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Tuesday, December 20, 2016

PAN politician arrested in San Diego for money laundering

Original article available at ZETA
Translated by El Wachito

Last Friday, December 16th, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), arrested in San Diego, California, two individuals around 2:16PM.
Luis Torres Santillan, 37 years old, was registered as an assistant politician by the actual mayor of Tijuana, Juan Manuel Gastelum who belongs to Partido Accion Nacional (PAN). Luis Torres Santillan was registered since December 1st.

According to investigations from ZETA, the politician and Liza Ampudia, are accused by the United States of money laundering.

Luis Torres was a member of Coparmex, in the commission of Public Safety, and an associate-administrator of Fernando Beltran, a businessman and one of the biggest and most successful box promoters of Mexico.

Luis Torres Santillan at a golf tournament/charity event in Tijuana

After ZETA reviewed jail records, it was known that Torres Santillan is located in Area 4B of the San Diego Central Jail, which is located in downtown.

According to the Sheriffs Department of San Diego, the PAN politician is eligible for a bail bond if he pays 5 million dollars, either in cash or in properties, however it will be a judge who decides if he can leave the jail by paying a bail bond or stay in jail the following days.

His first audience is schedule for Wednesday, December 21st in the Superior Court of San Diego.

Fernando Beltran "Spoiled child" of Kiko Vega, has miraculously received several contracts from the state of Baja California 

Personnal Information

Booking Nbr:16179840 Last Name: TORRES First Name: LUIS
Middle Name: SANTILLAN Sex: M Race/Ethnicity:W
Date of Birth: 5/2/1979 Age:37 Hair:BRO
Eyes:BRO Height:5'10"Weight:165LBS


  1. hahaha. they all scam politics.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. 10:25 The DFS created by the CIA is what made the mexican police what they is today, together with the mexican army and marinas, they have trafficked drugs and weapons and slaves for american politicians involved big time in drug trafficking, in cahoots with the mexican politicians.
      "the shit rolls down hill and the money travels uphill" americans use to say...

  2. Damn put all his info out there😂😂

    1. It's all public domain info, no biggie.

  3. Me da gusto pir el fer.. Rste cabron era atoda madre en la secundaria, prepa.. Tambien crecio en el instituto mexico.. Con la gente. Misma escuela d donde salieron los narco juniors.. Me acuerdo ke los ke se hicieron matones desde morro la traian en la sangre pues eran bien pelioneros.. Aaaaahahahahahaha.. Cabron ke se pasaba d lanza le metian sus putizas.. Saludos a mi kerida tijuana.. Kaon.. COMO HA CAMBIADO.. 😰🔫

  4. Love how you are getting all these Mexicano comments.
    Zeta investigations are amazing.
    Buen trabajo, compa !

  5. I wonder why he is being charged at the state level, and not federal. No doubt ICE made the arrest, as he was detained at the border, but he's in custody in Central Jail, not MCC.

    1. According to ZETA, there are 12 other people indicted, or named, and the investigation began a year ago. The former president of Corpramex, Tijuana, his wife, and their son are also charged, and in custody.

    2. How much money are these crooked perps losing?

  6. He should be arrested just for wearing plaid with stripes haha

  7. He's a politico, he will be ok just like moreira, fox, Salinas de gortari.....on and on...


    So she eventually was not chapos daughter?? Then why bring Univision and Telenundo to her house?? Knowing how sensitive this subject is and she claiming

    1. In order for something to be news it doesn't have to be factual. Nor is this "sensitive".

  9. By the way I think el trebol got wacked, IAGL head body guard.

    1. Al trebol no lo an matado segun fue detenido, pero lo dudo.

      ""Fue arrestado en un operativo silencioso en Culiacán, informaron fuentes federales. Chuy Raúl como es conocido en el mundo del hampa era el jefe de pistoleros de Iván Archivaldo Guzmán quien supuestamente asumió el control de las plazas que comandada su padre El Chapo Guzmán.

      Esta detención no ha sido confirmada por ninguna autoridad federal, ni local. Sin embargo trascendió que el operativo se realizó la madrugada del pasado domingo en una zona residencial de la capital del estado, en un corrido interpretado por el grupo norteño Los Titanes de Durango.

      Menciona la relación del hijo del Chapo con el Chuy Raúl, aquí el textual: Según informes de la policía federal, El Trébol como también es conocido es hijo de Jesús Raúl Beltrán Uriarte, “El Tío”, compadre y uno de los principales operadores de Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán quien fue detenido en Zapopan, Jalisco en 2007.""

      La fuente no es muy confiable:


      Creo que si fue verdad, lo tiene publicado milenioús+Raúl+Beltrán+León&client=ms-android-att-aio-us&prmd=nimv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwilmumitofRAhUji1QKHWF-DfkQ_AUICCgC&biw=360&bih=560&dpr=2#imgrc=TYL8rzlMVMfdpM%3A

      Es el de camisa negra y lente oscuro?

    3. Segun este es el panu guarda espaldas de alfredo o ivan

    4. nah its not true there was a heavy shooting in culiacan which a student was killed

  10. Gonna go write him a letter before they send him to prison. Booking number name y address dang all his info poor man gonna send money order put it on his book. Lol 10 counts of money laundry dang.

  11. Some of the 12 that were arrested for money laundering went to a private high school in San Diego

  12. Arrested for plaid an stripes that's awesome . Started the day with a good laugh

  13. Ethnicity:W ?

    Shouldn't that be L for Latino?

    1. They lump us all together to skew numbers

    2. Latinos???? First off, he is Mexican, most of them are under White. Due to not been Afro,Native, or Asian. If you have any issues with that contact the state department.

  14. Here you go for those of you morons who live in denial that Mexican politicos are a bunch of saints. As I said before...not all but "most" Mexican politicians go out of their way to enrich themselves at any cost. If you're still living in a fantasy world of denial google "Mexico's 10 most corrupt Mexicans of 2015" published by Forbes magazine.

  15. Like that periwinkle blue tie. Almost inspires me 2 go out and buy 1 this weekend. - El Sol Perdido

    1. 10:10 you are soo gay, go for it, it is a free world!


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