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Saturday, September 17, 2016

Despite BAN, Los Tigres Del Norte Play NarcoCorridos at the Gov't Palace

Translated by Yaqui for Borderland Beat-RIODOCE Sept 16, 2016
Article by Miriam Ramirez

In Sinaloa, with a dedication to “The Boss", Los Tigres del Norte kicked off the national holiday known as " El Grito ", the 206th  anniversary of the Mexican Independence, with some of their most famous Narcocorridos , this despite the ban that exists in the state against music that glorifies violence.

Just a week ago, the state government denied permission for a presentation by Calibre 50 and Gerardo Ortiz arguing that both groups perform music of the genre of "altered movement" and in Sinaloa there does not exist the conditions under which they could perform.

However, a couple of days later it was announced that Los Tigres del Norte would perform, who are famous for their songs that make tribute to drug traffickers.  In response, Raul Perez Miranda, general Secretary of the government, said that the musicians would respect the agreement.

However, it did not turn out that way.

The night of Sept 15th, the crowd gathered in the main concourse of the Governmental Palace, perhaps  more excited at the prospect of the free concert by the legendary group, than the El Grito itself.

The fireworks ended as Govenor Mario Lopez Valdez made " El Grito " about 11:30 pm and the group famous for their Norteno style music began to play. The concert lasted until 1:30 am.

“We are very excited to be here in our homeland, we will play everything that they want or ask of us ", said the leader of Los Tigres at the beginning of the show.

“Golpes de Corazon" /Beating Heart, "La Puerta Negra" / The Black Door" La Mesa de Rincon "The Table in the Corner” and their latest single "El Atuad "/The Casket,  resounded throughout the public concourse.

They sang the lyrics to" Contraband and Betrayal” and the thousands of Sinaloans gathered sang along with the lyrics of " We left San Isidro and from Tijuana Emilio Varela and Camelia , the Texan, brought the truck with the tires full of weed ."

But it was "The Boss of Bosses", the successful song by Los Tigres that ignited the crowd. Before beginning the song it was expected they would speak of the famous drug trafficker. Los Tigres del Norte announced on the microphone that the song was especially dedicted to “The Boss ".

Sinaloa is among the three most violent states in the country because of the conflicts between the drug cartels as they dispute the production, the trafficking routes and the commerce of drugs. During the six year Administration of Mario Lopez Valdez more than 7000 murders and 2000 missing have been recorded.

Jefe De Jefes Boss of Bosses)
I'm the Boss of Bosses gentlemen,
I respect all levels
And my name and my photograph
Never going to look on paper,
Because my journalist loves me
And if you lose my friendship.
Many chickens just born,
I want to fight with the rooster,
If you could be up to me,
Well, it would take many years
And I will not leave the job,
Where the way I ordered.
My work and courage has cost me,
Handle with many I have,
Many want to climb my height,
Nomas looked to be falling,
They wanted to scratch my crown,
Those who try have been dying.
I sail under water
And also fly to the height
Many believe that the government is looking for me,
Others say it is a lie,
I enjoy nomas from above,
Well, I like that just get confused.
In the accounts takes a rule
From the one to get to the hundred
The man who wants to be right
What is taught to look at their level
But talent does not seek greatness
Because you'll never have.
I'm the Boss of Bosses gentlemen,
And say not by implication,
Many great I ask for favors,
Because they know I'm the best,
Have sought the shade of the tree,

For them not to drive the sun.


  1. Who is this song dedicated to????

    1. I think el señor de los cielos

    2. I also thought it was ABL...(Arturo Beltran Leyva)

    3. One of the many dedicated to Arturo Beltran Leyva

    4. Nacos al fin y al cabo.....

    5. 100% el botas blanca.....aka.Don Arturo


    7. Marcos Arturo Beltran Leyva

    8. To arturo and i think pacas de a kilo is also dedicated to him

    9. ABL is el Jefe d jefes. Just weird how they sang it in Sinaloa and dedicated to 'the boss'

    10. RIP Botas Blancas aka El Barbas

    11. This song in NOT dedicated to anyone in particular. This is a generic song made so anyone listening can feel like the big boss. Generic songs are made to sell to the masses. Similar to a love song being made generic.
      If you use names then you limit your fan base.

    12. Not made to any paticular person

    13. 10:57 estas mal amigo estos narcos son pesados

    14. Chivis this song is dedicated to Pena Nieto in this instance. Like 1:40 pm said.

  2. Who is "The Boss" they dedicated the song to? Did they mention any names in the performance? I did not see any in the lyrics posted here.

