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Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Sinaloa: Armed commandos engage in firefights in Navolato *Video and Graphic Content*

Original article available at Debate
Translated by El Wachito

Navolato, Sinaloa.- It was around 16:30 today Tuesday, when neighbors of Villa Juarez reported to the authorities that there was a firefight in several streets of the sector. 

A civilian captured part of the armed commando

 Authorities confirmed that rival groups engage in a firefight. The armed clash left 3 killed people, and one pregnant woman among the victims.

It was reported that the firefight started in two points of the city, one in Las Amapas over highway 50, which leads to the fishing camp La Puentes.

In the area of Quinta Bonita, the dead bodies of the man were left next to a black Ford, Explorer.

Photo of the convoy before the firefight. Notice that the vehicle at the front of the convoy appears in the vehicle with the mounted 50. cal

Over the same highway, but in south direction, the body of a pregnant woman was found outside a car repair shop; she was a victim of a stray bullet and died.

As a result of the firefight, several houses have been damaged. The neighbors claim that the firefight lasted for several minutes, where they witness how the armed commando shot their weapons from several recent model vehicles. The criminals were using tactical clothing, including bullet proof vests and frequency radios.

Another firefight was reported in Culiacan were 5 civilians were killed and 1 Mexican Marine died.

It was reported that between 6 or 8 dead bodies were stolen by the commandos that were wearing military clothes.

School was suspended in two schools and one high school.


  1. More information to come soon, as this just occurred yesterday.

    1. Compa Wachito todabia asi con estos muertos digame una cosa esta calmado la cosa en Mexico si o no..digo a como estaba el pedo hace unos años como q ahora ya no mas se topan entre ellos yo pregunto porque pues tu andas mas al tiro con esas cosa q uno..pero mi pregunta es facil menos o mas muertos ahora q hace un par de años.y grcias deberas compa wacho por tenernos al tanto..cuidese pelado.

  2. Wow,,that one photo..horrific..What the hell hit them? a 50cal? a couple of 50cals? it looks like he is cut in half from the collar bone up..dww

    1. That's what several rifle rounds to the head will do to a man. It doesn't necessarily have to be a 50 cal. round. One 7.62 round can blow your head completely off with the proper placement. Poor hombre. His casket will definitely be closed.

    2. Elephant rounds.

    3. That's two ppl. Also it appears that there was 3 dead narcos n 1 dead women

    4. More then likely they took a burst from the .50, unlucky jaja

    5. In the video that is a 50 cal in the back of the white pickup.

    6. It's not the head. Look the arm's position.

  3. so watched I the video, and yep I guess that photo is the same car thats in the video..and thats a 50cal Browning tearing up that car...Wow...disgusting, terrifying dww

    1. thank you american weapons.

    2. 10:43 Stay off the crack it kills brain cells.

    3. This fight is not America's fault. The corruption in Mexico, is Mexico's problem. No drugs need to be legalized, and this is proof of it. Take care of your own corruption, and shut up about America's when it is not even safe to walk down any street in Mexico.

  4. Circle up the wagons...the Indians are attacking

  5. Where did this happen

  6. Muy chingones viernan sido para rescatar al chapo un desmadre que se va armar lo que pasa siempre agarran al de arriva i todos quieren el queso i los que la pagan son inocentes

  7. Damn they blew the guys head up hahaha

    1. No clue why you would punctuate that observation with a "hahaha", but okay.

  8. The true traitor has come out. But this time he bite off more than he can chew.

  9. "More news to come" ?? News?? You mean more translating from other sources to come.

    1. Yes Mr. Captain obvious, more translating from other sources, as it says on the top left corner of the article...

      You do know that we don't profit from this page right?

      Basically I do this so people that do not speak spanish can be informed of whats going on in Mexico, if you don't need our services then there is no reason for you to visit Borderland Beat.

    2. Thank you for translating el wachito!!
      Much appreciated!

    3. I appreciate all this website does it takes a lot of work to traslate. I dislike people like 5:35 they are lazy cowards in my opinion.

