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Thursday, September 15, 2016

Tijuana: San Diego teenage girl executed

San Diego teenager executed in Tijuana

Last year Ana Hernandez, a San Diego teenager, was found shot and beaten to death in off Maket Street in Grant Hill, she had been wrapped in a blanket, and dropped in front of her mother's house. The case bore similarities to organized crime killings in Tijuana, known as encojibado's, wrapped. Ana's killers, were local gang affiliates, who killed her to possibly cover up her rape, and that she may have been being sex trafficked by the men, who weren't much older then Ana.  

In a grim parallel to that case, Destiny Memory Hernandez, 18, of San Diego, a Mar Vista High Student, who lived in Imperial Beach, was found on the 'Fast Track' area of Tijuana, in a baseball field, earlier in the month, shot 7 times, in the head, thorax, and abdomen, no signs of sexual assault.

 She had been partying in Revolucion, at a bar in Zona Rio with friends, and WhatsApp messages between her, and a girlfriend, state she was headed home with some men she met in a club, to El Florido.  The messages state the men were handsome, and include the slang, 'heavy',   Her friend advised her to be careful.  She never came home, and her family came to Tijuana to investigate, with fliers, and social media outreach.  

Her brother, Francisco says he heard from her up until last Thursday morning, and then contact was broken.  Her body was identified on September 13, and assumedly found in the days before.  There are some time frame issues, that aren't clear to me, but will try to clarify.  It's not known whether she had ties to local gangs, or traffickers in Tijuana.

I say they not to slander a victim, but because that is the way these killings usually turn out.  In no way does that mean she wasn't an innocent, or deserving of death, whether it's true or not.  That doesn't mean she isn't a victim, or she is at fault for her death.  It's the way of Mexico, sometimes, and the United States to blame victims, esp. female, which is appalling, and I will never condone. 

Local San Diego gang members, esp, in Imperial Beach party in Tijuana, and have family there. It's possible there is involvement from San Diego residents in her killing, as people know killings are generally not solved in Tijuana.  In March 2009 three US citizens in their late teens and early 20's from Chula Vista were found after a night partying in Tijuana, tortured, bound and stuffed in a van. Their killers, or the reasons for their death were never revealed. 

In 2008, three women from Mexicali were partying with members of CAF (at the time) under Teodoro Garcia Simental, El Negro, and two of his friends met up with the women in a Tijuana nightclub, and after a dispute, drove them to a safehouse in the city.  The women were promised a ride home, and a last minute change of mind from El Negro, they were brought to a home, strangled, and dissolved in lye, common in Tijuana in those years.

Sources: NBC San Diego, AFN Tijuana 

Note: If you are in San Diego, or are able to donate online, please do. The family is asking for support for the funeral.  


  1. A month ago a u.s baby born was found in a parking lot dead in Tijuana

    1. Baby Elliot killed by mom and her BF. You can see story on FB dad put up page look up under JusticeForElliot

  2. Thats the problem with some parents, they think working hard and providing is all thats needed. Learn to spend time with your kids and give them love so they wont go out in the streets attention starved.

  3. I've never felt any guilt when it comes 2 hurting rapists. I like taking my time with these motherfuckers. - El Sol Perdido

    1. 6:29 Yea I would like to deal with these assholes . By the time I finished with them they would have no testicles going to prison with big breasts . I guess I am just vengeful.

    2. If only you were as tough as you type.

    3. Thanks for your coperation :) I hate them but most of all i hate pedophiles

    4. Bunch of low life ,they couldn't find big time with a road map,i miss the outfit in Chicago

  4. killed in San Diego means: FBI on your ass
    killed in Tijuana means: she deserves it

    1. This was not her fault.
      It was the skanky bastards who she just happened to run into.She goes out looking for fit dudes and ends up being killed horribly.What girl or dude doesnt do that?Fuckin rats who who did this deserve a shallow grave

  5. Cjng at it's finest

  6. u want someone dead u take em to tijuana

  7. @6:19 And what excuse should we make for you for being a BIGOT?

