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Friday, July 15, 2016

The monologues of Z40

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Zetatijuana article

Subject Matter: Z-40, Miguel Trevino Morales
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required

Reporter: Luis Carlos Sainz
For more than two months, Miguel Trevino Morales established communication with an Amparo Judge. He explained to the Judge how he was not permitted to leave his cell for an hour daily, as is his human right. In his missives, the ex-leader of Los Zetas qualified that the "Altiplano" Penitentiary Authorities as "liars".

The days spent incarcerated of the alleged narco trafficker Miguel Angel Trevino Morales "El Z-40", the ex-leader of the criminal group Los Zetas, have not been the most comfortable of his existence and and because of that he got to know the Judges before whom he has promoted various Amparo's and guarantees of his fundamental rights as a prison of "Altiplano".

The claimant, prisoner number 3861 has had two transfers to the Federal prisons of Puente Grande and Oaxaca, but on both occasions he has been returned to Cefereso #1 at Almoloya de Juarez.

On his return to "Altiplano", a few days before the end of 2015, things were not going well. He promoted no less than three Amparo's, alleging castigation, isolation and torture, among them other acts that he attributes to the prison authorities. But in a particular aside, 287/2016 a Judge of the First District and Federal Civil cases, in the State of Mexico, called attention to the communication he established during more than the two months with the Judge.

On the 4th of March, Miguel Angel Trevino Morales reclaimed a justice of guarantees" for negation of him leaving his cell for an hour", he signalled that the authorities responsible are the Director General, and the President of the Interdisciplinary Technical Counsel of Cefereso #1, among others.

The Tamaulipan said that he stayed permanently in his cell, was not given access to educational activities, work, or to exercise.

The Judge conceded, as happens in these cases, a suspension so the abuse stops, while the authorities answered the reports pointing out, "that it is false what the complainant indicates in his writing".

Change of floor

The days passed, and on the 15th of March, Trevino wrote in his certificate of notification, " Mr Judge I am making known to you that they are controlling the work activities in Module 1, but on the 22nd of February, about 8 at night they transferred me to the special treatment area, corridor 1 cell 7, and an officer admitted in front of his clerk that today I had no yard time".

"El Z-40" also stated that he had two months with a book borrowed from the library, when it should be changed every week. The prison directors denied the statements of the prisoner. "yes he has yard time and he has book activities," they informed.

Since then, between formal and intrepid, the prisoner began to send messages in his notification certificates. This time, " Mr Judge they are lying in their answers, they are changing the floor in the yards, therefore I ask you if there is no floor in the yard, how can I take exercise there?"

On March 28th, the claimant noted in the Court document: " Mister Judge I am asking for an actuary of faith because the yard has no floor, they have removed the concrete and I can see this with my own eyes, they do not give me yard time, but the truth is I don't think you understand my letter, because I have asked for actuary of faith and it has not been granted."

Before the insistence of the petitioner, the Judge of Guarantees commissioned an actuary to attend the petitioner, and at the same time to remind the authorities of the correct expediency of Trevino, prisoner 3861, and they explained that they had been changing the prisoner location within modules, and that they permit him yard time for the appropriate amount of hours.

Three days after, the ex-leader of Los Zetas informed a judicial functionary: "Mr Judge they already changed me to Module 1, corridor 1B, floor 4, so the actuary doesn't need to inspect that, but I cannot go out in the yard, as you want".

Miguel angel added:" for everything , I bid you Senor Judge, that  you order the director to always all me an hour of yard time from the start, thus I say I have not been removed, because there would be a signature, and so if the director does not, there will be a record of it. I think to get rid of the problem, this would be the best option".

"They are good liars", said the alleged capo

After a month further and the authorities continued not to carry out the correct expediency of the Judge, he also rendered a request for the reports to verify that they were not violating the granted Amparo suspension. The Judge ordered the staff of the maximum security prison to comply with the request.

On April the 11th, Miguel Trevino returned to the charge: offer proof from the video cameras of corridor 1B, so that you may see they have not released me for yard time. Also the video camera from when I was in the special treatment module, corridor 1, cell 7.

The Judge negated the proofs and urged the directors of the prison to hand over the information. Two days after they answered. The prisoner has his hour out of his cell, activities and they didn't cross his yard time with his telephone call time.

"Z-40" refuted these answers by the penitentiary on the 18th of April: "Mr Judge, the directors of the prison are never going to remember that they keep me locked up, I therefore ask you to make him send you the surveillance videos to satisfy you as to the point that I don't have my yard time. Only once have they let me have it, on Tuesday April the 12th, 2016, for one hour and only on that date".

