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Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Tamaulipas: Decapitated Head Left at Children's Hospital

 Lucio R. for Borderland Beat
A young businessman in the used car business was kidnapped, and decapitated on Monday. The decapitated head of Héctor Alfredo Vázquez Navarro, (at left) was left at the entrance of the Children’s Hospital of Ciudad Victoria, in the state of Tamaulipas.  The head was left at the hospital in broad daylight in heavy traffic.

The head was wrapped in bandages and tape, and inside an OXXO foam cooler. The body of the victim has not been found.

The video below depicts a white Ford Ranger pickup, stopped with lights flashing a man in dark clothing carried the cooler and deposited it at the hospital entrance, ran back to the truck umping in its bed, the truck sped away.  In the first video the man is seen carrying the cooler, the second he returns and climbs into the truck

The narco cartulina message with the head is signed by (old school) Zetas and warns against supporting “EL Chino”, and “El Boss”.

WARNING Very Graphic image on next page.


  1. What's the point in having surveillance cameras if they aren't gonna do anything about it

  2. Tetaz at work again what's new?

  3. Yes drill sergeant, blood does make the grass grow green. - El Sol Perdido

  4. At least he turned on his emergency lights..

  5. When will they ever get these Zeta maggots killed out . Soon and the world will be a better place . The military needs to hunt them harder . What kinda dumb sonsofbitches would do this ? Its bad enough just to be criminal but to be this dumb . When a dumb fuck does this cruel , stupid shit , how does he not understand he is going to be hunted down and killed ? Say you you want about how evil the Mexican authority are . When these dumb as criminals do things like this the usually get rooted out and killed. I give him 6 months .

  6. Looks like the narco manta has the penmanship of a female.

  7. News is that Chapo can be extradited to the US in 2-3 months, can anyone confirm this?

  8. What's the significance of leaving head infront of children hospital?

  9. Chapos sons are next

  10. El Boss and El Chino have there own "rap songs" the one that sends orders to them is El Comandante Werco. All of them are young and are from Nuevo Laredo that's the CDN bunch of teenagers that Kiko Treviño has at his comand. That's why the old school Zetas are going hard against them they feel betrayed by the Treviños aka CDN =Cartel Del Noreste. The old school Zetas are the ones fighting the plazas in Ciudad Victoria while the CDN tries to defend the plaza.

    1. El Wuerko kilos has many Mexrap about him.
      Old school commandante hes about 13 years old,like the rest of Trevinos cartel.Cmdte Viejito is about 18,so hes triple og Zeta,sarcasmo personas.
      But,there still killers,

    2. Can't you read is didn't say they where old school Zetas lol they are bunch of teenagers. I think you don'the get the internal between Old School Zetas vs CDN. The CDN are the Treviños lead by Kiko, Huevo, Sofia and Ana all of them are Treviños they are the ones in front of the CDN. While the old school Zetas are lead by Z-12, Rojo,etc.

    3. 'Can't you read'
      Classic absolutel classic.
      I don'know, some of the people on here?

    4. 5:04 well we know you can write, but you can't read...
      --It would be helpful if you could think too...

  11. Any thoughts as to why his head would be left in front of a children's hospital ? Doesn't seem like a random drop-off location.

  12. The message is clear guys, dont mess with zetas, probably this fellow thought otherwise, rest in peace dealer boy!

    1. 3:55 pm...Is the message CLEAR? as you say it is,Or is it that he PROBABLY messed with zetas? Choose one...if something is CLEAR that means absolute,Not Just PROBABLE...Sounds like you are guessing.

  13. Seriously? The cartel is killing used car salesmen now? What did he do, sell them a lemon? Tell them the windshield wipers worked, when they didn't? What is wrong with those people?

    1. Used car dealerships are always fronts for drug dealing when mexicans own them. No seas pendejo, abre los ojos

    2. 9:45 The a-rabs have many used car dealerships, and they sell in their spare time from home too...with so many junk cars on the US everybody re-sells, never mind the obsolescence...

