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Monday, June 20, 2016

Valentin Elizarde's ex wife executed in Sonora

This Monday morning June 20 Blanca Vianey Durán Brambila, former partner of Valentin Elizalde died after being shot in the head. The incident occurred on Chihuahua street between Guerrero and No Reelección in Cajeme, Sonora.

40-year-old Blanca was taken to a nearby hospital, however, she did not survive the attack. The now deceased, was accompanied by her daughter who witnessed the attack, she was unharmed in the accident. She is also the daughter of the late singer Valentin Elizalde shot dead in Reynosa, Tamaulipas in 2006.

According to witnesses who were at the scene, the person who shot Blanca is a male who after shooting Duran Brambila, in the head fled on a Grand Cherokee. So far the identity of the murderer, his whereabouts and the motive is unknown.

This article was translated from Zeta Tijuana


  1. Damn!!! Beautiful girl.

  2. The consequences of being in the game .

    1. It is no game. When someone enters the business they commit themselves, their families, and even friends to a ruthless society where humanity does not exist and petty accounts will be settled. The few who treat it 100% business forego pride and write off petty scores and do not self aggrandize (Trump wouldn't last a day:), Ego, self promotion and treating like "the game" is population control for narcos

  3. Remind me again who did Valentin piss off?

    1. He sang "a mis enemigos" a corrido he made for the CDS making threats to the CDG and los Zetas... In Reynosa their power seat. He either had some big ones or he really wanted to die

    2. El Vale pissed off "a toda la bola de envidiosos..." nomás...
      (Just "all the envious ones") but I doubt the bola de envidiosos had a grudge with his wife, AND HEIR, in my book...

    3. El Hummer from the zetas I believe.

    4. Rumor has it he was told not to sing a song called "a mis enemigos" and he opened and closed the concert with that song. Another rumor is that weeks before that concert he was singing at a private party with Los Cachorros de Juan Villarreal (i was invited but didn't attend) and he was hitting on one of the "Z" girlfriends even after he was told to calm down. Either way he disrespected them one way or another and paid with his life.

    5. He didn't but some dummy made a video calling zetas a bunch of pussies using one of his songs and he played that song in a very heavy zeta territory at that time...

    6. Los Zetas 8:42. It was Zeta sicario El Hummer specifically.

    7. 11:21-What gets me is the slightest inadvertent slight or what these cartels call disrespect they will have you castrated and decapitated but the major disrespect they show to the general population through rape,extortion,robbery and kidnappings is deplorable.They should practice what they preach about respect.

    8. Again with the fuckin corrido... besides the nigga sang like shit, that was not the cause of his murder......
      Lets go again and cleared this out.....

      It was killed because he flirted he with the Zeta Boss at that time in Reynosa, and it was not el Hummer, dude sang to her and grabbed her hand... .. end of story....
      he got killed for shiiiit

    9. El hummer de los zetas wasn't no hit men he was Plaza boss

    10. Where do you think he started as 5:39?Even when you are Zeta plaza boss you are still a hitman cause that's what Zetas do. Do you think El Hummer just chilled at home while his people did hits? Hell no he was hitting with them like a Zeta boss is suppose to do. After all he is a Zeta not a member of the CDSnitches.

    11. El hummer was the only original zeta who was straight up us army he was a zeta operative like all the originals he became a cdg lieutenant later in reynosa

    12. LMAO. The narcco-corridos are only made so that narcos can get a hard on when they hear it. The real business is in the laundering of proceeds you dumbasses. This is not the USA with Tupac against Dre or whoever/whatever those animals were fighting about. LOL.

  4. Sincerest condolences goes out to their family. VALENTIN was a very talented and badass artist.

    1. Don't get your feelings hurt but that MF songs were annoying. He sang like Count Dracula from Sesame Street.

    2. Valentine was the best he also has several girlfriends his last girlfriend is married to Julian Alvarez

    3. 6:43 that's what I said. He sounded like shit. Yet people liked his crappy music..

    4. The music the asalariados, the journeymen, the rabble like, is not exactly the music the high class pompadours like, matter of fack, the uglier and the more rascuache, the better, it is a music with a secret message that says chinguen a su madre los ricos y los politicos y su pinchi "alta categoria..."

    5. From a gringo, I love valentine's music. Rip my friend. Wish I could have seen you live.

  5. Anyone know why she was executed?

    1. Good question. He sang like shit , He. Flirted. He, he, he.... But her? What did she do? Was she killed really because of something to do with him?

    2. Valentin elizalde had two brothers trying to be singers, el flaco elizalde and some other guy elizalde too.
      These brothers I have not seen anywhere for a long time, and I suppose the inheritance and succession has something to do with this murder.

  6. Maybe she was dating a Narco and paid the ultimate price.

  7. Tsssss daamn i wonder whyy!!?

  8. I remember when I was a kid living in Mexico I would hear people and songs say "En Mexico la vida no vale nada"
    now 50 years later it's still the same if not worst.
    It has gotten to the point where I believe "Ya Mexico no vale nada tampoco con tanto asesino y politico corrupto"
    Pinche berguenza de paiz tan bonito que era.