"They gave me a book on the 4th of April. That is true, but what they say of my yard time is not true, , and with reviewing the videos waste so much time, but would confirm to you I don't get let out, and that the managers here are good liars and are giving false reports and that is a crime, I am also aware that If I am making false allegations against him that that is also a crime, and when you verify that you have been given false reports from the responsible authorities, I am asking for the Public Ministry to exercise criminal action against them because they are supposed to be honest public servants but are in fact a ball of liars, in respect of my yard time, they could end the problem  but they do not wish to give it to me. For your attention, Thank  you, Miguel Angel Trevino Morales".

The complaints

The Judge asked the "Altiplano" authorities to refer records of the programming of all of the activities in the areas, where he was a complainant, as well as activities in the above locations. The Director sent the requested administrative  minutes of the Interdisciplinary Technical Council and documents indicating that Trevino had had yard time and was registered in drawing classes.

The 17th of May, the complainant learned of the official response, and then wrote again "Mr Judge, the report says that they gave me yard time 4 days a week, it is not true but lets presume its true. They must give me at least one hour to soak up the sun and exercise, and with this report they demonstrate that they are not doing it and the mark is that they kept me locked up 4 days a week, and it is affecting me because I'm locked up all day".

Concerning his registration for the art classes he commented:" They bought me twelve colors and a very large leaf notebook to draw in, I signed for it and they gave it to me in the art classroom, and since nobody has taught me any art, they took away the notebook and the colors".

"Therefore, they sent you a report that I was in drawing classes, I ask for an inspection by a notary so that you are sure that I have no kind of drawing material anymore, that they gave it to me, got me to sign for it, then took it away from me".

Finally arrived the moment of sentencing for the Amparo judgment. The prison staff contributed many official records, "Z-40" could prove nothing to the contrary. The ruling was the closure of the trial of guarantees by " the non existence of the claimed act". But the prisoner has not given up and is promoting new Amparo's in the hope of better luck.

Original article in Spanish at Zetatijuana


  1. It could always be worse ,theres always supermax hotel in colorado.

    1. Arriba la revolucion jijos del maiz prieto

    2. Why ain't his brother complaining?? They probably made him a bitch!!

  2. I'm sure if some money made its way to the director of the prison housing Morales, the prison staff would place Morales in charge of all recreational activities. Just another manner of screwing with a cartel leader to let him know that the power he enjoyed out in public is gone. It also demonstrates the ineptitude of the Mexican justice system and that it is basically toothless. Here, prison officias blatantly disregard the orders of the judge. In the U.S. any prison official disregarding a judge's order, especially a federal judge, can expect to find him or herself facing contempt charges with hefty fines or a prison sentence being handed down.

  3. He has been imprisoned for 3 years. Will he ever have a trial, be offered a plea, or extradited? Seems like an awfully long time to have no disposition of a case.

    1. Yeah he should be dead already

    2. La chorrienta traia 2 millones de dolares cash cuando lo cogieron, que pasó con los centavos, y donde están sus escoltas que eran dos?
      --I know la suburban se la robó jelipe calderón de jesus hinojosa de los santos reyes... el presidente fecal...

  4. Thanks OTIS !

    Have been waiting for this one altho I already read it on La Zeta.

  5. What a whiny little bitch he turned out to be

  6. Arriba tamaulipas y la mona no para

    1. Pinches tamaulipas never dominated michoacan we resisted their incursions while tetaz enslaved most of Mexico we resisted la Mona ta encerrada aunque no pare no es lo mismo esa Mona maricona ta lloriqueando May b washin the wardens car lol

    2. El warden's carro no cabe en el bote, pero sus calzones si, la chorrienta is now el lava calzones favorito del warden.

  7. Fuck el quemado zorillo lava carros 40 this is nothing compared in no way to the torture you admitted to inosent people,hard working who wanted to cross la frontera to the usa so that they could provide to they families back home..your a peice of shit and you deserve everything you get..and not to mention the lives you have tuken from your own raza,the murder the torture the decapitation the cannibalism fuck you you piece of shit and the time you came to sonora i prayed that i woulda been able a ubicarte y llenarte el pinche mugroso osico de bullets hijo de puta chinfa tu reputa bomba madre muerto de hambre...

