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Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Human Head & Narco Message Left Outside Tecate's Police Station

Translated by Chuck B Alamada for Borderland Beat from a ZETA article
Written by Isaí Lara Bermudez (ZETA) Friday, 16 September, 2016

TECATE, BAJA CALIFORNIA NORTE-Last Friday evening, someone left a human head on the privately owned vehicle of a security member of Tecate’s Police Chief, Bartolome Lam Canto. Along the human head, the perpetrators also left behind a cardboard with a narco message directed at the Chief of Police. Several Investigative agencies secured the crime scene while detectives collected evidence.

The human head was left on a brown sedan vehicle which belongs to one of Chief Bartolome Lam Canto’s security staff members along with the cardboard which contained threats directed towards all those working with members of the Sinaloa Cartel. The vehicle was parked in front of the police station at the time of the incident.

Photo Courtesy
The green cardboard contained the following message:


From what is visible, the message left for Chief Bartolome Lam Canto and his agency is signed by Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion (CJNG) and the Cartel Arrelano Felix, under the acronym of CTNG which stands for Cartel de Tijuana Nueva Generacion.  

Municipal agents have admitted to ZETA that Chief Lam Canto only has three or four patrol vehicle patrolling the entire city and assigns only a handful of officers to fixed location.

Just a few weeks ago and a few blocks away from the Chiefs home, the home of one of his commanders was shot up.With this latest human head found, there have been 38 murders so far this year in the Magical Town (Pueblo Magico) and countless people injured as a result of gunfire.

UPDATE: Saturday, 17 September, 2016

A day after the discovery of a human head left on a vehicle belonging to one of the security members of Tecate’s Police Chief, Bartolme Lam Canto, the body to that head was located. The remains were found in a dirt road southeast of the city. The victim was wearing a blue shirt, jeans, and black boots. Additionally, the victim had obvious burn marks about his back, buttocks, and legs which according to investigators, were caused by the perpetrators.

Photo Courtesy of ZETA
An investigator told ZETA: “They tried burning the body but it didn’t catch on fire.”

Unlike the human head where the perpetrators left a cardboard with a message, authorities did not
find a message with the rest of the body. Authorities have identified the victim only as Alejandro and are currently investigating any possible ties with organized crime or links with the municipal police including any connection with the Chief of Police since the head was left outside the police station.

The body was found in an isolated location close to the tunnel in the Valle Verde neighborhood of Tecate.

Quick Fact: Tecate has around 40 square miles and a population of about 65,000


  1. Replies
    1. BAF, RAF are back? Who's the boss this fucking time?

    2. Cjng caf taking on la hermanas like butter

  2. Tecate is a "pueblo majico"??...🤔

  3. Appears CJNG is starting at the western ports of entry to take over those plazas and will then move on East. Soon they will be in mexicali, San Luis, sonoyta, nogales, agua prieta, Juarez, and so on. If CDS does not step it up they will be in serious trouble. This is not just about northern Baja.

    1. It appears so but you don't know that Mayos faction of the Sinaloa Cartel is the strongest and once they get a hold on a plaza they will never let it go . Chapos faction is different since they get hold of plazas but can't keep them like cd Juarez or the state of chihuahua . I don't think mayos ever lost a plaza. With the exception of ciudad de Mexico airport which was taken by Arturo Beltran but he also gave up an important plaza which I believe was Colima other than that Mayos never lost . He owns Baja California Norte and Sur . CJNG is just gonna waste their money and time until they realize that they too have to pay to go through there

    2. these people putting up cjng and ctng stuff are chapulines that were once cds but switched sides there natives of baja california they move product for a fee but there ready to switch cartels at anytime there chapulines

    3. Agree! The threats will keep coming towards police and local authorities because they are all on the payroll with sinaloa, especially in Baja Norte and Sur. it will be hard for CJNG to break through there.. Senor Miguel Miller :)

    4. Hope your right. I dont like Mencho. I do know mayos people and they dont like killing civilians.

    5. And your wrong chapos and mayos killed so many people who have nothing to do with the drug war in cd juarez and if you dont belive me look it up

  4. Tambien los del sinaloa cartel son muy mugrosos

  5. Cuando fui a tecate , su gente Del nombrado Me kiso detener sin motivo, Enfrente de su personal le puse la pistola en la frente I le dije " me matan pero te vas conmigo cabron " i aki sigo con vida , Saludos Para La Enpreza De Tijuana Ay En Especial Al hombre que juan manuel marquez nokeo

    1. Comandante canino,juan manuel marquez ha noqueado a varios a cual se refiere en especial?

    2. Hace tiempo que lo miro trabajando
      es de guerra me orgullece él es mi hermano
      por las calles le nombraron el Pacquiao
      el hombre es de mi confianza
      ahorita anda trabajando

    3. You're a legend in your own

    4. 8:21 dont be jealous , kommader dog is well know in La mochila ,sinaloa he earn the respect of big capos from here

    5. 6:21 Tás bien güey, el comandante canino no tiene ni un pinchi corrido ni nadien que le escriba.

    6. No le haga caso a la gente odiosa mi cmndte canino.

  6. I got a lot of family in Tecate. My cousin just became a doctor there. Hope war does not come to that city as war has already torn my native Guerrero apart

  7. Mi comandante canino ya sabe que digan lo que digan estos culeros aqui seguimos al pie del cañon en el dope game.

    El flako de la sierra

    1. Jajajaja inche narco de Internet

    2. Jajajaja inche viejillo amargado e infeliz jajajajaja

  8. Si me embargo dicen que loz avengers estan activos por las playas y que ya no son gente de Nadien

  9. This cartel ain't no joke..

    1. Cds is a joke lol

    2. I heard cds and i almost died best joke around

  10. See them get into chihuas? I would love to see that. Chapo didnt succeed and apparently la linea has firm hold of the state.

    1. Linea will never loose those borders

    2. At the same time cjng has brains when going into war not like cds who became like zetas hiring 13 year old and killing people who had nothing to do with the cartel

  11. Ya, I just LOVE the Pueblo Magico concept along with the dirty land grabs and the all inclusive resort complexes gobbling up a lot of Mexico all whilst the Govt pushes all this crap down the throats of the good Mexican folks who have little power to stop them AND live in a country being consumed by violence , corruption , drugs Etcetcetc. Plus the naive tourists will still keep coming and spend their money at those places , mostly oblivious to the state of the nation, its good citizens and the fact that they are supporting all this giant money laundering scheme. Unless they , of course , read BB ..........but alas, the sheeple don't really want to know the real news.

  12. Soy Mencho Guey ! were the last words he heard .

  13. Oooh... Mexico fix two issues with one action

    invite and admit refugee to solve your problems and the refugee crisis!

  14. Yo soy de tecate aqui nomas esta el mayo zambada ,cartel de tijuas ya no ay todos son de Sinaloa..a este vato lo mataron por chapulin y nomas para echarle mas culpas al cartel de Jalisco,tecate es demasiado chico y con muy pocos policias el que quiera meterse ala delegacion tirando plomo se mete como si nada..

    1. Que es tu opinión de la gente que corre la plaza? Se portan bien con la gente? Ay paz para la ciudadanía?

    2. La Baja es de Los Aretes!!!

  15. El Profe. Operator in Tecate w Tigre. Tigre is out.. Profe switched to CJNG. Thats the reacomodo in Tecate... Nuevo mando... Nuevo bando. CJNG ... Enoigh said.

  16. Eso le paso por cabezon

  17. Cjng takn a lot of territory from cds.


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