    1. What are you talking about? Every country have murders. My family lives in Mexico and haven't had any problems, so I think you are mistaken.

    2. Your wrong buddy. The thing is if you want to play the game you have to play by the rules. And if you want to live a normal life no one will mess with you.

    3. I frequent mexico every weekend and plan to retire hence the word plan.... I have seen things that i will not repeat due to being afraid and because nothing will get done.... So far where i go no one messes with you unless you get involved in the Game,... With the players and or their family.... I feel safe and all is good so far..... Eventhough i feel safe i know what can or may happen and therefore i keep to myself and dont have facebook twitter dont tell no one how much i earn and where i work my life is and has been very secretive..... My two cents.... Publicizing everything you do everywhere you go is not good to many haters tommany people with need of money to many secuestradores former narcos displaced without jobs this could have been a robbery gone bad.... To many uncertainties... No one will now but the shooter why......

    4. 4:41

      I am an outdoors person and love all the beauty that Mexico has to offer. I used to travel all of Mexico about 30 years ago. I am wanting to go to a lot of different places in the Sierra's, jungle and desert. I was just in Parral, Chihuahua this weekend and told some people I wanted to go into the mountains above Santiago Papasquiaro Chihuahua for a couple of days. You go South of Parral on highway 45 to a road that cuts right and takes you to highway 23 then South to Santiago. Just about 11 Kilometers north of that you see a road that cuts off, number 36 that winds through some incredible mountain territory. We asked people along the way if that would be a safe place. Everyone said you would a fool to go there. You would probably be robbed, kidnapped or killed for sure. Unless you live in Santiago. There are so many places in remote areas like this that you cannot go. If all you do is big highways to resorts, and so on you are OK. But if you like to get out and enjoy nature you are very restricted. I have a friend that enjoys doing things like I do. He has been kidnapped 4 times. Yet he still goes out to these beautiful out of the way places. You must not get out much, and if you do you are probably restricted in where you travel. Because you for sure would be running into problems. 12:16 AM, you are spot on and really know what is happening. It is very sad that you cannot just go where you want. I live in Chihuahua City and it is fairly safe in most areas. Some not so. So yes you can be safe, but like most people you have to be smart about where you go everywhere in Mexico. I however have lost friends who were killed by criminals here in Chihuahua.

    5. @1216am. Is not the country of mexico. is not the people. Is cultural not giving a fuck. Is the actual lack of law enforcement from the cop on the street to the judge in the court room..mexico has laws and a constitution but they are not being enforced...what's is being practice at 100 percent is corruption. social exclusion based on economic status. Indigenous genocide and narco trafficking. In order to clean that up They need a strong radical crazy leader like Donald Trump but mexican a wall for the narcos and keep them in sinaloa on a corral and give them unlimited beer and burgers so they get diabetes and cholesterol. free education all the way to high school for young kids. Give mexican cops a decent salary. Enforcement of the laws I. All states and in about 30 years mexico will be a bit better...

    6. Anon 12:16 AM Whatever dude, most of the people killed in Mexico had something to do with drugs, innocent people do get killed but you are crazy if you think that Mexico is lost. I know hundreds of people who live all over Mexico and have lived there for more that 40 years. Till today only two of those people I knew died by criminal violence. You need to smell the coffee bud.

    7. Why don't you tell that to the relatives of the September attack, the ones in San Bernardino or the ones in Orlando Florida.

    8. 6:03 maybe you want to explain to the relatives of 9/11 how building 7 fell in a "planned demolition like free fall"
      --The others are easy, a lot of people work brainwashing their pendejos and fill their heads with all the shit they can then send them to fack up...
      --Mexico is about the same...

    9. No se agan pendejos, you don't have to be involved in any type of crime to be a target, you just have to be successful and if they know you have money or net worth they will kidnap you and kill you after the ransom is paid.
      You want to live in Mexico all your lives with your head in the sand hoping no one will notice you and turn your face the opposite direction to pretend you didn't see a thing. Bola de pendejos, quit living in a state of denial. If it keeps getting worst eventually they'll catch up to you.
      Como dice el dicho "Prefiero murir parado que vivir mi vida arrodillado".

  9. The murderer is a real man to shoot an unarmed defenseless woman, and mother of a young child. It surely took a lot of guts to execute the victim in front of her child, instantly creating an orphan. No matter what the victim may have allegedly done it certainly didn't warrant such a violent criminal action.
    Given the ineptitude, along with the overwhelming levels of corruption within the ranks of Mexico's law enforcement, I doubt that this homicide will ever be solved. However, should some miracle occur and the murderous coward is identified and convicted, I hope he is sentenced to cleaning other prisoner's toilets with his tongue for the rest of his life.