    1. Totally agree!

    2. You sure are a angry little mexican

  8. Replies
    1. Greetings to the whinny winnie!

  9. Hope he's treated better in the future. Dumbass dingleberry!

  10. Z-40...This rabid frothing-at-mouth beast was born a control freak and would control fate if he could, so yes, that he's not getting his paint-by-numbers kit sounds petty to most people, rest assured it is literally mentally painful torture for his menacing seething with rage self. Oh my goodness!

    Canadian girl

    1. @Canadian girl

    2. 9:13 canadian girl don't lean "that way".

  11. Change the constitution....these pigs should have no rights.

  12. Vamos por ti !

    Gente Nueva XXX M3 R1

    1. Decapate him if possible so we can stop hearing him bitch.

  13. He should just be lucky to be breathing. Not a tough guy anymore.

  14. Well guess he wants to be treated like a king. So now he is going to set up a buy him a tv blue ray and a recliner lol

    1. I'm Surprised there isn't a gofundme to exterminate him and Trevino family

    2. Let's go fund Dr Mireles, a mexican government in exile a parallel government in mexico and lawyering on human rights on the press, MSM would not be want to be left out, they like to self censor from the inside...

  15. Lol and those Gloria Trevi fans from the Trevi clan claiming he was still calling the shots...

  16. "Therefore, they sent you a report that I was in drawing classes, I ask for an inspection by a notary so that you are sure that I have no kind of drawing material anymore, that they gave it to me, got me to sign for it, then took it away from me".
    Aww poor baby... just give him enough rope to hang himself he's already cracking the big bad zeta...

    1. He sounds like a little kid that got his coloring book taken away from him, and they also took his Crayola so he couldn't draw on the walls...lmfao! These guys get caught and they act like little bitches!!

    2. If the artistic urge is too much, z40 can paint his cells with his own 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩, prison food should provide for the finger painting 🎨.

  17. Oh boo! Hoo! What a fucking crybaby! After all the shit this man has done to the ppl of mexico he doesnt even deserve toilet paper much less art paper!

  18. I have a ?Y do these fellows kry over time N the joint? ? Don't they realize all the SLAUGHTER they have kause on the civilian population? N they akt like straight PUTAS kuz they don't get these item's? I always said 2 myself U gotta have a strong mind 2 prevail N life

  19. How the mighty have fallen?
    Think on the power and fear Z40 used to engender?
    Remember the Zetas simply turning prisoners loose en masse,turning up in cloned police trucks and cars,this guy could send squad sized or platoon size groups of killers,the mere mention of his name inspired a certain awe?Now look,just another guy sitting in your cell wondering whether to stay or go,until the routine sinks in and you get on with it,now he is begging for an hour of rec,a new book,anything,to lighten the load of lock up.Papa Lazcano gone,Z40 gone,Zetas nearly gone.
    I guess the hydra strategy in this case worked,most notably with the demise of the almost demonic intelligence of El Lazca.

  20. La neta ni lo acabe de leer, pura pinche lloradera con este compa, de donde es que es este gran z40?

    1. 8:21 z40 "la chorrienta" is from Trampalipass, but he spent like two weeks working in tejas, landscaping or sompim' that is usually enough to grow a biiig ego, and want to eat confléis all the time, oh, and winnies...

  21. This guy needs to stop bitching. What about all of the people that he dismembered and killed?

  22. This is a guy who beheads people? Sounds like a little whiney bitch to me

  23. lol Z 40 the tough guy smashing peoples heads with hammers

    pissing and moaning like a little kid over his 1 hour yard time waaa waa waa shut the fuck up Z 40 you a tough guy remember take it like a man hombre what a little sissy man waaa waaaaaaaa waaaaa no art classes no yard time waaaa waaaa this cell is getting to me waaaaaaaaa


    I love it, I love it, I love it

  24. Taking art classes.How nice.

  25. How many letters were his victims allowed to write to their family's before he had them tortured
    and killed?

  26. Send him to the states and he will get yard time...complaining like a pussy

    1. Yard time and an open contract!

  27. They did beat ass

  28. How dose he even muster up the words to ask for human rights after all the atrocities he himself has commited not to mention his underlines under his comand he sould be given the same fate as saddam Hussein being hung in public court you cant describe the type of monster this piece of chett is

    1. Because he's a sociopath; therefore in his eyes, he's done nothing wrong, and there is an excuse for every horrible thing he ever did.

    2. If it were me, I'd have his tongue cut out, his eyes blinded and make his ass deaf. I'd break his elbows and knees, cut his dick off and throw him into a ditch to fend for himself. Karma...............