    4. No le hagas compa wachito, estos perros nomas hablar por hablar.
      10/4 compa. Puro mazatlan compa.

    5. Thank you for all you do to keep us non Spanish speaking folks in the loop. Keep up the good work!

    6. 5:35 Take your ass to blog del narco

    7. "Keep up the good work" lol

    8. Wachito snitched.

    9. Pay no attention Wachito.We all appreciate whay you do,hey complete with photos and a video to boot.Your time spent getting this together is invaluable to all of us.This troll is just jealous.Don't let him get to you,there's all kinds on there.

    10. El Watchito . The dumb fuck got a rise out you . I don't think he was playing either . Just not so bright . I guess he thinks you need to be on sight of every gun battle taking picture to post a story . Sometimes I try and bate on here to get a discussion going . Probably offended some of you guys but no offense is really intended .
      Maybe that Troll needs to write stories publish them .

    11. There is a saying if you don't like it here, get the he'll out of here! People always trying to correct spelling, questioning interpretations, etc. Please complain when you're paying for it!

    12. Thanks Wachito. I don't read enough spanish to read the paper, so this site is valuable source of news to us. Keep up the good work.

    13. Hey the question here is does Captain Obvious have super powers or is he just in the military. Enquiring minds would like to know.

    14. Wachito,

      Thanks for the work of yourself and others that keep us Spanish illiterates up to date.

      Question for you and others in the know:
      Are there reputable organizations in Mexico that help the poor people and communities that are impacted by the crime and violence? I have traveled to Mexico numerous times on both business (fortune 100 company in Sante Fe area of Mexico City. I also went to distribute food and medical aid to impoverished neighborhood families in Nuevo Laredo (late 1980s)). In Nuevo Laredo I was able to break bread and eat with very impoverished families. They prepared the meal out of gratitude.

      Having great respect for the decent people impacted and a bit of guilt for enabling violence by consuming product during my youth, I am curious if there are organizations doing good work that are in need of donations.

      I don't see ways to help mentioned here or in the news often. I am sure other BB readers may also be interested.


    15. Can you translate the Spanish comments as well? Hahahahahah JK I appreciate the site been on for well over a long time fuck who don't appreciate the hard work of you guys

    16. 3:35 gets my vote and first place,
      3:35 lick your prize off your monkey ass.
      BB still #1 in my book

    17. 1:28 No complaints accepted, let the shit fly.

    18. 5.35
      Man,nothing gets past you does it,Einstein with a wig on..Translates Spanish articles to English so more people can see and hear about Mexico,get it? Now bounce ballbag ?
      El Wachito thanks for the work

    19. Amazing. You post all the comments that compliment wachito's dramatic comment. Only what you not only hear yet want to hear? Nothing to associate with or learn about then

    20. My friend 👬👬👬👬WACHITO don't trip of the BASURA that puts their 2's their 💩💩💩💩 opinion N like PIE HOLES everybody's got 1....keep up the great work like every1 here

  10. Replies
    1. Ivan and Alfredo Guzman vs. Damaso Lopez and son

    2. El licensiado has too much pull and experience for chapos kids things are getting interesting .

    3. Why do people who do not speak spanish need to be informed???so they can give an opinion about a country they have zero connection to or the ability to comprehend what life is like there? So they can tell their friends at work how violent life in some parts of mexico is and give them the perception that every one in mexico is involved with drugs,money and guns? Thanks from a mexican american who has a real connection to my mexican roots and knows that the few stories published here dont define the mexico that I know and have been to or the mexican people for that matter......

    4. @7:19 It is our belief here on BB that the English speaking people in the US and other parts of the world need to know what is going on in the neighbor to the south of the US. Shining a light on the violence in parts of Mexico and on the corruption that exists in much of Mexico hopefully will awaken the non Spanish speaking peoples of the reality here in Mexico and help bring pressure on the Govt.s (both US and MX) to change some policies that have caused much of the problems. You don't have to speak the language to be concerned about human rights abuses in another country.

      Believe it or not amigo, Mexico has a lot of friends in the US and hopefully we can help it gain more to help solve some of Mexico's problems.

