped by senior classmen who was told by the "general" investigating the case: "tell me son, what happened, I will help you" and told the accused parts and their partisans and defenders the cadet broke down and snitched...
      Google: "Cadete Alfredo Segura Lagunas, sexualmente violado varias veces en la escuela medico militar de la Ciudad de Mexico", the senior cadets explained the newbies that they have to prove they are ready to give it all for their country, imagine the kind of graduates from less humane schools like artillery or intelligence or infantry...
      --El pinchi mini-Lic and his daddy swam too long among the sharks, they always had it all easy, except for their exit interviews.

    6. 7:07-i hear what you are saying that it's a threat to gov officials in their mind.It's embarrassing and they think nobody's business but maybe it pisses them off because when it's in the open well....more people can extort them and isn't the bottom line almost always money.That's just my theory though.Like DD said in 1 of the comments,sometimes it doesn't take much to piss someone off and they will have you killed.

  28. El mimi muerto is next

  29. there's NO way he had that shirt on....they forced him to wear it for the pic...

    1. 3:26 In tamaulipas some guy was taking photos of prisoners wearing tutus, tangas, panties and brassieres, hey, man needs fun.

  30. A cdg cell leader el meme got busted last week and put on house arrest. He escaped.

  31. Hey mini lic!!! What happened to ur song "No pasa nada" apparently something is goin on. Ur Dad 1st now this guy and u might be next. Must suck being you right now. Lo que pasa cuando muerden la mano de su patrón Chapo

  32. The narco industry is bigger than oil, tourism, agriculture, etc. and it brings in boatloads of foreign exchange ie $ and euros. If suddenly there were no narco's the Mexican economy GDP would shrink by 25%. My guess is if you count all the jobs from the construction projects that are money-launding schemes (like many of the hotels in Quintana Roo) that the narco-economia employs 15-20% of the Mexican work force directly or indirectly.

    1. your on crack if you think the narco trade is bigger the oil.

    2. Drugs fuel almost every economy in the world either directly or indirect... but it is NOT anywhere close to touching the oil industry.

    3. 11:42 DRUGS finance takeovers, often very Hostile, they pay no taxes, they bleed citizens and governments, and tax their treasury, cause more expenses than the fines and moneys levied will ever pay for, no amount of money pay for the suffering of prisoners or their families, or their crime victims.
      --that is why drug trafficking is a favorite money maker of the initiated, no taxes and 100% earning powers, combine it for the last 400 years since the brittish reimposed the opium trade on the chinese because they had better navy and better artillery, and the US continues to do their dirty job for them

    4. @8:54PM first you have to tell me who the "iniated" is and then I will respond to your comment.

  33. What happened with el Gordo 8-4. I heard he passed away

  34. El Mayo es un viejo lobo del mar.

    1. Un viejo lobo del mar de montes y polvos deserticos... Donde las viudas negras tejen su nido, donde los escorpiones se calientan hasta la madrina para despues usar el aguijon..

  35. Mini Lic is a Piece of Sheet!

  36. El mayo zambada snitch his way to the top, first CARRILLO, ARELLANO,BELTRAN, and maybe su compadre GUZMAN

    1. Agree with you Mayo snitched on Chapo and looks like Chapo's sons too are not safe.

    2. Exactomundo. Nothing but snitching in sinaloa nowadays. Guzmanes and Zambada have nobody to snitch on but each other. Wont be long before we see it. Its because they are too greedy and want it all. How is it the beltranes and carrillos to this day have no beef? Because thats the real mafia in sinaloa, respect of each others plazas. Mayo and Chapo have only made enemies year after year. Its pointless, theyre still getting killed and arrested.

    3. You might be right

  37. Are the Chapitos alive or dead ? Is Emma alive or dead ?

  38. I like the who "snitch" ideas floating right. Do you know how hard it is to find pinpoint accurate information on your enemy? That is straight up intel! People can lecture about snitching, but intel is key and that is why Mayo has been so evasive.

  39. any updates on the shooting that been going on in Sinaloa?
    I think they are hunting down all LIC people.


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