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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Map:areas of Mexican poppy cultivation-worlds 3rd largest

Lucio R. Borderland Beat material from UNODC report
The study conducted between 2014 and 2015 placed nine entities Pacific as concentrating the poppy plantations nationwide.

The "Golden Triangle" consists of Chihuahua, Sinaloa and Durango and Guerrero where the concentration of poppy crops exist in Mexico -a region, which worldwide is the third largest producer of precursor drugs, according to government data federal and international bodies.

The report "Monitoring poppy cultivation in Mexico 2014-2015", conducted by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in cooperation with Mexican authorities, indicates that in the aforementioned areas nestled in the Sierra Madre Occidental , as the community of Santa Rosalia, in the extreme poverty villages in which its citizens engage in its cultivation. Growers receive 100 to 150 pesos a day. (to 8 usd)

In addition to these states, the first official record of planting, publicly recognized by the Mexican government, presented last week realizes land devoted to the illegal cultivation of the plant in Nayarit, Jalisco, Michoacán , Oaxaca and Chiapas, although to a lesser degree.

Nationally, the report gives account equivalent to 24,800 hectares -identified in 3 crop cycles average annual production.

After being harvested, the plant is sent to laboratories located in towns of Durango, Sinaloa and Durango. The poppy is the raw material for the production of drugs such as morphine, and heroin  which are supplied mainly by Mexican cartels to the United States and Canada.

The World Drug Report 2016 , data recognized by the Mexican authorities, puts the country in third largest in poppy cultivation, only after Afghanistan and Myanmar, where for the same period respectively 183,000 and 55,500 hectares were planted.


  1. El triangulo dorado for years it been la cuna of brave man like el sinaloa amado carrillo its giving this campesinos refugio , amapola i usando la inteligencia have become jefe de jefes , i cant blame or judge this people cause government dont help alcontrario se chingan the help money , i arriva los alacranes mi compa ke los gallos jugados estan al 100

    1. No mames que no sabes leer? Les pagan el equivalente de $8 dolares diarios a los campesinos que se estan muriendo de hambre mientras tus jefes de jefes ganan millones y se dan vida de reyes. Si eso es lo que presumes de Sinaloa no merece ser de alla (si es que lo eres). Los patrones de ahora no respetan a nadie ni ayudan a nadie. Tienen puros mandaderos y pistoleros mal pagados y a los campesinos marinades. Esos son los que tienen al pais pudriendose junto a los militares corruptos.

    2. Los de Sinaloa siempre presumen que son Los meros meros de LA droga. Alomejor si perk no es Nada espectacular para estar orguyoso de tener LA mitad de sinaloas en LA carcel o muertos por flojos. Nadamas 1 de miles gaba bien, los otros mal pagados y con destino a LA muerte pot unos pocos Pesos. Me an dicho de Sinaloa que muchas mujeres estan solteras por falta de hombres.

    3. Campesinos, drug farmers get paid, maybe, the equivalent to
      $8.00 dollars a week, but if they were kidnapped to be slave labor, then they get nothin', but there are rats on the fields, to eat, soldier and police experts in jungle warfare would keep an eye on them
      Elite drug traffickers like la chapa tend to be better employers and pay more, but not that much, El Barzon, la Confederacion Nacional Campesina, Antorcha Campesina, do not have the pull to get better benefits for the farmers, but javier duarte de ochoa had his Campesinos torment Ricardo anaya and miguel angel yunes a pedradas a few days ago in veracruz, for promises of a kilo de frijoles each...

  2. This information is correct. That's why it amuses me to hear ignorant comments from ppl claiming that the Sinaloa Cartel does not have presence in Nvo.Laredo... Yet you have ppl in Laredo,tx getting busted left and right in possesion of heroin cultivated in the mountains of Golden Triangle which we all know is Sinaloa Cartel's domain... same thing with ppl claiming that Sinaloa got kicked out of Juarez, yet ppl that i know that work for the El Paso Police Department have arrested hundreds of ppl in El Paso in possession of Sinaloa's cocaine... How does this happen, if according to "La Linea cheerleaders" anyone working for El Chapo damn near disintegrate as soon as they step foot in Juarez... I don't get it.. Plain Ignorance i guess

    1. Fuckin cartels like it or not buy shit from each other more often than anyone thinks. The Aztecas in El Paso buy shit from the Sinaloa cartel once the shit crosses into Juarez to supplement the shit they can't get from La Linea. The Surradas surrenas are Sinaloa nuthuggers whom the EPPD have helped to grow in ElP simply by the EPPD cracking down on Aztecas and they buy all their shit from Sinaloa. This is not to say that Sinaloa is or is not present in Juarez but this is the way shit works.