    3. It's money laundering. Sometimes they ship cars with drugs in hidden compartments as well. Use cars for that purpose.

    4. It was discovered a while ago that used car dealers were making more profit from their deals than Brand new car dealers, and that it was all money laundering, by lebanese mafiosos and banks...

  14. My question is: Where did the video footage come from? That's where the investigation should start.

    1. Exactly. This wasn't random video surveillance. The camera followed the truck as it sped away.

    2. footage is from two security cameras at the hospital, but supposedly was taken without permission and posted on social media

  15. Damn when will this stop

  16. What other countries routinely deal with decapitation. Both Mexican narcos and the group in Syria/Iraqi use this method of intimidation.

    Something is very wrong in Mexico. United Nations--needs to get involved. If US had any grit they would sanction Mexico just like Iran---force the purported leaders to stop all this craziness.

    I am beginning to dislike Mexico and I am very fond of everything Mexican. However---now the word Mexico--symbolizes a land of vicious psychopaths.

    In USA one decapitated head would cause a national uproar. Gun violence is different.

    1. @5:43 Actually you're wrong on the national uproar part. Decapitations have occured on U.S. soil. Google it.

    2. 7-28
      Here we go again.We know murders happen in the US Einstein Try and concentrate

    3. Decapitations happen everywhere in the world and it is not new to the United States. The KKK did it to the blacks several times, and I have watch many murder shows where people have been decapitated and dismembered here in the USA.

    4. How about the lady who decapated that little girl that wasn't even her daughter in THE US

    5. The US isn't going to do anything. They're involved. See, the US banks are in bed with the cartels. They are laundering their money. One big bank is being sued by Mexican families right now. The US is afraid their banking system will collapse if they stop the cartels. Plus, it has long been know the CIA has worked with the cartels to raise funds that the US budget won't cover.

    6. Man, the KKK didn't decapitate people. They hung them from trees and bridges. You make it sound like it was common practice to cutoff a head of a person.

    7. 5:43 The older woman that cut her husband's patas to make him fit his cardboard box, and the one that made her husband k pozole and sold him away, they were no sicarias...
      --mexico may make you sick, but this head had all the skin and all the hair still on, this was not a government death squad murder...don't smell like kaibil anywhere, a little like antorcha

    8. Thats right 7:28..Decapitations happen in the well but mainly by sick individuals and Not organized criminal gangs doing it on a regular basis..Do you get it now?

    9. Yes, the KKK did decapitate blacks apart from hanging them.

    10. I understand decapitations occur around the world.

      It is the volume of heads decapitated in Mexico and the criminal nature. Typically--international (dis) organized groups do not torture and decapitate.

      I did a quick check and stories online say--Mexico numero uno--decapitations.

      Still--in USA a severed head would be a big deal. USA criminals do not go trophy hunting for heads.

      Middle East--another patriarchal and antiquated style of punishment. I agree beheading via government/judicial decision is--just as psychopathic. Those countries get away with it as a codified law and they are animals of the lowest order. All couch within a religious context!!

      Please share links to straighten me out.


    11. @ 10:15 AM--howdy. I understand. So--it really is United Nations task to investigate dope $ laundering through their UN Office of Drugs and Crime. Given USA is doing nothing.

      My point is US has to have UN support which translates into world wide support (excepting the more dastardly nations--e.g. North Korea etc.) and those not member countries (few).

    12. 9:49pm
      There are more decapitations in Mexico than in the USA. However, you're wrong in saying in the USA it would be a big deal. You made an assumption without sharing links to back it up. There have been decapitations in the USA but you didn't here much about it because it barely made the news. It wasnt a big deal in the USA.

    13. The UN is under advise that they are to make NO waves, or their funding will be cut by the US, or retained until the UN mends its "ways"
      --the US drones without regards for the collateral damages...
      --the US has caused millions of deaths on the iran/iraq war, on bangladesh, east timor, LatinAmerica, w's Iraqi invassion among some of the worst, almost always tens of times the US casualties of american investors' wars for profit...
      --In the old times they just used to scalp the indians, and disguise themselves as indians to steal and murder some more from other "US american white people"

  17. Can these photos be placed on a link rather than being unavoidably viewed.

    Personally--I don't dig coming on and seeing this sort of violence. I would like to read about it and then choose whether to gawk at the head.