    5. 7:19 you do know this is a Mexican Narco blog right!? No one said this news defines Mexico. If you don't like it, no one is making you read it. Some of us appreciate the hard work so we can stay informed of the major atrocities going on south of the boarder.

    6. Damaso bit more than what he could chew he fucked yo by trying anything against el mayo zamabda he isn't not the king of Sinaloa for no reason he should have planned that atttak a little better

    7. 7:19. I actually see your point, but I hope you can see mine. Although there are probably some people that come here to get gossip, I would venture to say that most non-fluent Spanish speaking people come here because we care about what happens in countries besides our own. I'm embarrassed to admit how naive I was when I was growing up; police were always there to protect us, and that's always been my experience. I started reading about the 43 students in Iguala and it shocked me, so I read more and didn't stop.

      I've traveled through Guatemala and Mexico and met some of the most amazing people. Most of the Guatemalan and Mexican people I know are honest, hardworking individuals who love their families just as much as I love mine. I think the first step is awareness and then I hope to be able to do something about it. Many will scoff at my armchair dreams, but it's better, in my opinion, than having an ignorant, ethnocentric view and having no clue what happens in the world.

      There good people and bad people in every culture and country. Smart people don't throw everyone in the same group.

    8. 7:19 I so appreciate your point but I also appreciate BB informing gringos about what is not covered in USA news. But again I see your point when people who know nothing about Mexico make ridiculous comments and state it as fact when they know nothing about Mexico. Some people assume that what they read is happening everyday, everywhere in Mexico and this as you know could not be further from the truth and the reality of daily life in Mexico.

      After 8 or so years of reading I'm now able to laugh when I read comments that stereotype all of Mexico or our people, and feel sorry for those that refuse to see any connection between the narco trafficking and the demand in the USA (I don't understand how anyone can be so naive-im being polite-but thats just the way it is because they are ignorant to the reality of Mexico as a whole and they will likely never leave their bubble to explore Mexico for themselves.

      I appreciate your point and likewise I appreciate the time and work that bb does to provide this information outlet. Hopefully more people with an interest in humanity will someday read and the criminal fans will go somewhere else.

  11. That's right Wachito put that silly goose in his place! Thank you and everybody else that works 4 Borderland Beat. Keep up the good work. - Sol Prendido

    1. Jesus Sol, you mean you don't have goodle translate on your computer?

    2. Pinche Siri always screwing up my words. - Sol Prendido

    3. Is that you millie stalking sol perdido ?

  12. Word is that this fight was between cells of CDS. Something along the lines of Los Chapitos -Chapos kids perhaps - against either Los Damaso or a new group called Cartel del Pacifico. I, know Cartel del Pacifico is what CDS is known as at times but perhaps someone or some group within CDS is upset with the current situation within the group and is beginning to split from them violently and taking that name. Infighting within CDS if you will and who knows how much more of this is about to occur in the near future as well as the outcome???

    1. If it was cartel del pacífico then it was Letra B they use that acronym but with sur at the end

  13. I greatly appreciate everything y'all do to keep non Spanish speaking folks in the loop. Keep up the good work!

    1. Yes...if it weren't for BB I woul dnt even know who or what a el chapo is..and I'm from the hood in nyc...Since his extridition his name has been in the media but beforehand we didn't hear or know much of what goes on in mexico..Also BB gives credit to the source of the info..

  14. Puro Sinaloa, pero ya ni la chingan mataron a una mujer embarazada.

    1. por accidente pendejo ...pobrecita Q.D.E.P.

    2. Yea, and there's always a dumb sinaloa groupie that say "sinaloa NEVER kill innocents". All cartels do not just zetas

    3. Accidente por no tener entrenamiento baboso, nomas tiran alo pendejo, ni se bajaron de las trocas los wueyes

    4. 146. You mean not just Gulf

  15. Es todo wachito,estos vatos mal agradecidos ni les hagas caso.a de ser un millenial, que quiere su iPhone 9.

    Y arriba la sierra de DGO

  16. BB where does el ISIDRO fit in all this is he still in the loop???

    1. Chapo isidro? Ese Wey ta bien pesado...

  17. I thought navolato was Beltran. Mx has so much coubtryside, these roaches should fight there. RIP to the woman and her angel.