  8. This is irrelevent to this particular article, but relevant to the overall content of BB..

    I'm from Dallas, Tx my family has ties to C.D.G (from my mothers side) My dad is from Leon, Guanajuato.. I sent screenshots of the article posted about violence on the rise in Guanajuato to him.. My neighbors infront the street also has cartel ties.. The dad of theirs went to Mexico after a murder.. But he was active around here before that murder.. My dad told me today their dad got kidnapped, tortured & killed in Mexico.. In a part of Guanajuato.. Supposedly he was renting his land to people growing weed.. The mafia will do whar the mafia does i suppose.. Basicslly the rise in Guanajuato really is true.. & i'm shocked the violence hit so close to home

    1. You fucking snitch if your family was really cdg you wldnt claim it unless your dumb as fuck.


      BB we want to know what's happening in Guanajuato to many violence related to drugs we need an article please


    4. Yup, cjng and zetas going at it.

    5. 12:16 With power no one touches you no one it doesn't matter what you've done. I recommend you lisen to this song by Los Inquestos Del Norte Se pasaron de la Raya. Sincierly El loco DEAD MAN WALKING

  9. It spanish it said "odeados" in sinaloa that means some one who is high on cocain

  10. Come on! Who goes out to party with guys they just met??? Unless the ladies were primised money and or even drugs why would they in their right mind leave the safety of a club with strangers???
    I'm not saying she deserved to die but this shows no common sense.

    1. You've obviously never picked up a woman at a club? Lol I've had about a dozen one night stands, and I've picked up more women just to mess around or kick it, all it takes is a woman to trust me and I can take em anywhere. Dude have you ever had sex w a stranger? I guess not....

    2. When we are younger our hormones are running full steam.Hey a cute guy,add booze and it's easily done.She may have had no idea they were sicarios as there are very few in US and if there are they are much more professional.She wasn't raped.I wonder why they killed her.Was it to piss off a rival for the lady?Dumbass reason to murder.Another reason why the news needs to creep over the border but no one is interested.

    3. ... I Guess You Never Been To Clubs In Tj Like The Container And So On While Being Single ... Even At Cheap Bars And Clubs On Revolution It's Possible To Hookup With Ladys And Take Them Home Continue To Party In A Hotel Room With Friends ... Very Common

    4. Finally a comment I can agree 100 with @9:32

    5. Told you man,some of these people come from different places.Big shock and surprise that a fit girl go hunting for a fit good lookin dude,poor fuckin girl ended up with pure dogs

  11. I really doubt she deserved this . The border towns seem to be full of serial killers . Fucking low life drug trafficking dogs . Hillary Clinton said years ago she feared Mexico would become what it has now. I really expect some big changes on the war on drugs after this election . No matter who is the president . Sure wont do this poor girl any good .

  12. U play with fire u get burned it is what it is!

  13. Sorry to hear this, bu it is so common to hear out of Mexico. Some folks on here complain abut the US having the death penalty. Well Mexico doesn't need it,, death happens every other day there.

    1. 10:34 ...and WHO are you going to kill for this?, YOU could be trying to investigate before deciding on the death penalty...

  14. The girl that was killed in Grant Hill was not killed by gang members, but by a bunch of scumbags from a tagging crew called NL.

  15. Wow I can't believe some of these comments i guarantee if this was your child,mother,cousin or aunt you wouldn't be saying "you get what you get" or she was a whore or bad person nobody deserves that shame on you people

    1. 2:11 You don't live life playing russian roulette, but some people try it anyway, YOU can tell your daughters to go and leave a club with a bunch of strangers and hell be damned, be happy, dear daughter...
      That risky behaviour is risky, you don't do that, period.

  16. Party in mexico, that is stupid, and it doesn't matter who you are what sex or how old, you go and support antros that live off the misery of the women "working" there you are a pendejo, and if you girl go to mingle there for all the "fun" you are a pendeja.

  17. who has common sense partying at the wee hours of the morning, cmon guys if someone says keep the party going you are going where they are going, she maybe refused and could have angered her killers, so sad though,nonsense killing so young with a future ahead of her and i feel for her family..all bad

    1. Youre right about that if you know or been around coked up people they can be up drinking all night and go on to the next day. Also they get really violent when they are wired imagine these sick minded fucks who kill people for a living, she must of blown them off called them pendejos and they didnt like that so for them its easy to kill someone with out remorse, poor girl i feel bad now. She was just out for a good night

  18. You lay with dogs... You get fleas. Cant say i feel sorry for her. She looks like she liked those type of guys and im sure she wanted a narco sugar daddy.

    1. You got that right

    2. According to what I read long ago, the 3 people found stuff in a van after a party were killed because a woman got arrested in San Diego with lots of drugs. Unfortunately two of those victims were innocent people who went to the party with the intended target.

