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Thursday, March 3, 2016

New charges raised with imprisonment for "El Viceroy" , Vincente Carrillo Fuentes of the Juarez Cartel

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a El Debate article

Subject Matter: Vincente Carrillo Fuentes, Juarez Cartel
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required

Vincente Carrillo Fuentes is accused of no less than 1000 homicides

The narco trafficker from Sinaloa, Vincente Carrillo Fuentes had new charges and prison order dictated against him, as dictated by the Judge of the Second District in Federal Penal Processes with base in Toluca.

Inside the emitted communication by the Federal authorities, they signalled that El Viceroy qualified with the sufficiency the elements to dictate a new formal prison order.

"Inside the  penal cause, the Federal Judge considered that there were sufficient elements in order to dictate said measure for the crimes of organized crime", it signalled inside the communication.


The leader of the Juarez Cartel was detained on teh 9th of October of 2014 in the city of Torreon, Coahuila. He now resides as a prisoner in the Puente Grande Cefereso in Jalisco.

Carrillo Fuentes has been accused of no less than 1000 homicides, for which they are being documented by the PGR.

Original article in Spanish at El Debate


  1. I thought this guy was a goner..., no news on Hector Bletran Leyva?

    1. 1:42 El H, Héctor beltran leyva, not mochomo, not right now

  2. Debe ser extra horrible, despues de ser grandes capos terminar asi, todos viejos y enjaulados.

    1. A usted que le valga verga compa. Ellos mismos se lo buscan.

    2. 9:00 That's how the world falls into the hands of sanababiches

    3. It is true. It is their problem.

    4. 8 pm

      Es problema de usted también compadre porque usted lee esto pa saber que esta pasando. That being said, you wanna know what's going on that's why you read this, so.... don't be a keyboard warrior and wanna be rude with commentators.

    5. Yo nomas decia je je

  3. that's just absurd

  4. Very big narco in mex very important he lasted quite a long time to bit nobody seems to pay any attention unless ur like from Juarez... My friend used to cross coke trough Juarez approximately one ton of the stuff per month but he said when Amado died and this guy came to be the boss he told them if they wanted to cross by Juarez he was going to take half of the shipment they said no way this guy is nuts and when they had a chance they moved from Juarez to Matamoros and talked to osciel c. And started crossing through Matamoros true story..saludos para el chaparo de vermejillo

    1. I don't get how people move tons of cocaine and heroin get a few years in prison and the guy next to the gets the same amount for 5 pounds of weed

    2. El que a buen arbol se arrima, buena sombra lo cobija...
      He who seeks a good tree gets covered by a good shade, and certainly the big madrotas del narco, politicians and "businessmen" have it all under wraps...
      --even the 5 pound pasties are theirs, I mean patsies, both...

  5. I hear he is still calling the shots for the Juarez Cartel. While he has been accused of not less than 1,000 187's, he has not been charged with that many. He'll be out free again one day.

    1. The carrillo fuentes, then the beltranuses, were employees of the atracomulco cartel like the Carlos Hank Gonzales clan, and televisos, heavy in lebanese inversionsta narco-politicians, and mexican DFS AND POLICIA FEDERALES...
      Why mexican capos without school grow to be the biig baad boys?
      --Because they work for the mexican drug trafficking businessmen turned narco-politicians with the help of policia federal and military brass, no balls included...

    2. @1:53 ok already with your politicking stories. you post this same crap on every other bb post. true millionaires politicians governments and even presidents all have a piece of the mafia but that doesn't mean they all are consider mafia. all the capos could be traced back to their hometowns were the mafia has reigned for more time than we have been born. generations and generations of illicit business. as long as mexico is next door to the states the mafia will forever reign.

    3. 9:13 politics is the refuge of some of the biggest criminals thanks to stupid CS'ers like you, there they reign over all the crap and grant themselves imounity...
      You convince me again, I am doing the right thing, unail I see some big names on court, at least the court of public opinion.
      As long as it gets posted once in a while, you'll find it here

    4. @10:00 I understand politics is huge but like you said they are untouchable. I know politicians are into the mafia but they are not consider mafia dumb ass. Stop mentioning the same names all the time. Slim this Luna that Calderoni this Nieto that chut da fuc up already.

