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Sunday, September 4, 2016

11 Killed in Nuevo Laredo Clash

Lucio R. Borderland Beat with C.E.M   fotos from VXT

Note:The following is the version of authorities, an update follows at bottom from people on the ground and witnesses who tell a far different story.

Original post: 
In Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, two shootouts between soldiers and armed citizens  left 11 dead in the balance, including an innocent female bystander who was caught in the crossfire. 

All 10 killed are assumed to be members of the Los Zetas cartel who operate in the border city that accommodates 50% of the import/export cargo between the United States and Mexico.

The violence in Nuevo Laredo, across the border from Texas, prompted the temporary closure of the national highway that connects Tamaulipas state to central Mexico. 

The first confrontation occurred around 13:30 pm when a convoy of the Secretariat of National Defense was attacked as they drove to kilometer 13 of the Nuevo Laredo-Monterrey Federal Road . A statement from authorities said:

 "At that point, the soldiers were attacked by armed civilians who were traveling in several vehicles. By repelling aggression in defense of their lives, (the soldiers) shot dead eight of the offenders.

About an hour later, the soldiers "killed two other aggressors."  authorities said. "In this second attack by armed civilians, a woman who was traveling aboard a truck was hit by a stray bullet that took her life." explained the Coordination Group of Tamaulipas.

Update note:
More information has surfaced and video evidence.  The action is being called extrajudicial killings by Mexican soldiers.  From Nuevo Laredo SDR the video spread and now is being reported about in mainstream media. 

We received a couple of interesting comments from people on the ground, see in comments section.

Here is one:
“There is nasty shit goin on and in this supposed attack by sicarios the innocent girl wasn't accidentally shot, the military ribboned the vehicle she was in with her family. Chased and smashed into the truck with the youths (estakas ?)and killed them as they tried to run,but,if they totin AKs and shit they know whats up,oh its personal,video of it...”
Video here use this hyper link


  1. Replies
    1. 3:09 thanks to who, for what,
      --extrajudicial killings are a cowardly way of solving el PRI and epn corruption tryin to make pointzzz with the mexican people, what kind of bullets make shark bites like on the first photo?
      --The extra judicial killings did not start with these 11 victims of government propaganda, I wonder how many pounds of Guerreros Unidos drugs these murder victims were carrying away", we are not yesterday's innocent propaganda eaters, mafokas may be dead, the government still must prove their case, I KNOW THEY WILL NOT EVEN TRY...

    2. They were carting guns and shooting at the military, case close!!!!! Shot the prices of shit and make sure they are dead is cheaper to put them 6 ft under ground than at the hospital and jail later

    3. 8:31 ever hear of planted weapons? There is no shortage of weapons and ammo when the mexican army needs to present "work" for their mierda accords not closed.

    4. 8:31 HOW DO YOU AMBUSH THE MILITARY FROM INSIDE A CAR? And while running away, to top it off, the melitares had to chase and smash into the truck with the estacas, what did the car had to do with it being chased in the first place?
      --The melitares are now practicing the politics of exterminating anybody they want and declare they was "suspect" but they have been doing that for a long time now this is not new, epn even announced it was coming, but not that it would be mostly execution by executions...

  2. Chivis deberías de agregarle a la nota que también en estas semanas se reportado alrededor de 12 soldados desparecidos en Nuevo Laredo. Es una guerra personal la que se esta viviendo en Nuevo Laredo entre el Ejército Mexicano y los del CDN es una guerra sin cuartel. En la pagina Nuevo Laredo En Vivo en el chat de dicha pagina se en estado amenazado integrantes del CDN contra soldados al igual que miembros del ejército mexicano a los del CDN.

    Por primera vez que se sabe algo de esa magnitud entre miembros del Crimen Organizado despareciendo soldados la última vez fue en Monterrey donde los Zetas mataban a soldados que andaban de civil entraban a bares en Monterrey y los Zetas los mataban esa noticia fue muy popular hasta en el libro del Lazca de Los Zetas sale la historia completa.

    Nuevo Laredo se pondrá color de hormiga por la desparecion de 12 militares en la ciudad fue un error del CDN hacer eso, ahora la pagaran muy caro desde el Viernes se reporto una balacera en las primeras calles de Nuevo Laredo cercas al puente 1 por la plazita. Esto se pondrá muy feo tal vez sea el fin del CDN.

    1. Thank you for this comment. I checked NLEV....I wish i had time to do good research. Maybe someone who knows additional information or link to information.

      the soldiers were supposedly taken from barracks, tortured and killed but is there proof? fotos? you are saying the killings in this story is retaliation for the does that mean that in the story posted above, CDN were not the aggressors, but retaliation?