  18. Its chimales vs montanas 2 Sinaloa cells

  19. Navolato es la tierra de los carrillo fuentes.

  20. this is damaso muscling in on the herion/poppy fields in navolato if he wins this fight he will become a drug lord word around town

    1. 7:47. Damaso saves Guzman, Guzman goes to prison, Damaso becomes drug lord? No more drugs for you

    2. 7:15 PM
      This is about domestic as in Mexico markets

    3. damaso isnt a drug lord yet he wants more of the pie

  21. Ingaaa tu madre!! Lol Sinaloa.

  22. Definitely making a point. To whom?
    Chapo definitely delivered chaos with his war. Infighting and power struggles and now takeovers.
    Sure some truce is in the works to stop the nonsense. Plenty of money for all. Especially now that the Mexican government is handing down extraditions like candy.

  23. holly shit. good job wachito!

  24. damasos VS chapos.. they had a meeting and it went wrong..

  25. Damaso vs chapitos

  26. A pregnant woman was killed in all of this.....and for what? money? power? drugs?

    The whole "they don't mess with innocents" o "no se meten con la gente" sure, because bullets can tell the difference between innocent bystanders and goons. I don't know who this woman is/was but her and her unborn child were some one to somebody. I pray for Mexico, and pray for all the beautiful people there.

    1. This ladies' life and unborn child's life, others like her this is why DT is going to get his wall - with armor plating as well

  27. Kind of confusing until somebody can give us more info so far it's a alliance of a bunch of groups fighting against Los anthrax and el mayo this is because of mayo and the h new alliance

  28. I just finished watching a documentary it's called clandestina cartel de Sinaloa and it funny because in the documentary the same white truck that was behind the nissa titan with that 50 on it came out they were on it and showing off that 50 cal crazy!!

    1. i've seen that documentary also. you're 100% right!

    2. Where did you see that documentary?

    3. I just watched it .. thought the same thing

    4. Yeah its exactlly the same truck,CDG used it then Zetas and its gone back to CDS,theres only one of them

  29. Damaso vs Los hijos del chapo.....

  30. Thats Beltran Leyva all the way!

  31. Sinaloa is looking like Iraq no way I'm visiting this days man over there don't fear death dying in a shoot out is pride for them they have more balls than brains

  32. People where saying Sinaloa only in corridos nice going dumbass I omost got kill in this shoot out damage sycos are crazy

  33. Dicen que la muerte llega cuando menos te la esperas
    y yo la y traigo conmigo de mi nunca se despega
    ella aprieta el gatillo de mi poderoso cuerno
    y lo toma entre sus brazos y se lo lleva al infiero

    1. I dont know Spanish but what the hell are you talking about lol.

    2. ya deja la pipa lmao

    3. Comandante spitting real shit

    4. Bajale a tu pedo.... algo me dice que tienes miedo morirte.....

    5. tienes la cara de wey

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Puro Torbellino! Corridaso

    8. 2:16, How did it work out for Torbellino?

    9. 10:04 to gnat woods. El perro says:
      Death arrives when you least expect it,
      and I carry her and she never goes away from me,
      she pulls the trigger of my beautiful horn (goat's horn)
      carries it in her arms, and takes it to hell...

    10. 9.23
      Thanks for the translation bro it always helps out

    11. Powerful, not beautiful... and it's "se los lleva" as in, the AK and death, sends the enemies to hell, not the AK goes to hell.... fucking amateur hour around here...

    12. I'm not one to believe everything I read ....but I think Commander Dog is the real deal...talking from experience and current reality

    13. By the way next month I got to take me some Spanish classes am missing out on to much.

  34. The photo of the two guys shot in the small Hyundai happened in San José del Cabo, BCS on Jan. 29


    El chapo's sons bodyguard extradited

  36. They were just mad because Mexico lost the Caribe Series against Puerto Rico and this is how they let out the anger...

