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Friday, September 30, 2016

Armed commando ambushed and killed 5 soldiers in Culiacan

Original Article and videos available at El Debate
Translated by El Wachito

During the morning of this Friday a gunfight between an armed commando an military personnel left 5 killed and 10 injured. The gunfight started around 4:00 AM in the outskirts of the city on the road leading to the city towards the north over Mexico 15, when unknown armed commandos lead a cold blooded attack against the soldiers.
"The vehicles were on flames"  All Photos taken  by: Luis Perez/EL DEBATE
One of the bodies was on fire 
Violent attack

Retired General Moises Melo Garcia mentioned that it was possible that this was a premeditated attack because the troops had already spent something in the mountains Huixiopa, Badiraguato.

He added that during the violent gunfight the gunman used grenades, Barret M82 and automatic machines guns, which classified the gunfight as highly intense.

Destroyed military vehicles
According to the report, the gunfight left 6 soldiers dead and 2 others heavily injured with severe burns. The soldiers were taken to the emergency room of a recognized hospital of the city.

It was also noted that during the ambush and after the gunfight was over, the gunman used an unidentified explosive device to destroy the unit that the soldiers were using as transportation.
A dead body covered in a blue blanket

According to the version of Melo Garcia, the soldiers were transferring a wounded civilian(Who was detained) from the mountains of Huixiopa Badiraguato to the city, in order for him to receive medical treatment when they were surprised by an element of 8 vehicles with armed man on board.

He stated that the soldiers are currently receiving medical attention from red cross paramedics.

In regards to the state of the person that was being transported by the soldiers, the was stolen by the gunman, taking with them the wounded individual. The paramedic that was  driving the ambulance was heavily wounded.
the body of a dead soldier
Hundreds of remains of bullets from different calibers were left at the scene, neighbors claimed that they lived through minutes of terror because the sound of the gunshots was so loud that they had to hide and crawl inside their homes.

At the scene of the incident, elements of the police arrived to secure the perimeter, a forensic team of the Procuraduria General de Justicia were put in charge of analyzing the area and to submit the proper reports. 
bullets strucked adjacent homes

The authorities translated the dead bodies to the forensic medical examiner.

Note: Videos of the incident available at the original link of the article.


  1. I wonder if this has anything to do with the kidnappings of BLO associates by CDS with the help of the federal forces in broad day light. All rats gotta die,tge corrupt government is going to learn the hard way.

    1. What happend when chapos kid got kicked in his ribs ay quedo tirado como un culo

  2. unidentified explosive device ?? was oo7 there or something ?? ivan archi made a sticky bomb like the one from saving private ryan and he told his goons to give him cover fire meanwhile archi skipped to the truck which the soldiers were in with his gold ak stuck it on the truck then skipped back to his vehicle they finished off the last guys then they left and archi pushed a button on his apple watch and the truck blew up with the soldiers in it and they fled with there wounded man thats what sources are saying....

    1. This is actually a true story minus the I-watch, it was actually a remote triggered bomb detonated by cell phone...

    2. Wow no sides to this but what a bunch of haters hear on borderland beat

    3. Sources saying it was a iPhone 3 running a Android Linux kernel

    4. One of the soldiers had a Samsung note 7 in his pocket

  3. i wonder who did this

  4. Sinaloa dont play , for all those who say they dont get down because. its because its not good for business , heres the proof if they really wanted to they could smash on anybody , but chapo guzman orders where not to kill goverment forcez ,now el guano is a diffrent beast

    1. @10:43 why do you think Chapo is still alive in prison? Chapos cartel would have the person that ordered the hit killed as well as their family. Brothers, sisters, cousins etc...
      Then again this proves that this cartel has killed innocents in retaliation for the killing of capos in that cartel. Anybody that says otherwise is a joke.

    2. Lol man shut your cheerleading mouth.. This type of things happens practicly everyday in Tamaulipas

    3. Fue por el Guano y se quiso llevar la Gloria sólo, pero esa es zona minada ahora por la amenaza del sobrino y CJNG. Nadie pasa por ahi, todo está vigilado. Y la inteligencia militar no existe!, Y los drones, y la intercepción de comunicaciones y el bloqueo de radiofrecuencia, y los localizadores satelitales, estaban dormidos avesa hora quienes los vigilan?