      Social media is buzzing that official announcement is coming tomorrow. we will see. Right now there is no hard evidence. Let's see what happens.... Chivis

    2. Chivis you know they always say they were attacked but they never die only the bad guys.

    3. There is nasty shit goin on and in this supposed attack by sicarios the innocent girl wasnt accidentally shot,the military ribboned the vehicle she was in with her family.Chased and smashed into the truck with the youths (estakas ?)and killed them as they tried to run,but,if they totin AKs and shit they know whats up,oh its personal,video of it....

    4. there is talk that the soldiers who went west have been cooked,,cocinaron,,thats the Z norm,sofia trevino gets a lot of mentions in CDN

    5. Every cartel should get in it at the end of the day the government is the one that has the people the way they are has them fleeing Mexico either economicly or because of the violence. They join the Cartels because they don't want their kids to live the way they grew up feeling hunger and humiliation. Chivas in Mexico their are 4 ways to live unless you are born wealthy you won't make it. Poor, Stealing, Government employment or flee up north illegally because those are the only options. Education is not free in Mexico you have to pay for everything cloth, food, school material's theirs no other way. If I was Caro I would have taken this opportunity to start another Revolution in Mexico and go and sit on the thrown theirs no other way but with violence. I'm 100% sure people from the states will help maybe not many but some.

    6. Government employment and stealing are basically the same thing!

  3. What would prompt dictation to engage the military? I get it if they're engaged first but what's the point in engaging them?Protecting a load of drugs going across? Fighting the military can't be a lot of fun.

    1. Wow. Read my mind. And it does make you wonder if it's a load or one of the top bosses nearby? Or maybe just stupidity!

    2. The mexican media always says the same thing: soldiers repelled an attack. They also do not report military casualties, and under-report over all casualties in general.

    3. No narcos and no estacas engage the military ever, they may be carrying weapons but never do engage or seek confrontations with the army, the ones that kidnap soldiers from the barracks is their brothers at arms, to prove themselves worthy of belonging to the army mafia handling drug traffickers for the mexican military brass...that is their price for supporting el pri and epn...tu mi capisci?
      --The mexican governing narco-mierdocracia is all about crime for dummies, then the motherfacking government criminals say "I didn't do anything illegal, pero pido perdón for the appearances..." FACK THAT SHIT!!!

    4. "No narcos and no estacas engage the military ever"
      Never willingly and even then if they can help it.
      Law of averages says its gonna happen,until then put your picture up with the muchachas calientes,cuidar de los jefes y la ciudad,orar a mi flaca,who knows might make it past bein an estaka,but them wachos just wanna kill

  4. Nice hope all those scum burn in hell!!!

    1. 6:50 I hope you burn in hell with the real mexican criminals, there are a few degrees from innocent accuser to straight out propaganda eater, you really want to eat the crap the mexican government puts out? Believe in the profits PEMEX is making now, but not for the mexicans, and not from oil, profits are being made from gasolinazos, taxes, damages, lawsuits against pemex for fraud, interests paid for imaginary loans made to mexico, and more "loans" every week, applied to interest due...
      "Killing Pablo" sure deflects the attention the addled adults of mexico, try pablum...

  5. Es el vastion de los zetas Nuevo Laredo es la plaza mas fuerte K tiene los Perros! atte El Señor del pueblo jente .

    1. Kieres decir ahi we donde se esconden los que quedan.

  6. Are they zetas cdn or old school zetas?

    1. CDN, Nuevo Laredo is the homebase of CDN

    2. CDN are the Zetas

    3. there fucking zeta looking to kill some cdn.stay out of nuevo scum bags,

    4. Cdn are the zetas loyal to the trevinos still. They're the losing side now.

    5. "Cdn are the zetas loyal to the trevinos still. They're the losing side now"
      Dont know about that,business as usual.Z12 was let go like a whisper by bullshit Zetas Vieja Escuela
      or whatever they call themselves.No such thing as Z old school anymore,they all the same

    6. Cdn has been and continues to be true z.... Vieja escuela has been and are cdg... Golfoz are so desperate they steal z name... Cdn have been the ones planting z since the 90's... All grown up now... Golfo took credit but not no more...

  7. Reynosa cdg is getting restless with toro leadership

  8. Since this is a Narco-Blog translated to English why post comments in Spanish ? I find it very odd.

    1. articles are in English...Comments are welcome in Spanish and often are the most informative from people on the ground.

      I would rather they be sent in using the language one feels more comfortable with.

      Skip the Spanish comments if you are so bothered.