  37. i was told el montana flipped.. the guy in charge of navolato. damaso people. with carrillos and ivan attacked him. so damasos backed up el montana. they had a meeting and they just got mad at each other. when they leave 7 people got killed. el montana is the guy in second picture so i was told. this is a damasos VS ivan. mayo isnt involved. they chapitos are at it . in culiacan. navolato and costa rica. last night they were coming to eldorado. but they didnt. since 2 days ago i was told that there were going to be fighting. not sure what happened as they never reached eldorado. personal opinion. it was a bad move on both of them. i think damaso has alot more to loose. with so many enemies and they are killing each other. but hey this is culiacan. this is how things are.

    1. Thats true there is video of some ranchers panza abajo from the area.. Confirming who is fighting

  38. Reporte de Culiacán, Sinaloa.

    Empieza la guerra por el narcomenudeo en Sinaloa entre Iván y Alfredo Guzmán en contra de Damaso y su hijo el "Mini Lic" López.

    Todo empezó en Navolato, Sinaloa, donde después de la detención de "El Chapo" Guzmán en Mazatlán. Damaso hizo alianza con César Carrillo, hermano de "Señor de los Cielos" y enemigo del "Chapo" Guzmán.

    A los jóvenes Iván y Alfredo Guzmán no les gustó nada pero después de varias juntas, Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada los convenció de que todas las treguas son buenas.

    Aún así los roces siguieron. Tiempo después de la última captura de "El Chapo" quien había dividido la plaza del narcomenudeo en Mazatlán entre sus hijos y su compadre Damaso López el Lic, los hijos del Chapo hicieron una tregua con H-9 y H-2, de la plaza de Nayarit, quienes son nativos de Mazatlán y que en últimas fechas han ganado terreno con alianza con René de la Cruz Y Chonecas del aval.

    La tregua consistía, según como lo dijo Damaso, "en romperle la madre a el", pero el viejo lobo de Damaso aguantó la risa. Su compadre Guzmán estaba detenido, ¿por qué no atacar a los jóvenes inexpertos hijos de su compadre que han venido haciendo las cosas muy mal?

    Está detenido, si, pero en México y al igual que muchos de sus amigos y enemigos quienes quisieran matar a sus hijos, Damaso no les hacía nada por temor a su compadre, que era tan poderoso libre o en la cárcel en México, pero todo eso cambió cuando se extradita a su compadre "El Chapo".

    El "Chapo" Guzmán ya no representa nada. La mafia lo da por muerto en Estados Unidos y el momento que esperaba Damaso llegó y explotó la bomba.

    Las tienditas de Culiacán como Colonia Libertad, Wisaches, la Toledo, entre otras... el pleito que en 4 días lleva 3 fuertes enfrentamientos, entre ellos dos con militares. Uno en Imala donde fueron abatidos 6 militares y la otra en la colonia Villas del Real donde murieron 4 marinos y fallecieron 5 civiles, además de 15 levantados, 4 de ellos saliendo de la serie del Caribe... 18 muertos y muchos desaparecidos.

    Se rumora que entre los desaparecidos se encuentra "Javi", encargado de Damaso López. Esto apenas comienza. Daremos más informes los próximos días.

    1. Oye pero los videos que publican en youtube de los Mayos y H's? Se la pasan levantando gente del chapo. Me imagino yo que los H's son gente del H-9 y H-2 yo pensaba que esos trabajan para los Beltran Leyva? Los videos dicen todo lo contrario a lo que dices tu de tregua entre los hijos del chapo con los H's y Mayos al contrario creo que estan en guerra contra ellos
      Its a mess in sinaloa right now so I guess we'll have to wait for the real story

    2. H2 y H9 tienen mucho poder en Nayarit, pero ahorita CJNG se las pelea. Ya no son Beltranes desde que callo el H1 (H.B.L).

      Si es verdad que apoyan a los chapitos, volvera la guerra para el pacifico 2.0 la 1.0 fue cunado los beltranes se separaron.

