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Friday, June 10, 2016

DEA wants access to your medical records,":to fight the war on drugs"

Lucio R. Borderland Beat posted by "Mars220" republished from Daily Beast

by Christopher Moraff

The feds are fighting to look at millions of private files without a warrant, including those of two transgender men who are taking testosterone.

Marlon Jones was arrested for taking legal painkillers, prescribed to him by a doctor, after a double knee replacement.

Jones, an assistant fire chief of Utah’s Unified Fire Authority, was snared in a dragnet pulled through the state’s program to monitor prescription drugs after someone stole morphine from an ambulance in 2012. To find the missing morphine, cops used their unrestricted access to the state’s Prescription Drug Monitor Program database to look at the private medical records of nearly 500 emergency services personnel—without a warrant.

Jones was arrested along with another firefighter and a paramedic on suspicion of prescription fraud.
“I got a call at work from the police chief, who I know and work with,” Jones testified before a state senate committee last year. “He said ‘We think you have a problem, you’re taking too many medications. We need to make sure you’re no longer a threat to the community or yourself. So we’re doing this to help you.’”

Jones described in tearful detail what happened next.

“There were three police officers pounding on the door. They said they had a warrant for my arrest and they were going to take me in,” he said. “It was the middle of the day, on my front doorstep, in front of my wife and daughter. I’m handcuffed and stuffed into a police car and they haul me to jail.”
Jones was hit with 14 felony counts but all of them were later dropped.

Now the Drug Enforcement Administration wants that same kind of power, starting with access to an Oregon database containing the private medical data of more than a million people.

The DEA has claimed for years that under federal law it has the authority to access the state’s Prescription Drug Monitor Program database using only an “administrative subpoena.” These are unilaterally issued orders that do not require a showing of probable cause before a court, like what’s required to obtain a warrant.

In 2012 Oregon sued the DEA to prevent it from enforcing the subpoenas to snoop around its drug registry. Two years ago a U.S. District Court found in favor of the state, ruling that prescription data is covered by the Fourth Amendment’s protection against unlawful search and seizure.

But the DEA didn’t stop there. It appealed the ruling to the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco and has been fighting tooth and nail ever since to access Oregon’s files on its own terms.
The case pits the full weight of the Obama administration against the state of Oregon and five individual plaintiffs, two of whom (John Doe 2 and John Doe 4) are transgender and take prescription hormone drugs that are covered by Oregon’s prescription monitoring law.

In his 2014 ruling against the DEA, District Court Judge Ancer L. Haggerty called warrantless searches of such data an egregious invasion of privacy.

“It is difficult to conceive of information that is... more deserving of Fourth Amendment protection,” Haggerty said. “By obtaining the prescription records for individuals like John Does 2 and 4, a person would know that they have used testosterone in particular quantities and by extension, that they have gender identity disorder and are treating it through hormone therapy.

“Although there is not an absolute right to privacy in prescription information... it is more than reasonable for patients to believe that law enforcement agencies will not have unfettered access to their records,” he added.

The Obama administration disagrees, and argues that since the records have already been submitted to a third party (Oregon’s PDMP) that patients no longer enjoy an expectation of privacy.

In an affidavit, one of the plaintiffs said he already faces difficulty obtaining the injectible testosterone he’s required to take and that “increased scrutiny by law enforcement, including the DEA, erects another obstacle to obtaining treatment.”

“I would be fearful of being investigated or harassed without reason,” he testified. “I would feel like I was constantly looking over my shoulder.”

Last year, after the charges against Marlon Jones were dropped, a Utah senator introduced a bill that would require police to obtain a warrant to search the database.

“It has become the status quo that when a person comes under their radar they run to the prescription drug database and see what they are taking,” said Sen. Todd Weiler, a Republican—who said that police in Utah searched the PDMP database as many as 11,000 times in one year alone. “If a police officer showed up at your home and wanted to look in your medicine cabinet and you said no, he would have to go and get a search warrant.”