    2. Chivis always has the proper words to answer dumb comments. Stay classy chivis and BB!

    3. @ 10:03 this is why it pays to be bilingual and or even multilingual my friend! Almost every other country in the world (that can afford it), except the U.S. teaches mandatory bilingual teachings in school. This makes people more aware of what really goes on in world matters. The U.S. is so self absorbed however that they relish their own one language above all else and there are concecuenses for this.

    4. @10:03 The only thing odd is that you're 2 lazy 2 learn Spanish. - El Sol Perdido

    5. En Mexico se habla espanol

    6. 1252: Agree on all accounts.

    7. Right on !
      Jaja.......if you are so interested in Mexico , learn some espanol. You would also learn a hell of a lot about their culture. No one should forget that the US and Mexico has been joined at the hip for centuries.

    8. You can choose to learn Spanish, French or German in American schools.

    9. Awww, come on Sol, I know it can be frustrating, but your comment is as rude as his/hers...

      Verdad que sí?

    10. Google has this nice translation reader. Try it sometime

    11. Google translate like yoda sounds it does

    12. 10.03
      Take no notice of the hate man,they couldnt care less about helping gringos

  9. The soldiers shot the civilians - not the cartel members, that makes sense good job - not

    The citizens were mobilizing because of the cartels the police should be mobilizing because of the cartels too only shoot the gang members not the people next time. Idiots.

  10. You do realize this is a site for Mexican cartel news yes? If you do not like spanish, read the American sites. The native peoples there in mexico speaking in thier language are giving excellent, first view information. Hopefully you will take that attitude elsewhere.

  11. Sorry guess I didn't explain or state my opinion correctly just came out wrong. What I really ment was that for people like me who don't speak Spanish it sucks I feel like I'm missing out on seriously informative comments. Sorry if I offended anyone it wasn't my intention.

    1. Apology accepted bro. From now on it's gonna all b rainbows and unicorns. I've said some screwy things as well. Sorry if I've offended any buttercups out there. Lol. - El Sol Pedido

    2. You are right, you are missing out. English is my first language and Spanish my second. Learning Spanish allows you to open doors you didn't even know existed. Highly recommend. Language isn't just words - there are concepts expressed that may not exist in another language which is hard to understand unless you speak two languages.

    3. @ 7:47AM

      Maybe readers can recommend their fave translator. They don't help with slang and misspelled words, or poor syntax, but better than nothing.

      I think google sucks, there is another I think it is SDL It is better than google. at least you will have an idea what's up.

      What I had to learn was the slang. I was pretty much clueless. Mexican Urban Dictionary is pretty helpful with that. again not perfect, I also have asked my young staff :) who totally enjoys it when I do.


    4. Back when mexico still believed, we had latin, greek, french english German and spanish in the preparatorias getting ready for medicical, law, humanities, literature, philosophy and letters or teaching schools. Useful for engineering too, at least one forein language was mandatory, but no school will teach you any language for reals, you must study it on your own...

  12. Mandatory to take a foreign language in high school in the u s... your comment is ignorant. Concecuenses? Lol...

    1. That high school foreign language mandate varies by state.

  13. 12 soldiers were taken by a group of armed men,these soldiers were dressed as civilians and from what I heard were yelling "arriva la Vieja Escuela "

  14. The soldiers are going back to their Old ways of attacking any one they think is involved in a cartel

    1. That's good,maybe they can get rid of that trash.

    2. No, not at all, for every sicario killed there are a 100 in line, you solve problems at the root, not at the branches that grow back, try using your brain sometime, it might make you successful in life.

    3. 9:57 success is for snobs...

  15. Exactly what the last guy said... And if your so bothered by them just skip em like chiv said. Lol

  16. Barry Sotero being beetch-slapped in China!
    China and Russia and Filipino Prez are slapping Barry over his drug policies and imperialism!

  17. La gente de Nuevo Laredo ya estan artos de los zetas y CDN. Quieren que el Golfo entre y limpie todo el mugrero. Ese me lo a dicho mi amigo que vive en Nuevo Laredo.

    1. Pero los del golfo son la misma.madre que no ? Tambien se meten con el pueblo pinches lacras igual a los zetas .

    2. A si es amigo mucha gente de Nuevo Laredo quiere que entre el CDG la plaza que les pertenece.

  18. Just fucking kill everyone in Nuevo Laredo and let God sort them out. Turn it into a big parking lot for trucks headed north. If you are in Nuevo Laredo, you fucking die. Period.

  19. I guess seeing a dentist in Nuevo Laredo isn't a good idea.


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