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Friday, July 22, 2016

More Than 66 Thousand Dead During EPN Administration; A Murder Every 25 Minutes

By: Paris Alejandro Salazar | Translated by Valor for Borderland Beat

During the 43 months of Enrique Peña Nieto’s administration, there have been 66,433 murders recognized by the federal government and the state prosecutors, and 2016 is aiming to be the most violent year so far of EPN’s presidential term.  Intentional homicides increased 14% in comparison to 2015, which had been the most violent, in 2016, a murder is committed every 25 minutes.

According to the National Public Security System (SNSP), from January to June 2015, 8,979 murders were committed, while in the same period of 2016, 10,301 were committed, ie, 1,322 more than the previous year.

Mexico on average experiences 56 murders a day, representing a murder every 25 minutes.

Throughout 2015, 18,665 murders were committed, while in the first six months of 2016, there have been 10,301 intentional homicides reported, representing an increase of 55.1% of the total of last year.

With 18,665 murders in 2015, it was placed as the most violent year of the administration of EPN; followed by 2013, with 18,447 murders; followed by 2014, with 17,324; and in December of 2012, with 1,696.

In 2016, the State of Mexico ranks first nationally in intentional homicide with 1,136; followed by Guerrero with 1,052; Chihuahua with 592; and Michoacán with 594.

Source: La Silla Rota


  1. What is the current population of Mexico? How do these figures compare with those of USA?

    1. Anyone that attempts to answer this is a liar. First they would need to determine who is alive or dead. Mexico has no certainty to its population at this point. Also they would need to deduct the influx of border jumpers from their country to the US. No actual way of knowing.

    2. 7:17 google, and report, this is on the realm of "do your homework" güey.

    3. Murder rates / 100.000 population:
      Mexico 15.7
      US 3.9
      Europe 3.0
      Japan 0.3

    4. THE MEXICAN PEOPLE NEEDS TO Secure an alliance with the Japanese ASAP, FACK PEARL HARBOR. THE JAPS WOULD LOOOVE TO BE MEXICO'S ALLIES, the chinese too...

  2. I found a picture of RCQ where do I send it so u can see it.
    OC Boy

    1. Did he get fatter, did grew a stache to hide his face? ... LOL !

    2. Don Rafa caro quintero painted his hair black, looks old and tired, with slick black hair...
      --SARAH CRISTINA COSIO VIDAURRI MARTINEZ must be melting remembering when she was "toda sudada" en Costa Rica with him,
      But no mustaches no mo'...

  3. They can do all the head counting they want down there for this President. There will be just as many for the next one. It is like they say in the US, these cartels and criminal groups are a cancer. They could care less who is president there. They will still murder, behead, rape, torture, and disappear their victims. The problem is there are more and more criminal groups meaning more greed going around. Blame the president or whoever you desire. I will just sit back and read how the next president will be blamed. This problem should have been nipped in the butt long before Pena. Instead it has been permitted by Governors, police officers, some citizens related to the money makers. It is a mixture of many reasons things are the way they are. The ones that benefit from the criminal profits aren't complaining and the probably aren't involved. Just helping spend the cash. Everyone has contributed in some fashion over the years.

  4. It says below, send to:

  5. That's a disgraceful stat, what does international homicide mean?excuse my ignorance.

    1. Intentional homicide I think is when the killer/s had that objective. To kill, not to wound or scare. Intention to kill.
      But the background material to actually call it intentional I`m not familiar with. Maybe the body was riddle with bullits, dismembered or something so there is no option to call it manslaughter/exidential kill?

    2. If the report says international, it is a typographical error, unintentional murder is like a stray bullet, intentional homicide is when you plan and carry out the dirty deed, yourself or by proxy...
      --sometimes you just make yourself a pendejo to look pretty intentionally...

    3. Cheers for that I thought I was going nuts.

  6. Is EPN responsible for these murders?No,unpalatable and wrong to call truth in these times it is everyday Mexicans on fellow Mexicans.Now lets hear the excuses and outrage at the truth?

    1. I'll take the bait:
      1). As head of the PRI, he is responsible. So far, his talk of cleaning up corruption in Mexico has been just that. All talk.
      2). Nice catch brainiac! Who would have thought that it was Mexicans, living in Mexico, who were doing these dirty deeds? Here, all along, I suspected it might have been those dastardly residents of the Pitcairn Islands. I stand corrected.
      3). There is a reason why there is a space between a punctuation mark and the next word or sentence. Go back to grade 1 and see if you can figure it out. Best of luck.


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