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Thursday, April 20, 2017

Tijuana: Morning brings narco mantas across the city

Narco Mantas hung across the city

The banners hang in the sun's earliest light, gently swaying in the light breeze, it is not an uncommon sight in Tijuana. A striking contrast of beauty, the awe of sunrise, and the ugliness that lurks within it, written out in black letters across white cloth. Threats, taunts, information, accompanied by battered, beaten, bloodied bodies of men, and women, often in handcuffs, bound at the wrists, gray and black tape across their mouths, telltale signs of torture.  

The banners went up in Lazaro Cardenas, in Otay Mesa, another on a pedestrian bridge in Zona Rio. Found in Zona Rio was a black trash bag, assumed to be human remains, blood, sticking and smearing the inside of the bag.  The message was addressed to Jose Maria Gonzalez Martinez, the Deputy Attorney General of the Attorney General's office dedicated to organized crime.  

The message accuses Martinez of working with "lacras", (La Rana and Aquiles) and failing his obligations to the messages sender, who released a kidnapping victim, he had apparently been given permission to take.  It's signed by Enrique Andrade, likely dead, as it's signed "I hate you in hell", the message seems to be assigning blame to Martinez for the death, and more importantly publicly announcing his ties to Los Aquiles.  

Banners are likely from CTNG, who have locked onto Aquiles, leaving mantas and body parts across the cities, as shootings occur on a daily basis across the colonias which are the forefront of the battle in Tijuana.  Sunrises and sunsets across a city, with each day there is another message, another body wrapped with tape, executions in Sanchez Tadoada, bullet holes through clothes, leaving the scent of fresh death in the air, a smell of blood and pavement, exhaust fumes, and a city at war. 

Sources: AFN Tijuana, Zeta Tijuana 


  1. If users would say NO 2 drugs shit like this wouldn't happen. Users worldwide are just as responsible as the pushers. Go ahead speak amongst yourselves on this 1. - Sol Prendido

    1. BS. drug PUSHERS PUSH drugs onto many innocent people in hopes of getting them addicted, and it works. Then they blame the addicts when they cut heads off, burn bodies, murder people????

    2. You are correct. It takes Two to tango!

    3. If governments didn't create a black market then "this" (by which I assume you mean the rampant violence in Mexico) wouldn't happen. I guarantee that if the government made cereal illegal, the people at General Mills and Kellogg's would be killing each other over that shit.

    4. If it wasn't drugs these perros would find something else to traffic. Mexico is already the kidnap capital of North American and you can bet your pink thongs extortions and kidnappings would increase immensely. Not to mention the human smuggling and sex trafficking sector would be more of a huge primary money making trade. Food for thought.....How much more dangerous would Mexico be tomorrow if the drug trade ceased today. There will still be cartels. There will still be sicarios. There will still be hella guns and grenades. There will still be corrupt politicians expecting their kickbacks. Things are bad but they could always be 100 times worse.

    5. @12:28 You are right that these perros (I would have called them a worse name) would find something else to traffic. But do the math. Estimates range from $30 Billion to 50 Billion a year income for the cartels from drug trafficking. And the large majority of that is from peddling the drugs in other countries. How many kidnappings, human trafficking, and extortion would have to occur and how much would each ransom/extortion payment have to be to make up for that loss of drug income? And it would be the people of Mexico that would be paying it. The people of Mexico do not have that kind of money. If the cartels lost such a lucrative income as drug trafficking there would be a lot less money to pay to corrupt politicians for protection. If they can't buy protection more of them are going to be arrested and jailed. A lot less acting with impunity. Maybe a lot less going into the business. Eventually things would get better.

    6. 12:28 Yes much of what you mentioned will continue 2 still be there if drugs weren't pushed. But drugs are the enablers of heinous deeds. Drugs turn people into complete misanthropes when it comes 2 how evil is perpetuated. A sober person will not behead or desecrate another human just like that. Sober people do kill but it's not on the same level as that of someone in an altered state. And when many say that the war on drugs is a failure. My question is how can anyone say that if they don't serve their country 2 begin with. The American military is all VOLUNTEER. As well as serving in the capacity of law enforcement is 1's own choice. Youre either serving or you're running your mouth from the sidelines. - Sol Prendido

    7. Sidelines is where alot of folks are. The sheep sheep dogs or a wolf.

    8. 12:28 I read that Mexico is now the #1 in the world for kidnappings.It surpassed the Philipines last year.