    Am I out of line--is there a purpose to posting the photos on first page.

    Like You Tub--I inadvertently see things I would never want to view. And once viewed the image is ingrained.

    1. Are you serious? that is hair sticking out of a bandages on the first page, with a warning a very graphic image is on the second.

      this is a narco blog. you will not find elsa and anna here. there are no guarantees you will not see graphic fotos, Lucio takes good precaution, but nothing is perfect. I would suggest you read CNN.

    2. y el comandante olaf.....jk..made it up

    3. More disturbing to me is little African babies dying of malnutrition or lack of water.
      You see worse on national news every day,get a fuckin grip you idiot.Are you for real or trolling?
      Try not to eat cheese or dairy products before bed,then again,yes eat tons of it.

    4. There is programs that can block pictures from some websites. You should download one and put it on your computer.

      Problem solved.

    5. That's odd. I see a title say blonde girl likes the D*** I click on it.... omg god its a porno. You go narco u get narco. You go porn you get porn. This guy probably watches CNN and fox news daily.

    6. I've been on this blog since '09 and let me tell you this is nothing compared to what these guys were doing In the rise of the War. Skinning faces off, cutting genitals off, heads in metal pots along with ingredients to make menudo, etc. Basically If your a fuckboy with a weak stomach stick to cable news.

    7. 6:02 the photos are not posted because of pleasure, they represent a reality nobody asked for, but we all have to live with, courtesy of our corrupt government bad behaviour and Ill advice governing style...
      --things came to be like this in mexico because of lack of reporting, information blackouts allowed crime to spread to your doorstep, so relax and enjoy the good news, crime is your next door neighbor...

    8. These comments are out of line. Not substantive and mean spirited.

      I shall never return. Very unproductive site and little control. Ironic--BB repliers out of control are analogous to an infighting cartel. Just can't accept others opinions. A compassionate site going down the tube. You certainly had good intentions--yet--irreparably damaged by trolls. No professionalism whatsoever.

      Sad day for BB.

    9. Please stay 10:42
      Bordetland beat wont be the same without you!in fact your comments are the only. Thing between civility and sheer barbarism.please eat some crumpets and sip some earl grey and you'll be better!

  18. Just bomb the place. Why ask why anymore? Obviously satan has overcome that place. Makes no sense. The other Latin Americxan countries are trying to crack down at least. No, not Mexico. Can't feel sorry anymore. Sad to say. Eventually you look at the entire place as a country full of people you could never trust. I know there are some innocent. But really? Who has the time to sort that out, being they are so far and few in between? There are so many horrific crimes there not even related to the cartels. Just disturbing in so many ways.

    1. Satan has taken you if you think it's OK to kill innocents.

    2. So all it takes is a bomb 2 make satan go away. Damn what a weak ass devil. Nothing at all like the roaring lion I've always been lead 2 believe. You muppet!

    3. 6:38 just takes some stinkin' fart on his/her face, and voilá that makes his/her day...
      Bombing a country because of about a 10% troublemakers como que es mucha mamada, and sucky proposition...
      --specially when the mexican criminals are the front line of the 10% of the worst of the worst the US has to offer, and offer they do, well armed, gafes trained by the kaibiles and mossad agents, aeromobile, directed by authoritarian neo-fascistas, narcos and neo-liberals and outright nazis...
      --we do not blame every american on the face of the earth, why should you condemn every mexican?

    4. Dayum...Some ppl feel that way about White ppl...Are their feelings facts?How about we bomb mexico when your parents go on vacation there? I know they are probably innocent but who really has time to sort them out? Do you get it now?

  19. Chivis, on a smart phone you can see all the Photos just by scrolling down. There is no more than one page.

    1. if it bothers you don't log on.
      it really is that simple. Buggs made the executive decision from the onset that his blog would show all the ugly truth, including graphic videos and images.

