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Thursday, July 21, 2016

Alfredo Beltran Leyva, "MOCHOMO" Sentencing aid

Lucio R.. By CE Martinez for Borderland Beat
Sentencing is postponed again in the case of Alfredo Beltran Leyva.  A request for a postponed date was filed yesterday.  We are attempting to obtain more details......

Readers will find this document interesting; it is filled with historical facts, court presentations and charges, evidence etc.  for example the role of Chapito Isidro while Mochomo was incarcerated in Mexico and the extraction below. (U.S. asked for life sentenced-defense asks for 25 plus time served credit

Nature and circumstances of the offense and history and characteristics of the defendant
“There is no denying that the offense of conviction is considered to be serious and dangerous. However, the offense itself should not drive the sentence imposed in this case, at least not in the unbalanced way the Government seeks. Mr. Beltrán Leyva is a 45-year old father of ten children, one of whom (Santiel)was kidnapped in 2010 and is now presumed dead. He was born in abject poverty in La Palma, Sinaloa, Mexico. La Palma is part of the “Golden Triangle,” known as a major producer of opium and marijuana. Since his childhood, Mr. Beltrán Leyva has been surrounded by narcotics trafficking. Most people in his town grew marijuana and opium, as did his oldest brother,Arturo. Arturo was the undisputed leader of what the government terms the Beltran-Leyva DTO until his death in 2009. Arturo was the oldest brother and Mr. Beltrán Leyva the youngest. 
In fact, Arturo was like a father figure for him and Mr. Beltrán Leyva did anything for his older brother. Unfortunately, he got an early start in the family business. With his guilty plea, Mr. Beltrán Leyva admitted that he had worked for his brother Arturo and conspired to commit the charged offense.
 Mr. Beltrán Leyva’s activities have not only caused him tremendous loss and pain(including loss of freedom and the deaths of his brother and son), but also have greatly affected his children and extended family and caused tremendous upheaval that would be exacerbated by a life sentence, especially since he also faces a lengthy prison sentence in Mexico, where he was arrested in January 200839 for charges relating to his involvement in a narcotics conspiracy with his brother Arturo.


  1. Senor Mochomo Lo Va Extrana mucho su gente aqui en la palma , pero como buen sinaloense puso la muestra que los gallos de estas tierras aceptan la responsabilida de nuestros actos asi tengamos que pagar con la vida , fue un gusto ser pistolero suyo
    .El sangre Fria.

    1. Para mi pistolero fiel,
      No seme aguite compa. Yo Aqui estoy bien y me asen los mandaos los gringos. Nos vemos en 15 años Cuando salga de las federal. Ahi me saluda mucho a su mama y digale que no ande de puta y que me benga a visitar. Otra cosa, le encargo que sea fiel pistolero de mi hijo asi como fue un fiel pistolero mio.

      Attn: El Mochomo

    2. ^^^ ya la cagaste

  2. Alfredo and his brother grew up in poverty like most of the big capos from mexico , why is that the biggest and baddest narcos are from sinaloa ? Why dont the goverment help the poor in sinaloa instead of stealing the aid money ,maybe then we woulnt have so many narcos

    1. My understanding of it is that the US use to buy opium for pain relievers during ww2

    2. Because those narcos bring them more money than any "charitable foundation"

    3. the big bad narcos from sinaloa always had the help of the u.s. gov to help them

    4. Him, like the others are all pons in this money generating game. He's the fall guy for the government officials whose pockets he was lining. Its unfortunate but they let the poor make themselves criminals, feed off of them to grow their wealth, then let them rot in jail. I wonder if anyone will ever follow the cash flow. That river runs deep.

    5. Because the narcos of mexico , peru, colombia and bolivia fund american projects , they are a massive cash cow that gives them trillions of dollars and buys millions of dollars in guns

  3. It will always be an excuse. My father was from the sierra in San Luis Potosi.... not la huasteca the oposite end. They hearded goats and had plenty of goat cheese and meat. The lack of rain its a dry desert terrain drove them to sell the heard and move to the city. He became a police officer in San Luis Potosi but due to the corruption he resigned and migrated here to the United States. He became a construction worker and even was a foreman of several major projects in Plano Texas.... With little to no english he overcame the language barrier. so please stop making excuses o he was poor o they dont have much or did not have much the family grew in the buisness..... If he grew into the buisness then hence he was never poor.... He was the little brother of the other major players.... The fact of the matter he el mochomo had everything given to him... He joined or asumed his role in the buisness because he much wanted to join. Not because he was poor.... You cant have it both ways....if your grandfather and fathe uncles are in the buisness then hence you are not raised in a poor enviornment.... Thats like saying chapos kids where poor and followed in their fathers footsteps NOT BUYING IT my opinion....