    1. Botas blancas or Miguel Felix gallardo it's up for discussion


  3. Fuckin Tigres have already made it big with about two of their narco corridos including Jefe de Jefes and Pacas de a Kilo. Why the fuck keep pushing this lifestyle? It's not until something happens to one of them or their families that they will finally understand the threat and ruthlessness that narcos are capable of. Then they will bitch and moan that they are only singers and innocent of all narco connections like all singers do. After they will leave Mexico badly fucked up because of the influence they had with these corridos and never look back like all fuckin disgraced narco families do regardless of their particular direct involvement in the drug business or not. What a bunch of assholes!

    1. We, I hope that doesn't happen (as I hope it doesn't happen to anymore people in the great country of Mexico). Entertainment will glorify criminality and immortality always. We have a similar problem here in America (to a lesser extent) with the rap music. That being said, I must admit that I listen to both.

    2. Well one of there brothers died of DRUG overdose and he's buried in Mexicali

    3. @2:13 Nothing will happen to Los Tigeres, they are a well respected band by all of Mexico.

    4. Corridos are a product of their environment

    5. Death or liberty , Mexican government uses any excuse to sensor the people , Mexico needs gun rights .

  4. Remember when El Chapo was arrested and people filled the streets in protest? Ordinary folks in Mexico see him as a benefactor of the people and even in small villages know the words and sing the songs played by Los Tigres.

    1. Don't say the people of mexico it's just the stupid people who glorify him like the dumbass people of culiacan and the people who live in the states who don't know any better

    2. Ordinary people that follow Chapo are ignorant fools! They are mostly uneducated peasents that Chapo and the Sinaloa government elite friends of his intentionally keep poor so that there will always be cannon foder in the drug game!

  5. New reporter Yaqui....Welcome to the Beat! Thank You amiga

    1. Welcome to the female state at BB, yaki and miriam are two different women?

    2. I am a woman but not Miriam . I am also not a Yaqui indegenous woman ,
      but my many amigos / amigas Mexicanos call me that.

      Many Mexicanos have become evangelical in order to attempt to shield their families from this exposure to the glorification of the Narco lifestyle,
      which is another huge , but often overlooked , division among large extended families. I have many friends now that attend / hold all separate events . Many play fabulous Norteno style music but with all Jesus /Dios lyrics.
      Last year there was a very traditional three day festival where CALIBUR 50 was booked for the prime wrap up show. A whole lot of people were VERY upset. Sure, lots also just grooved to the music but it created quite a stir in the small community that hosts the annual event.

    3. The evangelista are being blamed for a lot of the US armed forces conflicts, taking jobs and promotions for themselves to make it easy to give soldiers jobs to private military mercenary corporations that go and hire even terroristas for 2 dollars a day. I'll try and find a report for you,.also the evangelista indians allied with el pri in chiapas went murdering the indians they call "the abejas" murdering about 60 or 70 of them in Acteal-Chenalhó massacre. The accused murderers are all free because George Soros paid for their appeals, wonder why?

  6. The song jefe de jefes was written for El Chapo Guzman in 1997 when he was in Puente Grande. Amado Carillo was dead in 97.

    1. Wrong!!! Chapo was never el jefed de jefes until 2010.

    2. Chapo was a nobody in 1997 it wasn't until his first escape that he became highly respected

    3. Lol 4:53 that song is botas blancas

    4. Chapo really was a nobody in 97 lmao

    5. Oh Chapo was a nobody huh? Shows how you know nothing about this subject. Chapo was paraded in front of cameras in 93 for the death of Cardinal Jesus Ocampo and became a legend almost overnight in Mexico. He was a major player in Guadalajara in the 80s and early 90s working for the top bosses in Mexico at the time. When he got locked up he literally ran the entire prison and ran his business empire with Guero Palma in Puente Grande until his escape. Los Beltranes paid Chapo millions while he was in jail to use his Columbian connections and his political ties. Long story short Chapo has been one of the biggest players in Mexico since the late 80s.