Among the instances of misconduct Weiler cited is the case of an opioid addicted police officer who was caught on video stealing pills from an elderly couple’s home after tracking their prescriptions in the state’s PDMP database. Weiler’s bill survived an attempt by opponents to water down the warrant requirement and was signed into law last March.

In the rush to address a spike in overdose deaths attributed to prescription medication, few have questioned the necessity for greater monitoring of drug dispensing to prevent drug diversion and “doctor shopping.” Every state in the nation, with the exception of Missouri, now has a prescription monitoring program and several have begun expanding their programs.

Wisconsin passed a law in March that liberalized access to its PDMP, making the data available to registered nurses without independent prescribing authority, medical directors, and substance abuse counselors. The law also removed a previous requirement that police obtain a search warrant to access the data.

The federal government is eager to see all this data linked. The Department of Justice has developed a software platform to facilitate sharing among all state PDMPs. So far 32 states already share their PDMP data through a National Association of Boards of Pharmacy program.

The Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA), which passed Congress in March, calls for expanding sharing of PDMP data.

From a privacy standpoint this is problematic for a number of reasons. For starters, there is little uniformity between state PDMP laws. While most PDMPs include thte full name, address, and date of birth of the patient—as well as the name, strength, and quantity of the controlled substance dispensed—statutes vary widely in terms of what drugs are tracked and who qualifies for access.

According to the Department of Justice, only 19 states require a warrant for law enforcement to access their PDMP, and more than a dozen allow out-of-state police agencies access. Less than a quarter of states require that patients are notified when or if their prescription information might be accessed.
To the casual observer the databases are aimed primarily at limiting illicit use of potentially deadly opioid narcotics. And fatalities tied to prescription drugs are frequently cited by policy makers and medical professionals who support mandatory database sharing.

But most state PDMPs encompass a host of common pharmaceuticals—ranging from tightly controlled Schedule II drugs, like Oxycontin and morphine, to more innocuous Schedule V substances, such as seizure and epilepsy drugs with virtually no potential for abuse.

Fifteen state registries even house information on non-controlled substances.
Testosterone is a Schedule III controlled substance that in addition the gender identity disorder is used to treat hormone deficiency in men and prostate cancer. It has a “high potential for abuse” as a performance enhancing steroid, according to the DEA, though it’s not clear how much is diverted from legitimate use onto the black market. There are several moderate-to-severe side effects from steroid use, but overdose does not appear to be one of them.

Other drugs covered by state prescription monitoring laws include frequently prescribed medications that have low-to-no overdose potential. These include medications used to treat insomnia, weight loss associated with AIDS, nausea in cancer patients, anxiety disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder. In fact, opioids represent a tiny proportion of drugs covered by PDMPs.

“The diseases and conditions treated with controlled substances are so common that it is likely that state PDMPs will soon contain sensitive information about the majority of Americans,” said Deborah C. Peel, MD, director of Patient Privacy Rights (PPR).

When Oregon created its PDMP in 200, it took pains to prioritize patient privacy and set strict guidelines for access to the registry, including requiring a court order for law enforcement to search its contents. The DEA ignored that mandate and peppered the state’s registry with warrant less requests for access in pursuit of investigations into drug diversion. The agency argues that it has a “compelling interest” that supplants any privacy protections attached to prescription data for controlled substances and that requiring a warrant “severely limits [its] ability to conduct timely, effective investigations.”

An amicus brief filed in support of the Oregon plaintiffs by the American Medical Association contends the DEA’s position is misguided.

“The primary purpose of PDMPs is healthcare, not law enforcement,” the AMA said, adding that while PDMPs provide for referrals to law enforcement, they are not designed to be “a tool or repository for law enforcement to initiate access to gather information,” as is the case here with the DEA’s administrative subpoena.

Whether the Ninth Circuit agrees with that will have far reaching implications for millions of Americans who rely on prescription medication to manage their illnesses.