    4. Cjng will pass thru there when they feel like it but there is no point of doing it

    5. 1:55 you're on crack if you think 5 soldiers are killed in ambushes every day. Get your head checked

    6. @ 8:57 & 9:55 .. Tamaulipas always been the land of big confrontations its just daily.. The population are used to it.. Shoot outs between the army is daily there.. Not breaking news like it is in Sinaloa.. When the Zetas & Golf Cartel went to war entire towns were abandoned & people left homeless.. Our very own Chivis & her foundation helped many people there at that time..

    7. I'm so sick and tires of Tamaulipas this Tamaulipas that, crime happens everywhere even here in Oakland ca and they get down, remember those fallen officers killed by one individual, cut that shit out

    8. I live in the bay also the crime here is daily 11:03

    9. @11:03

      It's not a competition pendejo. It's the reality of the human condition. 53 homicides this year in Oakland, yeah that's bad, it's FIRST world country bad. I stay in Cali too but I've been doing my research on Tamaulipas gang culture & that shit looks BAD. Youngsters uploading pics to social media carrying fully automatic weapons, grenade launchers, etc. Look up on Youtube how many shitty rap songs are being uploaded to tribute to the poor chumps. It's so shitty that even the families are in on it & it's normal to them.

    10. It's nothing compared to mx but come to Oakland though war zone just like mx minus the grenade launcher

  5. Thats what happens when you help chapos take over badiraguato blo not going to let it go that fast they are coming back for los chapos just watch how cds and chapos brother flea the town without a fight

    1. how do you know this was blo

    2. You're wrong.if the blo did this then the military is gonna go and mess them up bad.same if cds did this

    3. Wrong it was Chapitos n guano they were going for guano

    4. Exactly bro,break it down for the slow ones.They went for him and got him..

    5. Wrong it was el Kevin gente de ivan

  6. Luego se mira quienes hisieron la enboscada era gente bien preparada con entramiento militar , esa es la gente del 701 , no diga que estuvo bien porque yo tambien fui militar de las fuerzas especiales i tambien anduve del otro lado , i puro sinaloa donde no hay gente de miedo

    1. Ya cayate el osico perro

    2. tu de las fuerzas especiales del call fo duty.

    3. Ay vengo por ti perrita ;)

    4. Si tiene gente alfredito pa aventarse un tiro con el Guano de culiacan ? Tu dices ke Los has mirado

    5. Ya vas a empezar.

  7. Good goin', W , Yikes......

  8. Sinaloas dont really figth military but when they do they kill 5 militarys
    El gringo

    1. El gringo de los gueritos?

    2. Must have been a bigshot capo like El Mayo nearby. Let's see how fuckin punk ass military reacts after this then?

    3. looks like a beltran leyva hit/tactic. chapos and mayos dont do that kind of stuff. too scare to get them louie vutton shoes dirty.

    4. @1232...what gueritos u talking about,luis and them?

    5. Guano n Chapitos tactics my friend they were going for guano n they shot them selves out guess the corridos ain't fake

    6. Todo empezo en obregon
      una baszooka tronaba
      ala gente del gobierno decian la desarmaba
      eran varios pistoleros que no le temen a nada

      tenian en su poder
      armas muy sofisticadas
      traian calibre 50 y tambien lanza granadas
      bazooka y cuerno de chivo
      venian en trocas blindadas

    7. Haha onlt five when cjng does it they only leave one alive

    8. CDS trying to take a page out of the Zetas playbook.

  9. Decian no pasa nada sinaloa nomas en lo corridos hahaha ay ta las pruebas si ellos quieren le hacen un cochinero al govierno nomas que no querian los jefes

  10. What us being said on the video? Who was the person who was kidnapped?

  11. unidentified explosive device ??? taliban ??