  6. What about Chapo why is he not charged with thousands too.

    1. I'm with this guy. Chapo and viceroy sent people to die both are guilty.

  7. Whatever happens to el h from blo and EP Inge from car and LA tuta????

  8. Chapo snitched.... again! Lol

    1. when and were does it say chapo snitched ???? are you reading something i aint reading ??? are you on a trip hallucinating ???? from what ive read the mexican goverment always said chapo has kept his mouth shut...

    2. 5:50 you must be new to BB. 9:34 is the world renowned "Chapo snitched guy". Duh!!! He puts Chapo snitched on just about every story where someone gets arrested. You better ask somebody!!

  9. Carillo is old school mobster he will be out in 5 years. His nephew, el senor de los cielos son will be out in a year. Thats why juarez is calm and peaceful now because carillos kicked chapos ass out of there.

    1. my family are from delicia chiwas and they say chapos people are active in the state of chiwas so what the fuck is you talking about..they also said its multiple homicides everyday

    2. Yeah chapos are still active in Parral. I've been hearing lineas have been taking over Delicias

    3. Cd juaareeez is not calm and quiet, the news blackout is working and that is a different story, El Capulina Cesar Duarte is having a good time, making all the money in the world, and preparing the succession and trying to impede the election of candidate Javier Corral, the panista senator that hates duarte's big nalgas with a bigger passion...

    4. Cd Juarez has always had murders since before the cartel wars and they averaged around 300 a year. For a city of around 1 and a half million to 2 million inhabitants it compares to some major cities in the U.S. like Chicago or Los Angeles. I live in El Paso TX and I have seen these figures fluctuate in all these years. Juarez now looks like it has gone back the days prior to the cartel wars as far as homocides go. Multiple homocides are no longer commited on a daily basis and cartels have focused on killing enemies for the most part once again unlike during the cartel wars where even innocent bystanders/witnesses where oftentimes shot without mercy! As far as who is in charge of cd Juarez I've heard la Linea is active but Chapos are still trying to stay in the game in the city and as of recently there have been captures of them by the police making it seem that CDS might cease to exist in Juarez soon!

    5. Delicias is still cds and no its not been violent for a while

    6. Down in Camargo and Jimenez La Linea is active.

    7. Arriba cuauhtemoc. Ya saben, quien y solamente quien trabaja la Sierra. Arriba Los niños.

    8. Quien son los ninos compa? Los de la Linea

  10. El H Gano Un Proceso Para Ser Regresado Al Altiplano. En Otro Post Puse La Liga Pero No Salio El Reportaje.

    1. 40 months, my reportage si salió, about how they is nothing in oaxaca, only second hand used panties from guatemala...
      not good enough for the 'exquisite and discriminating tastes' of well parfumed 'H', art dealer, real estate associate of PVEM POLITICIAN NARCO-CAPITALISTAS LIKE EL NIÑO VERDE AKA "SE VENDE"

  11. Who is moving them tonnes in chihuahua right now??? ... What happened to all them 747s? Lol

  12. There are so many families in Chihuahua that dominate that region and do not solely rely on narcotics. Many that have legitimate enterprises and benefit greatly from the US outsourced manufacturing primary in Juarez and Chihuahua. For example, leche Santa Monica in Sinaloa owned by "el Mayo" was a business model copied/influenced by Pedro Zaragoza; hence, leche Zaragoza. Many families such as, los De la Vega, Otero, Escobar, Zaragoza, Fuentes are running the state through heavy lobbying. Apparently, most medi outlets do not disclose this truth. When Juarez was succumbing to crime all those laundering businesses started flourishing in El Paso. Though El Paso is one of the safest cities in the US it is really corrupt. This info., is not a perspective it is true... There is more to Sinaloa too than what is recycled through media outlets. -C&S

    1. I live in El Paso and I can tell you one thing, yes there are money laundering businesses in El Paso but it is very much limited to the used car lots and a few others like some bars or restaurants owned by people from Juarez like those bars and restaurants i mentiones or decendants of them like most of the car lots. These businesses do not represent even 10 percent of all the businesses or money handled in El Paso so to say the city is very corrupt is nonsense! I know tons of people that make an honest living just like myself and family included. I also know that these figures compare to pretty much every city in the U.S. with the exception of who or which race runs the money laundering operations!

