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Thursday, June 23, 2016

Tamaulipas-Oaxaca: Two Journalists killed in less than 24 hours

Posted by DD Republished from in part from JOURNALISM IN THE AMERICAS Blog and Proceso

Journalist killed in Tamaulipas, Mexico is second journalist killed in that country in less than 24 hours

Less than 24 hours after the death of a journalist in Oaxaca, a reporter in Tamaulipas state has been killed by a group of armed men. She is the eighth journalist killed in Mexico this year.

On the morning of June 20, journalist and teacher Zamira Esther Bautista, 44, was shot while in her car outside of her home in Ciudad Victoria, the capital of Tamaulipas state in northeastern Mexico.

According to Proceso, Bautista was a freelance journalist and teacher, but had covered the social section in newspapers El Mercurio and La Verdad de Ciudad Victoria.

A cartulina left with the journalist attempted to link her to members of a criminal group in the city, according to a statement from the state government.   (DD the statement from  The Grupo de  Coordinacion  Tamaulipas simply referred to her as "a woman was deprived of her life..." . It did not identify her as a full time teacher and a part time journalist) 
El mensaje que dejaron junto al cuerpo de la periodista. Foto:Proceso

 The Inter American Press Association (IAPA) explained that these types of notes are common in the city and state “as means of seeking to discredit citizens and justify ‘the settling of accounts.’”

 Proceso reported that she was killed at 6:30AM:as she was entering her car to go to shool to her teaching job.  It reported that seconds later a group of armed men in another car drove up and shot her. 


 Proceso also reported that with this case "more than 15 journalists killed in Tamaulipas since 2010 to date, and about 17 are missing. .and that  Tamaulipas is the only state in Mexico where organized crime groups have banned journalists write about violence 


According to Journalism in the Americas Blog Bautista’s murder comes just one day after that of Elidio Ramos Zárate, who was killed in Oaxaca reportedly while photographing a robbery in-progress at a convenience store. Zárate had been covering the intense confrontations between police and teachers in that state.
Ramos Zarate
 Teachers in Oaxaca have been protesting reforms for about a week. On June 19, violence came to a head as police tried to clear a roadblock in Nochixtlan where authorities would later say six were killed. Ramos Zárate was killed in nearby Juchitán.
Ivonne Flores, editor of El Sur, said in an interview with Radio Fórmula that a group of masked men threatened Ramos Zárate and other co-workers on June 18 in order to stop them covering the violence, according to Animal Politico.

The journalist reported that there are no conditions for working in the state of Oaxaca. “We are exposed to all (…) and we cannot do our work, we cannot freely take a photo, cover material as it should be done, to keep society informed,” Flores said, according to Animal Politico.

 In 2015, Mexico saw an attack against journalists every 22 hours, according to the annual report from freedom of expression organization Article 19 Mexico.

 According to a report by La Sociedad Interamericana de Prensa (SIP)  Ramos Zarate, the journalist killed a day earlier, worked for El Sur, Independent Diario del Istmo, in the city of Juchitan de Zaragoza, Oaxaca. 

The other reporters finalized this year are: Manuel Torres (May 14), Francisco Pacheco Beltran (April 25), Moses Dagdug Lutzow (February 20), Anabel Flores Salazar (February 8), Reinel Martinez Cerqueda (January 22 ) and Marcos Hernandez Bautista (January 21).


  1. Where's part 3 Boss of Bosses? Left me in suspense

  2. Esto me pasa por andar con los cdn y andar con 15 camionetas lleno de pendejos q se creen todo un veneno nomas por tener armas atte: el ejercito mejicano
    (pinches narcos mal entrenados caen como moscas cuando se topan con los soldados)

    1. True let the citizens carry firearms at least handguns and u will see a decrease on violence

  3. if it's that bad, why report?)

    1. The World Doesn't Care Shit. They Care For Their Income.)

    2. 12:35pm I think the whole world knows already, n no one not even journalists can do nothing about it, the Pope couldnt

    3. The world does care, but the media hides what happens in Mexico, the world does not know.


    4. "If its that bad why report"
      Ye,if theres a 100 bodies lying in the street tied up,dont report it,its bad.No one needs to know that.
      Yes they fuckin do,the whole world needs to know,and then we need to know if you stopped tokin PCP

    5. 345
      "The world does care"
      Err dont mean to rain on your hobbit house,but.
      The world doesn't care,doesn't give two fucks,they talk a nice talk though,like a lot of people,but when it comes to action,nah shit gets done.An why should it.
      Mexico is an insulated country,they dont want anyone specially certain people poking their noses in,so Mexican gov just goes on stirring up jingoism and nationalism and the sheep lap it up and blame everyone else.Why and how could anyone help Mexico?