    6. Chapo started his Cartel in 1989 get your facts straight..his arin boys were the Beltran

    7. 12:31 you are clueless. Chapo asked botas blancas for money in the early 90s, there's DEA recordings. Look it up. Only reason Chapos arrest got major attention was because of his links to the cardinal killing and his beef with what we're at the time the biggest players in drug trafficking (CAF). Arturo by the mid 90s already owned nearly all the major plazas and airports in Mexico, if anyone needed to move product they asked him for permission. The BL always had their own Colombian connections too, given to them by el señor de Los cielos, his mentor. All this while NOBODY knew his name or face, it's something unheard of nowadays someone with that level of power going undetected. Chapo was what I would equate to chino antrax. Got media attention but was at the time disposable to the cartel.

      he spent no money in the election.
      --Epn can't convince anybody he is A PRESIDENTE, no matter how many billions of pesos and dollars he spendzzz...NOTI NOJES.

  7. There is a big difference between narco corridos and what the Tigres del Norte sing. Narco corridos tell actual stories of drugdealer while Los Tigres del Norte sing about generalities. Their son are based on myths and not on actual events. Big difference. They sing more about the culture of how things happen rather than actual events. Atte Tijuana.

    1. True and also lets not forget that most things you here in corridors are made up. ANYBODY can have a corrido. Just pay for one.

    2. I would say that Los Tigres have more class than the newer scumbags who can't seem to find anything more interesting than Buchanan's to sing about. What I don't understand, who is actually listening to Gerardo Ortiz? I am 100% white guy and I can even hear the difference of the quality between these groups. Fun article to read! Thank you!

    3. 90% of corridos are hella made up...but when it comes to ABL, ACF, Nacho or MZ. They tend to be pretty accurate...those dudes were/are some of the most legit drug business men in history.

    4. ANYBODY can feel like HE is the Jefe de Jefes when they play that song, and that is the idea, with other songs too.

    5. I've always considered the older corridos social commentary and story telling. The new ones are just made up fantasies. Everyone wants a good story to sing about and for everyone to know but need to lie to get it.
      It's funny how all the juniors corridos have NOTHING of substance. Look at el mini lics, ivans, mayitos etc corridos, they sing about nothing because they don't live interesting lives like their fathers did. Just compare the material of ABL's corridos to any of the narco juniors, it's ridiculous

    6. 2:43 and 6:42 are correct.
      This song is generic and made so anyone can feel like the boss when listening.

  8. Arturo and Hector BL were very involved with famous people in Mexico ,the media ,politicians of very high class . Only the most prestigious groups made corridos for Arturo BeltranLeyva. Ex: la Banda el recodo, Ramon Ayala, los cadetes de linares , Sergio Vega, Los Tigres del Norte Etc. All the small time groups made corridos for Chapo the only prestigious one I believe are los Tucanes de Tijuana other than that not many from a different state other than Sinaloa.

    1. I don't know about Sergio Vega.that dude sucked..RIP tho,he passed away.

    2. This is very true. You didn't ever see shitty new groups making corridos for Arturo until he was dead. His songs were top quality and most of the time they didn't even mention his name.

    3. 5:03 Sergio Vega "El Shaka", left us some good songs, the most beautiful one se llama "vas y chingas a tu madre", Jenny rivera promptly made her own version

  9. Arturo Beltran Leyva

    Jefe de jefes boss of bosses

    1. Si senor!! The dead guy with his pants down!!! Puro jefe!!! Being president or politician in Mexico is a better gig in the long run. You can still be corrupt, and when your term is up, you move to the U.S. for retirement. Now that's a good gig!!! How is the tacos in Massachusetts Calderon?

    2. @9:00 corrupt politicians are worse than narcos. At least narcos don't steal money from the already poor population of their country. Mexicos economy would collapse without the money drug trafficking brings. It's sad but it's Mexicos reality

  10. That is correct abl

  11. Avion de la muerte .muy buen corrido tambien el de los tres gallos.

  12. Estos cachorros mamilones se andan arriesgando el pellejo

  13. Nada mas que para


  14. Los tucanes de Tijuana were in Zacatecas a few months ago where they sang the song Panchito el F1....and Panchito was actually present there with Antonio Romo Lopez "La Hamburguesa" bosses of el C.D.G in Zacatecas.

  15. El botas blancas only started to use this name after the song came out. We will never know whos the main one like the corrido says.

  16. I used to like corridos until they started over exaggerating capos and events, I only have a few I like. But fudge Gerardo ortis, eL komander and all the fake Sinaloa corridos!

