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Sunday, May 29, 2016

Mexican Military most efficient killers in modern warfare history?

Posted by DD partially republished from NYT Read full story here

In the history of modern war, fighters are much more likely to injure their enemies than kill them.  In many forms of combat between armed groups, about four people are injured for each person killed, according to an assessment of wars since the late 1970s by the International Committee of the Red Cross. Sometimes, the number of wounded is even higher.
But the body count in Mexico is reversed. The Mexican Army kills eight enemies for every one it wounds.

For the nation’s elite marine forces, the discrepancy is even more pronounced: The data they provide says they kill roughly 30 combatants for each one they injure.

According to the government’s own figures, Mexico’s armed forces are exceptionally efficient killers — stacking up bodies at extraordinary rates.

The Mexican authorities say the nation’s soldiers are simply better trained and more skilled than the cartels they battle.

But experts who study the issue say Mexico’s kill rate is practically unheard-of, arguing that the numbers reveal something more ominous.

 “They are summary executions,” said Paul Chevigny, a retired New York University professor who pioneered the study of lethality among armed forces.

 Gen. Salvador Cienfuegos Zepeda, the defense secretary, has publicly defended the military, saying it is the only institution confronting organized crime — and winning.

A warehouse in Tlatlaya, just outside Mexico City, where the army killed 22 people during a confrontation in June 2014. Mexico’s human rights commission determined that as many as 15 of them had been executed, and that soldiers had altered the scene to make it appear as if there had been a battle. Credit Rebecca Blackwell/Associated Press
 We are in the streets because society is demanding us to be there,” General Cienfuegos told the Mexican newspaper Milenio this month.

 About 3,000 people were killed by the military between 2007 and 2012, while 158 soldiers died. Some critics call the killings a form of pragmatism: In Mexico, where fewer than 2 percent of murder cases are successfully prosecuted, the armed forces kill their enemies because they cannot rely on the shaky legal system to do it's job.

In March, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights condemned Mexico’s human rights record, including extrajudicial executions, building on an earlier United Nations report that described torture as widespread.
The statistics, which the government stopped reporting in early 2014, offer a rare, unguarded glimpse into the role the Mexican military has assumed in the war against organized crime. In the last decade, as the nation’s soldiers and marines have been forced onto the front lines, human rights abuses surged.

And yet the military remains largely untouched, protected by a government loath to crack down on the only force able to take on the fight. Little has been done to investigate the thousands of accusations of torture, forced disappearances and extrajudicial killings that have mounted since former President Felipe Calderón began his nation’s drug war a decade ago.

 Even in the case of 43 college students who disappeared in 2014, the role of the military, and the protection it enjoys, have become polarizing issues.

 Soldiers were present the night of the disappearances in Guerrero State, according to international experts asked to help determine the students’ fate. But the military did not grant interviews to the experts, and the government did not require it.

 The unique relationship between the military and the government dates back more than 70 years, to the period after the country emerged from civil war. To maintain stability, historians say, the governing Institutional Revolutionary Party reached a pact with the armed forces: In exchange for near total autonomy, the military would not interfere in politics.

It seems that both sides of that pact have kept their word.  Unlike many Latin American countries, Mexico has never suffered a military coup and the government has protected the military from close scrutiny.


  1. The typical citizen is not bothered by this...all they care about is watching novelas eating takis, buying an elote etc....

    1. Comment of the week :-))

    2. Until it happens to them or there family only then they will say something but until then no ones cares

    3. While on paper, there is no death penalty in Mexico, in reality, it happens on scene. Much more efficient, less time consuming, no appeals process, and no one to complain about the mistakes made (because you're dead).

    4. I live in Tamps, they are doing a good job. Keep the killing there probably need to kill about 4000 more, I back the Soldiers. The basterds are thugs. Kill Kill

    5. 6:41 You are un pendejo, the soldiers are being oppressed by their officers and commanders, and used to perpetuate themselves and the government in power, they have a deal among themselves, but none with the mexican people...

