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Friday, January 20, 2017

Guerrero: Woman and 2 Year Old Found Dismembered

Photo by:
Jorge Alberto Martínez

By: Ezequiel Flores Contreras | Translated by Valor for Borderland Beat

On Thursday night, the bodies of a woman and a two year old boy were found dismembered in a ravine located east of the capital.

The finding was reported at around 8:30 pm in the neighborhood Norberto Flores Baños, considered as part of the city of Chilpancingo’s miserable belt, where criminal gangs fight for control of this strategic place in the city. 

According to the preliminary reports, it is indicated that neighbors of the place found remains of a child dismembered on the main street of the colony.

Ministerial authorities arrived at the location, which them confirmed the event and also recovered the remains of a woman also dismembered inside plastic bags.

So far, state authorities have not issued a position on the findings of the bodies of a child and a woman who were found dismembered in this spiral of violence that does not stop in the state.

Source: Proceso


  1. Mencho your days are number punk you will be hunted for all the harm you have cause you think killing a woman and babies makes you brave? I dint expect nothing else from you since where you come from is full of loud mouth cowards
    Detective John Morrison

    1. Loud mouth caward? Why, is he from Sinaloa like chapo, mr. Detective?

    2. Yup all they do is bark no bite

    3. Agree 100/ percent

    4. We need a war against Mexico 🇲🇽 scum bags we need to clean house

    5. so did your "detective" work made you sure it ws Mencho??? u must not solve cases

    6. Doesnt matter if it was Mencho or Pee Wee Herman who did that. Theyre demented, pathetic sociopaths who should do hard, hard labour for rest of their days.

  2. R.I.P. Lady a little one. If I was there I would have protected you with my own life.

    1. Very noble i believe you brother RIP lil angel

    2. This is waaay past evil man is so sad this shit is happening in MX

    3. What happened to the old cardinal sin of killing woman and children?

    4. GAFES TRAINED BY THE KAIBILES andan sueltos en todo guerrero, nuns and priests used to be raped and murdered in honduras and el salvador and guatemala, SOA watch.

  3. pura tierra de mugrosos

  4. Who dismembers a woman much less a two year old. Mexico needs to get carpet bombed all of it. And start again what a country of pieces of shit

    1. Im sure those things dont happen in the US. But try and read the story of Victoria in Albuquerque NM and the things her mom and others did to her. My stomach still turns everytime I remember reading about it.

    2. 1:38, I've been to Mexico and most of them just want to work and get by like the rest of us, but the whoever did this? Im with you kill them and they're kind.

    3. Dont rationalize it dont defend it dont compare. If shit like that wld happen in tje States there wld be a manhunt till the fucker is got or dead. Yes in america bad shit happens ues in chi town and L.A. you have hood wars and drug wars but is not the same as it happens south of the border where assholes reign terror and the govermant dont do shit. Do not campare it.

    4. Stuff like this also happens, frequently, in the U.S..

    5. Yes happens more often than u think in the us and At the hands of psychopaths and sexual sadist who when caught claim insanity and when tried are declared incompetent to stand trial and get condemmed to a life sentence in a resort called a mental theres your justice and your hunt mr. Uncle Sam

    6. Oh please, don't compare justice systems. mexico is another Somalia/Syria. end of story. i live in Pittsburgh & have never seen a convoy of armed men in pick up trucks cruising the streets. never a citizen shooting down a military helicopter. The American citizens would put an end to half the nonsense that goes on in mexico. if u don't believe it, come on up & try...

    7. In my opinion, If overindulgent Americans stopped using drugs tomorrow, Mexico would be free of crime the following day!

    8. Ive seen, in the United States, convoys of gang memebers in the 80s, and early 90s, weekly gun battles, read about dead bodies being left in the streets; I've seen domestic terrorist blow up federal buildings, send bombs through the mail, hostage situations, mass shootings every few months. And an army of addicts on a daily basis.

    9. @8:43 No way, I don't believe your theory. For one Mexico has their own drug addicts and if Americans stopped using drugs the lazy worthless criminals I'm Mexico would go into a different line of criminal activity because Mexico has very poor education levels, very poor pay, very poor leadership and a very poor criminal justice system.
      So don't blame america's worthless drug addicts for all of Mexico's crimes.

    10. So youre saying if the american stop using drugs the violence in mexico wld stop. You wld hope.

    11. Well studied doctor ernesto zedillo ponce de lion, alias "la neta", the convicted murdering butcher genocida of Acteal-Chenalho, el Charco, Aguas Blancas is protected by the US and has been granted sovereign impunity, same with genarco garcia luna.

  5. Sick!We know for sure the 2 year old was innocent!Was the 2 year old the woman's son?

  6. What is it about Guerrero that it's so savage and brutal there?

    1. no one simple answer but what is true is that nobody really cares about the violence. it is accepted. people look the other way. el valiente vive hasta que el cobarde quiere

    2. I agree that Guerrero has always exhibited an insane savagery and of course their murder rate has always been sky-high as well.

      In so many words, stay the hell out of Guerrero..