  39. Segun dicen que arley perez ones known for his corridos se combirtio en sicario de los damaso i was wondering why he didnt have new corridos in a bit i guess i may have my answer sera sierto o mentira ?

    1. Heard that too I guess we will find out when they leave him dead somewhere

    2. I've heard the same thing but I've heard he was in the mix with m1 people also mayos.

    3. Kommander will settle his ass!

  40. In my Opinion Quintero and Miguel Ángel Félix Gallardo were release by the government to control the drug trade once more. Now the new butties are a bunch of drug addicts and skirt chaser like El snitch chapo. I hope the restore respect and stop killing innocent people and realize the real enemy is the gringo trying to control the drug trade.

    1. You watch too many movies. You notice how all this noise in sinaloa started after El Chapo got caught

    2. Quintero is nobody gallardo he really just wants to live his few left days alive free with out chapo being able to run his cartel all hell was gonna break loose and it started already wonder what EPN is thinking know

    3. Definitely expect a lot of sparring to continue.
      Now that the so called head of the snake is in America. Mergers and takeovers are at the forefront. Who will prevail depends on what the government sees as an end to all the violence and order. That's the million dollar question?
      What preparations and hidden objectives?
      Chaos is in the works and for a reason.
      Drug trafficking will never be eradicated that's a fact.
      And extraditions have been issued with the objective of someone to rein in favor.
      He will be a ghost. Since everyone else seems to like the paparazzis and exposure.

    4. 11:28,you mean the CIA by gringo?

  41. Who's is fighting who...poor pregnant gitl

  42. We need higher body counts on executed cartel scum. We want them to die as soon as possible.

    1. We? You haven't been able to finish/win a war since Vietnam. You suck.

    2. You mean Korea

    3. 1:24 and 10:01 re-read your history. The US won neither the Korean nor the Vietnam war.

  43. So who showed there muscle?

  44. By the way it doesn't look like a 50 cal mounted on a truck. That is something on the rear of the truck in front of the camioneta. The so called 50 is too far forward and to heavy for that.

  45. mini lic is dead FYI

  46. El Montana got the coup de grace...even has a bullet wound to the hand from placing it in between the gun and his face.

  47. You guys should put what happens in the videos. Like who attacked who, what vehicles are together, etc. I'd really appreciate that. It'll help us better understand what's going. Thanks for posting this!

  48. You know what's sad is that when your soul end up in hell, you enter the way you die if you are missing any part of your body your soul enters that way with out whatever part your missing my point the guy whose head looks like carnitas no open casket. Sad there is an epidemic in Mexico it's called cartel life.

  49. Gente Nueva and Antrax will protect Sinaloa .a las ordenes del Sr Chapo !

    Atte El Fantasma del Teniente Bravo

  50. Isidro extorting Amado's cuñado who paid los Chapos to keep Navolato calm? Problem also in Cosala early this morning by the mina but nothing in El Debate, Noroeste o Nota roja??

  51. It is being said that arley perez is now a sicario for los damasos... Damasos clicked up with cesar carrillo brother of el senor de los cielos

    1. Good his music sucked hopefully he is better at his new trade

  52. So everyones saying its Damaso vs Ivan/Alfredo. But does anyone know what happened in the armed commando vs marine confrontation? Many civilians died? did commando get attacked? did marines get ambushed? was there whole sale slaughter of civilians? Then again, im better off not knowing

    1. Marines were ambushed and they responded killing 4 sicarios, also they lost one marine.

  53. I can't respect anybody that uses guns real men fight face to face guns are the invention of the European imperialist that's how they were able to conquer this continent, that and their diseases. These guys are cowards along with anybody that supports them exterminating their own kind for a piece of paper that has no real value doing the white mans dirty work for them. When will our people wake up!

    1. I got sleepy reading this one.

    2. 7.24
      Sitting safe in the US whining about race..
      So nice

    3. I got angry reading this one

  54. Debate is reporting damasos tried to kill chapitos and mayo. Per a letter from chapitos.

  55. one image is old, from tijuana I believe

  56. Just in 'El Chapo' Guzman's sons reportedly injured in cartel attack in Mexico they were with el mayo zamada

    1. The mighty CDS finally colapses!? If the kids were with El Mayo then this is definetely the begenning of the end for CDS!