    1. Some of them dont have the money to run like cowards like ur father to the USA , i remember back then it was 5,000 dollars to pay a coyote

    2. you are correct. my buddie and his family are from acapulco and poor as shit and moved out and didn't sell drugs and somehow they made it and never gonna be indited

    3. Your an idiot most people don't have the opportunity to come to the US ; there is no excuse ?; have you ever grew up in Mexico? Have you ever spend months were it is normal to not eat 2-3 days out of every weeks?, to look at your younger brother sister crying because they haven't ate or because they want something that you know they are never going to get?. Just because you never experienced it its easy for you to say ; there is no excuse. If your dad would of stayed in Mexico he would of became a drug trafficker or a crooked police and military. So be glad ; and think before you open your mouth. Can you imagine having to live with no hope; where you work every day like an animal to barely get by, to barely buy food , with no hopes of becoming a doctor , a lawyer, a teacher or any other rewarding career ; Of course you can't !!.you were raised here in the US(a great country overall ) In other words , if you yourself never experienced such a situation it better to not say anything. Just cause your father got lucky doesn't mean everyone else does. You don't pay for public schools, you get financial aid the government helps out soo much where its almost impossible to not succeed or advance. I'm almost sure your dad wouldn't express himself the way you just did; because he experienced it, you didn't. The moral of the story is think before you speak.

    4. 9:03 AM
      Dude,thats down to your fathers iron will to prosper and look after his family and is to be commended,but he is an exception in these terms.Taking the route these fellows took is not easy,dont listen to fools who say"easy money or easy route"believe me,there is nothing"easy"about selling drugs.
      We can all recall stories of people getting out and making it,your father raised goats(what he knew)who knows,your father may have taken a similar route to this guy if your family were immersed in the drug business.Your being very naive if you and others dont think poverty can lead people to do things they wouldnt ordinarily do,poverty is a catalyst absolutely no doubt i cannot hate someone who sold drugs,i hate the senseless violence that accompanies it yes,as for you saying"excuses"it is not an excuse IT IS SIMPLE FACT.

    5. yeah but he is a success story, think about how if you are smarter and better looking than the boss at a company and they dont hire you just cause obviously soon you will leave and have a better job or get promoted higher than your first boss. just how it works people are scared of others ambitions, not me but others for sure Ive lived through this .

    6. Thats my point if my grandfather and father were imersed in the drug buisness then I am not raised poor.... I would have chosen to continue in the drug trade..... Or not continue.... These saps chose to continue in the drug trade.... I work along the southwestern border getting drugs across is difficult to very hard at times not always ..... Corrupt customs agents or border patrol agents dont help the cause.not to limit in south texas sherrifs and local police,,, to include constables and even judges go figure... But not every one is corupt and on the take.. . Mochomo made the choice to continue living and involved in the drug trade..... He could have chosen to be or do something different ......... You are in the buisness by choice not by poverty..... In his case he aslo could have chosen to be the exception..... Thanx for your response.....

    7. We all have choices and my father chose to leave why stay and live through all that poverty.... And no people always can live of the land the poverty is not what you think it is and yes i lived in mexico after birth parents went back and i spent my first five years of my life in la sierra madre.... So dont tell me how mexico was , is , or will be.... I continue to go..... Mochomo while growing up was not poor ...... He had everything thats the point.... He chose to ccontinue in the buisness...... By CHOICE..... Chapos kids not poor they continue in the buisness by choice,... Cardenas guillen kids junior continues by choice.... So dont give me this lame excuse that o poor mijo he sales drugs because his pansita hurts from hunger bull fuckn shit......

    8. 9:35 am . you are very young . 5,000 must be lately .ive seen them cross on their own and catch a ride and a job for $150

    9. No one has the money to go to the u.s about evryone borrowes it and once in the u.s they work to pay it back any mexican can go to the u.s if they wanted to its not cheap or easy but just look at all the illegals in the u.s even the central americans can afford to send thousands of kids to u.s most of the mexicans here dont want to go to u.s the ones that do are gone or trying

    10. 11:47 is calling somebody a idiot . And judging from what he wrote he thinks this guy was raised in poverty and took his only way out . Bet the prosecution don't pick you on any juries . Oh wait do you get called for jury duty ? Well if you vote you could . That is if you participate in that part of society . You know the side that runs things . Not narco mexico

    11. The BL brothers weren't big players when Alfredo was young. They were ordinary body guards, I highly doubt he grew up in riches as it wasn't until the late 80s when that family rose the ranks.