    3. 5:21 Man! You just described epn, cienpedos, soberón, la bancada priista, Carlos slim helu, Carlos salinas de gortari, la chaky, "bertie boy moreiro" and others like them...

  29. Poor guy I wonder nice he was to my nephew when kidnapped him. Z 40 will be out before Christmas

  30. these narcos are hilarious. they spend their lives torturing and killing people than complain when they are locked up. did z give his victims an hour away from being tied to chairs? before slitting their throats

  31. This piece of shit needs to be exterminated

  32. This asshole doesn't even deserve to continue to live along with his pathetic brothers

  33. Crybaby cockroach POS. The guards should have already found him dead in his cell LOL

  34. he needs to have all of them killed all them motherfkn guards. Thode are the real pieces of shit who abuse their power!.

    1. LOL.....he's lucky to be able to complain about his situation. Whaa...poor baby don't get his crayons..whaaaaa..... Those guards are so mean!
      Fucking hilarious! :)

  35. I've always found it hilarious how petty the lives of narco capos become once they're behind bars. Outside of jail they were concerned about moving multiple tons of cocaine and receiving shipments of millions of dollars + some AR's. In prison they have all the time in the world to complain about whether they've been given a new book to read or not. Or who stole their packet of coffee from their room that they were saving for lunch. Or who .lived their towel from the spot they put it to dry and now it's still wet. All these petty situations are what their lives become when caught. Hilarious!

  36. true. some hard time

  37. Seriously. Z-40 deserves much worse

  38. A lot of zeta haters on here long live 40 when he was in power no one fucked with him no he away everyone writes him off zetas still most powerful cartel in Mexico by numbers and 40 will be released this year long live 40 and zeta rule

    1. takes a "BIG" man, surrounded by a gang of low life scum suckers, to have the balls to terrorize unarmed, peaceful men women and children. He's da shit fer sure!

    2. JAJAJA...when he WAS in power. Then he was surrounded by an army of thugs with guns. NOW he's whining about not getting art classes.....poor baby! Life is just not fair sometimes...... jajajajaja

    3. Long live 40! Personally, I hope he lives long enough to experience everything that each and everyone of his victims went through......just sayin....:) Now that would be justice! His parents must be so proud of their son..........

    4. Damn, you have to lay off the meth. Tecato!

    5. La teta chorrienta may like ballet, please somebody send him some slippers and tutus to practice his "patita de angel" de Vladimir Nabokow, no, I mean those other ballet dancing ruskies like Nureyev, not the "Lolita" author.

  39. Can't do the time shouldn't of done the crime

  40. All boolsheet!
    40 is running the CDN from prison, and all this griping is to make everyone think he is not running a cartel and in fact is doing hard time!

    1. 1:04 Correction he wants to run sit from prison . They are purposely limiting his movement and contact .That's what he is bitching about . The more movement and interaction he has the more power he retains . He has some but it is very limited because they have eyes on him and limit his contact and movement . I really sucks when your updates come out of a janitors keister in the form of a tiny note that the writing is son miniscule you need a microscope to read it .
      He is playing for more freedom in order to communicate more .

    2. CDN is done just like the trevi clan get over with it...

  41. I want one of those paintings.

  42. Everybody hates z40s guts. Let's take comfort knowing that although he took the lives of thousands of people in the most horrendous ways, that at least he only made them suffer for a fraction of the time he's going to be in jail. I hope the rest of his life in jail is slow and boring aND filled with petty moments like these where he complains to a judge about only being given 1 bar of soap a month instead of 2, or some other petty nonsense. That's what his life is now, a big joke. No new book for you senor Trevino you punk BEOOCH

  43. he should get a new name, el B40... bitch40.

  44. He went from Lava Carros to Crying N Complaining... that's why Zetas split up... they couldn't take his Crying anymore.

  45. They should give him books in language he doesn't read. Dried up markers for coloring and a picture of the yard to color. Piss in his food daily(they probably already do that by the sound of things) and blast techno really loud non-stop. Any other good ideas?

  46. Ta' cabron, no jabón, y en la carcel, puede dar lugar a otra telenovela, "sin Jabón no hay Paraiso", sergio Andrade tocará el piano, de premi por "no habla nada" la trevi cante el tema por lo mismo, y televisa hace un telethon para ayuda de la z chorrienta y se roba los centavos del "zeñor de los zetazzz", a cabrón, otra telenovela...

  47. Leave a length of rope on his bed.

  48. No seas mamon you r not from scottieland teta 40 ain't nothing no more n tetaz r not the top dogs anymore it's still Sinaloa n I'm not rooting for them


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