    2. The beginning of the end just because they have some of their people flipping on them? Doesn't sound like any downfall of anything to me. Just internal conflict, similar to we Beltran Leyva war started. Do you know how many families or persons with Chapo's power live in Culiacan? Do you actually believe that chapo and mayo are the only ones in the cartel? You have to be very naive to believe that. There are a dozen more capos then the public knows about. Just with any other powerful cartel they have a few that are very popular within the media, but behind the scenes there are powerful drug lords that nobody knows about. Just like in the US there are many "drug lords" but guess what most of them are corrupt govt. officials or politicians. This drug trade will never end. Even if the CDS, BLO,CJNG, etc all fall. It will continue forever.

    3. @7:49. Do not confuse the end of CDS with the end of the drug trade. That is not what was said. Yes sure also, there might be lot's of families involved within CDS but eventually all will have to take sides. If more take the side of Damaso then CDS might be no longer the beast it once was. This is what was meant by the begenning of the end for CDS.

    4. Historically, any nation, any group of individuals that have been obliterated from foreign/outside entities have been able to rebuild, and return. Any nation, or any group of individuals that has been destroyed from within never recovered. The internal strife is what will destroy them......More so than any other rival cartel......

      And those that say Cartels fell by the government? They fell not because of the government but because some one within the organization worked with the government.(Informant, Cooperating witness etc) Intentional or unintentional.....The Fall comes from within.

    5. @11:12- There is no confusion between what was meant by the end of CDS and the end of the drug war. All I meant to say was that regardless of the end of CDS, CDG, BLO, CJNG etc. The drug trade will continue no matter what cartel falls so basically trying to say is who gives a crap if CDS falls.

    6. @6:03 I, live across the border from Cd Juarez Mexico where Chapo did a lot of shit to that city. I, care that it falls!

    7. 8:42- you jave a point man, but honestly Chapo just wanted to control everything and the violence he generated is why he was captured amd extradited. Mayo Zambada and all the other leaders were getting too much heat for his violence across Mexico and pulled the plug and turned him over to govt. That is how the mafia works, you last as long as you are of value to them. Once you start fucking up the 1. Turn you into authorities
      (if they actually respect you)2. They kill you (have zero respect for you)

  57. Chapos kids just turned a letter to ciro gomez leyva a journalist from mexico. They state that mini lic tried to kill them ob saturday

  58. Isn't this Carillo Fuentes territory?

    Where do they fit in this, if at all?

  59. There is a letter going around from one of el chapos sons that they got ambushed by los damaso, el mayo zambada algo supposedly got injured too he was with los chapos. I wonder if the beltran leyvas are gonna pick sides or just watch as their rival cartel gets ripped apart on its own.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. Lot of executed in northern part of nayarit tonight.

  62. Confirmed on twitter by ivan archivaldo damaso is the traitor

  63. Yeah, way too early in the morning for me!

  64. Did anyone attempt CPR on the 2 hombres in the truck?

  65. "El cartel de las traiciones" El botas blancas was right all this time!

  66. The loudest bangs in the video are from the .50 cal


    -El Búho

  67. they just killed el H2 EN TEPIC NAYARIT

  68. they just killed el H2 EN TEPIC NAYARIT

  69. Todo bien, para que la asen de pedo. Eso es normal

  70. The cops in Sinaloa are just there as an Adorno LMAO

  71. This is for LA Raza.

  72. Theres alota traitors. Tell u what, none of these guys are ever gona have enough. Theyve got a whole different mind set. Different view of life. No respect for life. For families. For themselves. Mexico is ran by corrupts. The reigns are too tight already. This is no battle believe me. The battle is still to come. Just wait for it. The real man is safe . Shut down by choppers quick is a sign of a real power. Open your minds some more. Incase you didnt know chapitos run the marines. They run more than we think. Than anyone thinks. Money talks

  73. Chapitos view everything is now under control just some foos got rowdy


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