  2. LOL si los gringos le dieron escuela a todo el mundo

    1. 2:18 pos a güeboooo, nomás a sus asesinos, pero les dieron escuela, dinero, armas, aviones, helicopteros, y chanza de vender sus propias putas drogas en US:
      "para ayudar a los contras"
      Pero ya hace de eso como 30 años, y nunca le ganaron a Daniel Ortega, porque las drogas que importan los US ilegalmente, les hacen MUY BUEN DINERO, y mientras culpan a "los mejicanos" de todos sus males, se apoderan de pemex, las universidades, la CFE, la mineria, la agricultura, el turismo, las carreteras, el aire y el agua...y siguen tartan do de robarse el internet, los periódicos, la radio, la tevision y la libertad de expresion, y matar a todos los reporteros que la hagan de pedo...

  3. They should of started the killing with chapo, barbie , z40 and all the other trash they have in jail. I really think I mean I lnow it would of stopped alot of this shiiit going on. Como disen muerto el perrobse acabo la rabbia.

  4. Send the Mexican Marina to Chicago Ferguson and Baltimore

    1. The "meshikin marinas" will get all facked up by all the gangs, the poolice, the state poolice, The FBI, The DEA, Obamanos, hillary, the donal', Burny Sanders and the blues brothers anywhere in Chicago...they are marineritos de agua dulce...

    2. Doubt that shit
      Looking at how Chicago has a high amount of std and cancer low education higher murder rate and the fact that it's all inner city pollution they aren't the healthiest people. Illinois is actually a nice state but chicago is America's anus no one likes it there, not even Chicagoans.

      But as far as FBI and CIA the Mexican Marines don't have the same technology.

    3. 10:04 apparently the US has no technology that matches the taliban, the arab jihadhistas, isis, the afghanistani poppy growers...hell's shakes, benjamin netanyahoo presented the US congress (behind Obamanos behind) with "detailed diagrams of THE IRANI ATOMIC BOMB", and the US had no propaganda to meet and match bibi's, but the US pays three billion dollah's a year to israel, a country without oil or agriculture or anything to sell but war and murder and mayhem...
      Mexican government gots about 4 billion in charity from the US in the form of weapons and more and more weapons, and then buys more and more weapons, "to fight drug trafficking"...

  5. ....and surviving. I have to generally agree. You forgot drinking beer

  6. If a cartel rat has a gun in his hand, kill him. Don't try to take prisoners. It's too dangerous. Why risk one Mexican Marine for the sake of sparing a cartel killer who will most likely buy his way out of prison anyway. All of this talk reminds me of something someone said about why so very few of the Japanese on Iwo Jima survived. It wasn't because they wouldn't surrender. It was because the Marines wouldn't let them surrender. After all the atrocities against the Marines on Iwo Jima they were not in the mood to take prisoners. Just kill them all.

    1. First you have to make sure they are unarmed, then kill'em all, and then plant the weapons...
      --Been done before, GÜEY, matter of fack, you are approving of the terrorism de estado, before it even starts in earnest, all you have seen up to now is restricted news, news blackouts, and a few so what comments...chinguen a su puta madre todos, someday all of you will feel the effects of your stupidity, it will be late, por pendejos...

  7. Yeah Mexico has learn from the United States when it comes to kill innocents, the U.S military has done it several times and the police do it every day.

    1. @6:13 PM. That's about as ignorant a comment as I have ever seen. You must be a BLM worthless loser.

    2. 500 at My-Lai, said to be 1 000...
      1 000 at el Mozote on el salvador,
      More than 30 000 in chile.
      1 000 000 iran iraq war.
      500 000 vietnamese, and a few million laotian, and cambodian.
      2 to 3 million bangadesh
      --And how many million where henry kissinger got convicted of mass murder and genocide on some pacific ocean lands?
      See: The Trial of Henry Kissinger, by Christopher Hitchens...
      The US, the UN, nsa, frc, fbi, cia, the la Hague, nato, don't know what they are talking about...

    3. Anon 6:37 PM Ignorant it will be not knowing the truth, but if you read history you will know that U.S.A has give weapons to killers, have use people, and have kill innocents in many forms. You don't want to admitted. Just do a Google search and you will see.