    3. 10:22 the mexican government unleashed the mexican army and policia judicial federal on the gherrerenses, murdering them by the hundreds or thousands for demanding, schools, better pay, like 15 mexican cents pay rise per kilo of coconut flesh, less than 2 pennies, the government chose to shoot them up and flood the state with "butcher soldiers"
      Violence does not come from the earth to the people, it comes from army and police brutality, straight from the federal government the US selects and elects for their mexican banana republic full of illegal slave laborers

  7. Poor guerro...lots of women and children get killed there

  8. I wish the only stories coming out of Mexico were about dogs stealing chips. What a sad story.

  9. I bet they were working for el chapo and the killers were from ms 13, now... it's on !

    1. Was the 2 year old working for him too?

  10. Just when you thought you heard it all from this crap hole that is Mexico and then this happens? I got no words.

  11. Wow , My Mexico is becoming a sitanic land , Sick people only a druged up phycopath would harm children 😐

  12. Mexico needs a right to bare arms , this is disgusting cowards they are .

    1. They can bear arms, just small caliber and the weapons are hard to obtain. This is my understanding, anyway.

  13. Devils alive and well in Mexico seen it with my own eyes

    1. Please explain more,
      People have seen paranormal things in mexico

    2. I don't think there even needs to be paranormal activity to be remarkable. The evil that man is capable of is just as bad as any paranormal spirit devil activities IMHO.

  14. This is not cartels this was done by satanist cult doing santanic ritual mexico city has a lot that cult. Even in the u.s i have heard of stories of satanic cults sacrificing babies in rituals.

    1. Lot of Yerberias in USA. Bad stuff.

  15. Sangre Bibimus, Corpus Edimus,
    Trolle Carpus Satani . Ave !
    Ave Ave Versus Christos !
    Ave Satani....

  16. This is so disgusting is beyond words...

  17. Horrible, this was happened in a heartquator of a state...

  18. Satan and his demons crave blood and violence. You can clearly see the areas of the world where they are especially situated like Mexico and the middle east. Add in the drugs to a persons mental state and you have a deranged killers void of humanity. No law or weapon or man can stop who they can't see!

    1. Why do people keep blaming drugs? I'm not trying to be snarky, but no matter how much Ambien and wine I consume trying to forget my day, it wouldn't occur to me to do this. To be fair, I've never done meth, so maybe that'll do it to you. I know meth addicts that still go to work, though, and they don't go out and hurt people like this. I never thought I'd defend people that do drugs, but I think you just have to be especially deranged to want to do this shit.

    2. It's the meth. You can't compare Ambien and wine to meth. Many people involved in the drug trade are paid in drugs, usually meth, which is pretty cheap and which allows them to work for days without sleep. They get very paranoid, aggressive, hostile, etc. Add a lifestyle that exposes them to horrific violence regularly and it's a horrible mix. Not hard to imagine people literally going into an amphetamine psychosis and perpetrating horrific acts like this one. Meth "changed the game" and f'ed up Mexico more than any other drug.

  19. No fucking way Chapo or MS-13 did this.

  20. Mexico is truly the land of Demons and Mosters may the Lord purge the land of this Evil.

    1. And there are no monsters in the US?

  21. Replies
    1. El kazakh eres una kaka for blaming a country victim of assassins all over the land that work for drug traffickers and murderers working for other countries to destabilize and steal, from all the mexicans, and you don't even know who killed them. I guess because you are una kaka you feel you have the right.

  22. Hope they hunt the sick individuals responsible for this or individual. Put the accountable in front of a town plaza and hang the scum . Since the government has yet to implement the death penalty.. Mexican citizens it's time to take back your country. Hang all those sons of B*****S already. Anyone involved in the drug trafficking.
    As for Human Rights watchdogs, these individuals do not apply in the human society category. So no need to defend these devils.....

  23. Obviously not castle related
    This is a case of someone close to them did it
    Someone that was really upset perhaps a love affair an illegitimate child or a desperate poverty stricken family member who had no means to buy a gun who knows. Could be a family member battling demons as we have seen often in the united states when mental illness is involved

    1. Think you meant "not cartel related"

  24. woman was in the game

    1. Was the 2 year old "in the game" too?

  25. Scumbags is right demonic pieces ofshit the two year olds obviously innocent

  26. How many murders occur in Mexico are just "made" to look like a cartel did it?

    1. There are probably serial killers having a good old time there, and they can do what they want. Sickening.

  27. When do the Mexican men have a revolution against the Goverment and drug trade. We did it here in US and this why we are a great country hell went to war with each other and killed half a million of us. Until Mexican bite the bullet and fight and have revolution nothing will change have balls.

    1. The part that has surprised me is that fairly recently the drug traffickers in Mexico started to prey on their own people, getting the mexicans in mexico hooked on various dangerous drugs, and of course kidnapping, extortion, human trafficking, prostitucion, now involved in agriculture, oil, etc. If the government is so stupid to think this is just going to go on forever without the Country collapsing they are wrong. This is going to turn out like Colombia did not too long ago. A failed State. Something must be done soon. I feel sorry for the good mexican people, they don't deserve this crap.

    2. Colombia became a victim of paraco-politician drug traffickers alleid with guerrillas many of them, bent on stealing the drug trafficking trade from its owners and their partners...
      That giniral of the polesia nazional de colombia was in mexico to help epn get established in 2012 and start the autodefensas tells you where mexico's balcanization came from, I mean "colombianization", of course taking down a few capos helps to bring the rest of them in line.

  28. 12:13 What gives?You're so mean.What if that was your wife and child would you also say:karma's a bitch because you were in the game?

  29. I'm pet pretty sure they were referring to whomever did this

  30. I'm pretty sure they were referring to whomever did this disgusting act.


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