  1. Fuck the DEA! DEA throws parties with hookers, arms drug cartels and even allows Chapos cartel to bring drugs into the U.S. so as long as he snithches on enemies they say and now this! Who the fuck do they think they are???
    Who's to say one or many of these fuckers that party with prostitutes don't profit personally from the money the drug dealers offer them to allow them to take in drugs? DEA might also be so called supervised vy the department of Homeland Security but if this is thw casr why haven't they been held accountable for any wrongsoing of any of the stuff I, mentioned other than maybe a resignation and possibly one layoff and still drugs are anundant as hell in this country.

    1. ummm sorry, you've got the DEA mixed up with the CIA....

    2. @433 ummm sorry the dea are fucking hooker loving cocaine sniffing bottom feeders..just like the China they arrested in San Diego and sued them for 4 million dollars and no one from the dea got even written up

    3. how do you u know the dea party with hookers ur a dea agent ? seen to many movies second how do yoh know they arm cartel members are u a cartel member or a dea agent who armed them ? and thirf how do you know el chapo has and agreememt with the dea to turn over enemies are you el chapo or one of his top leutenants or are you one of the people he turned in or a you the dea agent who made the agreement with el chapo,please let us know 😂 you know all this so why havent you found jimmy hoffas body

    4. 4:33 that was my line gaddamit!!

    5. Secret service buddy not dea

    6. Los de sinaloa se pintan las unas de las patas

    7. Yo me la paso bien mariguano todos los dias
      -pistolero de manuel torrez-

    8. 12:01 Daniel Chong, a college student arrested by the DEA in a drug house where drugs and weapons were seized, forgotten in his real small cell for 4 or 5 days, had to drink his own urine, suing DEA for 20 million dollars, got 4 million dollars
      "This is not a PODUNK ARIZONA SHERIFF OPERATION", so, how did it happen? Says some reporter...
      --But you ain't seen nothin', check out the CIA'S biggest hits, blunders and fuck-ups...
      The CIA and associated crooks like NSA even planned for "plausible deniability" said war hero US MARINES lt. Col. "major criminal in the name of duty, honor, country" by betraying it to its domestic enemies like his masters at the white house, ollie, oliver north, who still feels like "he just did as told, and had his orders and prrrrt! On you....}:●P

    9. If that was your line you are as wrong as 4:33.. like 12:01 said it was the dea..

    10. Que empiece La Revolucion jijos del Cocho.....

    11. @1:03 you must believe everything the government tells you. The U.S. the good guys and everyone else the bad guys. The DEA with hookers shit was all ove the news if you would bother to see them. The Chapo shit is not out of the question considering they have a history of negotiating with the likes of Pablo Escobar. That was also in the news. You don't have to be a detective to figure shit out. You are the one who watches too many movies pal.

    12. LOL, YOU BELIEVE EVERYTHING THAT COMES OUT IN THE NEWS! ¡QUE PENDEJO! Lo del Chupacabras es cierto? I mean, since it came out in the news. LOL

    13. @8:50 you're ao funny I almost forgot to laugh! No miro noticias de nacos wuey que nomas de el chupacabras y de Juan Gabriel hablan. Pinche vato mariguano! Por eso le lambea los huevos a los narcos guey!

    14. @8:50 you are just being a smartass!

  2. Fuck the DEA
    I'm glad I turned down their employment offer

    As a snitch...

    1. 8:41 I will take the DEA anytime over the CIA, at least the DEA ARE LEGALLY AUTHORIZED BY LAW TO DO THEIR DRUG TRAFFICKING, I don't know that they turn in all the money they make, but that is for you to check...

    2. US Border Patrol very corrupt. Murder, rape, robbery, drug trafficking, you name it. Sixty percent work for various Mexican DTOs.

    3. 7:42 according to some reports, the BP also take pedradas en el hocico, some big ones, but they can shoot across the border intoexico, murder anybody irregardless of guilt or fault, with impunity...