    9. @8:01 Type "sheep dogs" and "Buggs" into the search bar on the bottom right of this page and read an article our esteemed founder and owner of BB wrote years ago.

    10. Ok maybe we think alike . Thanks! From the ssissippi

    11. No Sol I have never served my country in the military but I have done something much more important. I have served and protected my community for well over 15 years. You name it I've done it. I don't sit the bench my friend I'm in the game as we speak. Unless you can relate to my experience don't speak on what others may or may not be doing. I believe I have saved many lives in the last decade and a half. What have you done lately?
      @8:01 I am neither the wolf, sheep dog nor the sheep. I am the Shepard. I lead by example hoping others will follow the righteous path.

  2. It's becoming a war zone again. With a surge of violence and killings. No end in sight unfortunately. This insatiable desire for money by any means necessary has eroded Mexicos society's. Moreover American societies with its drug epidemic.
    2 countries filled with grief due to this unprecedented epidemic.
    Definitely a failed drug war policy. Maybe it's time to rethink its strategy? Or seriously consider legalizing it!

  3. Love them or hate them but cjng are the real deal.. That's the reason CAF and many cds people joined Mencho in Tijuana. Only a matter of time before they take full control of Tijuas, cjng/ctng already have most that city

  4. Love that CAF is back in control

    1. Sinaloa is scared

    2. el caf siempre ah estado en control. los gerentes del caf trafican al mayoreo ah e.u.a. los asociados del caf (cafeteros ctng) son los del ruido junto con los de la sanchez taobada (cjng) en contra de los aquiles. ke nuevo caf ni ke vergas. los gerentes estan en su lugar. al fin del dia esta es guerra de voltiados dejados del muletas y el teo. asi como los de jalisco y sinaloa train a los ke un dia brincaban para el teo y muletas. los del caf train sus chalanes peleando el trafico local en tijuana tambien. no se enreden

    3. People from Tijuana will NEVER ADMIT Mencho took that city from CAF lol always talking nonsense, too funny. Give it up guys everyone knows already, you guys sound ridiculous.. Mencho have them an ultimatum: "run with us or against us" signed cjng. The next week CAF made their cartel Tijuana NUEVA GENERACION. So please, stop it! Omg getting annoying lol

    4. 7:22 your right, people speak of caf like they are as powerful as in the 90's but far from it

  5. Ummm so what did the manta say exactly???? Damn guys come on you can do better

    1. Correction: translation of the note:
      Jesus Maria Gonzales, You ordered me killed because you done wrong with the scum Aquiles and the Rana, now that I've done my job and liberated a kidnapping of Sr. Cadelario Aguirre, now that you had given them permission to kidnap him, here I wait for you in hell...companion killer, Sincerely...Enrique Andrade

  6. Chingao..Ya no voy a poder ir a hecharme unos tacos en la Sanchez si sigue asi.

  7. Jesus Maria Gonzalez you sent me 2 my death because you failed those pieces of shit Aquiles ( Achilles , name of a mythological hero ) and La Rana ( The Frog ). I had done my job of freeing Mr Candelario Aguirre who had been kidnapped. You gave permission 2 have him kidnapped. I'll wait 4 you in hell back stabbers.
    Attention : Enrique Andrade

    On a side note:
    Men with the name of Candelario are usually called Cande. Or Candy Man in English. And if you read something in a language other than your own much of what's being said will get lost in translation. So much doesn't convey as it would in the original language. The purpose of this manta ( think of it as a hasty billboard ) is 2 make those responsible feel guilt 4 having screwed up. Or 2 terrorize. - Sol Prendido

  8. where's enedina, homes?

    1. En san carlos sonora viendo de lejos

  9. Great writing J! You have an amazing talent to write the way you do! Please don't stop!

  10. I go to tijuana all the time, i hope they dont start fucking with innocent ppl.

    1. You're safe as long as you dont get involved in their business.The Business isnt what it used to be,to many traitors,cheaters,liers & cowards.

  11. Wow Mexico is fucked


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