  12. They guy in the ambulance had to be some one really important in guanos organization, that explains why he got rescue and the ambulance was not shoot up by the gunman

  13. Chapo isidros strategies once again proving very effective...the pep guardiola of ambushes

    1. Pinche gente hablan por hablar este ataque fue Los Chapitos y el guano ivan por el guano

    2. You are an idiot 2:26, don't believe everything on the news, this was a classic BL style ambush

    3. Chapos? Chapitos? Guanos? BLO? Quien es quien entonces?

    4. 8:21 Todos son Sinaloenses compita!

    5. That's what I'm saying. Obviously they rescued a big tymer but seeing that it's culican we should assume it's chapos kid running shit like he should. -anonymous-

  14. I guess the corridos aint just what they say they are.

  15. Its guanos people, you underestimate his power, just watch what happens next.

    1. Dude,for sure he was underestimated.They took him back and smacked arse,wonder what the military will do for revenge.You know how that goes.

  16. Nice job, now their going to have a battalion on them, lol.

    They are saying there is a longer video but it might have been brought down ?

  18. This link is straight from YouTube

  19. No pasa nada chavalones. Solo rescataron a donde Aureliano Guzman verdadero jefe del cartel.

  20. Can somebody tell me who the hell is "Guano" is he the brother of Chapo Guzman? And what role does he have in the Sinaloa Cartel???

    1. Yes chapos blood brother and he commands his cell

  21. Mis respetos al Cartel Sinaloense teniendo dos guerras a la vez una como los tecatos y piporros de los del CAF y CJNG en Tijuana y otra guerra con los secuestradores y mugrosos de Brltranes, Zetas y NCDJ. No se me raje gente de Sinoaloa al último ganaran los buenos no los malos no dejen caer bandera y ustedes también metan a sus aliados a si como lo hacen los mugrosos!!!

    Saludos desde Monterrey City!!!

    1. Que buen sopleton se avento mi compa!
      Lo malo es que yq les pegaron sus enemigos en su mera casa a los de Sinaloa! Y les dieron fuerte sea lo que sea. Nunca antes se habia escuchado de esto se dice. Ahora si se va a retorcer el Chaputo en su celda!

    2. Ok...eso se oye mejor. Los Guzmanes son buenos.

  22. La pared on facebook is reporting that it was chapos son and the person rescued was guano.....

  23. Wonder who was the person being transported in the ambulance! Had to be someone important for CDS

  24. ***THIS JUST IN***

    It was a rescue operation by Guzman gunmen sent by one of Chapo's sons in order to rescue a captured comrade named Julio Óscar Ortiz Vega "EL Kevin". the soldiers apparently captured "El Kevin" near Huixiopa.

    1. I thought it was El Guano they rescued?

    2. Gods protection be on the Guzmans. They have done nothing to anyone to deserve people talking nonsense

    3. Kick back..dont bring god into this..get real

    4. 11:40.You really putting God in this picture??? You definetely not a real Christian thats for sure!
      Of all the people you can pray for that really need help and you waste a prayer on delincuents. You probably pray for Trump also.
      God help you my friend. These narcos don't even believe in God!

    5. "Dios es todopoderoso, sabe todo, todo lo ve y tiene infinite misericordia por los pecadores..." ya nos llevó la chingada, epn tiene infinita maldad y está perdonado.
      Dios nos coja confesados...
      "Pues que lo coja a usté" dijo la viejita.

    6. Lavate el osico antes que digas pendejadas de Dios!

  25. maybe one day in Sinaloa they might have enough bullets to have all day gun battles vs military like they do in Matamrs and Reynosa

    1. Exactly.. Lol in Tamaulipas they even got a nickname for soldiers.. "Verdes" y "Jalapeños"

    2. With the exception that in Tamaulipas it's the other way around ..". Reynosa: Militares abaten 10 sicarios " headlines like that all day long .. What I don't get is why in Tamps sicarios are killing each other left and right for peanuts .. Hardly any dope is pushed through the northeast due to unreliability, one day it's commandante toro the plaza boss and another day it's someone else .. Those plazas don't make money like Juarez or Tijuana ..

    3. Bullets are cheaper than bribes but always come back to haunt. The real bosses use bribes that is why Sinaloa was on lock for all the years Chapo was free.