  3. The american government is becomming more and more fascist by the minute. 'Fuck freedom and long live control and oversight' seems to be the overarching motto no matter if republicrips or demobloods are in charge. Scary very fuckin scary!!!

    1. America has been proto fascist for a looong time just like Israel Reich.

    2. We've been living in a Monarchy world with the top world elite at the forefront. No one has a say in any affairs only the UN Security Council does. Just look at what they did to Gadaffi and Lybia.

    3. 4:54 sorry fascism disrupts the status quo and that includes your reptilian monarchy. the truth is it turns society into a corporated state.

    4. 4 hospitals bombed in Aleppo syria, to flush mexican narcos...
      I am sure Assad didn't do it, but I am sure the allies did it, or their allies, ISIS...
      --JUST ONE MORE WRONG ADDRESS DELIVERY FROM UNCLE SAM, but it is all ok, as long as somebody says "mistakes were made, the buck stops there"

    5. Rally around the only voice of the people.

      Noam Chomsky one of thousands of quotes:

      My own feeling is that one should refuse to participate in any activity that implements American aggression - thus tax refusal, draft refusal, avoidance of work that can be used by the agencies of militarism and repression, all seem to me essential.

      and..Some may remember, if you have good memories, that there used to be a concept in Anglo-American law called a presumption of innocence, innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Now that's so deep in history that there's no point even bringing it up, but it did once exist.


      On a side note. NY Times reports Taliban in Afghanistan is evolving in violence. Must be reading Mexico news. Appears they skinned a man alive and threw from cliff after other atrocities. Ironic. The Taliban is similar to cartels splinter they are resolving internal conflicts just like narcos.

    6. 2:48 PM. The truth hurts. What to do--head to the mountains, cut internet and live in peace. Can you imagine USA rugged country being home to those seeking peace--a peace of their own making.

    7. To be qualified to debate, read Noam Chomsky, see him on youtube, anywhere in the net, on Executive Intelligence Review, debating William F Buckley jr. Founder of National Review, who used his debating skills to defend the most outrageous and obvious crap loads of BS just to practice his debating skills and to threaten those who beat his ass on live public television, welcome to partners of chomsky, he is always in the + side, unlike the party of NO,

  4. Take it easy the abc men dont like badmouthing under law they will fuck you up.Dea fbi atf ice etc etc. License to kill with no guilty what you say,do,hangout,eat,sleep,post on internet.they will get you.

    1. You will all be ok, As long as you don't plan any terrorist shit and keep yourself dressed on airport bathroom stalls, and keep your shoes in your stall,

    2. Obamanos changed his tune after he was inducted into the white house presidential sorority, and allowed the enemies of the country to keep going with their shit and then some, under his presidency the amerikkkan KGB, GESTAPO, and some other favorite teabaggers have kept taking more and more attributions under guise of fighting for homeland security, and against moslems and drug trafficking.
      --Maybe they explained to Obamanos that, kennedy didn't really was "one lone gunman" and that is why shit keeps happenin', that turns your hair white...

  5. seizure and epilepsy meds are also abused alot.
    in australia they are abused & in my wifes home country Colombia they are abused

  6. So true and well said... only in the land of the free. 99% of americans are so delusional and brainwashed to think they are free lol

  7. Snowden was right about the government spying on their own ppl and this article is proving that he was right!

    1. Government hates you. Smash the control machine. But get high first. Maybe just get high.

    2. 10:34 I guess you have stock on the latest gadgets of 'eletrochnics', but if I smash my 'sangsun' are you going to give me a new obamaphone?
      --Pura chingada, I knew...
      --but don't blame technology for its drawbacks, information has got out thanks to technology, and in spite of the "laws fayad" and the likes all over the world, it can only get better and swifter, did you see panama papers, wikileaks , mexico leaks and all that crap getting exposed?
      Atentamente: El Chupacabras


    1. Better than a corrupt government, judicial system and armed forces (Mexico).Did I miss anyone?

    2. at least I can sleep in the good Old USA,

    3. Every time you sit in the toilet, there is a camera there watching and taking your picture, make sure to take a photos of the papparazzi and sue the government, use plenty of illumination

    4. 8:42 the mexican government, its poolice, military and judiciary are all a gift of the US government to mexico...