    2. Laredo has always been full of heroin (carga) nothing new and when i say full a shot load of it its never dry lots of addicted people but its been there all the time its the drug of choice in laredo

  3. Mexico - serving American addicts since 193?. Your welcomed!

  4. Thats all those greedy gringos FORCING Mexico to manufacture or grow drugs like,Meth,Mota,Heroin,and import coke and flood the US with it all. Yeah ok.

  5. Y que sigue la mata dando. That number is being conservative considering cartels don't let whoever does these reports really know how many hectacres are grown.

    1. I think heroin is mostly imported, from china or the india and afghanistan, it is like colombia, they are just the middlemen of transshipping peruvian, bolivian, argentinian, chilean coca...
      --in any case, the precursors providers make good money, but can be tracked very easily, except what will be thieir next moves? or there ne

    2. 4:16 one thing is fer shur, all the afghani opiates are NOT consumed in Afghanistan, and they must be coming to the US and Europe via express, some how, unstoppable.
      It was not the Russians that was not wanted in Afghanistan istan, or al-qaeda or the taliban, it was that opiates is such a good business, that I can understand now.

  6. Estados Unidos o como lo conosen los ignorantes (America) pone el dinero y Mexico los Muertos..triste pero cierto

  7. Basically the whole Pacific coast is 'poppy heaven'.Didn't know it was that widespread.

    1. 8:21 it is natural, china is west of mexico in the pacific.
      The gulf is strategically to the east where it is easier to send goodies to europe, like the cuinis used to do, I suspect the zetas were just doing their "Vicky Coca" shit corrupting honorable american sheriff's like lupe treviño...
      Now the golfas and zetas keep pursuing and getting diplomatic appointments to European countries, fidel herrera beltran, marisela morales, bertie boy moreiro, mario marin,

  8. I know people from el triangulo and from what i understand mostly everyone switched from growing marijuana to amapola thus the increase in heroin in the u.s

  9. I think we need to close the border tighter than a mouses twat . Then napalm the fields to the point that not even a seed survives .

    1. The American hype with conduct a benefit like the jerry lewis telethon for the Mexican heroin. half the nation would donate money and protect the golden triangle.

    2. Just close the borders for 10 years, no import or export, not even the public coming through would be allowed

    3. 9:18 there are many people in the world that want to be mexico's amigos, the US would feel deep in the pockets losing mexico, and the mexican "presidente" feels soo biiig, heavy and wide to be "part of northamerica" that I feel inclined to tell you, "keep dreaming"

    4. Keep dreaming.All you get is trouble or crying

  10. I grew some amapola en guerrero once bien bonitas las flores aya por coyuca y en la sierra de nanchitla green lush mountains that will make your mouth water.long time ago unos hombres de sinaloa llegaron y pusieron la los cochos perfected the method y cocinan hasta la china white. -Chicago deportee

  11. That's a big reason why there is so much violence in Guerrero because Guerrero is filled with amapola.

    1. 6:57 drugs don't cause violence between people,
      People cause violence because of greed.
      --If the government bought from the farmers and distributed the drugs for free, there would be no violence, IF the government governed instead of sponsoring their favorite narcos or sicarios or police or politicians or businessmen, each of which have their own gangs playing us all for fools...

  12. That gona come strong all the people high on hydrocodon when the government stops the pills guess whats the same high but cheaper yes tecata bot alot of weed since us growing some good weed that dro from mexico SUCK big time so here come heroin for the pill poping fucks

  13. Blood on the avacodos and they still coming

    1. 6:24 "toquenmen los aguacates" is a beautiful mexican mariachi song, serenade your girl with it specially if her father don't like ya' ass...
      --Mariachis anywhere le tocan al cliente "lo que pida"

  14. Better living thru chemistry...sad to say. Just as we have seen methamphetamine displace cocaine so to may we see fentanyl displace heroin.

  15. I remember 15 years ago "a guy" from gro sending many kis of H to Midwestern USA they call it China. It can be off white brown or in my experience grey like cement. That's the good stuff.. And this "guy" is still sending to this day just in bigger loads. Imagine it costs aprox 20k USD for all materials transport etc to get a ki from gro to Chicago and going rate is 50-55k and that's if you are #2 in line on u.s. side. But there are other races that gladly pay 75k because they plan to cut 1 into 3 then bag it into 10$ bags with a logo and keep the open air drug market chi is famous for 24/7 365 love the logos on bags .. Mercedes Benz, superman, you name it.. Its so word spreads on what's good currently.. But the China epidemic has gone crazy esp after oxy pills couldn't be shot or sniffed 2006 I think when hell broke lose... Lastly anyone using black tar.. Just a bit of info its basically mexi brick weed compared to the tan grey or brown powder , which is the best northern Cali weed.. Those were my best comparisons.PS the main guy who pays a taxed price in my eyes but then cuts 1 into 3 profits about 250,000 from his 75,000 investment and there's thousands of these guys in every big city.. Consistent small loads make sense in every aspect..3-15 always seem to work..


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