    4. @ 6:16

      How about that in Tamaulipas the shootouts last all day.. Tony Tormenta for example

    5. @6:16. I guess you have never heard of the I-35 corridor. There is heavy amounts of dope going thru there. It revivals TJ and Juarez for the amount of dope going north of the border. The I-35 feeds drugs into the Southeastern and Northeastern parts of the US. Why do you think the CDJ, CDS and the Tijuana cartel wanted to invade the Golfos territory so bad?

    6. 6:16 I lived in San Diego therefore I'm familiar with TJ believe me when I say this. I see more criminal activity from Brownsville to Mcallen then in all San Diego bro that just means there's money flowing back to Mexico. If you know a TJ you know neither of the two points of entry to US allows 18wheelers that's why the use tunnels. But who ever owns Nuevo Laredo controls a big chunk of the drugs going in to the US as that border is by far the busiest when it come to commercial vehicles.

    7. Being a former truck driver I tell you that smuggling through a tunnel, you can move far more weight than you can in an 18wheeler... Specially in south Texas where you have weigh in stations at every 40miles... The tunnel idea is by far the most profitable when it comes to smuggling and less risky too , until someone blabs that's basically how they get discovered and the Sinaloa cartel is full of ppl that blab .. So it doesn't matter that in Tamaulipas more commercial vehicles get through when you have a constant flow underground

    8. If thousands of 18wheelers crossing daily through Laredo isn't enough to move serious weight than what is. Trust me the weight station is the least of the worries its the actual immigration checkpoints in south Texas were the bust usually happens. I'm not saying it's more lucrative but to say it's NOT lucrative like 6:16 said is ridiculous. Ive stayed all through out the gulf coasts from tx to fl because of my work. Mainly all that dope comes from south tx bro. I've seen It first hand from some people I know they send out to Mississipi and receive about $200k WEEKLY heading back to matamoros and those dudes are small timers compared to a lot more people out there

  26. Is got be beltranes because the army is on azul and mayo's payroll

  27. CJNG is in town. Maybe.... Or
    Someone wants to heat things up for CDS..

  28. The guy thet were transporting was a guy the soldiers picked up. Sounds like a successful rescue

  29. I thought shootouts like this only happened in tamaulupas and michoacan. Tamaulipas killing the most soldiers while michoacan killing the most federales

  30. There's proof nobody respects chapos kids, chapo wouldn't have to kill the soldados in order to let one of his men go free. Dumb move on chapitos, play chess not checkers. They probably feel they have to prove that they are tough After their kidnapping lol

    1. You obviously know nothing, chapo rescued countless operators like el 02. It's poker not chess, don't show your bluff!

    2. One thing that has nothing to do with another I wish we can go to times where people leave real comments not their version of who they going for or what cartel they are cheer leaders too!

  31. anybody knows who the hitmen took?
    it's rare to see an ambush gone right, usually the army repel the attacks

  32. con barrets, lanza granadas, bien drogados, matan? y luego se esconden como lo que son... no debemos olvidar quien es el verdadero enemigo..

    1. Enemigo de Mexico son cobardes como tu que no hacen nada. Solamente hablar mamadas pero en momento de accionar bajan la Mirada

    2. 3:51 ...y quien es el verdadero enemigo, mamá?
      "Los que te dije"?

  33. Sounds more like they were trying to either rescue the guy the army had taken or they want him to kill him them self, Nothing points to just a mindless attack at the army. So who ever it was the army had got must been a higher up guy which the army now will deny off course,

  34. El verdadero enemigo es el pinchi gobierno y sus sicarios que le lamben el fundillo a epn, el presidente the US selected, elected and supports for their mexican friends

  35. I would like to add my opinion. But for some strange reason it never gets posted. To comandante Chihuahua or perros. You talk too fucking much brother.yo estaba en el servisio.ya callate lacra"

  36. Another day another play

  37. With such a deadly result we may assume that the attackers were equipped with night vision goggles! Still no idea who was in the ambulance? Are there two El Kevins, was that not the name of the young boy killed a few weeks back in Sonora?


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