  9. Former head of DEA interviewed by FUSE network I believe. Said DEA never had a deal with Sinaloa Cartel and then let laughs. Then says but we were working with with Colombian cartels to destroy Pablo Escobar.

    1. Colombian drug lords like alvaro uribe velez, they stole all the business from the CIA, it's mexican allies, the republicans, and the north American business enterprise paladins of "free but not so free enterprise, religion and impunity"
      --Democracy and Christian Compassionate Conservatism has its price you know? Your rights and freedoms are not worth even the downpayment.

    2. Fusion TV Network. They have been doing documentaries on el Chapo.

  10. As usual, because of a few bad apples (drug addicts)everybody pays the price.

    1. Dr. Lonny Shavelson found that 70% of female heroin users had been sexually abused in childhood.

      It must make you proud to promote a war on the abused.

    2. That should be inconsequential, this is another hit to our sovereignty; this is illegal and should be seen as what it is and the blame is not with the bad apples it is with this paradigm we live in. In which thew elite are saving us by striping our "rights" and smaking us on our heads and telling us is for our own good.

    3. Bad apples?
      Drug addiction/alcoholism are diseases you ain't know?
      Go to any cvs pharmacy and find all these "medicines" wich in reality are DRUGS with funny names and shit but hey they are ok and legal!!
      So I know you are a very clean and decent citizen but bad apples? Nah, enfermos mas bien..
      Tu padre.

    4. I looove caramel apples with peanuts, who needs drugs of any kind?
      --Pendejos that who, still, drug addicts seem to be more like "human" than their extremely righteous persecutors, who usually have someone selling the shit out the back door for a few free tokes...

  11. The DEA has a war on drugs?? Get the fuck out hereeeee. 😃

    1. Nah,its the Drug ENFORCEMENT agency.

  12. Those ruling elite who run the USA and cause the USA military to invade country after country Want a New World Order and they want everybody tracked and catalogued. The environmental movement is one of their clever ideas to have control over the lives of all human beings on this planet. See Roisa Koire's videos on Agenda 21 to get the gist of my message. See her videos. She also has her own web site. Create the CRISIS, bring in the CONTROLS.

    1. Maria Soleada, you can have control over my life.

    2. Great comment. In last ten years IRS has also tried to get all US citizens money whenever it may be. If govt has control of your money it has control of you. My predictions for future, yes USA becomes socialist, Islam takes over as biggest world religion, one world govt and one world leader leader. No freedom any where.

    3. 9:12 Mary asolieada may be a guy...

    4. 6:01 then will sword fight.

    5. 11:o4 eres de lo pior.

  13. Fuck the DEA, it outlived any usefulness. One government agency that should be closed ASAP.

    1. 6:30 NOT!!! As long as they have not found the huevos to put the iran-contra cocaine trafficking Cowboys that ordered the murder of Kiki camarena, the DEA CAN NOT GO...

  14. Epilepsy drugs r?
    I took em for 7 years never got a high
    Just freaking sleepy...

    1. Benzodiazepines are, and some of the drugs used to bring you out of a seizure like midazolam would put a horse on its back

    2. Aktedron used to work better than the benzedrines, cost 0.10 pesos more per pill, ten cents of a mexican peso, was the price of quality, then it did not work anymore and it was all quietly outlawed in mexico, no lobbyists paying corrupt pooliticians back then...

  15. Utah = major narco corridor , the journalist forgot to mention that little fact

  16. They already have access to medical files under the affordable care act

    1. Not so without probable cause and court order, this goes 10 steps further

    2. Que bueno que se los chinguen a todos por mariguanos...

    3. @8:30 probable cause please all they have to say is conspiracy to ?

