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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Sinaloa Congresswoman and El Chapo gal pal, stripped of immunity

Lucio R. Borderland Beat with C.E. Martinez

The controversial congressional Sinaloa  representative, Lucero Sánchez López,  has been stripped of her parliamentary immunity.  This action paves the way for a formal investigation and possible prosecution.

Sánchez is, allegedly, the mother of El Chapo’s youngest child, a son, born while Chapo was imprisoned in Altiplano, prior to his escape.  Although she denied visiting the Capo in prison, she was seen on video tape footage at the prison visiting Chapo.

After his infamous tunnel escape from Altiplano,  Chapo was reported seen visiting Sánchez and spending the night with her and their child.  This caused a federal operation in Cosala, the municipality where Sánchez lives, but Chapo managed to flee.

With Sánchez at the prison, was El Chapo’s lead attorney, who confirmed it was Sánchez visiting El Chapo and that he accompanied her to the prison.  It is alleged she used false documents to visit Chapo.
On Monday, members of Mexican’s national Congress voted by 414 to 37, to retract Sánchez of her immunity protection from prosecution.

She denies any relationship with Chapo, and denies he is the father of her son, but refused to name “the father”.

If  found guilty of falsifying documents, the 27 year old mother could face up to 12 years in prison.

She took to Facebook, writing that she will be proven innocent. (see below computer translated click on image to enlarge)


  1. They ask for id when visiting someone in prison, there should be a log with her name on it and that is it. There's way to much bullshit around this chapo capture. Chapo is probably in a faraway land chilling with obama bin laden

    1. that's the point she used false documents

    2. @AnonymousJune 14, 2016 at 10:10 PM
      False documents to visit one of DEA's most wanted? What was she thinking? She can't be too smart thinking no one would guess who she is and the likely hood that Chapo would attempt to escape.

  2. A Congresswoman at 27?Must be connections and not qualifications or experience.

    1. umm, I wonder who-what that connection might be? could it be the guy who got her into all this trouble?

    2. Hmmmm can it be?

    3. @canadianaJune 14, 2016 at 10:06 PM
      Qualifications? She's a BJ specialist perhaps and her wit. Maybe -I don't know her, but I trust in Chapo's taste.

    4. 10:09 supposedly.

    5. Canadiana, please tell me you're joking?

    6. I know a girl that's like 24 she married an older guy and now she's getting in to congress, strangest part is she went to school for like gastronomy or something like that something that has nothing to do with politics. That's Mexico for all of us.

    7. She was married to Ruben Sanchez(el X1). he was the person in charge of cosala. She was the person in charge of letting them know when the government moved in cosala. She's heavily involved with the sinaloa cartel. El X1 is the father of her first son. When el X1 got killed diputada Lucerk killed a family of a ranch near cosala who she thought where responsible for his death( 3 adults and 4 kids). Anyone who doesn't believe me just go to cosala and you will see there is always a convoy of 4 tacomas following her around with armed men and the government doesn't do shit. Alfredo Guzman son of el chapo lived in cosala for 3 years and she was the person who would alert them if the government made any movements in the town.

    8. 12:08 la diputada Carmen Salinas all she ever did was imitate somebody, interpretar una corcholata y rayarsela a quien se le atraviese, she is even older than La chaky, but she got made a federal congresswoman because she did not want to say anything about la comadre, la pinche gaviota comecacas y "su casa blanca", besides the job is easy, just raise a finger when told...

    9. Con saliva el pinchi dedo, pa que brille...

  3. Stop this witchhunt....Free Shorty...

  4. Crooks stripping other crooks of immunity. I am amused. What happens when its their turn. Watcha gonna do when they come 4 u?

  5. I think she likes Bad Boys.

  6. What got her into this mess in the first place? Money or fear???

  7. Only prison guards have the right to seduce or plain abuse the prisoners, male, female, no problem.
    This diputada congresswoman, has done no great harm to anybody, those that have been robbing mexico of billions and billions of pesos, mexican children of a nice education, mexican kids have been robbed of an education, mexico's health system is being dismantled to privatize it...the mexican government practicing "mano dura" is worser than worse, piling up the crap on this woman just show the little mexican government's popó head...

    1. Stfu! Always with the narcos never do anything wrong crap! In this case his concubine.
      If you say that politicians are the one who steals why don't you become one and get some money yourself instead of whining anout it??? Fuckin narcos and narco nuthuggers sound like jealous or envious little bitches when ever they try and compare dope dealing with politics. Sounds like their saying "help us, smarter people than us (narcos) make more money than us also! Be it true or not two wrongs don't make a right!

    2. 5:53 narco-politicians living off drug traffickers was a career choice, I don't need the money or the risk because I don't have greed, and I refuse to put myself on the way to being somebody's prison wife...
      --that narco-politicians still need to rob everybody else and murder friend and foe, is something they have to answer for, not me, but you can defend them all you want, they may give you their dirty linen in lieu of payment...or their undies...

    3. 5:53 Finally a voice of reason . I see some complaining some third generation career trafficker gets more time than others . Just because they think he isn't as evil. Few of them get their due . Only the killers that choose to make a stand and get gunned down get their due . Then its not quite enough . 100 scumbag lives aren't worth a good persons life .

