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Friday, December 16, 2016

Canadian Vísa Changes Could Encourage Mexican DTO's

by Yaqui republished from Calgary Sun

Canada's border guardians have reason to fear the elimination of visa requirement for Mexico will lead to an influx of drug cartel operatives, says a former DEA agent.

But while the Liberal government action on visas will ease the way for drug traffickers, Mike Vigil said Canada's already ripe for the ruthless cartels.

"It will definitely be a factor but not the only factor," said Vigil, who battled Mexican drug cartels in the Latin American country for 13 years, four of them along the border with the U.S.

Compared to that border, the one shared by Canada and the U.S. is porous and easy to exploit by drug cartels who are relentless in their quest for new markets, he said.

"The Mexican cartels are very similar to a state army that probes for weaknesses and then exploits them," he said.

"They'll easily be able to spread their chemicals into Canada — you have a large border that's easily penetrated."

In a document obtained by Postmedia, officials with the Canada Border Services Agency say lifting the visa requirement will enable the traffickers to "establish or strengthen existing cartel smuggling chains."

It says they expect those criminal gangs to recruit airport and marine port workers to help with smuggling and distributing drugs.

Elements of two of the organizations — the Sinaloan and Jalisco cartels — are present in Canada now, focused mainly on distributing more profitable drugs like crystal meth, heroin and cocaine, said Vigil.

And he said the CBSA's citing the cartels' intention to woo locals to their cause is well-founded.

"Particularly the Sinaloa Cartel are very good at recruiting, like ISIS," said Vigil, who's authored two books based on his experiences, including Metal Coffins.

"They use images of posing with lions, cheetahs, Lamborghinis, gold, beautiful women to entice," said Vigil.

Postmedia has already reported the fact criminal gangs have been operating at the Port of Vancouver.

Those Mexican-based drug gangs already operate in 600 U.S. cities and 40 countries with Canada's multi-cultural make-up an advantage in recruiting, camouflaging and operating, he said.

"Not only do they export drugs, they export violence," he said.

Vigil said he's experienced that violence intimately, surviving several shootouts with cartel members including one where he narrowly cheated death while a policeman next to him was killed in the 1980s.

"The trafficker fired two shots that missed me and I killed him," he said.

Last year Hector Armondo Chavez, a man linked by U.S. federal officials to Mexican drug cartels, was extradited from Alberta to Colorado, ending a five-year, cross-border tug-of-war.


  1. Poor Canada,their hearts in the right place.

  2. Yes, the Canadians in Alberta are involved in Mexico too, just as the mexicans are involved in Canada. The Canadian drug kingpin is a Sikh Indian by the name of Mohan.

    1. 10:35-Ia that the 1 that got busted on the Montana/Alberta border [Coutts/Sweetgrass on Hwy 15] with the biggest coke bust on that border a couple of months ago?$5 million or something like that,5 of them in 3 trailer transports of Hallowe'en costumes,all East Indian names?

    2. Yes,we know,poor Mexico,always being victimized

    3. What are you talking about????canadian kingpin is an East Indian??? Maybe north Calgary "only". The Italians, and Chinese run most of Canada. Toronto and montreal are run by Italians and Vancouver by Chinese. Your funny!!!

    4. Hells Angels, United Nations Gang, Middle Eastern, Vietnamese, Asian Triads, East Indians, Aboriginal Groups (White Canadians).

    5. Vancouver? No East Indians there?

    6. Different ethnic groups run different cities across Canada, there is no ONE group who runs Canada, and definately NO ONE runs toronto, it is too diverse, at most you could control your ethnic neighborhood (Little Italy, China Town, etc). The penitentiaries in Ontario however, are run by Muslims, and many people convert just for protection. The saying goes, those who run the jail run the streets because if you are a criminal, you will come to jail one day, and if you don't listen on the street, you will pay when you come to jail. That being said, there is no co-opereation amongst muslim criminals, no organization, so they power gained in jail amounts to nothing on the street.

    7. "Poor mexico does not have all that cash to burn on drugs,
      the canadians and the amerrikkkans do, poor little them rich girls...

    8. Red Scorpions, Independent Soldiers, United Nations gangs, Eh! HA are the biggest and baddist.

  3. "The Mexican cartels are very similar to a state army that probes for weaknesses and then exploits them,"

    Just like the DEA does, RIGHT! SMH

  4. Man them fools will freeze to death on that border! Its not as warm as arizona to be shipping their drugs! The first time its -30 below zero and it will be theyll move out lol!

    1. Adapt to survive..

    2. If they live in Minnesota and it gets -30 -40 and sell their drugs they can make it anywhere

    3. They sub it out to get it across and just supervise from close by. Lol they don't get actual Mexicans to do it lmao

  5. "Could" will encourage DTO to entrench themselves in Oh Canada. The US government officials specifically the Right wingers are total idiots. They speak so much about border security and they only focused on the southern border. Who cares about the drugs coming from the south when there is the potential of real terrorists coming from the northern border. Why? Because like the DEA agent mentioned the border between the US and Canada is POROUS and almost twice as long the southern border. I'm not saying Canada is some terrorist hotspot training ground. What I am saying is if a group wants to gain access into the US the Canadian border would be the easiest to enter to do damage. But of course the border where Latinos are will be where the most focus will placed. No disrespect intended to Canadian Girl and Canadiana.

    1. It's a great way for terrorists like ISIS to get into the USA

    2. 8:28-I agree.I think there was a terrorist that crossed from Canada into the US around the year 2000 but it was thwarted the impending attack and there is many Muslim immigrants from 'the terrorist zone' countries here.It's a very high 'brown population' but not Latin American which I would prefer more.

