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Friday, May 27, 2016

Narcos back to the old days. CDG recorded the confession of alleged kidnappers before killing them. (Video)

Members of the Gulf Cartel in Matamoros interrogates an alleged group of kidnappers and extortionist who will kill their victims to leave no evidence. They were at the end killed with a shot in the head.

On a video uploaded to several social network sites specialized on warning people of danger in Tamaulipas, armed men can be seen in military uniforms questioning six alleged kidnappers who are tied and blindfolded.

The video begins with the image of a large narco banner ensuring that the  "Old School CDG" is not involved in any of all the robberies, kidnappings and extortion's that have arisen lately in this plaza.

"We will not tolerate or allow such atrocities in our group," the statement said.

The six alleged kidnappers, who were recorded kneeling with a blindfold and their hands tied behind their backs, responded to the interrogation of suspected members of the CDG.

They confess to have engaged in kidnapping and extortion and they identified the ringleader as "Pancho".

During the interrogation they described a kidnapping victim who was held captive for a million pesos in ransom, but they only received 40 thousand pesos.

One of the alleged kidnappers described that they killed their victim by placing a plastic bag over her head to suffocate her and then she was buried.

Each of the alleged kidnappers talk about their role in the group and why they were engaged in extortion. At the end of the video you can see the six bodies with bloodstains and apparently lifeless.

At the end of the video a text signed by "Gulf Cartel from H. Matamoros, Tamaulipas" can be seen.

"The Gulf Cartel Task Force in Matamoros, Tams has taken down a group of kidnappers and extortionists who had been operating in the area. Proving that our priority is first and foremost the welfare and safety of the people of Matamoros. We will not allow such actions, "concludes the text.

The "Old School CDG," which is also similar at Los Zetas group, are now saying that the organized crime groups are returning to their original business: drug trafficking, and to stop kidnapping, robbing and extorting money from the population.  

However, most of the fractions of both groups continue to commit such crimes and they refuse to stop other businesses such as the lucrative fuel theft.

In recent months, Ciudad Victoria and Matamoros averaged a total of 14 kidnappings per month according to figures from complaints filed with the State Office of Justice.

This article was translated from Proceso


  1. Comandante Cortez is running shit out in Matamoros

    1. Sure is , I wonder if he'll ever get revenge against the metros from reynosa for killing Cortez jr.

    2. Word is that cleofas was the one that put the hit on his son.

    3. Gafe gave orders to Cleofas, Panochitas & paquito to kill C2 over some stupid dispute. Cortez "C1" is working now with R1 "Original Rojo" arm wing CDG vieja escuela. This is why C1 was able to successfully take Matamoros from Cyclones. C1 is just waiting to get everything in 95 "Matamoros" organized real well to attack those metros who betrayed him.

    4. I heard 95 referred as Matamoros. Any other numbers referred to cities?

  2. Pinche putos extorcionadores y secuestradores si que son lo peor de lo peor! Ni hacen nada bueno ni dejan hacer! El pedo es saber si si son deberas extorcionadores verdaderos estas personas en este video??? Ojala y estos gueyes de el CDG no se haigan equivocado!

    1. --El pedo es que los castigadores de los extorsionadores nunca les preguntan para quien trabajan, de donde salieron, quien los contrató, nada más los acusan y los matan...

  3. Eso ya sacaron para telefonos con mejor caamaaaaraaaa!!

  4. I'm sure these "old school" groups continue to participate in the extracurricular activities besides drug trafficking. The kidnappers and extortionist who are getting killed are the ones operating without the plaza bosses permission. Or at least they aren't paying their piso to the plaza boss. It looks good from a PR stand point for the old school CDG though.

  5. Boy they must knowing they are nearing the end really regret they got in the business for the few pesos they enjoyed at the expense of people's lives.If that isn't an ad for NOT joining the cartels I don't know what is.What BS pretending they care so much about the locals and harm done to them by kidnappings and extortions.They care ONLY because they weren't getting the cuota from these jokers.A couple of these guys are pretty young too.I would guess 16.What a waste of a life whether dead or alive.

    1. Task Force= Grupo de Tarea, only the military use that kind of words, they are probably military background with state approval and the people killed were simply their recruits.
      --This shit smells of "false positives" propaganda..,

  6. These individuals belonged to cjng!

    1. Why do people like you say suc stupid claims? Wouldn't CDG state that it was CJNG ? Wouldn't those ass hats say we are a kidnapping ring for CJNG?
      By the way kidnappers are not cartel they are ass holds with guns that pick people up randomly and Rob them.
      I've been called from Mexico talking about guess who it is blah blah blah
      You know what I told them I told them to guess how quickly I will contact the fbi , the ass hole hung up fast, then checked on my family they were all fine.
      When people say the cartel is doing this no it is just ass holes with guns a cartel is drug related.
      So when you hear that they brought down a kidnapping rung be happy! Cause usually the kidnappers pay the police!
      When you hear about CDG remember prior to the Zetas cartels did not kidnap randomly only those shit bag criminal organization allow it

  7. Who is El señor de señores???

    1. 9:29 El mas mamón, dicen que tiene cabeza de vaca, experto en falsos positivos...

    2. Osiel Cardenas Guillen , the original zetas boss and CDG

    3. Jajah a esa mamada

  8. How many factions are there split up throughout Tamaulipas now ?

  9. 111 pal señor Cortez.