    6. 10:36

      Agree. Who Cares.

    7. Past experience has taught us that the "help" we get is real expensive, the mexican independence war and revolution, still cost the mexicans, earning 3 dollars a day, not an hour as some misinformed people say...
      --forget about helping the mexicans, just GET THE FACK OUT OF THE WAY with your motherfacking bullshit of arming and financing the mexican governing narco-mierdocracia with billions of dollars to help them stay in power, because that is problem #1, the US and their "help", since the 1700 until today...gringos go home!!!

  4. Bien dicho y me sorprende que como todo lo de mas le hecharan la culpa al Gob. Hay que ser responsables por nuestras acciones...Oaxaca.

    1. 6:47 even polesia nazional chief enrique francisco galindo ceballos has acknowledged that "mistakes were made" and that the police had weapons, after denying it for a week...
      Videos and photos proved it.
      --this porro and elite zeta from the start has made himself the police responsible for their actions..."oaxaca"...

  5. Can someone post her name when available? And age? Thanks

    1. @9:27 AND 3:06. The first sentence of the second paragraph says;

      "On the morning of June 20, journalist and teacher Zamira Esther Bautista, 44,"

    2. 7:31 "where"?

    3. 7:31 Some people should hit their snout with their "smartphones"

  6. The deafening silence of the mainstream media in Mexico is proof positive that a narco shadow government is really in control of the country. The centralized bureaucracy has failed the Mexican people and has been replaced with narco corruption and death. This swift is embodied by the silencing of the media. Seems like another revolution may be in order...

    1. Cartel Atlacomulco, all the guests to Diego Fernandez de ceballos birthday party, PRIISTA DINOSAURS, THEIR BABYSAURS, their satellite parties and mafioso contractorzzz, they are the hidden shadow government, all the narcos put together are less evil and dangerous than one of those motherfackers...

  7. Not to nit pick but........

    " Proceso also reported that with this case "more than 15 journalists killed in Tamaulipas since 2010 to date, and about 17 are missing. and that more than 15 journalists killed in Tamaulipas since 2010 to date, and about 17 are missing.and that " Seems that the last part was repeated...
    Anyway, thanks for the story dd! It seems that it takes a GROUP of brave, armed men to silence ONE single, unarmed woman these days. SMH

  8. Name of lady journalistbin C.V.?

  9. Off duty Federal Police attacked in Central Market in Chilapa, GRO. 3 dead and six injured:

  10. Journalists in Mexico really are a different breed.There is no doubt that PRI has given tacit approval to kill or threaten any journalist who dares to make Mexico look even worse by telling simple truths.Look at the way they left Zamira Bautista and then insinuate she was cartel aligned,Ramos Zarate knew the definite danger and still worked on.These are the kind of human beings who probably never consider using violence.The PRI government by its ignorant disregard shows open contempt for journalists by saying nothing much less doing something.This is why we should show news in all its brutality,people such as these give their lives for it,would we?Thanks dd,news like this needs telling

    1. So true! Well verdad. The gobierno never says anything about the heroic and important role of THEIR journalists.

    2. 8:05 their "journalists" thrive, there are rewards for them.
      --Other journalists, not sponsored and paid in government chayote, die...

    3. Peña nieto's TIME cover has a tariff price list of $750 000.00 dollars, it was not journalism that got that deal done, it was chayote, TIME needed the money, epn needed the propaganda...

  11. Meanwhile mireles is still in prison, cartels are getting bigger and stronger, thousands of more guns getting to Mexico from U.S for cartels to use with no problem, the government still pacts with local cartels, innocent people getting killed.... So on and so on... We'll come to Mexico.

    1. Another day, another dollar backed peso..

      Paz, Por Favor

  12. Y la barbarie continua...ahora son los maestros cUando antes fueron los campesinos...hasta cuando tener que aguantar esta represion del gobierno asesino!! Despierta pueblo!! Que el
    Siguiente eres tu!!

  13. Mexican journalists! Make your way to Canada and apply for refugee status! Canada is welcome to accepting Mexicans under threat of death.
    Mexican journalists could work from |Canada and put a lot of heat on Nieto and Mexican corruption.