  17. BB this is off topic, but they are reporting 11 family members killed in El Mirador.

  18. In the military you don't steal anything. You acquire it. Same goes for all federal employees. Civilians will never understand what has 2 be done 4 the greater good. - El Sol Perdido

    1. Calmate "tears of the sun" jaajaja como la juegas..

    2. Sol, I've been in the military and it sounds like you never have.

    3. And how's the violation of your medical privacy an acquirement for the greater good? Are you really that brainwashed or naive to believe in propaganda?

    4. 9:15 Ok buttercup. - El Sol Perdido

    5. Sol, I was in the California Army National Gaurd. What branch did you serve in? You're also not very good at following syntax and patterns of speech as possible hallmarks of someone's identity when they write anonymously as you're easily fooled and confused by a single term. You so readily give yourself up inadvertently.

  19. 3:41 little by little, the neo-liberals are imposing the rule of law like the republicrats never imagined.
    --we have become Neo-Stalinista from the top, and it is trickling down, slowly, maybe but it is coming.

  20. Big pharma is to drugs, addiction and trafficking like the NRA is to guns they don't care as long as they make some pretty coin.

  21. ATTN: Canadiana

    I know this is a long shot, but I did not want to register for the forums. Basically, what they are doing to your friend by cutting her off of methadone, is cruel and humane, ESPECIALLY SINCE SHE IS UNDERGOING CHEMO!!

    Methadone is a very potent PAIN-KILLER, and will absolutely help her in her situation. She should find a different doctor, ASAP, as her life may depend on it.

    Being suddenly cut off, especially in her situation, could cause a stroke or heart-attack!

    Someone please get this message to her!!

    1. It does not affect the chemo, the chemo affects the methadone

      I agree it is inhumane, but understand for her to use methadone on chemo is dangerous. It increases the methadone serum level and it is unpredictable how much, in other words it is russian roulette.

      Even Nsaids are dangerous.

      They should have weaned her off, it takes about 3-4 weeks to kick but the first week is the worse. I can't even imagine cold turkey worse than heroin, I helped my brother kick cold turkey a couple of times and it was horrible, I was a teen, talk about scared straight.

      as for what can be used with Methadone, Tapentadal, hydromorphone are two that work well. I may be misspelling the drugs. also morphine

    2. Chivis who is Adrian Gomez Gonzalez and what's going on with Hector Salazar

    3. O thanks 1:51 and Chivis.I misunderstood what her husband was saying that methadone is dangerous with chemo.[and there's 160 different kinds of chemo cocktails too].I think they have offered her something like morphine but I think maybe that's after the chemo or in the later stages of her cancer when she needs it for pain.I think they didn't want to wean her off the methadone because they need to start chemo ASAP before it spreads even more.

    4. Of course. But I am at a lost of trying to figure out what it is you are asking. I thought it was about the methadone so we answered that. I simply said the reason, but that there are alternatives. I would say I would get another doctor, but it is canada, I am not sure how easily that is done

    5. I guess she is getting an alternative to methadone.Don't know what drug it is but a painkiller of some sort so I'm assuming an opiate base.She's just freaking out maybe worried she will go through withdrawals so I was asking anyone who's been on methadone and suddenly cut off but wonder if the alternative takes the withdrawals away but again I don't know which drug they are putting her on and yes she can change doctors and probably specialists too.

    6. Take her to William Hitt Clinic in 10 days nn addiction!!
      In 4 days no cravings.
      In 1 day no danger of heart attack
      Intrevenous amino acids matched to her body rebuild damaged neuro receptors in brain
      20 year track record
      80% success rate
      No shakes
      Optomistic mind set

    7. 9:33 10 days to get clean?
      I have been craving my first H shot for over 4o years, never used, but there is something there calling me

  22. The feds are a machine.. They don't run out of time or money

    1. Lately we have found out that the feds are a money making machine, they traffick on drugs, on war for profit, on profit for war, stealing money from their own drug trafficking to turn into private business investments, oils on the black market, pirated from mexico, from the ayatollahs, from isis, no problemo, just bring it in, dropping state coups on friend and foe? Done, legal, illegal, some just may take a little longer, but it will get done, only problem is if you want to make money out of it, there will be none left...