    4. u dumb ass soldiers doing good job

    5. The us killed 1mio people in irak? They are killing each other, its like in Mexico, you have cartels and they have their religion.
      Dont blame others, will you talk in front of a judge or the police about a sicario you know????? I dont think so. You will run and hide as most mexicans do and vote again for this fck government.

    6. U.S.A may have some collateral damage but i rather be on the winning team.

    7. 8:p3 Honey, the US had it all in its pockets, did not need to go on another mass murdering genocidal campaign, with "global" associates just to steal it all all over again for the neo-liberal forces of neo-nazism...
      --All these campaigns are costing the US treasury and credibility all over the world, but fack it, private military contractors and mercenary militias come first...

  8. But no where near on the same scale.If it happens to 1 person in US there's so much publicity.Mexico-nada.

  9. Somebody said sylvia longmire and she popped up. if i say donald trump dont let that mf pop up on here. viva la raza!! Chiva vote hillary or go home ....back to mexico..... damn republicans! Vota pri

    1. I have a few rotten tomatoes and potatoes and a few weights to drop on the donal's toes if he shows up...
      Chivis, vote for anybody you want, I have 10 votes ready for Hillary, but I'd vote Chivis if you were there, then I'd go to Canada to meet some canadian girl and a 110 lb worth of another canadiana and vote for them too...
      --I'll go to texas and vote there "if some granma sends a photo", I understand she used to be younger, black and white ok.
      --the donal has not seen his ass in years, and can't find it, his hands are too small for the jeb, I mean job according to some cuban senator...

    2. Well, we be glad to have some biiig name nobodies visiting like sylvia Longmire,.Sylvia, we'll help you more than your regular government customers, and we'll do it for free!

  10. How hard is it to kill noncombatants who comply. Only when they are dead are they combatants. Then you can plant the weapons on them and make up whatever story you want. Only when the cameras come out the military, federales or police etc.are the heros and the dead are bad guys.

  11. Ask the military what they think about cjng high command those mofos are some badass muthafckers I bet the military fears them that's y they haven't went for el mencho

    1. Your a joke. They'll get killed sooner or later

    2. You're a dumbass mencho is the white stuff that accumulates at the corner of your mouth when you're really thirsty

  12. Actually if you think about it the Mexican military has been throwing it down for a few years and that gives them guys experience in urban war fare in not saying they are the best but you gotta hand it to them they're fighting some crazy mother fuckers...

  13. I've said it before. Military ambushes "suspected" drug dealers by the dozens. If miatakes are made a story can always be made up and guns planted at the scene. Fuckin Mexican military could care less if innocents die and that regardless of the country not having an official death penalty, extrajudicial killings by them receive no negative concecuenses for the most part.

    1. When they ambush alledged drug dealers, do they plant weapons from fast & furious?

    2. @12:33 not everyone they kill has a weapon from fast and furious! Not everyone has a weapon at all. Some weapons from fast and furious can be used to plant them on innocents.
      This killing mentioned here is only but one of dozens or hundreds that can occur any given year in Mexico. Military experts from around the world themselves understand that the kill ratio of Mexican troops vs drug dealers (alledged), is very so one sided yet you question these findings because of a finding you noticed.
      Like they say, of you are not part of the solution you could be part of the problem with comments like this.

    3. 12:33 the mexican military and polesias have warehouses full of fast and furious recovered weapons, and some of them may have been bought for the purpose, mainly recovered, paying drug traffickers with weapons instead of dollars is better for business, keeps more dollars in the US, narcos don't eed no money, they just need more their customers...
      Only serious money changers like bankstersand fund managers or serious latter days saints know and deserve to know about the why's and how's of money...

  14. Desde Tierra Caliente
    Fue leído a mí esto por mi cuñado . Es quizás la emboscada y los ataques que hacen los marines enojado. No es secreto que los marines tienen mucho disgusto y desconfianza hacia el gobierno del judicial y penal. Ingles: Marinas do not rob us. SSP and los ejercitos not to be trust in.

  15. An aging Old West gunfighter who had lived on the Mexican border with Texas once was asked how many men he had killed . He replied with a grin , " Thirty-seven " . The reporter was startled . " But I don't count Messicans " . LOL


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