    4. @8:59 Why don't the narcos take out any or all the corrupt politicians all over Mexico then? Better yet why do you even have a Mexican government at all if everyone steals? Cartels certaintly have the means to make an impact in Mexican politics!
      They are envious little bitches!

    5. 9:28 TEDx recommended for you, they specialize in blaming those that don't know who to blame, the people and their lack of education and initiative, but always forget to acknowledge that shit rolls down from the very top of the food chain, the US, but passes by the mexican government to leave some and pick up some exchanges...and what ends with the narcos is mostly pure unadulterated BULLSHIT AND HOGWASH.

  8. Wondering if she'll even stand trial, or if they'll take care of her before it even gets that far??

  9. National guardsmen aka Nasty Girl. You know who are. You were a pricky 6. An 8 at most. Before you question my integrity you better come at me with more than some has been part time status you once held. - El Sol Perdido

    1. 6:36AM You really are a repugnant and sad individual. My memory was correct after all: you once claimed to be part of the American delta force and here you are being disrespectful to a former military person who you did not have the courage to answer in the relevant thread (I searched and found a post by someone calling you out on your claim to be ex military, not to mention they ripped into your reasoning skills). When someone asks you a question you either answer or politely refuse but you ran away and cried foul about your intergrity which in the process demonstrated you don't have any.

  10. retract Sánchez of her immunity protection from prosecution.

    You are immune from prosecution in Mexico if you are a member of congress? That is really screwed up.

    1. It's a great policy if you like permanent and total corruption.

    2. 10:03 well, the mexican politicians decided impunity was a necessary evil for the good of "their corrupt crooked nation within the nation"...
      --Apparently the US government concurs and gives the mexican governing narco-mierdocracia billions of dollars and weapons and refuge sanctuary as payment for their meretricious services...
      --the rabble does not even deserve a second look, tought...

  11. It's so obvious it's her and she keeps on denying it. She should be prosecuted for being dumb

  12. This story doesn't add up in my book. The truth is hard to find. Chapo is alive and well living the good life in his retirement.

    1. Yeah he is retired in a jail cell. Nice retirement home...

    2. His double is

  13. Not sure why he needed an implant, he has no problem impregnating everyone.

  14. Chapo is Player still...

  15. Casanova Guzman gets all the chicks...

    1. El chapo Guzman es mio, y nadie me lo va a quitar, loveyou baby!
      EL Sol Perdido

    2. Jajajaja this is funny indeed
      El sol perdido is just another onevof chapo's bitches lmmao
      No te dejes sol mamasela:)

    3. 9:56 you are welcome chivis.

  16. She is PAN PARTY, she arrived young, may have been on her way to become governor or sompim', maybe conquer the presidency and all of the LatinAmerican continent" for el chapo, but epn sure got help from all the narcos mexicanos, including los setas y el chapo, I don't know what would be a fitting punishment for epn.

  17. What's going on in Mazatlan??? Come on Chivis why haven't you guys posted the narcomanta threatening the Mexican military signed by Chonecas(100 ) H9 and H2 . Chonecas or (100) is 100% Chapo so why did he sign a manta together with H2 and H9 who are hardcore Beltran Leyva is there a truce

  18. Chonecas (100% on chapos side)signed a manta threatening to kill military soldiers along with H2 regional boss for Beltran Leyva in charge of the state. of Nayarit and southern Sinaloa along with his nephew H9 what's going on ? Does this mean that there is officially a truce between Beltran Leyva and Chapo Guzman faction?maybe Mayo was left out? Let's not forget H2 isn't just any player in BLO he's at the top of the top, he's more powerful than Chapo Isidro, even though they are friends.

    1. Parole, parole, parole...
      Why threaten the mathafackin' government? Just facking do it!!!

    2. sure about chonecas, they say he switched sides.

  19. PAN has also had these corruption problems at the national level recently.

    I really don't think a woman like this gets elected governor. If she's really so closely tied to Chapo, she'd be a target if she rose too high. Chapo's people are provincial. Maybe a lot of people in politics are, but she really looks like a criminal.

  20. Peña nieto, de la madrid, lopez portillo, zedillo, echeverria, calderon, fox, all tied to narcos y jotos y corrupción before they made "president"...
    A "woman like this" is more qualified than you think...
    Other greatest hits:
    Laura de america, now laura de mexico
    Keiko fujimori
    Alvaro uribe velez
    Juan manuel santos
    George Bush I and I
    Bill clinton

  21. Nothing a simple DNA test can't answer. Hell, have a Mexican version of the Maury show: "in the the case of shorty Jr (pulls out the card from the envelope) shorty, you are/are not the father."


  22. An independent woman who bangs this clown when hes in jug,and then goes on to lie to everyone about it?So many hero worship these rats who set up and finance armed convoys with goons and ARs/AKs who do anything their told,it puts a little bit of perspective on it.This is a supposedly intelligent woman who ran and was elected a deputy for state congress for Cosala.
    Wonder how long shes been tappin Chaplip and was it because of his influence that she got to that point?Whatever else her baby isnt going to have much fatherly influence,but,she should be alright for dough ray mi.


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