  23. But this website says only Mexico is fucked up... I don't understand now..... I thought this was our little corner of the Internet to bash on Mexico, you mean the US is just as corrupt and not more, and the only reason the cartels have grown so strong and powerful in other countries is because a fucked up crooked ass organization like the DEA exists? Nooo way get the fuck out of here! : )

  24. It´s so funny when american idiots think they live in the land of the free and brave,,,,there is no freedom and no bravery,,,just corruption and abuse,,,,united states of STASI is more like it,,you kids can google east germany stasi to learn more

    1. No freedom of thought nor action in USA. Media controls US govt. Big powerful Intl. Corps and banks control US govt. It's actually the best govt dirty money can buy. Future, US becomes third world country.

    2. "American idiots"
      Hey que bueno que no dijiste nada de los paisas

  25. Well one thing is for certain on this thread, many of you obviously don't have good life insurance policies. I had to do test on folks who were getting life insurance of great denominations. With that process the so-called hippa laws go out the door. I have no problem with medical information. Everyone has a hidden agenda. Hell I didn't care if NSA read my damn emails. Or these folks that believe the government is watching us through cable boxes. All I say is if you find my life that amusing, have at it. I don't do illegal things EVER! So I truly could care less. I will say there should be better monitoring of doctors writing scripts. I knew a young lady prescribed 5 xanax a day. I was doing drug test for companies and she brought in the prescription. I was shocked she could walk in.

    1. 4:41 so, what companies do you recommend, are they expensive, or just very good, and are they going to pay you a commission?

  26. 4.41 You are exactly the brainwashed sheep personality the ruling elite loves,,,,,the people who live with blinders on and bow and say YES SIR,,,,,,SAD SAD SAD,,,,maybe you should read up on the late 30´s in Germany. the whole i dont do anything illegal so i dont care about my privacy is jsut retarded

  27. Off topic
    Hace calor en Miami orita :)

  28. DEA's just trying to show that it actually has some value as a government agency because they know that what they really are are a bunch of useless welfare cases that have been sucking off the public's tit since the inception of the agency. The whole war on drug's has been a joke from the beginning and anyone with half a brain knew that because of a little history lesson called prohibition which didn't work. The scum bags that permeate government just wanted another agency that they could use as another armed wing of the government. Just more bullshit pushed on the brain dead minions. I totally agree with the person who noted America as the land of corruption and abuse, and the US has nothing more then a force (DEA) equivalent to the East German STASI of old.

    1. 6:48 the DEA counterbalances the CIA and other even more powerful agencies...
      --by checking each other they give americans some say when their bitch fights expose their naked dirty calzones for us to see...
      --Beware of the day they become "one entity".

  29. But only Mexico is messed up.

    1. 5:38, that was the idea, accompanied by "plausible deniability and false positives..."

    2. The DEA caught some SONIA ATALA, from bolivia, a while ago, before Operation Condor was started or right at the start, she is named in the book "the big white lie" where deep cover DEA agent Michael Levine exposed the CIA sabotage of the drug war... offers A WHOLE LOT OF BOOKS for sale about this topic:
      Deep Cover
      Snow on the Palms
      Snow bird
      Triangle of Death
      Kings of Coca
      American Desperado
      Smuggler's Blues...

  30. What i don't realize iss actually how you're not really much more smartly-preferred than you might be now.
    You are so intelligent. You recognize therefore
    significantly in relpation to this topic, made
    me in mmy opinion believe it from so many varied angles. Itts like women and men don't seemm to be involved
    except it's something too ddo with Girl gaga! Your individual stuffs great.
    Always deal wwith it up!


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