  10. Dejense de estar cobrando cuotas a los pequeños negocios no se pasen de vergas

    1. Nooo, güey, le van a cobrar extorsiones a pemex, a javier duarte de ochoa, a manuel cavazos lerma, a epn, al z1#2 fidel herrera beltran, esos si traen 300 guaruras empecherados, pagado por el gobierno de mexico que a ellos si los protege...

    2. Wei tu tu papa y tu hijo. El trabajo de estos pendejos segun es mover para k ellos hagan y gasten su dinero en matamoros no para chingar a los pequeños negociantes de su dinero. De cartel no tienen nada

  11. Everyone in this video is the scum of this planet... The Mexican government needs to crack down on extortionist and kidnappers and drug traffickers how can people get away with this type of stuff??

  12. Muerte a A extorsionistas y secuestradores! Trabajan en lo suyo y no se metan con la Gente.

  13. Y el señor de señores quien es??? El osiel o el chapo??

    1. El Senor de Senores es Mi Poder Superior Jehova de Los Ejercitos. Lord of Lords and King of Kings.No hay mas.

    2. 9:16 ese señor no pudo impedir su propio calvario, or did he just willingly allowed the Jewish to hang themselves to sentence them for a life of traveling?

  14. Pues. Lo que yo veo es falso.
    #1 ni uno hablo con la boca abierta. Todos descubriendo LA voz.
    #2 casi no at sangre.
    Y 3. No uno esta bendado de las manos.

  15. As long as prisons in the US are run for profit this will never end. people think mexico is corrupt but no country is more corrupt then the US.

    1. Performing stand up, because that's hilarious 🙊

    2. If you are going to do something be the best at it. That is one thing you youngsters will learn in your lifetime if you learn anything. The US is the BEST at everything you can think of. Conspiracies, cover ups, assassinations, disrupting a region, putting a puppet government in power, robbing a nation of its natural resources, genocide. Man, you name it we do it. But hey don't hate. It's just the cold hard reality of how things work. The one thing that separates the US corruption and the Mexican corruption is that he US hides it better.

    3. 7:55 Hey nice way of putting it, I am going to copy and save it...

  16. Finally something good coming from the criminals, now they will police the city to protect the population. I knew it all along they were good people.

    Thank you CDG.

    1. 7:28 looove your sarcasm...

    2. Just wonderful People. Love them

    3. only G-d is Truly Good. And these guys are clearly badass. Mx is a harsh warzone atm but all over the planet people are taking liberties extorting and enslaving the weak and vulnerable. If something can be done about this then ,well, OK?

  17. Esos vatos del Commandante Cortez estan mejor armados que los de la Marina .
    Muerte a todos los sequestradores ..

  18. Desde Tierra Caliente

    Soy elefante. Soy elefante . Tehuacán y habanero . ¿Es este que se cree?

  19. Bunch of cowards tamaulipecos killing mata amarrados , asi nomas son valientes i los detras vestidos como wachos a la mera ora no le atoran i si le atoran quedan como coladera , tamaulipas tierra de cobardes mata amarrados i soplones como osiel ,
    El duranguenze

    1. Callese el osico hijo de la.......nunca le faltes el respeto a tus padres los Tamaulipas!!! Cdg>cds

    2. 10:56 las perrazz se faltaron al respeto solas...

  20. You idiots belive this shit, cdg is all about kidnapping and extortion those pussies do these videos for idiots like the ones I see on here saying "thank you"

    1. Not this time , señor Cortez is Plaza de matamoros boss and getting rid of all the kidnappers why you think he tool out gordo cherrys

    2. 7:28 I'm sure was being sarcastic.

  21. Que han sabido del puerco que aggarraron en tijuas hace unos dias?

  22. Just carry a gun and shoot anybody that trys to hurt u. Kill Kill I will always fight back what do u have to lose they r going to kill u. I told my family don't pay they will kill me. Professal kidnappers get the Money and let u live.

  23. CDG has no morals values or principles
    They have kidnapped some of the hardest working families in Matamoros preying on their lifelong business interests. CDG=POS
    They think because they hand out toys at Christmas and make stupid videos like this one the people will forgive them and support them.

    1. Pendejo that's when ciclones gordo cherrys was boss new boss cortez new rules

  24. The guys killed don't look like much and I believe, could have found redemption

    1. Who knows if these batos are not even sikarios and they were tortured before the video to say what they said? Mas que secuestradores tienen pinta de aprendices de albanil :)

  25. and multinational pharma companies only sell life to people in the form of drugs?

  26. 7:26 Nice deflection. It just so happens we are talking about Narco's in this article however.

  27. Why do they kill everybody? Make them work for you. It's sad, homie.

    1. They killed them because even though the ransom was paid they still killed there victims that's why

    2. after you torture someone you cannot let them live else they will come back for you

    3. State sponsored terrorism is not complete without all the unnecessary murders and disappearances, extortion completes the the battery, add torture, for a pretense of a frosting on the cake.
      --You will be feared and hated, then you are met with a people that don't give a damn but gets rid of your ass and don't believe in any of your promises...

  28. This video reminds me of an old video from 2010 when R1 from the cdg interviews a couple of zetas.

    During that video he asked them how much they money they were payed and their positions.

  29. It may be deflection,but completely true.You wouldnt have a problem with drugs if you were "told" they were now legal.Alcohol is the worst,but,we are "told" its ok,same way we are told drugs are bad


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