    3. 4:36, you're assuming a lot based on her looks in 3 pictures. So she looked like she deserved to die?

  19. I don't agree with someone being executed especially a female because she goes out and has entertainment in her life. In what middle eastern country do you live in that its okay to kill women just because they're "whores". A man and female can do whatever they please to do in there free time

  20. 9:30 she said they were pesados Heavy not ondeados. She ment they had $$$ and connect. Sad but she shouldn't have been by herself in Tijuana with strange men she didn't know.

  21. Revolucion isn't in Zona Rio, anyways, she was bar hopping between antros starting in downtown then ending up at People's,which is named after an old club that used to be on Revolución ave (80's thru 90's).That last club has been in the news lately. They've tried to burn it, left body parts and cartelones outside and people getting shot.I think girl's only crime here is lack of judgement. Speculating gang or narco ties on her behalf is irresponsible and disrespectful.Then to top it off generalizing IB residents as gangsters is not cool. It's common knowledge that from San Diego all the way to McAllen TX, there will always be "gangs" as long as there is a border.

    1. Brownsville Tx is the other tip my friend. From Brownsville to McAllen its about the same size as San Diego itself. Matamoros is border to Brownsville and McAllen with Reynosa. Things here in Tijuana are a lot cooler then matamoros or reyno I envy that I keep reading about Tijuana lately but I still think it's more safe than Tamaulipas border. 2weeks ago I went to visit my grandparents in matamoros outskirts the first fucking brecha I saw there was a cdg convoy of about 12 vehicles, dude standing in front of the first vehicle holding his ak looked me straight in the eye just not giving a fuck about nothing. The weird thing is the soldados were at a gas station about 5mins away I'm like wtf!!!!! These fuckers can go toe to toe anytime now n I'll prolly get caught in the middle of it, that shit is daily life for people that live there. I don't see any of that shit in tj maybe that's the reason I feel it's safer. Except for the municipales waiting to stop you for any little reason just for there $30 cut and off to the next one

    2. @ 10:27 I totally agree

    3. 2:27 30.00 pesos o dolares?
      If you had met the army instead of las golfas with their ID's you'd be dead meat by now, send money to the gramps, but stay away from mexico.

    4. 12:15 anywhere from $30 to $50 depending what the infraction is. Nah bro I grew up visiting my grandparents all the time in Lucio blanco tamps, why the hell would I change my ways because of criminals. I'm not scared to go over there I firmly believe when it's your time to leave well guess what? Your time is up. I already know there ways bro this what they do... If the army/marines is too close to them out in the brechas they'll leave a vehicle with the hood popped open the army will stop to see what's going on that just gives them a little more time to flee. Those fuckers run circles all day everyday that's what the guardias are for its only when they catch the guardia slippin they beat his ass almost to death then there's miscommunication between the cdg guardias n gunmen then most likely they run into gvt and bullets fly.

  22. If The Punisher was around those scumbags would've been dead a long time ago and that young girl alive! Seems like Mexicans don't really care!

  23. Mexicans kill and kidnap far more Americans than Muslim terrorists but no concern from the gvt!

  24. It is nothing to do if someone deserves to die or get rape. The problem like anything in life people take risks on a daily basis. Like my dad says, "no seas pendejo mijo".

  25. It's not "the way of Mexico." This can happen anywhere. I party in tj all the time. You just have to be careful just like in San Diego or anywhere!

    1. Very true. I mean just last year a girl was found stuffed in a suitcase chopped up in multiple pieces after an orgy in Downtown San Diego. The Killer? Some white boy...

  26. Where's the link to donate online?

    1. Haha this fool @11:50
      If you really got money to throw away then throw some my way.

  27. No one deserves to die for being a whore wat if that was your mother.....
    Te lo dejo de tarea

  28. She probably threw a shout out to the wrong cartel and they wacked her

    1. Probably true..in2009 we where in hong kong in the VIP and the stripper asked my cousin if he was muletas ( after he had switched sides ) and my cousins body guard wanted to kill that her just for that comment my cousin just laughed and said i kind of do look like that piece of shit. She got lucky

    2. O:27 body guards like that pendejo are too quick to react at the wrong moment, then they get cogidos and spill the beans on their employer because after all he does not have any güebos, he employed the body guard!

  29. The screenshot of her whatsapp texts to her friend do have ondeados not pesados. What is your source other than Borderland Beat for pesados?