  17. El corrido es dedicado para todos los capos de la mafia sinaloense Un Senor Ke Llego A Los Cielos Mi compadre ke Estando el azul del cielo se miraba, Sin faltar el mes de mayo ke a mi madre siempre se lo e celebrado , I para rematar un hombre con barba cerrada ke murio en cuernavaca i puro tigres del norte a la verga

    1. Benjamin Arellano Felix fue el Pablo Escobar de Mexico. Un Mafiosi de talla grande con el gobierno del PAN baja californiano en su bolsillo en esa época. Su cartel fue el primero en establecer redes financiaras domesticas y internacionales nunca visto en el territorio Mexicano. Aparte de ser el Primer cartel mexicano en transportar su propia merca que le surtía el Cartel de Cali. Alli pregúntele a Joaquín porque fue con la DEA a quejarse y aliarse con los gringos para desmantelar la clave privada de Tijuana a finales de los 90. Eso fue el fin de los Aretes. Ya estaban volando demasiado alto. Mucho mas alto que cualquier jefecillo de Sinaloa.

  18. Pero por eso se les quemo su bus que cargaba el equipo de luz y sonido Jajajja

  19. Jefe de Jefes was ABL. It was written for him.

    Anyone knows better?

  20. Thanks Yaqui, and welcome to Borderland. El Nemesis-

    1. Muchas gracias, El Nemesis
      I recognize your handle.

  21. 100% sure it's a corrido for ABL. pakas de a kilo ,too. any idiot doubts or challenges it I'll come back with detailed proof. hopefully u don't have me write too much

  22. I remember seeing these guys in ruidoso, new mexico last year right after i played Mass there with a bunch of old ladies. They were spot on with the music but some of the singing, in particular Jorge Hernandez, was waaaayy out of tune and pitchy. It felt like they should have hung it up years ago ya. I think theyre trying to hang on to their money making image as long as possible. I remember thinking the old ladoes i played with an hour before sang better than them.

  23. Do narco corrido artist ask permision to the narco they sing about?

    I notice some artist sing corridos only for one cartel ,other singers for several cartels .

    1. A corrido is made for a individual that deserves the honor, the person will pay for the corrido to be made or offer gifts aswell.
      But now in days stupid young conjuntos make corridos for anyone.

    2. Some are commissioned, the best are tributes, like the corridos de caballos, I don't think the caballos paid for their corridos or Austin Jaime paid for bis, not everybody has money like El Ferras, QEPD, ese si se merecia un corrido y epn, but they don't have anything good yet, just a lot of memes, like "noti nojes"

    3. Corridos have their eras like villista times. And now in days. Bad ass corridos leave it to chalino and saul viera.

    4. "Sonora y sus Ojos Negros" de Miguel y Miguel no tiene nada de drogas ni contrabando ni mafiosos ni chingaderas.

  24. These people attending the concert sing along with the band singing songs dedicated to drug smuggling and mafia leaders? I used to have sympathy for the people of Mexico as being oppressed by these drug gangs. My ex-wife worked with a Mexican woman that married a murderer who had entered the U.S. illegally. When my wife asked her why she married a confessed murderer, the woman casually replied, "Oh, everyone in Mexico has killed somebody." I guess she and her husband would be singing along, too. The Pope needs to come to Mexico and do an exorcism ritual to save you people from yourselves, as surely Satan has taken control of the entire country.

    1. I don't think it's Satan doing it.I think it's just low IQ having brainwashed people,who are,and will always be followers.Kind of like Trump supporters here in the states.Only a very small percentage of mexicans are doing the terrible things down in Mexico,so you can't judge a whole country based on that.That's like judging all white americans for all the malicious things that a few do,like pedophilia,mass school shooting,incest, get my point?

  25. Let me break it Down for the nuthuggers, if the jefe is lucky he gets to die in prison or if he steps out on the street he gets shot in the face.

