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Sunday, September 18, 2016

Drug cannon discovered in Sonora

Published from ZETA
Translated by El Wachito

Mexican police have found a 'homemade cannon' used to launch drugs across the border

According to the CNS (Comisión Nacional de Seguridad), the federal police seized a vehicle modified with a cannon that was used to launch packages of drugs across the Mexican Border.

The agency stated through a bulletin "CNS, through a joint effort with the federal police, detected a vehicle with modifications which were apparently used to launch packages of drugs through the Sonoran border".

The confiscation of the vehicle occurred in Agua Prieta, were security elements detected the vehicle parked with no licence plates and with the doors open. "An air compressor was found in the inside, a motor tank, an air tank, and a metallic tube that was three meter long (resembling a homemade bazooka)", detailed the CNS.

The rooftop of the vehicle was cut open in order to allow the metallic cannon to launch the packages.

The CNS stated, that the cannon was most likely to be used around the border area into the United States.

According to an investigation the vehicle confiscated was reported as stolen during July 1, 2016 in Hermosillo, Sonora. The vehicle and the modifications were secured by the Public Prosecutors Office.


  1. Replies
    1. Cartel member'since light bulb goes off as he watches a sporting event and the air cannon shooting shirts into the crowd

  2. Thank you to all the new BB contributors.
    A Ora si guelles, querian articulos alli estan!

  3. What will they think of next !
    probably NOT the first one either
    I gotta say that is pretty funny
    you have to admit they are resourceful , not to mention recycling

    1. Not the first one, that true, but the other was a militaty grade cannon, closer to the border.

  4. Wtf? Where did it go? This is bullshit

  5. These guys ain't that stupid after all hahaha

  6. Where there's a will, there's a way lol

  7. esa Gente Nueva de Sonora se le rifa

  8. So they just left it intge street?

  9. Now this is better than some drones lol.

  10. Drug Cartels are winning this War!!

    1. there is no war... no war at all

  11. Well if Trump gets his wall they have already found something that can overcome it.

  12. they should set up nets on the u.s. side and launch humans over like they do in the circus.

    wouldn't be surprised if that has happened already.

  13. Reminds me of the pumpkin chucking contest in the USA. A very effective method of rapidly moving items well over the border.

  14. Lol, I won't say to much, but this is nothing new. Representing Douglas AZ/ agua preita sonora right here. Movimiento 24/7

  15. So which organization is using this type of thing? I've never heard anything coming from Agua Prieta.

  16. On whose property is the load falling?


  18. I bet over half of the delivered packages get damaged on impact. Weed would probably be the only drug that may escape unscathed hitting the ground. There would have to be a shit load of bubble wrap used to cushion the fall.

  19. That's Javier rascon's people el kadafi. Gente de Alfredo Salazar. That dude got picked up at a ranch close to agua prieta because the guachos creeped up on them and was taking to spot where the u.s. Marshalls were meeting Mexican officials but he paid big money to make one phone call and got released.


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