    1. You know what's sick. A guy in canada kills a dude for no reason.(killer has 50 previous convictions) Our shitty judicial system let's him off with 7.5 years in jail... and due to time served he'll do 4.5 years for killing a 50 year old man for no reason.

    2. 9:47 PM
      Most of the idiots here wont have a clue about the disappeared Native Women of Canada.They think only Mexico/US matters and the US brings all the worlds ills.One or the other.It is tragic so many beautiful indigenous women are murdered and tossed away like rubbish

    3. They have found that many of the Native women were murdered by spouses and boyfriends and many on reserves have many social problems like drinking and drugs more than the average Canadian and many like like 3rd world countries because the Canadian government gives money to the Chiefs and like Mexico they keep it for themselves rather than disburse to the people.

    4. No offence, Canadiana, and you're certainly entitled to your opinions on First Nations Canadian women and girls gone missing and murdered. These are systemic crimes and race based. The viewpoint you've expressed above echoes your former PM Harper's spin. The crimes number well above 2,000 to date along the Canadian Highway Of Tears. The RCMP itself is currently under investigation on several counts, including Alberta's, Saskatchewan's and British Columbia's "Horsemen" with regard to the murdered and disappeared in Western Canada and Southern Ontario. To paint mass murder, sexual assault and poverty as the fault of the Aboriginal Canadians themselves smacks of a deep seated racist neurosis, one which is far more pervasive throughout English speaking Canada than most people would care to believe. Nice move on lifting Visa restrictions for Mexicans in exchange for Canadian beef imports to Mexico ...

  14. That's a very good idea guero pero don't you think that the mexican corrupt government ain't got no connections in canada if someone was trying go make noise? Think twice guero.

    1. at 12:04 You are obviously ignorant of Canada!
      Serious crimes are actually investigated.

    2. Explain all of the missing indigenous women in Canada who are missing and are not being investigated or even broadcast on the news. It's a serious problem here.

    3. Yes but no country wants to get in other country's bizz just like that you dig? You smell me? You feel me dawg?

    4. 8:42 like, not paying your mordidas in Canada leads to investigation of your serious crimes...
      --Paying infrahuman wages on LatinAmerican countries to workers of canadian or other "investors" should be a crime, regardless of the "laws" in those countries...

    5. 4;51-i highly doubt your 1st paragraph is true.Yes there's a lot of bureaucracy and paperwork fees to pay for setting up a business here but it's the same for everybody a level playing field and there's receipts for everything you can write off at tax time.Can I write off my mordida in Mexico for a business tax writeoff.I highly doubt it.I'm starting to have 2nd thoughts on free trade.If a business sets up in another country they should only be allowed to sell there instead of taking advantage of the low wages to capitalize.Wages are sometimes a supply and demand thing.Here when we had the oil boom minimum wage was $11.20 an hour but business were paying more for those jobs because they couldn't find enough people to work but I agree they shouldn't pay slave wages,a little higher yes but not at Canadian rate in Mexico.When Mexico finally has all the world's business there will be so many jobs it will go up naturally along with the cost of living like housing so hang in there.There must be a shortage of work or they wouldn't pay such low wages.

    6. Well, no thanks, I was making about 6 dollars a day a while ago in mexico, and went to texas to make $1.25 dollars an hour but I did not stay there for long, texas was just a bump on the way, where I never got paid for my second quincena.

    7. $1.25 an hour in the US?You must be joking.The cost of living is much higher in the US.Those are definitely slave wages.Another thing if you work under the table you can't always trust a guy to pay you especially on your final cheque. Another thing is he will pay you less as he can't write it off at tax time.

  15. Lazy gangsters kill woman with a job.

  16. Is dr.mirelas still getting out this month or next month?

  17. Journalistas and JOURNALISM .
    Looked what happened on Sunday / Domingo all over Mexico ..........Solidarity Marches for the killed teachers . I checked the WEBCAMS and almost every ZOCOLO was on blackout.
    Thanks to all getting the word out . Tragic

  18. MORE :
    MAS PROTESTAS ........

  19. 4:39 you can see the marchers on youtube, there may be some guys doing pendejadas and talking shit, so be careful...

  20. Was she talking bad about PRI or PAN? The PRI lost so it seems late to make her pay.... or...was she one of journalists that Alleged a certain criminal group kidnapped the nice socce r player with Horrible taste in clothing?


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