    3. Well, canna I am brown, thanks for the god taste!

  6. They will put the Visa requirement back on if Thousands of Mexicans start claiming refugee status again which Canada doesn't recognize because there's no civil war in that country.That's why they had to put it on before because over 50 % of refugee claimants from all over the world happened to be Mexicans.Off topic but Vancouver had 9 OD fentanyl deaths last night.That's not counting the 1's they saved.

    1. Bad...9 less junkies in canada..
      Very bad.

  7. Drugs is business made profitable by the illegality. Both the drugs themselves AND the cartels are marketed VERY effectively (as pointed put in the article) to get new users/recruits.

    Legalize drugs and the cartels are done. Then spend the billions and billions spent on the war on drugs on prevention and rehabs.

    Makes sense? Yes! Politically possible in todays US with its brainwashed population and vested interest (prisons lobby, gun lobby, security lobby and everybody else with something to gain from insecurity and fear in society)? No!

  8. Does the phrase "Canadian mining company", ring any bells? I believe Canada has a great deal to do with the plundering of resources in indigenous areas all over the world. You can't take something such as mineral wealth, and not expect some blowback. Free trade eh?

  9. Where have you guys been. Sinaloa is already in Canada, we did have to kill a few mooses to survive to cold and keep warm. But Mission was successful. The Asians love our cocaine up here
    El Blanco Nieves - SIN

    1. Amigo, do you work with the Canadian gangs like the Hells Angels and the United Nations gang? Are you wholesalers or retailers?

  10. Canada has dropped the visa requirements for Canada.
     The visa requirement was initially put in place, as over 12K Mexicans were arriving annually in Canada and declaring refugee status! And many were not even from Mexico, but used Mexico as a jumping-off point to gain access to Canada! Human traffickers and drug traffickers took advantage of the no-visa requirement!
     Refugee Status In Canada means many years of free $$$$ (12000pesos monthly per adult and more if you have children), free medical which includes medical operations (need a heart or lung transplant or fitted for a prosthesis), free eye care and glasses, free schooling for the kids and free dental! No hables ingles!? No preoccpas!
    Ingles escuela gratis tambien! And after you learn English if you wish to go to school or college it is free, too! And the cherry on the cake Canada will pay for you lawyer to fight for your right to stay in Canada! All paid for by the Canadian taxpayer!!!
    If you can prove your life is in threat for being gay or on Cartel Hit list or an abused child prostitute or an abused woman with children, you have a good chance of being allowed to stay forever. Folks like Dr Mirelles or threatened Journalists would likely be accepted as legitimate refugees. If after many years, perhaps 10 to exhaust all appeal, you are refused to stay, Canada pays your airfare back to Mexico. However, many Mexicans just go undercover and stay!
    Why would Canada implement this insanely generous offer to refugees? The Liberal Trudeau Government is basically a clone of the Hugo Chavez/Maduro style of Venezuelan socialism: Big government unions that will always support and vote for the Liberals, as well as  enough of the voting population who reap the benefits of the Welfare Socialist largesse. Like Chavez Trudeau is destroying the oil and gas sector and private business opting for growth through a Socialist welfare state. 10s of 1000s of government jobs are created to support, give care and nanny refugees and the population--judges, welfare workers, doctors nurses, psychologists, teachers etc etc. Unfortunate, since PM Trudeau took office Canada has lost 30K fulltime jobs, and now Trump's Economic Machine is gearing-up to take 100Ks of jobs and highly skilled people from Canada's moribund economy!
    However, like Venezuela is experiencing, it comes with an economic cost. Trudeau gvt is now running federal deficits of 35 billion annually--a huge amount for a the population. For now Trudeau can get away with this debt, however, like Venezuela, when the next economic downturn comes it will be a huge economic and social problem.
    Why don't Canadians complain? The R word. Anyone who complains is called a racist! It works everytime! However, the majority of Canadians oppose most of the Trudeau gvt policies! His newly elected honeymoon has not lasted very long!
    Canada is taking over 100K Muslims annually, so, why not Christian Mexicans. Vast majority of Canadians would take Mexicans before Muslims. Most Canadians who have visited Mexico have had positive interactions with the Mexican people.
      Anyway, if you want to visit and enjoy a vacation in Canada or claim refugee status all you'll need to do is book a ticket!

    1. Close dea and love Canada for giving people citizenship. US does not provide the stamps and medical and housing Canada provide. Once again help mexicans. I don't. Have to go back stay in Canada you new home

    2. 3:52 go to canada, for have free school and like, educaishun, and like benefit for some, you need it, they will help negros too...
      Frankly, if canada is going to be poor, i'd rather it be because of public welfare policies that try to help everybody and their dog than because of Corporate Welfare Queens, that help out only some select chosen royalty, like on the US.
      In mexico the rich, the politicians and the military big wigs eat all the cake left overs from all sides, but the cake is all foreign owned, and they are working on privatizing the crumbs and the scraps and the leftovers too, most of them by foreigners, again.

  11. I'm a bit confused. From what I'm seeing, this "new" VISA isn't much different than the previous. The questionnaire is very similar with questions about work history and funds for your trip to Canada. We have a friend who, a couple of years ago, was denied a "tourist visa" into Canada based on those criteria. I don't see those criteria as having changed. Someone please explain to me how this new VISA is going to allow so many more Mexicans into Canada? I have a very good Mexican friend that I would love to have visit me in Canada.

  12. Ya estamos en Canada desde rato. Pinche tragadero de droga nunca va a detenerse.

  13. do the Zetas have any presence in Canada??


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