  30. "(Big time drug pushers) thats what she gets for being a whore " ???

    She doesnt deserve that you goofy motherfucker.We all go out trying to moody chicas calientes.
    This isnt her fault she was killed,she ended up with fuckin sly rat bastards who used and abused her cause they can,maybe she said she werent down with gettin fucked off 3 dudes or whatever and the hard cases didnt like that answer.Are you some kind of female hater?Some of the people on here are fuckin idiots?

  31. Heavy eh? They were probably sylish with cash to burn and an obvious "bad boy" aura and she felt it was sexy and exciting... it's just the way women are.

    If she didn't know who and what they were then she didn't deserve it but if she did then she had it coming.

  32. The comments on here on this subject?

    The fuckin fools talk as though it was her fault she was killed horribly after hookin up with dudes?

  33. Poor baby girl.
    The comments on here piss you off man,these fuckin holier than thou shit comments from saints who know everything.
    All she did was go clubbin like we all do

    1. Right? She made a dumb, but very EASY and SIMPLE mistake. Lord knows I have been lucky with some of the dumb decisions I made at her age. I consider myself lucky because at that age, often we expose ourselves to danger without even realizing it.

  34. I was going to say something bad on here about the criminals, but then I changed my mind because I'm afraid they will kill me.

  35. Yep. Women ARE responsible for their own actions. Leaving a club with cartels killers is a very stupid and reckless thing to do.

    Play stupid games, get stupid prizes.

  36. How is it working out for the Buchonas? Ladies being beautiful, DOES NOT entitle you to some extravagant lifestyle. Earn your keep, hope you learned from this girl and her "Heavies". Rip

  37. 5;32-Well moneyed guys go after beautiful and beautiful go for moneyed guys so the 2 deserve each other so stop going after 'stunning' and more down to earth if you want someone that is not with you for the money.

  38. This isn't the 80's anymore, when high school kids could go to TJ to party, I know, I used to do it. Whole different vibe in TJ now. Your life is worth nothing in TJ at the moment. Her family should have kept her out of TJ if they cared about her. She went down, met the wrong guys, and paid the ultimate price. Sad. My daughter is the same age, and she has NO desire to go to TJ at all because we show her shit like this....

    1. That's all it is, good parenting! Need more parents like you my friend, that give a shit about your kids

  39. Well, eggie, since you are not going to be there when the shit hits the fan, as you were not there when it hit her, women should stay away from heavy pesados or ondiados they don't know, that goes for men too, because there is a lust for blood just for the hell of it.

  40. She was complementing them on how they were cute and have money.why would she say they were all drugged up and still go with them. Don't be a tonto

  41. encojibado's? No spell check?

  42. You people saying bad things about these girls should be ashamed of yourselves. There is no proof they did anything wrong.

    I'd like to see what you would have to say if someone did that to your daughter, sister or mother. Have some empathy people.

    1. 2:20 if you get killed, something went wrong, specially because you were doing something wrong.
      --this is not about "holier than thou" pendejadas, payaso...

    2. Ask any detective in a high crime rate city if all murder victims were doing something wrong when they got killed. Some women get killed just because they were jogging alone. Since when is jogging doing something wrong?

      Whatever you may believe these girls sins to be it is pretty obvious they didn't deserve what happened to them.

    3. 743: So all the people that get killed were doing something wrong? Does that include those priests, too?

  43. Get the logs of every cell tower that located her phone in Tj in her last hours of she being alive plus the pics in the bar,and you will get your targets.I mean your crimals!

  44. So when a white girl goes partying in Aruba and goes's a national crisis but if a US Hispanic girl goes partying in TJ than she deserves to die. You will hear....absolutely nothing in the MSM and no outries of building walls and such. JMO.

    1. If that young un got sedated, according to the looks of the "accomplices" of the accused murderer, in Aruba, and he escapes, and daddy gets involved, it is grounds for a scandal, this mexican girl should not be hanging with strangers much less to go to mexico, aye?

  45. she hung around with a dude that owed some money to those people....they collected...was in the news today in san diego and tj....

  46. she was there with a friend but her friend set her up the police wouldnt know because they cant even do their jobs.

  47. i went to Desteny wake in National City, her body was def not in condition for viewing. Her face was very swollen and deform from gun shots in da face. They tried to reconstruct her face with lots of wax, and her body was already in decomposed stage, it was releasing a bad rotten odor ( similar to a dead dog)...They should have never open her coffin.


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