    1. El jefe is arturo beltran leyva who is already dead it was sang as a tribute in.his homeland.....the majority of people on here shouldnt be reading up on life in mexico since most obviously don't have any type of.personal Connection to mexico..including the writers...tigres didnt get big from 2 corridos from the 90s they made it with recordings from the late 70s and all of the 80s...i like the fact that this article doesnt mention the door opening they have done for all latin artist and not to mention theyre accolaid of being the first to win a grammy at a time it was unheard of....theyre legends and not narco singers theyre corridos are stories of people's lives sang in first person....other corridos are tres veces mojado mi juala de oro mi los hijos de hernandez which are all stories of immigrants in the US....legendary classics that they created for us...those who have immigrated and those who really have a connection to theyre roots....theye are the only artist thst has sang in of the reality of corruption..el granjero but that also wasnt sinaloa the tigres can play any song they like because its where theyre from...jefe de jefes doesnt glorify anyything only tells a story of someones life..theyre are maybe 3 stories a day on here if that from one country and judgement of what people are like from thst country are made here...turn on your evening news and you get the same anount from a single city...take a look at yourselves and speak on what you know not something you have not the slightest idea or ability to comprehend.....golpes means hits or punches not heart beats the lyrics in the song are translated incorrectly....alot of times I see this blog criticize other blogs about the shit they report but the accuracy is on here is hilariously sure there is local news you can report to stop the ridiculous reporting on topics from another country in another language that you guys dont have a connection.with......its offensive as fuck...more offensive than tigres playing music for people that love them..

  26. Arturo beltran "happy trigger"los hombres se mueren peleando y no encerrados como los animales boss of bosses all the way to eternity

  27. Just because a corrido is historically in accurate or is completely fictitious, does not mean it's unbearable.
    I honestly like a few Gerardo Ortiz songs, but I don't believe a word he says some times. Samuel ojeda and Ariel Camacho are two artists that sing exaggerated lyrics, but their music is fuckin awesome too!

    Fuck el kommander tho he's lame as hell

  28. Just because a corrido is historically in accurate or is completely fictitious, does not mean it's unbearable.
    I honestly like a few Gerardo Ortiz songs, but I don't believe a word he says some times. Samuel ojeda and Ariel Camacho are two artists that sing exaggerated lyrics, but their music is fuckin awesome too!

    Fuck el kommander tho he's lame as hell

  29. The lyric in the song tht stands out the most to me is "Many believe the government is looking for me"... The name of the song throw many off... Cuz ABL called himself Jefe De Jefes... But he was hunted & killed by the government... So tht excludes ABL... Snitched on or not... Lord of the Skies died gettin plastic surgery... Excluding him too... So who does tht leave from the cradle of narco trafficking aka Sinaloa & Golden Triangle... EL Padrino aka EL MZ aka EL Mayo... Who has been narco trafficking over 40yrs... Never been caught or arrested... Very little to no pics of him... If there is a pic of him, it is old... Cuz he has had plastic surgery... So who knws wht EL Mayo looks like?.. Plus remember the verse in the song I pointed out... EL Mayo has been wanted by the Mex & U.S. gov for decades... Never to b caught... Cuz like the song say "
    Many believe the government is looking for me" JaJaJa

    1. Theres a pic of Mayo from proceso like 2010 genius...everyone knows what El Mayo looks like..

    2. Its 2016... U dnt knw wht EL Mayo look like... Send a pic in... Since every1 knws...

  30. Me gusta mucho su corrido de los tres animales

    Mi Perico
    Mi Gallo
    Mi Chiva

    Saludos desde Colombia.

    Junior Escobar Gaviria

  31. Para cantar el corrido voy a afinar mi acordeón ,,,,, chalino sanchez cantaba feo pero se la rifaba en la letra.

    1. Recordando a un buen amigo,que se yama Juan Ayon,del estado de Durango,con mucha resolusion.🎶🎶

  32. For you maybe, but other people like that music, like they say if you dont like it change the station

  33. That's the 1st time I ever heard that band.Forget the lyrics [for me anyway] but they are really good musically.

  34. I read somewhere the 'Los Tigeres' are from Colombia, brung in to colonize mexico for the culombians.
    There are mariachis and trios in culombia, but the best Norteños I have seen is "Los Aguilas del Norte" de colombia, and their best song "Una Cruz de Mariguana"

  35. Desde Terra Caliente

    Son dioses hasta que uno de sus hijos se consumen

  36. It doesn't matter who's corrido it is because it's nonsense, if it's chapos or botas Blancas. The corrido said they are untouchable and one is dead and the other in prison. Stupid fake corridos, nothing but exaggerations.

  37. I'm a white guy, listened to everything from Johnny Cash, to Pantera, NWA, Eagles, BB King, you name it. I am currently listening to Norteno and Sierreno music and am loving it!!! If you are basing your opinion on what u hear on the radio, you need to dig a little further to hear the good stuff.

  38. You wanna complain about corridos? Give Grupo Marrano Pornocorridos a try. That shit is wacky and funny all at the same time. Plus that's what I'd consider absurd. - El Sol Perdido


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