    2. Did you know Krispy Cream is owned by Zaragoza`s along with many of commercial property rented to places like "Bath and Beyond" "Michaels" "Starbucks" to name a few. Do you recall Landry"s laundering investigations. Bronco's is owned by down Zaragoza's is owned by... What about Barrigas, why do you think El Paso expanded so much east. I am just naming a few. I even know of Sinaloenses running many construction companies just to launder. *indifferent which click they are accomplice to, just saying.

    3. From 1:15 Just because the Zaragozas from Mexico own some comercial property in El Paso and lease out to other tenenats does not mean that these tenants themselves like Bed Bath for example are involved with any illegal activity themselves regardless if the owner of the building they are leasing might be otherwise! Like I had stated most of the people involved in laundering or other activities are mostly people from Mexico (sad to admit), but it in no way reflects the city as a whole! Broncos, Barrigas all owned by Mexicans and only they and their own families profit from their own activities! The city does not cater to and or depend on any of these people to grow and survive however!

    4. Everybody partakes of the blessings of drug trafficking, pooliticians are right at the front line, they are the vanguard of the beggar class "with class", businessmen split the take, and the capos are the fall guys, specially when they take too much for themselves and when confronted by stronger competitors or challenges of a different political party in charge, now that el capulina is about to get kicked, all the problem will start all over again, for mine! mine! Mine!!!

    5. I passed in el Paso on a roud trip it was so peaceful so chill with beautiful women and the population is like 90% Mexican it was eutopia. No loud music blaring people being obnoxious or nothing like that. Don't get me wrong I did see some drained drug users but hey that's drugs.
      I was cool seeing the drones flying over el paso Juarez border

    6. 11:14 not stating those corporations are involved in laundering. I can list many businesses and city officials are well aware about this. I am indifferent, just interesting how so many are naive.

    7. @ 11:14 O WOW! Politicians in El paso know 100 percent the Zaragosas are involved in illicit activities in the U.S. but yet the DEA, FBI, EPPD and or even Homeland Security in El paso lets them continue doing this in the city! They must all be "very" corrupt and in business together because the Zaragosas still operate in the city! You have the tipical Mexican mentality my friend where just because some politicians might know the persons pressumably involved in such activities they must somehow partake in the corruption as well! This must also means that if I go to Barrigas and or Broncos I must be partaking in the corruption as well! In the states you are guilty until proven innocent my friend and if someone in El Paso knows or does business with people like the Zaragosas it is not corruption unless it can be proven without a doubt otherwise!

    8. Honey, ma y of the cleanest looking operations handle the dirtiest money laundering, some gigantic shopping centers, like in Utah are example, but they are all over over the US not only in el paso, where people still live in "presidios", but not where yo can view them...

    9. CDS maybe active in Chihuas but with that said the Carrillos call the shots and La Linea enforce the rules. If any cartel steps out of line La Linea handles the problems. If the problem is too big for La Linea then Los Linces get the call.

    10. Yes many corporations all over the States can launder money but by stating that politicians might personally know a money launderer does not make them corrupt! They may not do any business with the money launderer at all whether legal or illegal! To state also that many corporations are involved in illegal activities does not make all corporations involved in those activities! People from Mexico want to make money and the abindance of synonymous with illegal activities just because in Mexico that might be the norm! I also never said that their is completely no corruption just not as much as Mexicans love to brag about!

  13. Anyone knows if Chapo is charged with any murders that took place in Chihuahua, Tamaulipas since he ordered the war to try stealing plazas from Carrillo Fuentes and Cardenas?

  14. Yeah,Mexico bringing its special brand of business to everywhere it lands,Malaysia and Asia even

    1. 9:54 more like from the asia side of the Pacific Ocean the heroin and meth precursors flow to mexico, the finishing and staging area for the real owners of drug trafficking...
      --from mexico the finished products go to the US and europe...
      --maybe Emilio Azcarraga Jean on his TV GIGANTIC moves big bucks to austrarlia and to mexico too, or maybe it is only his fascination with islander women like la Theresa...

  15. Anyone know anything about Armando Corral Olegauez??


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