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Thursday, October 27, 2016

TIJUANA: Narcomanta and granade left for Ministerial Officers accused of stealing drugs

Original article available at ZETA
Translated by El Wachito

"This is for the dirty Ministerial rats", is the quote that begins the narcomanta that was left in the installations of the Procuraduria General de Justicia Del Estado in Tijuana by the Central Camionera.

In the narcomanta, Galvan who is the Commander in charge of the Minor Scale Drug Dealing Department, and other elements named Santoyo Nunez, Ramirez Castro, Ayala and another one who's last name is Cruz are being accused of stealing drugs.

It was specified that a load of crystal, cocaine and heroine were taken away from the criminals in Boulevard 2000, the cars were the crime was committed were also described, then the narcomanta assured that the drugs were hidden in the offices of the PGJE, and later half of the drugs were taken by the ministerial cops for resale purposes.

By the way that the narco manta was hung, the witnesses couldn't appreciate who wrote it, however it was informed to ZETA that the message was  from Los Aquiles.

The perpretradors, left a box with a black gift square knot, inside the gift box a grenade was found.
According to the authorities the report was received at around 10PM, however the mobilization of military personnel and cops was till 11PM.

This is the second time in less than 8 days that the last name Galvan comes out to light and makes him look as a questionable element. The first time he was accused, it was by the elements of the Secretaria de Seguridad Publica del Estado, after a fist fight that occurred when Ministerial officers and Policias Estatales Preventivos (PEP) found a drug lab in Las Palmas the afternoon of October 18, where PGJE accused PEP's of extorting 3 criminals who were detained in front of a house, while PEP officers accused Ministerial police of protecting the traffickers.


  1. Yea, aquiles has lost the plaza to cjng/ctng and now the cops don't respect that crew. When they caught cjng on the lab the dirty cops were trying to help cjng lol

    1. aquiles still pushing weight through there so they havent lost it complete

    2. Pretty much, same thing the Zetas and CT did when they lost their plazas.

    3. La Palma is the name of El Pendejo Nazional's "casa blanca" de la gaviota, the rest are like, "palmitas"

  2. Another Lovely Day In Mexico! There needs to be Mexico world similar to HBO's West world. Shot up Sicarios and dirty offices and no harm to paying customers!

  3. Ladron k roba ladron tiene 100 anios de perdon asi nomas compa
    Saludon compa (wachito) desde la mochilona de donde se reporta usted oiga tambien saludeme a la reyna chivis i la princesa yaki de mi parte viejon

    1. My abuela used to say that back in the days

    2. Me reporto desde un ranchito aqui en la baja

  4. Man Mexico is so much worse than ISIS and yet our media just ignores the plight of thousands (if not millions) of mexicans caused by the war on drugs.
    Fuckin shame on FOX, the Times' and all our other fake 'news' organizations!

    1. 2:04 well, you need to pay if you want to see your news printed or told to a camera on TV or radio, if you are in government you have right, BY LAW, to use free time as you see fit, or you can pay 100 million dollars to televisa for 40 minutes if you are a governor of veracruz on your way to escaping. Let's talk...
      Call carlos loret de mola on televisa.

    2. 12:00 100 million PESOS, DUMBASS.
      epn would make the mistake, of course, and pocket the difference.

  5. People think its a game but in america dont realise that its getting like that here

    1. Yeah and its going to get worst when clinton gets office she will put stricter gun laws

    2. Go away with that bullshit. Gun laws are state laws, the Feds really can't do much. Learn about your own governing system and local politics before typing false and dumb shit. And I'm a huge 2nd amendment supporter. Carry my glock everywhere.

    3. State laws don't pack the power of a dictator, or of federal laws, I remember when dictator maginicidal compadre LBJ alienated the south because of their segregation laws, and no school bombing made him end over for no "state laws"
      That is NRA bough and paid for BS, and they are about to be sued for all the BS caused by guns, manufacturers and endorsement too, retroactively, for selling their beloved weapons like putas on the street.

  6. Off topic I know BDN is full of shit half of the time but I keep reading that el cholo Ivan was let free from el penal de Juarez? I thought he was in altiplano?

    1. Read El Debate it's a reliable source and I believe it was true. They said that as well

    2. Him and Chapo got locked up and sent to Juarez. Cholo Ivan got let go but then rearrested as soon as he stepped foot outside the prison.

    3. 5:11 So what, if Emma can be free, el cholo also deserves to be free, he just spent less than one hour with la chapa in the motel by the hour where they got cogidos, guys have right too.

    4. 1203. To cover the rapes in prison?

    5. On the US prison guards have been found guilty of encouraging rapes, and of giving soap bars to prisoners to beat up their mark, some even get raped with broom handles, this is about minors in prisons no laughing matter like la chapa and la chola prison rapes are not funny even if rightist regimes friendly to the US are the ones doing it, and there are thousands of testimonies.

  7. 5:11 he was recaptured immediately.. He ALMOST was released on his own will due to a secret judge ruling. But the marines caught him in time.. Dumbass

    5:14 dumbass, going along like he knows..

    -el Latin lover

    1. Yea, they got him judg like menchito. Got released just to get arested again. Chapo snitched on him because so cholo didn't protect him from getting arrested but it's better than getting killed like el bravo

    2. True cholo dis not protect him from getting caught because his sicarios had 50 cals and rather shoot ar's when the feds were behinde a wall each sicario got one in the head

  8. Meanwhile Soy el fuego que arde tu piel
    Soy el agua que mata tu sed
    El castillo, la torre yo soy-tuyo atte: el medlin madlin

  9. Judges don't have a say so in Mexico? Sheeet

    1. As long as they funnel enough money upstairs, anybody has a say in mexico, even enemies, foreign and domestic, judges and pooliticians are no exception.

  10. Snitching is a necessary evil, as much as trumped up charges, stretched half truths, twisted and bent, and outright lies. Whole governments depend on snitching, even western democracies and their religious and political sustents.
    --Remember the Alamo? It was all about snitching about weapons of mass destruction too...


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