  10. WOW! The government is running out of "sedena" agents empecherados enchapados armados hasta los Dientes con sus güenas rodilleras como las de la lewinsky y su yellow tape to go and fight crime "securing" the crime scene...
    --maybe she did not want to share the the way...

  11. Gorgeous woman
    What a shame that a child witnessed such a tragedy

  12. Killed by a mis enemigos?

    1. The last letter got the last laugh....Zzzzzzzzz

    2. Lol a "una bola de envidioso" killed her lol

    3. bunch of pussies go after a female typical Mexican cartel

  13. The poor daughter. Father and mother brutally murdered!

  14. Coward. Shot an unarmed women accompanied by her child.

    The shooter will be picked up, tortured and suffer and slow and painful death before being tossed on the side of some open ditch in the desert of Sonora.

  15. I am beginning to believe that a lot of this violence can be contributed to individuals and cartel members who are taking drugs themselves. They are hooked on what they are selling which explains this violent behavior throughout Mexico so what do you think?

    1. Yeah the paranoia picks up quicker on meth and being a sicario there is already enough paranoia.Paranoia well logic goes out the window.You can believe whatever you want to believe while high on meth even if the facts speak otherwise.Too many mistakes made.Judgement is clouded.I know I was a methhead for 6 months over 30 years ago.

    2. 9:24 I would not blame "the government" for that, Canna, that one is on the "friends" you chose to hang with...

    3. But that was then and this is now 12:46-I'm as straight as an arrow.

  16. It's wrong what happen to her but she was getting around with different narcos and pissed off the wrong one!

  17. That's What You Get For Messing With Z!

    1. All zzz and huggerzzz should be incinerated!!!

  18. Esos son sicarios de amentira que les asen falta huevos , mira que matar una mujer no es de hombre verga i menos por la espalda culo , vengase pa sinaloa aqui le enseno como se mata de frente sin ventaja compa
    -pistolero de manurl torrez-

    1. Si acaso fuera cierto que eres pistolero te réto a que uses ruleta china en el próximo jale.

      Un tiro en el revólver, le dás varias vieltas a la mazorca sin mirar dónde queda el cartúcho y si de verdád éres múy de guebos primero te apuntas a la cabeza y disparas.

      Luego le tocadia a la otra persona.

      Éso es no llevar ventaja.

    2. 7:47 Genaro garcia es la caca sin huggers

  19. Se topo con la última letra y esta no olvida ni en una década, siglo, o milenio..

  20. Sleep with dogs, wake with fleas

  21. It's hard to believe that the Z are in Sonora there many photos of Valentine and mayo kids and Javier Torres daughter I wonder was there a connection there when Valentine died the war on drugs kick off and the music culture changing

    1. he died in the middle of the BLO VS ZETAS war. that started way back in the early 2000s.

    2. It's crazy the Zetas are the ones who kick BLO out of Nuevo Leon & Tamaulipas. Now they are the best strongest allied in Mexico with the Fuentes Carrillo's Cartel.

    3. @747 im certain BLO is still in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon. They been there for a while now

    4. 12:10 only in san pedro but b4 the whole staye was BLO then Zetas invaded through china nuevo leon and so on.

  22. RIP Valentin elizalde...
    If someone didn't had forgot that killer of Valentin was killed in clash with marines at 2014 29 july
    He was el flander I one of original ZETAS... most people's are always mistooking his photo with Z-1

  23. June 21, 12:25...your friend has been kidnapped 4 times..? And you say be smart and think about where you go in Mexico.? Listen..It would only take 1 or 2 times for any normal person to come to the realization that maybe I shouldn't be repeating what I am doing, or get the hell outta there. And you say be smart? A smart guy or girl would not risk being kidnapped a 5th time.

    1. 10:45 I have been kidnapped by gangueros like 20 times, my wife thinks I need to stop hanging out on bars and drinking until the wee hours in the morning, when I finally can escape...
      --I mean, your boyfriend is lying, period.

  24. Is it true that she was also en ex partner of el hummer?

  25. This woman was used to the easy life
    Probably jumping from narco to narco.
    Come on do really think she's going to go out with a taquero or baker. She probably tried to end a relationship or seen something she wasn't suppose to see. Sonara is full of that life. Shame she was hit in front of her daughter.

    1. 2:43 maybe she was supposed to wait at home for you, güey.
      --If el vale was free to date and play around, I think she was free to do as she wanted without your permission or his...

  26. So her husband was the guy in the cowboy hat? And his murdered too, sometime before for singing the wrong song?

  27. Damn, she never saw it coming. I guess it could have been worse kinda of like what happened to Chino Antrax's girl.

  28. I wish they didn't kill Valentin. I really enjoyed his music

  29. So many conspiracies,z,cds and so many opinions. They all stink and are full of shit. She was executed by an ex. It has nothing to do with any cartel,Valentin or anything else. She was not at the wrong place at the wrong time either.DEP

  30. what happen in tamaulipas anonymous discover in SEP (education secretary) payments to reporters underwater

  31. Zetas no mas. Zetas were and always be bitch cowards


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