    12. 6:43 I see what your trying to say , that they choose to live that lifestyle, but like I said I don't agree with you at all. You started off saying "we all have choices " I'm gonna go ahead and ask you did you grow up in Mexico ? En la Sierra de Mexico ? Because the city is different . You said you lived there 5 years , I don't believe you and if you did go back you went back to visit , with money already at your disposal you're the one that had everything given to you , but if you were born in Mexico along with your family you would see the reality . If your born in the Sierra , the only job that there is so you can eat is growing weed , heroin ; that's the only thing you see as a little kid thats the only thing you know and that's the only thing your are going to do as a career. You see your uncles, aunts , cousin, friends doing it and it becomes normal. Now you said " the poverty is not what you think it is , I lived in Mexico " my guess is your a teenager , yes you lived in Mexico but with Money , you see the difference . Mexico is great if you have money, but if you don't it's another story. I know because I was born in la Sierra Madre en Cosala y Durango and that's how I know your talking nonsense . Friends, cousins , uncles , fathers become straight killers because that's all they know . I'm gonna go ahead and turns this on you ;Poverty isn't what you think it is .There is no police en la Sierra , the only people that go there is a group of military maybe 8 times a year and camp outside the towns and are scared , you can tell because they point their guns at everyone they don't know who's who so they treat everyone bad and that's why a lot of military get killed. Point being the Mexican government is a piece of crap , doesn't care one bit about the people living in la Sierra Madre therefor they United and created their own culture , all the poor are kept poor their is no hope of going to a public school because you have to have money for that. The Mexican government has never tried to help that's why they are not respected . Poverty is what has these drug trafficking organization so powerful because in Mexico there is poverty everywhere . The Mexican Goverment messed up along time ago there is no solution .

    13. 11:47 Money runs things I know that.There is no side, boundaries, borders etc.

    14. 12:32 then wen you made enough money to leave you do so maybe not to the us but to a better town or city they choose to stay and continue their life style and just keep making excuses not to leave

    15. As a police officer, daddy never named names?
      Or did he only did his job arresting borrachitos?
      --Because even in mexico, illiterate police officers knew everything before the age of computers and telephones and CB,

  4. Was up Plano. Saludos. Go to Chitos. Best Mexican food in town. Try the frijoles charros.

    1. 9:32 I didn't come to the US to eat frijoles, por muy charros que sean, con winnis en rebanadas, yeeech! no!

  5. Good man they all had to do what needed to be done stay up MOCHOMO con la cabesa en alto!

  6. This is not san luis potosi this is big bad Sinaloa where bosses are groomed dont ever compare any cheap ass state to sinaloa

  7. Sinaloa is will always be #1

    1. Every cartel can kick Sinaloas ass any day of the week z cdg cdj cjng lfm.sinaloa is just the governments puppet.

  8. Although Mochomo is a topnarco it`s sickening me to see how the Mexican-US Gob. handled the whole situation.. In a very late stage Mochomo was mentioned in the US files, the quite fast extradiction and now a punishment beyond reason..

  9. I think it's a disgrace even to ask for a 25 year sentence...given the evidence presented, 15 seems more reasonable.

  10. ooooh so it was his son Santiel that got kidnapped. people said it was arturos

  11. what does it say about chapo isidro? i cant read that small writing

  12. 9:03 I read the article and was so anxious to reply I never read your reply . I think my was posted by accident or lost it trying to reread before I posted . I agree with you 100%
    This rational would only piss a judge or jury off . I really would want Chivis arguing my plea for leniency . I may not be so smart but I understand peoples mind . Excuses get you a lot of time . I say a man plea his case before a judge after sticking his finger in a little boy. Told the judge he couldn't help himself and he needed help . The judge gave him 99 years of therapy in the Texas department of criminal justice institutional division . That just the long way we say the pen in Texas. I know everybody is appalled that I would compare a greedy murding drug trafficker to somebody as low life as a admitted child molester that molested a little boy . When the guy plead guilty without an agreement they could punish him like he was a chronic (probably was) as long as they stayed in the sentencing guidelines of the offence he plead guilty to . Do you recon MOCHOMO was a chronic smuggler ? As far as what they extradited him for , I think the extradition treaty agrees we don't seek the death penalty . I think these lengthy sentences are a better deterrent . Although they are costly to our economy .

    1. The costs of lengthy sentences can be blamed on political fixings and insider trading with privatize of prisons budgets. --the handlers of prisons are worse than the criminals, and many times the instigators of the corruption of young kids since grade school.
      As for drug trafficking, it is common knowledge that the US government and american and european billionaires own drug trafficking around the world, and specially the dirty money it generates...

    2. The US only applies "the law" to the mexicans their own amerikkkan drug trafficking degenerates hired to handle the crap for them while using the american government laws and resources for their own benefit and impunity for drug trafficking and money laundering...

    3. 7.06
      How would you kmow millie?Another instance of you talking shit.Have you ever been in the system?So by your comment only Mexicans get bad justice?
      Shows again your a hater

  13. Give the same sentencing as Benjamin Arellano Felix, 25yrs n when he's done his time here deport him to Mexico so he can do more time

  14. I think life is too much for this poor guy. Look at the sentences that were given to Osiel Cardenas, Guero Palma and these assholes were much bigger. Guero Palma and Cardenas got off easy because they SNITCHED, what about all the horrible crimes they did? Alfredo Beltran Leyva is getting fuck by the system.

    1. The secret is that Michael peña nieto de gortari is taking over all the drug trafficking from all the unpolished mexican drug traffickers, because of the money it generates, and el mochomo es muy cabrón, he may want to get even for the murder of arturo and all the shit epn and co have been dealing to him.
      --apparently the US agrees with Pretty Boy Floyd epn...they get the lion's share...

  15. Chivis im like you
    Keremos a los beltran leyvA
    En ves de toda la bola de dedos


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