      I think it is pretty dumb to click on a headline that says a decapitated head and not expect to see an image. End of story. Deal with it how you wish, we will not compromise and censor the format.

    2. exactly chivis.
      I recall when the photos and video were posted each day, at the height of challenge to produce images with great horror. It was just about gone from the public, until lately.

    3. 6:39 PM Ahrrrrr..
      Freedom of choice baby,generally if a person doesn't like something they don't do it again,but some people are genuine idiots.
      Lets change BB just for you?Your delicate sensibilities appear bogus to me.

    4. I walked into my parents room once... enough said. I learned to knock first. And not walk in. Because it was something I didn't wanna see. Keep up the good work BB

    5. @8:59 PM

      ha! Best comment on the subject.....ever!

    6. This is real life! Do you think that if you stumbled upon a head without its body some mirical would happen and your eyes would see a unicorn? These are normal people like us who discover these things and they don't get no kind of padding. You read BB because you want to hear about this type of news so deal with the graphics as well! It's sad to say but when I was a child I never thought I'd be seeing people be decapitated and tortured but times change, we change, life changes. You have to prepare your eyes to see these things because you never know when it will be you finding that head. Then you might deal with it easier whereas if you close your eyes and refuse to look, when you are confronted with this type of warfare you'd be so scared of the opposition that you'd just scream and cry when they attack. Open up your eyes vato..........

    7. Well the pics upset me and they terrify my cat Furball.
      I will NOT be back!!!

  20. Probably the reason the head was left in front of the children's hospital is to scare and force someone that works there into assisting the killers in organ trafficking therefore, the next investigation should be if there are any children missing or mysteriously dying at this hospital and if the dead bodies are missing any organs. Just a morbid thought which I hope is not reality.

    1. Good observation! And of course, poor innocent kids =/

    2. Maybe one of their rivals has an ill child being treated there - Or even just to "educate the sick children"? Dark.

    3. We r back to normal in Tamps.

    4. Has there been any serious investigation about human organ trafficking?
      All I know is dick cheney does not care where his new heart came from, or who was the donor...
      --all he knows is, "it is his new heart"...
      --all I know he is the same old asshole, dick cheney,too busy to think about others, unless they are a vehicle to his goal$

  21. I would always be carrying a capsule of cyanide if I was in that business!

    1. I actually discussed that with my husband after settling in a violent part of the NE Mexico, and knowing so many people who vanished or their loved ones did. and then I advised my husband, not to not pay the ransom demand, because I would likely be killed anyway. In Coahuila that is what happens. But if in Mty, they often would allow freedom after payment. I had an apt in mty but was mostly in coa. But then I learned if money doesn't come that is when a victim is greatly tortured, so I changed my view. After considering everything, there is no real defense. It is best to take all precautions you can, as in knowing what is happening where you are going, look for SR warnings on blogs, surrender to warnings, contact the consulate to ask for recent reported "incidents" within 3- weeks. Just be as cautious as possible. but do not be paranoid. the chances for an american getting kidnapped and killed anywhere in Mex in extremely low. However, if my potential captors knew of my blogging life, my chances would increase considerably.

    2. I don't think it really matters if you pay or don't pay.You still end up the same way,DEAD.If they don't get their $$ you maybe get to live a little longer and besides you might be tortured whether you pay or don't.If you pay you keep encouraging them to kidnap.If no 1 paid then kidnappings would stop.Of course easier said then done.

    3. ... now we know you are a married gringa!

    4. my comment of course it matters unless you think being shot or being decapitated alive is the same.

    5. Don't go to mx and be save

  22. 6:02 kick rocks to another site viva BB!!!!!

  23. How do you know that?

  24. There's a video of his execution

  25. You know readers are gonna click on the next page especially when it says Warning Very Graphic Image...true the title of the article says it all. I am off to Mexico for a while next week hope it is nice n peaceful down in Oaxaca on the coast lately than in other places

  26. What's up with the beer store massacres in CD Vic?

    1. Warm beer that also was FLAT!!

  27. No there's not. I couldn't find it. If there is, please provide a link.


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